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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1

Bab 1
Giving Instruction,Inviting,Prohibiting,Asking

Di bab 1 ini kita akan mempelajari tentang Giving

Permission,Ability,Willingness. Biasanya digunakan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari. Berikut tabelnya :

Expressions Response
Giving Sit down,please  Okay
Instrucion  Sweep the floor  Sure
Be quite,please  No problem
Be carefull
Remove the pan from the heat
Inviting Can you come to...?  I’d love to...
I’d like you to come to...  That’s good idea
Would you come to....?  I’d love to.. but....
Please,join us
How about going to...
Let’s + V1
Prohibiting Don’t be noise,please!  Okay
Don’t close it  I won’t
Don’t do it  Sure
No smoking
No parking
Asking Can i go out, please?  Sure, go ahead
Permission  May i open the window,please? Yes, please do
Is it okay if i sit here?
Would you mind if i asked you
Ability  I can....
 I know how to...
 I am able to....
 I’m good at...
 I’m capable of....
Willingness I will...
 I am willing to
 I’m keen to...
 I don’t mind + Ving

Question :
1. Buatlah 2 kalimat “Asking Permission”
Answer : a. Can i go with my friends,mom?
b. May i buy some cake?
2. Buatlah 2 kalimat “Ability”
Answer: a. I can speak Japanese
b. I’m good at playing piano

Bab 2
Make a card
Di bab ini, kita mmpelajari cara membuat kartu ucapan. Kartu
uccapan bisa mengucapkan apasaja, biasanya mengucapkan
selamat.Contoh :
1. Carilah/buatlah 1 kartu ucapan selamat!

2. Answer correctly

Question :
1. Where party will be held?
Answer : USA

2.When party will be held?

Answer: September 12, 2011 .3.00 pm
3. who will make the party?
Answer : Katherine

Sumber :
Teladan Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMp/MTs Kelas VIII Semester 1

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