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Angel Apiado

Professor Johnson-Taylor

ENG 1201 Online

14 July 2019

Annotated Bibliography

My essay will deeply explore the problem of human overpopulation and its possible

solutions. My research question is, “What is the best approach in handling human overpopulation

among third world countries?”

Dimick, Dennis. ​“As World’s Population Booms, Will Its Resource Be Enough for Us?, ​National

Geographic, 21 September 2014, ​​. Accessed

on 7 July 2019.

Dennis Dimick’s article, “As World’s Population Booms, Will Its Resource Be

Enough for Us?” emphasizes the problem of overpopulation and lists possible solutions.

His article is on the National Geographic News. Dimick suggests that the human

population is currently increasing and eventually the Earth’s resources won’t be able to

sustain the amount of people. Therefore, a lot of people will starve. Dimick also suggests

that some possible solutions to human overpopulation are reducing fertility and

improving education among women and young girls.

The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to inform the general public of the

human overpopulation problem and to make them aware of how serious the problem is

and the possible solutions. The article is in National Geographic News which makes it
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easily accessible to many people. Furthermore, this article was published on September

21, 2014 which makes it fairly recent.

Dennis Dimick is a journalist and an executive environment editor at National

Geographic magazine. I know the author is credible and has the adequate information to

write the article because he uses a lot of references, experts, research, and statistics in his

article. Furthermore, the article was published about five years ago which makes it fairly


I will use the information in this article by including the possible solutions listed

in the article of reducing human population. The author includes how improved education

and reducing fertility can reduce human population.

Ehrlich, Paul R., and Anne H. Ehrlich. “Solving the human predicament.” ​International Journal

of Environmental Studies ​vol. 69 no. 4, p557-65. ​Academic Search Complete ​doi:

10.1080/00207233.2012.693281. Accessed 7 July 2019.

Paul R. Ehrlich’s and Anne H. Ehrlich’s article, “Solving the human predicament”

emphasizes that negative effects of human overpopulation. The authors claim that the

consequences of the increasing population are environmental deterioration and overconsumption.

The writers propose solutions to the problem. Some of these solutions are empowering women,

creating better accessibility to family planning, improving educational systems, and reducing

population size and consumption by the rich.

The writers’ purpose in writing this article is to inform the reader of the dire

consequences of human overpopulation and the solutions to this problem. The audience for this

piece are experts and college students for this is an academic journal.
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Paul R. Ehrlich is an American biologist and a Professor of Population Studies of the

Department of Biology at Stanford University. Furthermore, he is the president of Stanford's

Center for Conservation Biology. This makes him credible. I also know that this is a credible

source because it is an Academic Journal and it lists plenty of references, statistics, and research.

This information in this article will help answer my research question because I can

compare the possible solutions and their efficacy. Furthermore, I can explore the pros and cons

of each possible solution which will help narrow into the best solution in handling human


Grigorescu, Dragoş. “Education, Ethology, and The Problem of Overpopulation.” ​Jus et Civitas

vol. V (LXIX) no 2, p 53-8. ​Academic Search Complete. ​Accessed 7 July 2019.

Dragoş Grigorescu’s article, “Education, Ethology, and The Problem of Overpopulation”

focuses on the danger of human overpopulation. The author claims that it may lead to human

extinction. The author claims that overpopulation is a biological problem. Humans have evolved

into becoming a dominant species and therefore, humans are able to repopulate at an alarming

rate. Grigorescu proposes a couple of solutions such as “The Morris Solution” and antinatalism.

“The Morris Solution” focuses on anti-reproductive devices such as contraceptive. Antinatalism

is the philosophy that procreation is immoral.

The author’s purpose in writing this article is to inform readers of how serious human

overpopulation is and the ways we can handle the problem. The audience of this article are

college students and experts because it is an Academic Journal. The article was published last

year making it very recent.

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Dragoş Grigorescu is a Doctor of Philosophy and words at the Department for Education

Pedagogy, University of Bucharest. He’s also a researcher in Philosophy of Science, Ethics, and

Epistemology. This makes him credible. Furthermore, the source is an Academic Journal which

makes it credible.

This source is relevant to my research paper because I will deeply explore “The Morris

Solution” as a solution to human overpopulation. I will not include antinatalism since it is very

controversial and deals with ethics and morals.

Hickman, Leo. “Can a finite planet cope with its population explosion?” ​CCPA Monitor​ vol. 17

​ ccessed 7 July 2019.

no. 9, p22-4. ​Academic Search Complete. A

Leo Hickman’s article, “Can a finite planet cope with its population explosion?” focuses

on overconsumption is a big problem, as well as overpopulation. He emphasizes that population

growth and consumption levels should be compared. Hickman emphasizes that birth rates and

some countries are decreasing, but overconsumption is still a problem. Hickman also includes

ways to lower birth rates. One way is creating well-organized family planning campaigns and

monetary assistance which will support the campaigns. Another way is by educating women on

how to control reproduction.

The writer’s purpose in creating this article is to inform readers of the seriousness

overpopulation, as well as overconsumption. Also, the writer informs the readers of ways that

overpopulation can be approached. Since I found the source in ​Academic Search Complete,​ the

intended audiences are experts and college students.

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This article was published in 2011 and contains references, expert opinions, and

research. This makes the information in the source credible. Leo Hickman is a journalist for the

Guardian newspaper and specializes in climate change.

I will use the ways of handling overpopulation Hickman lists in my research paper. This

will help me find the best approach in handling overpopulation.

KPBS, and William Ryerson. “Leading Expert Talks Overpopulation At SDSU.” ​Leading Expert

Talks Overpopulation At SDSU​, 30 Jan. 2013, Accessed 7

July 2019.

This source is KPBS news’ interview with William Ryerson, The CEO of The Population

Institute at SDSU (San Diego State University). Ryerson stresses that the main consequences of

overpopulation are energy consumption, water, and lack of non-renewable resources.

Throughout the interview, Ryerson also claims that family planning, education, limiting family

size will help stabilize population.

The purpose of this interview is for Ryerson to inform the general public of the issues of

solutions of human overpopulation. Since this interview is in a news site, the intended audience

is the general public. Also, the intended audience are college students since the interview took

place in SDSU.

William Ryerson is the chair and CEO of The Population Institute which makes him a

credible source. He also includes claims supported by research and statistics in the interview.

Furthermore, the interview happened January 30, 2013 which is about six years ago. This shows

that the interview isn’t too old.

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I will use the facts and claims that Ryerson said in the interview since he is a credible and

reliable source. He mentions several consequences and causes of overpopulation which I will

include in my research paper. This will help the reader gain a better understanding of human

overpopulation and the causes and effects of it.

​Mother: Caring for 7 Billion​. Directed by Christophe Fauche, starring ​Dr. Paul Ehrlich​,

Riane Eisler​, ​Mathis W​ackernagel, Tiroir A Films Productions LLC, 2011. ​Amazon Prime,

This Documentary focuses on the problem of overpopulation and stars experts on

overpopulation such as Dr. Paul Ehrlich, ​Riane Eisler​, and ​Mathis W​ackernagel. The

Documentary includes solutions such as Planned Parenthood, but the opposition towards it due to

religious and cultural reasons. The Documentary focuses on how the opposition can be tackled

and how organizations are being formed to help those that have less access to contraceptives and

lack of access towards better education.

The director’s purpose in creating this Documentary is to show the audience how big of a

problem overpopulation is and to help aware of the audience of the possible solutions.

The director is Christophe Fauchere, a film editor. I know he is a credible director and

that the information in this film is credible because it includes interviews with experts on

population, statistics, and facts.

I will use the information from the film in my research paper by including expert opinion

on population presented in the film. Furthermore, the film stars several experts which I can

include in my research paper.

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Schlanger, Zoë, and Elijah Wolfson. “Too Many People.” ​Newsweek Global ​vol. 163 no. 25, p

​ ccessed 7 July 2019.

30-41. ​Academic Search Complete. A

Zoë Schlanger’s and Elijah Wolfson’s article, “Too Many People” emphasizes that the

Earth is too crowded and that the main solution in saving humanity is better family planning. The

author uses Kibera residents as an example of overcrowding. The writers state that at least 200,

000 reside in a two-square-mile shantytown. This example emphasizes the problem of

overcrowding and helps the reader gain a better understanding of the seriousness of

overcrowding. The authors also claim that the global population is still increasing and there are

many unintended pregnancies that are occuring. The article emphasizes that better family

planning and contraceptives are the best solution.

The writers’ purpose in writing this article is to inform readers about the consequences of

overpopulation and help empathize with those that are negatively affected by it. The writer

includes the example of the Kibera residents which helps the reader empathize with them. The

intended audience for this source are experts, college students, and the general public since it is

in Newsweek Global and can also be accessed in ​Academic Search Complete.

Zoë Schlanger is an environment reporter and Elijah Wolfson is a writer and Senior

Editor at Newsweek. I know the authors are credible because they use statistics references in the

article. Furthermore, the article was published in 2014 which makes it a pretty recent source.

I will use this source by including the overcrowding population within Kibera residents.

Kibera residents live in a thirld world country which will make it a good addition in my research

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