An Assessment of Using E-Classroom in Teaching Physical Education Under PE VI in Selected Elementary Schools in Caloocan North 1 District

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines


Commonwealth Q.C.

An Assessment of Using E-Classroom in Teaching Physical

Education Under PE VI in Selected Elementary Schools in Caloocan North 1


Chapter 1-3
Methods of Research
First Semester, SY 2013-2014

In partial fulfillment for the Degree

Master in Educational Management

Ralph Richard R. Malana.

Teacher 1, DepEd Caloocan North Elementary School

Chapter 1



Physical education is an integral part of educational program design to

promote the optimum development of an individual physically, socially,

emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through total body movement in the

performance of properly selected physical activities. Physical Education is the

process by which changes in the individual are bought about through

movement’s experiences. Physical Education aims not only at physical

development but is also concerned with education of the whole person through

physical activities.

New Technology plays a big part in teaching nowadays. One of the most

high-tech materials that are commonly used is the Interactive Electronic White

Board. Interactive Electronic White Board is an interactive screen linked to a

computer, based on the design of a standard whiteboard. The computer image is

projected onto the screen, normally using a standard data projector and has

touch-screen control White Board. Through these teaching materials we can

easily get information, techniques and strategies with the help of the internet

attached to the said material. With this innovation and technology in the teaching

field, educating children became more interesting.

The new trend in teaching became so much helpful particularly in Physical

Education. Researches prove that pupils’ interest increases with the use of

videos and films showing how a specific movement is done properly with the

most reliant source you can have on hand without exerting too much effort

coming from the instructor.

Thus making the teacher solemnly to facilitate learning towards the

learners. The Pupils also are able to assess themselves accurately at the same

time with specific tools provided by the materials. Trends in physical education

nowadays specially in the K+12 program bound to the desire of becoming a

physically educated person, thus aid an individual in successfully selecting and in

participating in activities appropriate at various stages of life with the aid of ICT.

A Greek philosopher state that “A sound mind in a sound body” (Thales)

stress that demonstrating a close link and equilibrium between the mental and

physical abilities to enjoy life is highly needed for the learner to develop

holistically. Since teaching Physical Education is only compressed to two days

(Thursday and Friday) the topics are built to teach first the theories and concepts

before the proper execution of activities to evaluate.

Due to the increasing popularity of technology nowadays DepEd sighted

problems in the lifestyle of elementary pupils concerning their physical aspects.

That is the reason why Physical Education plays a vital part of our public

education system.
It is a key to improving a child's confidence, brainpower and long-term

health. One of the major goals of physical education is to prepare students to be

active and healthy for a lifetime. Physical education should be an integral part of

the total education of every student. Recognizing the importance of physical

education at a young age promotes healthy habits throughout life. As modern life

becomes more sedentary and specialized, particularly for those who live in cities,

the importance of physical education increases.

It is important that children understand the importance of Physical

Education and good health in their lifestyle. Schools should also recognize the

importance of physical education especially with this increasing popularity of

technology where elementary pupils these days spend much time in front of the


With this, the researcher being a P. E teacher finds it relevant to assess

the use of E-Classroom as well as its effectiveness in teaching Physical

Education in North I District.

Background of the Study

Physical education has existed since the earliest stages of human society,

in forms as simple as the transmission of basic survival skills, such as hunting.

The real history of physical education is in the changing methodologies used to

transmit physical skills and, to a lesser extent, the varying intentions of the

educator, and thus the Greek influence is often argued to be the most

fundamental to how the discipline is viewed today (Lumpkin, 2004).

Physical Education refers to Development of values, character, and ethical

decision-making skills. Values being developed include Cooperation, Self-

discipline, Fair play, Emotional control, Teamwork, Self-esteem and self-


With these progress, Physical Education must cope itself with the fast

pace of technology to farther enhance its goal to a lifelong fitness. (K+12)

Physical Education is likewise being challenged in the rise of K-12. In line

with the change of the curriculum educators must also seek innovations. To cope

with the transformation one must level up the quality of education he caters the

Caloocan North I district has been practicing the use of ICT in all subject

areas. Series of demonstration with the use of Interactive Electronic White board

is being applied. This research is made to execute in the following three

prospective schools with a common characteristic of having a big pupils’

population exceeding to about four thousand to have a much accurate response

to this research.

Theoretical Framework

This study is premised upon several theories pertaining to physical

education, which were pieced together to serve as the framework. In pursuant to

article IX section 19 of the Philippine constitution states that: The State shall

promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league

competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international

competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the

development of a healthy and alert citizenry. All educational institutions shall

undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with

athletic clubs and other sectors. The Physical Education Curriculum under the K

to 12 Basic Education Program is anchored on the tenet “Move to Learn, Learn

to Move” with ultimate goal of achieving “lifelong fitness”. The framework is

bounded on the context of legal and philosophical underpinnings of the said

article imbued in the curriculum.

This curriculum shall contribute to the development of fitness, health and

wellness among school-age students as provided in the program’s rich and

challenging physical activity experiences. It shall promote the development of a

participative and active body; learning to use the body in moving efficiently and

effectively in a given space, time, effort and assurance of quality movement. The

desire for becoming a physically educated person, thus aid an individual in

successfully selecting and in participating in activities appropriate at various

stages of life.

Thus, the following activities in the K+12 program specifically in grade five

are introduced: 1. Body Management, 2. Physical Fitness, 3. Movement Skills, 4.

Games and Sports and 5. Rhythms and Dance to achieve the ultimate goal,

“Lifelong Fitness”

In accordance, In compliance with DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2013, DepEd

Advisory No. 210, s. 2013 May 22, 2013 was issued. It aimed to 1. Train in-

service teachers in basic education on the use of information and communication

technology (ICT) in the teaching-learning process; 2. Equip them with the

appropriate pedagogies to select and integrate ICT in the curriculum to improve

student-learning outcomes; 3. Enable them to design and develop content-

related materials where ICT-integration may be applied to include ICT-enhanced

assessment plans across disciplines; 4. Familiarize them with the different digital

and mobile technologies attuned with today’s skills and competencies of the

learners; and 5. train them on the use and integration of tablet and interactive

white board technologies in the teaching and learning process. It was evident
that the Department of Education supports the use of ICT in teaching-learning


Thus, this research helps assessing the development of the learner

and the subject itself with the integration of ICT both hand in hand.

Conceptual Framework


Profile of the
respondents according
Grade Level
Economic Status,
Well-defined and
School Description
implemented Goal
Assessment of the P.E
Survey method of the K-12
Questionnaire program in P.E.
Mission/Vision, Goal
and implementation Personal interview
Quality, Facility and Organized
equipments Data Entry implementation of
Problems encountered Defining variable the program
by the respondents in Defining variable label
the subject Quality Service P.E
Suggestions offered by instruction
the respondents to Data Analysis
improve the quality of Data updating Competent P.E
the subject. Data validating Instructors
Descriptive statistics
Adequate Facilities
and Equipment


Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to evaluate the Physical Education core for
the subject MSEP with the integration of ICT specifically the E-Classroom as

perceived by the students who are in fifth grade in Selected Schools in Caloocan

North District I of the School Year 2013-2014.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following sub-questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents when grouped according to the

following variables:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 School Description ; and

1.4 Economic Status;

2. What are the factors affecting the difficulty of the pupil learning Physical

Education in terms of;

2.1 Mission/ Vision and Goal;

2.2 Nature and Implementation;

2.3 Quality of Instruction;

2.4 P.E Instructors;

2.5 P.E Facilities;

2.6 P.E Equipments using E-Classroom?

2.7 What are the relationship between the profile of the pupil and the

factors affecting difficulty of the pupil learning Physical Education using


3. What suggested solutions can be made to improve the quality of the

Physical Education in elementary level?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on An Assessment of Using E-Classroom in Teaching

Physical Education under MSEP V in Selected Elementary School in Caloocan

North 1 District. It attempts to assess the level of efficiency Physical Education

subject integrating ICT specifically E-Classroom. Also, to determine the problems

encountered by the P.E students and suggested solutions to enhance the quality

of the teaching and learning process.

The respondents are preferably grade five students of selected schools in

Caloocan North I District. The researcher limited the study to three big schools in

the locale namely; Caloocan North E/S, Camarin D E/S and Camarin Main E/S,

School Year 2013-2014.

Furthermore, this study is limited to the self-made questionnaire on the

evaluation of the service physical education program.

Significance of the Study

This study of the use of E-Classroom in Teaching Physical Education

Program is deemed important to the following groups/reasons:

Curriculum planners

The result of this study would be a very good contribution to the curriculum

improvement and development especially the concepts that would be taken from

the problems met by respondents involved in this study.


Through this study, the students would be provided with a clear result of
how they are performing in schools and how to utilize the technology (E-

Classroom) in their study. This would also encourage them to contribute

something like improving their skills and/or performance for the total school


P.E Instructors/ Teachers

The result of this research would be a wakeup call to the P.E instructors

to further enhance and improve their teaching in terms of theories, new strategies

and techniques and coping ability to the new generations especially through the

use of E- Classroom

School Administrators

A good understanding of this study may heighten the awareness level of

school administrators regarding the implementation of the Physical Education

Program of which they are a part. Furthermore, result of this study may give

deeper insights that relate to a more efficient and effective implementation of

education programs especially in P.E and Sports that go hand in hand with ICT.


With the findings of this study, the community would have a better

understanding of how the subject physical education program works as one of

the vital components in the development of our citizenry and betterment of this


Future researchers

The result of the research would be helpful to those who plan to

undertake similar study on evaluation of the service physical education program

in order to reach the goals of providing our students an excellent education.

Finally, the study would have a great impact on the researcher, since it

would help him to further understand the nature of his work and at the same time

improve his teaching style and strategies with an array of resources offered by

this new trend in technology in the teaching-learning process.

Simons-Morton (1994) stressed that P.E’s overreaching goals should be

(1) for students to take part in appropriate amounts of physical activity during

lessons, and (2) become educated with the knowledge and skills to be physically

active outside school and throughout life. The emphasis of learning during P.E

might legitimately focus on motor, cognitive, social, spiritual, cultural or moral


Chapter 2


This chapter embodies the cited theories, principles, concepts, facts,

ideas, and views, published in the journals, or in the internet, and other scholarly

publications thoroughly read by the researcher and found related to the study.

This is sub-divided into five categories: foreign and local literature, foreign and

local studies, and synthesis of the reviewed literature and studies. These are

presented according to their arrangement.

Foreign Literature

The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) of

America believes that every student should have the opportunity to participate in

quality physical education. It is the unique role of quality physical education

programs to develop the health-related fitness, physical competence, and

cognitive understanding about physical activity for all students so that they can

adopt healthy and physically active lifestyles.

According to NASPE guidelines, a high quality physical education program

includes the following components: opportunity to learn, meaningful content and

appropriate instruction. Today’s quality physical education programs are

important because they provide learning experiences that meet the

developmental needs of youngsters which help improve a child’s mental

alertness, academic performance, readiness to learn and enthusiasm for

As the amount of physical activity children get in and out of school has

declined in recent years, youngsters have become more overweight and less fit.

To help reverse that trend, some fitness experts say, physical education classes

should be revamped so there is less emphasis on team sports and more on

lifelong fitness activities. Included: Descriptions of physical education programs

that stress fitness, health awareness, and lifelong exercise habits.

Foreign Studies

An American instructor recently had the opportunity to join our PE team at

a PD hosted by Jarrod Robinson - also known as the PE Geek - on integrating

technology into PE. Jarrod introduced us to a number of great tools and

resources to help PE teachers make better use of technology in their lessons. As

he pointed out, professional coaches have long been using cutting edge

technology to train athletes and mobile devices now make it possible for anyone

to access these kinds of tools at a fraction of the cost and with much greater

ease. Our PE teachers enjoyed the practical, hands-on focus of the PD and have

already started implementing what they have learned into their classes. With the

rise of mobile devices and app based learning, there is now an enormous

selection of affordable tools for PE teachers to choose from such as apps for

video analysis, replay, tagging, communication, assessment, health tracking and

so forth. The ability to have all of these tools in one device that fits in your hand

has transformed the ability to use technology on the fly.

According to Jarrod, there has been a thousand fold increase between 2011-2012

on Google searches for apps related to PE. This shows that the demand for technology

integration is not limited to the traditional classroom and is expanding to various other

subject areas. PE teachers have often been overlooked in the push to use more technology

in the classroom and it is great to see that more resources and PD opportunities are

opening up to them.

Some health experts say that needs to change. According to the National

Survey for Sport and Physical Education's Shape of the Nation report released in

1997, nearly half the nation's youths between the ages of 12 and 21 and more

than one-third of high school students did not participate in vigorous physical

activity on a regular basis. Fewer than one in four children got 20 minutes of

vigorous activity every day, and one in four children did not attend any physical

education class.

Some school districts have cut phys-ed teachers from some school

staffs. In California, classroom teachers provide phys-ed instruction in more than

90 percent of the elementary schools, according to SPARK (Sports, Play and

Active Recreation for Kids), a nonprofit elementary physical education and staff

development program affiliated with the San Diego State University Foundation.

"Fundamentally, phys ed has been undervalued for more than 25 years,

and we're starting to see the results of that," says Anne Flannery, executive

director of P.E.4Life, a not-for-profit organization that promotes expanding and

revamping PE programs. "We don't advocate one curriculum over another; we're

trying to be advocates for daily, quality physical education."

By a quality program, P.E.4Life means one centered around activities that

students can do throughout their lives, Flannery says. "It should be about

introducing them to something they like and having them stick with it." At the

same time, P.E.4Life does not think team sports should be completely eliminated

from phys-ed curriculums. "There still are lessons learned from games; it's still

important to have that exposure to sports."

Jarrod is known throughout the online community as “The PE Geek”, and

authors a blog of the same name at which has proved to be

an invaluable resource for teachers seeking effective use of 21st century tools in

PE. He has presented Nationally and Internationally for a number of years while

also writing for a number of puJMblications on the topic of contemporary Physical


His major interests lie within mobile learning which he believes is the

perfect fit for the outdoor minded PE Teacher. As a result he has begun his own

mobile development company, “The PE Geek Apps”, which builds mobile

applications for teachers on both Android and iOS devices.

According to Ginnie Chadwick I use it: cameras, video equipment,

computers, digital cameras, multimedia, laser disc, cd-rom, web pages,heart

monitors, palm top, assessment software for Adapted Physical Education, email,
and desktop video teleconference. Technology is integral to finding and retreiving

information in today's world. In teacher preparation classes I use every sort of

technology to demonstrate concepts and ideas. In several classes teacher

preparation students are linked to high achieving physical educators through the

telementor project. Building a sense of community is one of the highest purposes

of technology. All students get an opportunity to develop simple multimedia, use

assessment software, participate in a desktop video teleconference, and develop

assignments including unit plans and lesson plans using all forms of technology.

Local Literature

The Sourcebook of the Foundation of the Philippines Physical Education

and School Sports (1988), states that the preservation of man and his attributes,

his cultural, moral and natural heritage, as a Foundation of the Philippines

Physical Education and School Sports aims to:

A. Develop a nation of participants in the vigorous life;

B. Develop a citizens possessed by knowledge, skills and positive

activities with time participation in physical education activity;

C. Develop elite athletes, and Filipino athletes who shall be competitive

with their counterparts to international sports; and

D. Develop an environment vibrant with the freshness and integrity of the

natural world to nurture a man’s obligation to endure.

Republic Act No. 5708 known as “The Schools Physical Education Act” is

an act providing for the promotion and financing of an integrated physical

education and sports development program for the schools in the Philippines.
The goal of physical education is to instill in young citizens a proper appreciation

of the importance of physical development hand in hand with the mental

development in individual and social activities. Physical education program

should provide opportunities for the athletic development of children and youth

who have the competitive spirit as well as the grace, coordination, stamina and

strength. Also, program must be addressed to physical growth, social training,

and discipline for all students, as well as superior athletic achievement for those

who are psychologically inclined and physically gifted.

Local Studies

Physical Activity and Physical Education in Schools

In evaluating the curriculum for primary schools, it is important to examine

what children are in fact doing inside the school. That is why it is useful to look at

a child's schedule of classes. This goes far beyond the sound bites we hear from

education policy makers or reformers. The class schedule showing the time

allotment for each subject is highly informative, providing a dimension one does

not see by simply browsing through a list of content standards or a curriculum.

It's shortly after dawn, but the youngest pupils in overcrowded Ilugin

Elementary School in Pasig City are already in class. Ilugin's grade one students

are part of the first shift in a school that needs to schedule classroom use in three

shifts to accommodate all 1,800 of its students. The first shift begins at 6 a.m.,

ending at 10 a.m., while the last shift starts at 2 p.m. and ends at 6 p.m. - GMA

News report:
Each shift is four hours long. Of course, a 12-hour day can only be divided

into three 4-hour shifts with no breaks between them. Physical Education is part

of MAPEH, so students probably go through some physical exercise once every

four days since MAPEH rotates around music, arts, physical education, and


Calades (2002) in his study about the “Evaluation of the Revised Physical

Education Program in the Division of Samar” further explained that no matter

how qualified and competent the teachers and the supervisors, if the facilities are

inadequate for the prescribed number and level of students, no sufficient training

could be expected to take place. She pointed out in her study that there were

aspects of development that necessitated serious attention by teachers and

administrators such as: 1) Teaching guide, curriculum frameworks, resource unit

and teaching unit should be availed of for more effective instruction in physical

education; 2) A variety of activities should be given to students during their P.E

classes to maintain their interest and enthusiasm through the period; 3) To

address inadequacy of facilities and equipments for P.E activities, teacher can

improvise some physical education equipment/apparatuses using local and

community resources; 4) The school should allot fund for the purchase of sport

and athletic equipment and construction of sports facilities which are non-

existent; 5) To upgrade the teaching skills of P.E teachers through seminar,

workshops, in-service trainings and clinics should be conducted so often as

necessary for proper implementation of the Department of Education physical

education program; and 6) There should be a close supervision by the school

officials on the teaching of P.E.

Synthesis and Relevance of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

The review of the related literature and studies, both foreign and local,

would play a vital role and help to the comprehensive understanding, analysis

and knowledge of this study in the sense that it covers the concept of integrating

ICT and other multimedia approach in physical education program. Basically, it

gives further understanding on how physical education program is being

conceptualized, planned, develop, implemented as well as evaluated with an

array of assistance and support of different multimedia tools and equipments

specifically the E-BOARD.

On the other hand the researcher gives much emphasis and significance

to the different studies stated in this research that will help him and the future

researchers to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in teaching Physical

Education and most importantly to cope to the vast need of the learners to

promote Physical Fitness integrating technologies in this Computer age.

The researcher indeed acknowledges the work of J.M. who was most of

the research data based and taken.

Chapter 3

This chapter includes the research method used, the population,

description of respondents, instrumentation, data-gathering procedure, and

statistical treatment of data.

Method of Research to be Used

The researcher will use the descriptive method for this study. Descriptive

research’s main goal is to describe the data and characteristics about what is

being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study assess and

evaluate the effectiveness of technology namely the E-Classroom that help in the

teaching and learning process of the subject “Physical Education.”

. The descriptive research method will allow a deeper, more thorough and

more comprehensive understanding of the Effectiveness and efficiency of E-

Classroom in teaching Physical Education Five in selected elementary schools in

North I District.

The researcher aims to evaluate the effectiveness of E- Classroom as

perceived by the grade five pupils of selected schools in school year 2013-2014.

To gather the needed data and information for this research, the questionnaire

method was used.

Population and Sample Size

The target respondents of this study will be particularly grade five pupils

on selected schools in North I District of Caloocan namely; CALOOCAN NORTH

E/S, CAMARIN D E/S and CAMARIN E/S. All of the three selected schools have

a common description of being a big school in terms of pupils’ population rate

with a data of not less than 15 sections respectively. It was primarily conducted in

the CALOOCAN NORTH E/S that has a grade five pupils’ population of not less

than nine hundred (900). Two hundred twenty five (100) respondents participated

in this study. The sample size of (100) was obtained from getting the thirty

percent (9%) of the total target population of nine hundred (900). The researcher

used the stratified random sampling in getting the total number of respondents

per section.

Description of the Respondents

The researcher will gather data from (100) respondents which composed

of 50 male and 50 females of the 15 sections of the grade five level of the

CALOOCAN NORTH E/S enrolled for the school year 2013-2014. Their ages

ranges from 10-13 years old. They will be chosen by the researcher using the

stratified random sampling by getting the 9% of the total target respondents.

Research Instrument

The main instrument that will use in this study to gather the needed data

and information is a self-made questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of

three parts, Part 1 contain the respondents’ profile; Part 2 effectiveness of

physical education program; Part 3 inquire about the problems encountered by

the students in the program; and Part 4 will seek suggestions of the respondents
to improve the quality of the program of the service physical education in the


Moreover, the questionnaire is drafted by the researcher with the help of

those people who were experts in the validity and reliability of making an

instrument especially MSEP teachers. To further achieve the goal of this study,

the researcher sought an advice to fully enhance the sentence construction of

the content so that respondents could easily understand and answer the purpose

for conducting the study.

Data-Gathering Procedure

The lists of the total population shall gather at the Caloocan North E/S

office of the principal. From not less than 900 samples of respondents will be

chosen (i.e. 9% of the total population). The questionnaires will be distributed

personally by the researcher to the 15 sections specifically the grade five pupils

in the said school specifically. The questionnaires shall be collected, tallied,

analyzed and computed using the best statistical treatment of data.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The gathered data will be collated, tabulated and analyzed accordingly

using the following statistical tools:

1. Percentage Distribution. The data to be gathered on the profile of

the respondents and the problems encountered shall organized and

presented using the frequency percentage distribution method with the

following formula:

Where: P = computed percentage

f = frequency of scores

n = number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. In measuring the assessment of the effectiveness of

ICT namely E-CLASSROOM in teaching physical education in grade

five intermediate level, weighted mean will be used. This will be

computed by multiplying each value in the group by the appropriate

weight factor and dividing this by the total number of responses. The

formula is:

Where: = weighted mean

= weight of each item

= item value

= total responses

The following are the ratings of numerical weights assigned to the corresponding

value of assessment:

Responses/Interpretations, Scale Values, and Range of Weighted Means

Reponses/Interpretations Scale Value Range of Weight Means

Strongly Agree/SA 5 4.51-5.0

Agree/A 4 3.51-4.5

Uncertain/U 3 2.51-3.5

Disagree/D 2 1.51-2.50

Strongly Disagree/SD 1 1.00-1.50

Table 1 shows the responses/interpretations, scale values and range of weighted

means. The responses/interpretations include strongly agree, moderately agree,

agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The scale value use the 5 point Likert


3. Ranking. The data with multiple responses on the profile of the

respondents and the problems encountered shall be organized and

presented using the ranking system.


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