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Logical Reasoning Practice Test (Civil

Service Exam)
This online test is comprised of 30 questions in multiple choice format. Simply select
one of the answer choices. Your answer will be marked immediately if it is correct or
incorrect. The correct answer will be indicated in green color, otherwise, it will be
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JAK, KBL, LCM, MDN, _____






This is an alternating series in alphabetical order. The middle letters follow the
order ABCDE. The rst and third letters are alphabetical beginning with J. The
third letter is repeated as the rst letter in each subsequent three-letter

Based on the following statements, which is the correct conclusion drawn.
 

All the members of the club have been invited for dinner.

Some of the of cers are not gentlemen.

All gentlemen are members of the club.

Only gentlemen have been invited for dinner


Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between

Examination, Questions and Practice ?



Some questions are asked in examination and some in practice but examination
and practice are different from each other.  

Lorena is fairer than Crizelda. Crizelda is fairer than Marian. Therefore,


Lorena is fairer than Marian

Crizelda is fairer than Lorena

Marian is fairer than Crizelda

Marian is the fairest among them


Choice 2 can be eliminated because the statement says " Lorena is fairer than
Crizelda". Choice 3 is wrong since Crizelda is fairer than Marian. Also, Marian
cannot be the fairest among the three since Crizelda is fairer than Marian is.
Therefore, the correct answer is choice 1. Since Lorena is fairer than Crizelda and
Crizelda is fairer than Marian, it follows that Lorena is fairer than Marian.

The Kingston Mall has more stores than the Galleria.

The Four Corners Mall has fewer stores than the Galleria.

The Kingston Mall has more stores than the Four Corners Mall.

If the rst two statements are true, the third statement is:
 




From the rst two statements, you know that the Kingston Mall has the most
stores, so the Kingston Mall would have more stores than the Four Corners Mall.

Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Moon,
Sun and Earth ?



All the three are different from each other.

Rover weighs less than Fido.

Rover weighs more than Boomer.

Of the three dogs, Boomer weighs the least.
 

If the rst two statements are true, the third statement is:





According to the first two statements, Fido weighs the most and Boomer weighs the least.

Either Erick will marry Rendel or Erick will work abroad. Erick did not work
abroad. Therefore, _________.

Erick will marry Rendel.

Erick loves Rendel.

Erick does not love Rendel.

Erick will not marry Rendel.


The argument follows this reasoning: If P or Q, and not P, then Q. SInce Erick did
not work abroad, he will marry Rendel, which is in choice 1.

All government of cials are diligent. Mel is a government of cial. Therefore,


Mel is not a government of cial.
Mel is diligent.  

Mel is not diligent.

Mel may not be diligent.


Since all government of cials are diligent and Mel is a government of cial (a
part of the set being described), it is, therefore, true that Mel is diligent.

When they heard news of the typhoon, Maya and Julian decided to change
their vacation plans. Instead of traveling to the island beach resort, they
booked a room at a fancy new spa in the mountains. Their plans were a bit
more expensive, but they'd heard wonderful things about the spa and they
were relieved to nd availability on such short notice.

Maya and Julian take beach vacations every year.

The spa is overpriced.

It is usually necessary to book at least six months in advance at the spa.

Maya and Julian decided to change their vacation plans because of the hurricane.


The rst sentence makes this statement true. There is no support for choice a.
The passage tells us that the spa vacation is more expensive than the island
beach resort vacation, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the spa is
overpriced; therefore, choice b cannot be supported. And even though the
paragraph says that the couple was relieved to nd a room on short notice,
there is no information to support choice c, which says that it is usually
necessary to book at the spa at least six months in advance.

There are eight poets, namely, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H in respect of whom
 
questions are being asked in the examination. The rst four are ancient
poets and the last four are modern poets. The question on ancient and
modern poets is being asked in alternate years. Those who like H also like G,
those who like D like C also. The examiner who sets question is not likely to
ask question on D because he has written an article on him. But he likes D.
Last year a question was asked on F. Considering these facts, on whom the
question is most likely to be asked this year ?


At the baseball game, Henry was sitting in seat 253. Marla was sitting to the
right of Henry in seat 254. In the seat to the left of Henry was George. Inez
was sitting to the left of George. Which seat is Inez sitting in?






If George is sitting at Henry's left, George's seat is 252. The next seat to the left,
then, is 251. 
During the past year, Josh saw more movies than Stephen.
 

Stephen saw fewer movies than Darren.

Darren saw more movies than Josh.

If the rst two statements are true, the third statement is:





Because the rst two sentences are true, both Josh and Darren saw more
movies than Stephen. However, it is uncertain as to whether Darren saw more
movies than Josh.

Artists are generally whimsical. Some of them are frustrated. Frustrated

people are prone to be drug addicts. Based on these statements which of
the following conclusions is true?

All frustrated people are drug addicts

Some artists may be drug addicts

All drug addicts are artists 

Frustrated people are whimsical
 


QPO, NML, KJI, _____, EDC






This series consists of letters in a reverse alphabetical order.

Here are some words translated from an arti cial language.

gorbl urmeans fan belt.

pixngorbl means ceiling fan.

arthtusl means tile roof.

Which word could mean "ceiling tile"?
 


arth ur



Gorbl means fan; ur means belt; pixn means ceiling; arth means tile; and tusl
means roof. Therefore, pixnarth is the correct choice.

Circle indicates 'strong', square indicates 'tall' and triangle 'army of cers'. The
strong army of cers who are not tall are shown:

 
A fruit basket contains more apples than lemons.

There are more lemons in the basket than there are oranges.

The basket contains more apples than oranges.

If the rst two statements are true, the third statement is





There are fewer oranges than either apples or lemons, so the statement is true. 

Easy method: (Try this method to solve without any confusion) 

1. A fruit basket contains more apples than lemons = App > Lem 

2. There are more lemons in the basket than there are oranges = Lem > Org 

Now, Combine the above two results: App > Lem > Org 

3. The basket contains more apples than oranges (App > ... > Org) = Yes.

Therefore, the given 3rd statement is true.
 

All beggars are poor. Which of the following conclusions is valid from the
given statement?

If Carlo is a beggar then Carlo is poor.

All of those who are poor are beggars.

If Jocelyn is poor then she is a beggar.

If Beth is not a beggar, then she is rich.


Choices 2 and 3 are incorrect. What is known only is that all beggars are poor,
but it is not stated if all poor people are beggars. Choice 4 is also wrong because
if a person is not a beggar, it does not necessarily follow that a person is rich.
Thus, the correct answer is choice 1.

Mark, Richard, Cyril and Lani each likes one sport. One plays basketball every
day, another plays tennis on weekends, one likes badminton and one likes
volleyball. Lani likes tennis. Mark hates playing basketball. Richard likes
volleyball. Which sport does Cyril play?






Since Lani likes tennis and Richard likes volleyball, so Cyril does not like these

two sports. Mark hates playing basketball, so he must like badminton. therefore 

Cyril plays basketball.

Four friends in the sixth grade were sharing a pizza. They decided that the
oldest friend would get the extra piece. Randy is two months older than
Greg, who is three months younger than Ned. Kent is one month older than
Greg. Who should get the extra piece of pizza?






If Randy is two months older than Greg, then Ned is three months older than
Greg and one month older than Randy. Kent is younger than both Randy and
Ned. Ned is the oldest.

Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between

Teacher, Writer and Musician ?


 

Of the following two statements, both of which cannot be true, but both can
also be false. Which are these two statements ?

I & II





Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Boys,
Girls and Students ?



Wrong  

If A is the son of Q, Q and Y are sisters, Z is the mother of Y, P is the son of Z,

then which of the following statements is correct ?

P is the maternal uncle of A

P and Y are sisters

A and P are cousins

None of the above


Erin is twelve years old. For three years, she has been asking her parents for a
dog. Her parents have told her that they believe a dog would not be happy
in an apartment, but they have given her permission to have a bird. Erin has
not yet decided what kind of bird she would like to have.

Erin’s parents like birds better than they like dogs.

Erin does not like birds.

Erin and her parents live in an apartment.

Erin and her parents would like to move.


Since Erin's parents think a dog would not be happy in an apartment, we can
reasonably conclude that the family lives in an apartment. We do not knowif 

Erin's parents dislike dogs (choice a) or if Erin dislikes birds (choice b). There is no
support for choice d.

Four people witnessed a robbery. Each gave a different description of the

robber. Which description is probably right?

He was average height, thin, and middle-aged.

He was tall, thin, and middle-aged.

He was tall, thin, and young.

He was tall, of average weight, and middle-aged.


Tall, thin, and middle-aged are the elements of the description repeated most
often and are therefore the most likely to be accurate.







The second and forth letters in the series, L and A, are static. The rst and third
letters consist of an alphabetical order beginning with the letter E. 
 
Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Lion,
Dog and Snake ?



All the three are different from each other.

Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Iron,
Lead and Nitrogen ?



All these three elements are different from each other.

Logical Reasoning (Civil Service Exam) 

You got 19 out of 30 correct
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