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Phytomedicine 9: 259–262, 2002

© Urban & Fischer Verlag

Formulation of an effective mosquito-repellent topical

product from Lemongrass oil
A. O. Oyedele1, A. A. Gbolade2, M. B. Sosan3, F. B. Adewoyin4, O. L. Soyelu3,
and O. O. Orafidiya1
Department of Pharmaceutics, 2Department of Pharmacognosy, 3Department of Plant Science and the 4Drug Research and
Production Unit, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Ointment and cream formulations of lemongrass oil in different classes of base and the oil in liquid
paraffin solution have been evaluated for mosquito repellency in a topical application. Mosquito
repellency was tested by determining the bite-deterrence of product samples applied on an experi-
mental bird’s skin against a 2-day starved culture of Aedes aegypti L. mosquitoes. The 1%v/v solu-
tion and 15%v/w cream and ointment preparations of the oil exhibited ≥50% repellency lasting
2–3 h, which may be attributed to citral, a major oil constituent. This activity was comparable to
that of a commercial mosquito repellent. Base properties of the lemongrass oil formulations influ-
enced their effectiveness. The oil demonstrated efficacy from the different bases in the order of hy-
drophilic base > emulsion base > oleaginous base.

Key words: Cymbopogon citratus, essential oil, mosquito repellency, formulation.

j Introduction
Lemongrass oil is the essential oil obtained from the analysis of Indian Cymbopogon essential oil as well as
aerial parts of Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf., fami- its repellent effects against mosquito vectors of malaria
ly Poaceae. The plant has been widely recognized for (Anopheles stephensi), filariasis (Culex quinquefascia-
its ethnobotanical and medicinal usefulness (Dalziel, tus), and dengue fever (Aedes aegypti) have been de-
1937). The insecticidal (Arias et al., 1992), antimicro- scribed (Tyagi et al., 1998).
bial (Syed et al., 1995), and therapeutic properties (Ak- Personal protection by the use of repellents is of con-
endengue, 1992) of its oil and extracts have been re- siderable importance within the integrated disease-vec-
ported. Trado-medicinal preparations of the oil have tor control endeavour (Curtis et al., 1989). In this light,
been used both internally for alleviating colds and the present study was carried out to evaluate the protec-
fever symptoms (Comerford, 1996) and externally to tion affordable against Aedes aegypti L. by six formu-
treat skin eruptions, wound and bruises (Spring, 1989). lations of lemongrass oil prepared from different class-
Plant essential oils in general have been recognized as es of base.
an important natural resource of pesticides – insecti-
cides (Raguraman and Singh, 1997; Gbolade, 2001),
larvicides (Adebayo et al., 1999), and repellents j Materials and Methods
(Thorsell et al., 1998; Oyedele et al., 2000). The repel-
lents are designed as topical preparations or com- Extraction of lemongrass oil
bustible products that are able to protect the user or en- Lemongrass oil was obtained by hydro distillation (B.
vironment from harmful insects, such as mosquitoes, P., 1980) from the fresh aerial parts of Cymbopogon
which transmit diseases through their bite. The G.C. citratus growing within Ile-Ife town. The plant was au-

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260 A. O. Oyedele et al.
thenticated at the Department of Pharmacognosy Repellency testing
(Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria) When 80–100 adult mosquitoes had been raised, they
herbarium. were fed regularly for 4–5 days and then blood-starved
(but water-provided) for the next 48 h before using
Preparation of lemongrass oil formulations them for repellency test. The test sample was applied
Graded concentrations of lemongrass oil (0.25–25% thinly to the experimental bird’s bare skin using camel-
v/v) in liquid paraffin were prepared. Typical formula- hair brush. The bird was then placed against the netted
tions of the oil were also made for repellency testing by cage. The rate of biting attack of the test mosquitoes
incorporating the requisite quantity of oil into selected was determined in triplicate experiments of 2-minute
representative formulation bases to obtain stable prod- exposure of the treated bird’s skin to the insects as pre-
ucts containing 15% v/w of the oil. This concentration viously described (Oyedele et al., 2000). The number
of oil was selected based on some preliminary data of mosquitoes that bite within 2 min. was counted and
(Table 1) and corroborated by an earlier study (Oyedele compared to the control bite. (Principles of laboratory
et al., 2000). The following bases were investigated: animal care, NIH publication No. 85–23, were com-
Oleaginous ointment bases namely, white petrolatum plied with.) Repellency was calculated as percent bite
only, and simple ointment containing cetostearyl alco- deterrence (± SEM) as previously reported (Oyedele et
hol (5% w/w), hard paraffin (5% w/w), wool fat (5% al., 2000; Gbolade et al., 2000). This was determined at
w/w), and white petrolatum (85% w/w) (The Pharma- hourly intervals until 5 h following application of the
ceutical Codex, 1979); surfactant-stabilized cream test sample. Results of the tests were compared with
bases namely, a glyceryl monostearin cream base con- those of the bland formulation bases and that of liquid
taining glyceryl monostearate (5%w/w), sodium lauryl paraffin (solvent for the oil) as negative controls, and
sulphate (3% w/w), cetostearyl alcohol (2%w/w), liq- against that of citral (Sigma), a major constituent in
uid paraffin B.P. (25% w/w), and water (to 100%) lemongrass oil (Ekundayo, 1985). A commercial topi-
(Oyedele et al., 2000), and a cetomacrogol cream base cal insect-repellent preparation, Wipe(R), containing di-
containing cetomacrogol emulsifying wax B.P. (9% ethyl toluamide (20%) and dimethyl phthalate (10%)
w/w), liquid paraffin B.P. (6% w/w), white petrolatum (SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Plc.) was used
(15% w/w), and water (70% w/w); as well as a hy- as the positive control.
drophilic ointment base containing macrogol 4000
(20% w/w) and macrogol 600 (80% w/w) (Orafidiya
et al., 2001). j Results and Discussion
Breeding of mosquitoes Liquid paraffin solutions of lemongrass oil exhibited
Aedes aegypti adult mosquitoes were raised in netted concentration-dependent repellency (Table 1). High
cages (37 × 30 × 28 cm3) under laboratory conditions concentrations (20%, 25%) provided complete (100%)
(25–30 °C, R.H. 60–70 %) from the larval colony al- protection lasting 1 h. Lower concentrations (1–15%)
ready established in our laboratories (Adebayo et al., also exhibited total repellency that was short-lived im-
1999). Adult female mosquitoes were fed regularly mediately following application of the respective solu-
with blood from exposed skin of live chicken and the tions. The 1% and 5% oil concentrations sustained
males with a 10% sugar solution. more than 50% repellency for 3 h while the 10–25%

Table 1. Mosquito repellency of lemongrass oil in liquid paraffin

Time (h) after Bite-deterrence (%) of lemongrass oil solutions

application of
sample Concentration (% v/v) of oil in liquid paraffin Positive control
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––
0.25% 0.5% 1% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 15% Citral

0 13 ± 4 66 ± 14 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

1 0 14 ± 7 76 ± 8 80 ± 10 96 ± 4 96 ± 4 100 100 85 ± 5
2 0 0 57 ± 4 57 ± 4 92 ± 8 94 ± 6 96 ± 4 96 ± 4 65 ± 5
3 0 0 51 ± 8 53 ± 15 93 ± 5 94 ± 6 94 ± 6 94 ± 6 50 ± 10
5 0 0 30 ± 6 40 ± 35 40 ± 5 41 ± 11 41 ± 18 44 ± 4 35 ± 10
Mosquito-repellent topical product from Lemongrass 261
concentrations gave higher protection (> 90% repellen- However, the 15% lemongrass oil solution (Table 1)
cy) over the same period (Table 1). Citral (15% v/v in was superior to Wipe(R) in that it sustained higher repel-
liquid paraffin) exhibited repellent effects that were lency for longer duration. The surfactant-based creams
comparable to those of 5% lemongrass oil (Table 1), in- were next in efficacy, providing 86–100% protection
dicating that this constituent may play an important for 1 h (Table 2). The oleaginous ointments, which con-
role in the repellent action of the oil. Tyagi et al (1998) sisted mainly of hydrocarbon constituents, were the
have earlier suggested citronellol and geraniol as other least effective. Their appreciable activity (>70% repel-
constituents of the oil that may contribute greatly to its lency) also lasted 1 h (Table 2). In general, the formula-
protective properties. tions in each particular class of base were similar in
In earlier studies, essential oils from Hemizygia and their repellent actions. The negative controls exhibited
Ocimum species have been found to produce similar no repellent activity.
concentration-dependent mosquito repellency. Liquid Liquid paraffin solution of Hemizygia oil has been
paraffin solutions of Ocimum gratissimum L. and O. reported to be a more effective mosquito repellent than
basilicum L. oils (1% and higher concentrations) were the emulsion formulations containing similar concen-
shown to exhibit bite-protection (≥70%) for 2–3 h and trations of the oil (Oyedele et al., 2000). Emulsification
resulted in complete protection at the 20% and 35% of an oil results in entrapment of the dispersed droplets,
concentrations respectively (Gbolade et al., 2000). which hinders release (Rees and Collett, 1975). Anoth-
Also Hemizygia welwitschii (Rolfe) M. Ashby oil at er correlation of the properties of formulation base with
5–15% solutions in liquid paraffin was reported to pro- activity of preparations of an essential oil showed that a
duce 85–100% antifeedant activity for 4 h (Oyedele et hydrophilic ointment of lemongrass oil made from a
al., 2000). These solutions were shown to give total re- 1:1 w/w blend of macrogol 4000 and macrogol 400
pellency at 12% and 15% concentrations, which lasted produced greater antibacterial effects than the same
2 and 4 h respectively, and this indicates a better activi- concentration of oil in emulsion products (Onawunmi,
ty compared with lemongrass oil in this present study. 1994). This was attributed to better release from the
Furthermore, Dua et al (1996) have reported more than base.
50% protection from the bite of Aedes mosquitoes by The repellent effects of all the products dwindled
methanolic extracts of Lantana camara L. flowers for with time, as might be expected. The vapour phase-me-
4 h, while the repellency produced by Eucalyptus oil diated repellency of an essential oil fades with time ob-
lasted 5 h (Trigg and Hill, 1996). viously due to diffusion and continuous dilution of the
Table 2 presents a comparison of the repellent effects vapour in the local convectional air currents, resulting
of lemongrass oil (15%v/w) in different formulations. in its gradual reduction and elimination from the vicin-
This concentration of the oil in each preparation pro- ity. The observed influence of formulation base types
duced an initial total protection, which the hydrophilic on product repellency thus indicates that the rate of re-
ointment sustained for 1 h. The hydrophilic base best lease as vapour of the repellent principle of the essen-
supported the repellent action of the oil for 2 h. tial oil (studied under the same laboratory conditions)
Throughout the test duration, this ointment demon- was higher from the hydrophilic ointment preparation
strated the highest repellency potential among the oth- than from the surfactant and hydrocarbon-based
ers, and was closest to Wipe(R) in activity (Table 2). (cream and ointment) products, while the oil solutions

Table 2. Mosquito repellency of lemongrass oil formulations

Time (h) after Bite-deterrence (%) of preparations containing 15% v/w oil
application of
sample Oleaginous ointments Surfactant-stabilized creams Hydrophilic ointment Positive control
––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––
White Simple Monostearin Cetomacrogol Macrogol ointment Commercial
petrolatum ointment cream cream Insect-repellent
based based Wipe(R)

0 100 100 100 100 100 95 ± 4

1 72 ± 8 96 ± 4 86 ± 8 87 ± 3 100 84 ± 5
2 28 ± 12 47 ± 6 42 ± 8 51 ± 6 64 ± 4 74 ± 4
3 0 9±6 29 ± 8 35 ± 6 37 ± 4 55 ± 7
5 0 4±4 14 ± 8 13 ± 6 22 ± 8 43 ± 11
262 A. O. Oyedele et al.
most facilitated the release of the repellent. Volatile oils tial oils from two Nigerian Ocimum species. J. Trop. Med.
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Gbolade, A. A., Oyedele, A. O., Sosan, M.B., Adewoyin, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Nigeria.
F.B., Soyelu, O. L.: Mosquito repellent activities of essen- e-mail:

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