Computer Class 6

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Mirpur Public High School

Topic: Introduction to Computers

Event: Short Q/A
Q1. What is hardware?
Ans. All physical parts of computer that we can see and touch are called hardware. Components of
hardware are given below:
i) RAM ii) CPU iii) Monitor iv) Mouse v) Keyboard
Q2. What is software?
Ans. A set of instructions given to the computer to solve a problem is called software i.e. Windows,
Microsoft Office etc.
Q3. List the main components of computer.
Ans. Components of computer are divided into two major categories i.e. Hardware and Software.
Q4. What do you know about system unit?
Ans. System unit is the most important part of the computer system. It is box like case made from
metal and plastic. It comes in different shapes and sizes.
Q5. List the components of central processing unit.
Ans. i) Control Unit ii) Memory or Storage Unit iii) ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
Q6. What is the function of computer memory?
Ans. Memory stores instructions, data and results. The data and results required by the processor are
stored in computer memory.
Q7. Give some examples of storage devices.
Ans. i) Floppy disk ii) Hard disk iii) CD/DVD/BD iv) USB flash memory
Q8. What is VDU?
Ans. Monitor is commonly used output device, sometimes called as display screen. It provides a
visual display of data. That is why they are also known as Visual Display Unit(VDU).
Q9. Write the full form of modem.
Ans. The full form of modem is modulator/demodulator.
Q10. What is the storage capacity of Blu-ray disc?
Ans. The storage capacity of Blu-ray disc is 25 GB to 50 GB of data.
Q11. List two types of software with examples.
1. System Software 2. Application Software
i- Windows i- MS Paint
ii- Linux ii- MS Word
iii- Macintosh iii- Word Pad
Q12. List the three main components of system unit.
Ans. i) Motherboard ii) Processor iii) Memory
Q13. What is soft copy?
Ans. The output which is displayed on monitor screen is known as soft copy.
Q14. What is hard copy?
Ans. The output which is printed by a printer on a paper is known as hard copy.
Q15. How is the speed of processor measured?
Ans. The speed of a processor is measured in Megahertz (MHZ) or millions of instructions per
second and Gigahertz (GHZ) or billions of instructions per second.
Q16. What is difference between disc and disk?
Ans. A disc refers to optical media such as CD, DVD and BD.
A disk refers to magnetic media such as floppy disk, hard disk or an external hard drive.
Event 2: Definition
Computer is an electronic machine that transforms data into meaningful information.
Raw facts and figures are called data.
Processed form of data is called information.
Input Devices:
An input device is a piece of hardware that sends data to the computer e.g. mouse,
keyboard, scanner etc.
Output Devices:
An output device is a piece of hardware that is used to provide the result or information
e.g. printer, monitor etc.
Storage Devices:
A storage device is used to store data, instruction or information on a computer e.g.
floppy disk, hard disk etc.

Event 2: Definition
Computer is an electronic machine that transforms data into meaningful information.
Raw facts and figures are called data.
Processed form of data is called information.
Input Devices:
An input device is a piece of hardware that sends data to the computer e.g. mouse,
keyboard, scanner etc.
Output Devices:
An output device is a piece of hardware that is used to provide the result or information
e.g. printer, monitor etc.
Storage Devices:
A storage device is used to store data, instruction or information on a computer e.g.
floppy disk, hard disk etc.

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