The Power of Candle Burning

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The Power Of Candle Burning

It’s a classic spiritual and religious image; one we’ve all witnessed in person or seen in a movie, photo,
greeting card or television show -- a row of burning candles in a church glowing against a more subdued
background -- the presence of the eternal flame of the prayers of those who light these candles, all with their
personal petitions to God. The divine flame that reaches to the heavens and propels our prayers to the
Godhead; in a sense – igniting our thoughts and wishes!

Candle burning is an ancient practice in both the conventional religious sense and in esoteric spiritual
practices. Almost everyone who lights a candle has an intention in mind – whether to perhaps heal a loved
one or manifest a blessing, candles become the externalized fire that represents the internal inner flame of
our immutable spirit.

I remember as a boy seeing the candles in the Catholic Church I was raised in and feeling the hypnotic sense
of getting lost in the flame – gazing and mentally morphing into the fire in a slow, trance like fashion, as if
to lose myself in the glow. As I became spiritually trained later down the road, I learned that candles serve a
highly valuable purpose in us manifesting – not just in an abstract way, but quite literally!

A Matter Of Principle

Candle burning can be a wonderful tool for manifesting great positive blessings for any of us. It’s
unfortunate though, that candle burning sometimes has a bad reputation. I would like to caution those of
you who don’t know what to watch out for regarding candle burning, as most of us who have been taken
advantage of in this type of situation, were at a vulnerable point in our lives. Sometimes, certain unethical
readers exploit clients regarding the potentially very positive use of candle burning.

“Oh, I have special anointed candles and I will burn them for you under very unique circumstances,” a
reader says to a client. “Well, how much will it cost,” the client questions? “Well, I hate to charge for
something that is spiritual and directly from God, but it does take a lot of time,” the reader says. “Well, I
really want my boyfriend back and you promised that you CAN reunite us,” the client affirms. “How much
will it be?” “I would have to say about five thousand dollars,” the reader says. “I really can’t afford it, but I
must have my boyfriend back,” the client decides. “OK then, I’ll come up with the money.” “You’ll be
very happy, honey, with the end results,” the psychic promises.

As you’re reading the exchange above, I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “Does this type of thing really
happen?” The answer is yes, it sometimes does. Some of you may have been victimized by such scams
yourself. Also, don’t just think it’s the initial five thousand dollars that covers the entire bill. Presumably,
more candles need to be burned, at increasingly higher costs – “The woman he’s with is manipulating him to
stay away from coming back to you – I’m having visions of this! We must do something more powerful --
It will take everything I have and I don’t want to charge you, but I really need ten thousand dollars to bring
him back to you,” the psychic emphasizes. Of course, eventually, this type of rip off crashes and burns,
(pardon the pun) with the client left in financial disarray and shattered dreams.

Remember, if money is involved, be extremely careful. Some ethical psychics may charge a reasonable
amount of money to burn a candle for you, but the cost must be fair, with no hidden charges. Some very
caring readers will burn candles on your behalf and for your loved ones for free with no costs whatsoever, as
part of offering their services to you. This can be a wonderful gift. However, if there are large sums of
money involved, run the other way.
The Rules

First, you can always burn candles for yourself, which I’ll explain ‘how to” below. However, there are
certain circumstances where someone else can burn a candle for you. If you’re afraid or emotionally
charged in a negative way about something, it may be better to have someone else light the candle for
you. Why? If you have fear and negative energy regarding an area of your life, say finding the right lover,
you’ll very potentially send out that fear when you, yourself light the candle, which brings back to you
exactly what you don’t want. If you’re not centered about something, them another individual may be more
beneficial to burn the candle for you, such as a trusted loved one, or an ethical psychic or spiritual person.

Secondly, it is bad karma to use candle burning to attempt to manipulate the free will of another as
mentioned above. It doesn’t matter what you may be feeling, or how intense the emotions are, or what the
spiritual rationalizations may be – trying to twist someone’s arm metaphysically creates negative karma for
all participating in such an act. You should use candle burning to bring in the blessings that are yours by
divine right, not encroaching on someone else’s life or their choices.

The Divine Gift of Candle Burning

Candle burning, if used properly, is a wonderful tool from the divine universe, as a gift to us – to help us
manifest our positive dreams – not dreams that interfere with the lives of others. We deserve blessings, but
not at the expense of others or ourselves. Below, I would love to share with you the ancient practice of
candle burning and the simple instructions and “how to’s” to use candles to assist you in manifesting your
highest blessings, with no negative consequences! Whether career, love, health or a variety of other dreams,
I would love to share with you the reality of what candles can do for you!

How To

First, it’s important to know the “how to’s” about candle burning. Even though these instructions are not
tedious and labor some, (say as in assembling a bicycle) the guidelines are important, so please
follow! Once you’ve lit a candle, always let the candle burn to the bottom and let it to go out on its
own. Why? Burning a candle is a prayer – literally. Imagine if you were in the middle of saying a prayer
and suddenly you abruptly stopped mid sentence – “I now affirm that God brings me t…” That prayer
would not be finished, so it wouldn’t be a completed request to spirit! Therefore, it is of utmost importance
to burn your candle all the way to the bottom to complete your petition to the divine universe. If you can’t
leave a candle continuing to burn to the bottom because of safety reasons, then get a small little votive
candle that only lasts for a few hours till it goes out on its own. A less positive option and one to use only if
you have to, is to pinch the flame gently or snuff the candle. This is not the best thing to do, but if in a rare
instance you have to, do so, but don’t make a regular practice out of it. Then you can relight the candle

The intent, the purpose for which you’re burning the candle and focusing such intent, is critical. As you
prepare to light your candle, tune out all thoughts other that the desire you’re trying to manifest. Focus this
end goal in your mind’s eye. As you ignite the candle, focus on the flame and hold that thought clearly in
your mind and see that thought becoming one with the flame.
Some people like to “dress” their candles by anointing them with oil. The oil is rubbed into the candle wax
and as you anoint your candle, you’re thinking of the purpose for which this candle will be burned. Most
metaphysical bookstores, sell both oil and candles, and many of them will dress your candle for you for free.

You are always better to start off with one candle and progress from there. When beginning to manifest
through candle burning, one candle, which represents one prayer - one thought - one desire, is something
that we can all grasp. It allows you to focus on one thing at a time, focusing all of your energy in that area.
You never need to burn more than one candle of the same color at any given time. If you’re burning a white
candle, for example, lighting multiple white candles does not make your candle prayer stronger or more

Regarding multiple candles of different colors, (for example: pink, gold and blue) you can sometimes burn
more than one candle, but I would recommend starting with just one color in the beginning. Once you’ve
began manifesting from the one candle, (this may take multiple candles of the same color, one at a time,
over a period of time) you can then do two candles, then move on to perhaps, three. However, I would not
recommend to ever go above five different candles burning at the same time.

Also, certain colors of candle wax go together and others don’t from a spiritual perspective. The reason I
say wax, is because it is the color of the actual candle wax that determines the “color” of the candle. Each
color has a different manifestation / manifestations in your life. Below, I will explain what colors work
together – and want colors cancel each other out and are not to be burned at the same time. As far as how
long to stay with burning candles, that is entirely up to you. I have been burning candles on and off for over
twenty years. A good rule of thumb, though, is to minimally try burning the same candle or combination of
candles for at least one month straight if you’re trying to manifest something into your life.

What if you light a candle and it burns for a short while, then goes out on its own before burning all the way
down to the bottom? Should you light it again? No you should not. This simply means that the energy and
prayer is complete, so the candle went out on its own, as no more energy from the flame is needed to
manifest what you’re trying to bring into your journey!


First, it is important to not burn red or black candles. Some psychics may disagree, but I highly advise you
to never burn a red or a black candle. Let me explain why! Some will tell you that red represents passion,
hot sex and intense romance. What they fail to also tell you, though, is that a red candle can also bring
violent sex, such as rape, an explosive, volatile and dangerous romantic partner and physical violence to
you. Also, it is not a good idea to burn red candles for the Christmas holidays, as the divine universe doesn’t
make an exception to the significance of the candle color, even for holidays.

With a black candle, it represents evil. Some psychics will say to burn a black candle to negate negativity –
to counter attack evil. I absolutely disagree. It’s like saying to do more cocaine to stop cocaine dealers in
your neighborhood from dealing drugs. Burning a black candle will summons evil energy and dark entities
and even though you may think that you can direct this darkness in the way you want to, it is not so! It
would be like saying that you can invite an alley rat into your home and somehow direct this creature to
carry out your wishes and commands.

The colors that you should burn are mentioned below. It’s important to know the correlation between the
color of the candle wax you’re burning and what these colors mean from a spiritual perspective. What areas
of your life will be benefited from the color of the candle you light? Since each color affects different areas
of your journey, below is a guide as to what each color represents metaphysically, what these colors can do
for you, when to use such a candle and which candles are compatible with each other:

Manifests: Pure divine spiritual energy – Spiritual cleansing and healing – The presence of God’s sacred
When to use: To get rid of negative spiritual energy – To spiritually cleanse your home of negative spirits
and neutralize evil in your life - To being about a higher vibration of pure divine love – General healing.
Goes with: Any colors but green and brown.

Manifests: Represents creativity and intelligence - Connects to clairvoyance, cosmic wisdom and learning –
The power of the mind.
When to use: To enhance creative energy – Promotes insight and inner wisdom - Strengthens the mind.
Goes with: All colors.

Manifests: Very good for healing coughs, colds and asthma as well as arthritis and exhaustion – Promotes
personal strength, authority and power.
When to use: For any respiratory healing – Creates enthusiastic energy when needed.
Goes with: All colors.

Manifests: Physical safety - Takes away negativity in the physical sense between people -- Brings about
overall success - Good for legal issues.
When to use: When there is tension, bad blood, or disputes between people - Brings overall success in one’s
life and physical safety - Creates physical peace between rival parties - Promotes positive legal outcomes.
Goes with: All colors

Manifests: Happy times - Pleasantness - Wonderful new people - A soul mate relationship - Brings
everything to its highest good in your life.
When to use: To bring in your divine romantic life partner, positive people and “up” times - Creates an
overall sense of everything in your life manifesting for its highest good.
Goes with: All colors

Manifests: Money
When to use: When needing to manifest money.
Goes with: All colors except White.
Manifests: Career
When to use: When looking for a new job – Promotes advancement in your work situation - To manifest a
better career in general.
Goes with: All colors except White.

Manifests: A peaceful home - Centered emotions – Physical health and healing.
When to use: When needing to bring peace and safety to your home – Promotes centered emotions – Creates
overall physical health.
Goes with: All colors

Manifests: A deeper connection spiritually, especially when meditating.
When to use: For meditating - Entering a deeper inner spiritual level within – Enhances the cosmic
Goes with: All colors

A little note! You might wonder why a white candle doesn’t go with green or brown. The answer is
clear. White represents pure divine spirit, transcendent of the material plane, while brown and green
represent the material plane. White is cheapened and compromised by being burnt with brown or green and
should not be done!

Here’s a little example of how to mix colors:

If you were wishing to manifest money and also wanted a new career, you would burn a brown and green
candle together. In fact, brown and green go extremely well together, like a hamburger and fries. In
addition, you may wish to bring about more success in your life. You can add a gold candle in as well and
you would be burning three candles at the same time.

The Eternal Flame

As we work with candle burning and begin to see the positive benefits and results from such a universal tool,
we should always remember that the power of the flame is eternal, perpetual and endless. We feel the
burning and fire of our inner spirit – when we’ve desired something – something that is for our highest good
and we made it happen! This fire cannot be extinguished – it must burn through till we achieve
victory! Whether becoming healed, getting a college degree, meeting our right life partner…We drew upon
the eternal flame within us and carried out our mission. Candles and candle burning augment the fire that is
already within us – amplifying, projecting and strengthening our prayers, wishes and requests, like a singer
who’s singing into the most powerful microphone and sound system so their voice is heard in the
heavens! Never forget, the divine universe receives the fire of this ever-present flame and envelops it in
infinite spirit -- and grants our petitions -- eternally for the greater good of all!

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