South West Junior Review Draft Recommendations

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report


Date: 9th July 2019

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report


1. Background:.................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Review Panel: ............................................................................................................................... 3
3. Review Objectives: ....................................................................................................................... 4
4. Review Process: ............................................................................................................................ 5
5. Note of Thanks: ............................................................................................................................ 5
6. Draft Recommendations: ............................................................................................................. 6

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report

1. Background:

On Monday 27th May 2019 the AFL Western District Commission announced a review into the
health and sustainability of junior football within the South West of our region.

AFL Western District saw this as a great opportunity to work closely with our affiliated leagues
and local Clubs to ensure the structure of junior football in South West Victoria not only suits
those involved today but actively considers the future of football at all levels in years to come.

The 2019 AFL Western District South West Junior Review was commissioned to investigate the
current structure and make recommendations for the optimal structure of junior football
competitions in the South West Region of AFL Western District for season 2020 and beyond.

This included the following Junior Football Leagues –

• Portland Junior Football Association

• Hamilton Kangaroos Junior Football Associaton

The Review also consulted with the South West District Football & Netball League Advisory
Group and affiliated Clubs as part of this Review, along with the Board of the Mininera District
Football League.
Finally, the Review also consulted with the Portland Football & Netball Club and the Hamilton
Kangaroos Football & Netball Club as part of this Review.

2. Review Panel:

A Review Panel was appointed by the AFL Western District Commission to manage the review
with scope that extended to interviews, consultation and subsequent recommendations with all
stakeholders referred to within this document.
The Working Party comprised the following representatives –
o Rod Ward – AFL Western District Regional General Manager (Chairperson)
o Jock Whiting – AFL Western District Football Development Manager
o Alan Thompson – AFL Western District Football Development Manager

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report

3. Review Objectives:

The objectives of the AFL Western District South West Junior Review were as follows:

• To provide the greatest opportunity to increase and maximize participation in the AFL
Western District region, with strong player pathways between junior and senior clubs,
Auskick Centres and schools.

• To provide the maximum opportunity for junior players to develop their skills and love
for Australian Football, and to provide them with the maximum opportunity to develop
and play at the highest level possible.

• To ensure that junior teams are fielded in competitions that are as strong and evenly
matched as possible, and designed to promote competition equalization.

• That the competitions will be structured to consider the growth demands of local areas
and which consider geographic and economic factors, both in the immediate future and
in the medium to long term.

• To ensure sufficient stability in playing numbers of junior club teams to enable team
spirit and continued support for football to be maintained.

• To ensure the review considers the future financial stability and viability of clubs and
leagues, and that any recommendations does factor these considerations into the final

• To prevent stronger junior clubs from dominating junior competitions at the expense
and to the detriment of the weaker clubs from smaller communities.

• Provide clubs with an incentive to expend time, effort and resources in junior
development of Australian Football.

• The structure of the various junior netball competitions will be considered as part of the
scope of this project.

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report

4. Review Process:
Over the past 6 weeks all Portland Junior FC clubs, Hamilton Kangaroos Junior FL Clubs and
South West District FNL Clubs were invited to provide feedback on the structure of Junior
football in the greater south west region.

The Hamilton FNC and the Mininera District FL were also interviewed, as were the Penshurt FNC
and Hawkesdale Macarthur FNC who contacted the Review Panel and requested interviews.

Clubs were initially invited to attend a meeting convened by the PJFA Executive on Monday 3rd
June, at which the PJFA Executive outlined some of the increased challenges we face the
Leagues and Clubs are facing, and outlined their views on options moving forward.

Clubs and Leagues were initially asked to complete a Survey as stage 1 of the Consultation
process, with all Survey’s to be complete by Thursday 20th June 2019.

Clubs and Leagues were then interviewed as Stage 2 of the Consultation process over the period
Saturday 22nd June to Tuesday 25th June inclusive. At these Interviews a series of questions
based on the response to the Clubs individual Survey was discussed, and compared to combined
League Survey results.

5. Note of Thanks:
AFL Western District thank the members of the Review Working Party for volunteering their
time over the period of this review, and also wish to thank League Board Members of the
respective leagues and clubs for their contribution during the Review.

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report

6. Draft Recommendations:
Whilst it was recognised that there was strong interest from the South West District FNL for the
merged junior competition to come under “the umbrella” of the SWDFNL, it was noted that the
Junior Clubs were strongly opposed to this in the 1st instance, and some SWDFNL Clubs did
express concern if they were “ready” to incorporate and field Juniors. It was further noted that
in some instances that the relationships between Junior & Senior Clubs that co-exist at a shared
facility, and in some cases within the same town, is poor – and in some notable examples of
cause for alarm.

AFL Western District will work closely with these Clubs to improve relationships, but until such
time as relationships improve and a close working relationship built upon mutual respect and
trust is developed it was considered that the establishment of an independently governed junior
competition be formed.

The South West Junior Review Working Party are pleased to release the following Draft
Recommendations for the consideration and feedback of all stakeholders:

1. That the Portland Junior FA and Hamilton Kangaroos Junior FL merge to form the
Greater South West Junior FL (GSWJFL).

2. That representatives of the AFL Western District, PJFA and HKJFL join a new Board of 7
to govern the Greater South West Junior FL. The Board will be comprised as follows:

o Independent Chair – Appointed by AFLWD

o League Secretary – Appointed from AFLWD RAC
o 2 X representatives of PJFA
o 2 x representatives of HKJFA
o 1 X member appointed by SWDFNL Advisory Committee

3. The Greater South West Junior FL be administered by the AFL Western District RAC.

4. That the GSWJFL consist of the following Clubs:

a. Former PJFA Clubs:

i. Heywood Junior FC
ii. Heathmere Junior FC
iii. North Portland Junior FC
iv. West Portland Junior FC

b. 2 X Hamilton Kangaroos Junior FA Clubs as determined by the Hamilton

Kangaroos FNC.

5. That former Portland Junior FA Clubs Centrals Junior FC and South Portland Junior FC
merge to form the South-Central Portland Junior FC and they affiliate in the GSWJFL and
be based at South Portland.

6. Should the former PJFA based Clubs identify a further shortage of numbers, that the

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report

GSWJFL work with the former PJFA Clubs to facilitate a further merger of 2 Junior Clubs.

7. That the GSWJFL comprise the following Age Groups as official competitions:

a. Under 16.5
b. Under 13.5

8. To improve transition from Auskick, that AFL Western District and the GSWJFL establish
Under 10 ½ mid-week competitions in both:
a. Portland
b. Hamilton

Such competitions will be fixtured on Sports TG, but will not be considered official
competitions for match points, and will be non-scoring competitions.

9. That the Board of the GSWFL will work closely with the Portland FNC and the Hamilton
Kangaroos FNC to determine the appropriate day and time/s for each local Under 10 ½

10. That SWDFNL Clubs be invited to affiliate side/s in the GSWJFL Under 16 ½ and Under 13
½ competition/s where numbers permit.

11. That AFL Western District align the SWDNFL and GSWJFL Fixtures as much as possible to
promote “Super Saturdays”, and in doing so bring Senior and Junior Clubs together as
one single community.

12. Where fixtures cannot be aligned, and noting the preference of PJFA & HKJFA Clubs for
Sunday football, that Fixtures be played on a Sunday and where possible, Friday night
fixtures under lights.

13. Noting the professional “Handbook” established by the PJFA, that the new Board of the
GSWJFL align current rules / regulations and by Laws to establish a GSWJFL Handbook

a. Establish League By Laws and rules / regulations

b. Match conditions for each age group
c. Allocation process for players from Auskick
d. Match permits with neighbouring leagues
e. Tribunal proceedings

14. That the Portland FNC affiliate an Under 16 team in the Hampden FNL junior
competition for the 2020 season. It is intended that such a team will be a
“representative side” of the Portland and the south west and be “aspirational” for young
footballers in the region. Players not selected for Portland FNC Under 16 side must be
returned to their local GSWJFL side.

15. That the Portland FNC and the Hamilton Kangaroos FNC each affiliate Under 14 teams
in the Hampden FNL junior competition for the 2021 season.

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report

16. That the Portland FNC and the Hamilton Kangaroos FNC do NOT affiliate Under 12 teams
in the Hampden FNL junior competition for the foreseeable future.

17. It was noted that the GSWJFL may attract interest from neighbouring Mininera District
FL Clubs. It was further noted that the MDFL are working hard to establish a Junior
competition with an increased number of junior teams in 2020. Against this background,
it is recommended that the GSWJFL should not affiliate any MDFL Junior teams for the
2020 season.

18. It is however recognised that offering regular junior games is critical to attracting and
retaining juniors. Therefore, should the MDFL be unable to offer an increased number of
junior teams in 2020, that some neighbouring MDFL Clubs be considered for future
affiliation in the GSWJFL for 2021 or beyond.

19. Should MDFL Clubs affiliate Junior Teams in the GSWJFL in 2021 or beyond it is
recommended that AFL Western District consider how an expanded GSWJFL can help
support and sustain the MDFL at senior level.

20. It is recognised that with the increased number of Junior Fixtures to be played on
Saturday that it will place a further strain on the stretched and reducing number of
Umpires available in the region. It is recommended that AFL Western District conduct a
full review into the structure of Umpiring in AFL Western District in 2020, including our
4 affiliated Umpiring Associations:

a. Warrnambool & District Umpires Association

b. Western District Umpires Association
c. South West District FL Umpires Association
d. Ararat & District Umpires Association

21. That AFL Western District and the GSWJFL invest in casual “Umpiring Development
Officers” in an effort to recruit and retain Umpires for the Western District UA and
SWDFLUA, who will be called upon to support the GSWJFL competitions in 2020 and

22. That AFL Western District conduct a Survey of Juniors who played in the PJFA and HKJFL
in 2017 and 2018 and who did not re-register in 2018 or 2019 in an effort to understand
why Junior footballers have dropped out of football.

23. AFL Western District to conduct mandatory Junior Coaching Forums that all Coaches
who will Coach in the GSWJFL must attend. These sessions will outline the AFL Western
District Junior Coaching Philosophy, which reflects that: “The aim of Junior Football
across the AFL Western District Junior competitions should be to provide an enjoyable
footballing experience for young footballers and young umpires to assist in their ongoing
development as participants within the sport. A focus on development of all participants
as players and balanced contributors to their team in general, rather than victory should
be a primary goal that all who Coach and manage teams in the junior competitions
across the Western District Region strives to achieve.”

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South West Junior Review – Draft Recommendations Report

24. AFL Western District to simplify the Permit arrangement between the GSWJFL and
neighbouring Leagues. The aim of simplifying this arrangement is to reduce the
administrative burden on volunteers, whilst ensuring all Juniors who play in Senior
competitions do so with parental and Junior Club permission, and are protected from
playing an excessive amount of football.

25. That AFL Western District review the “AFLWD Region Junior Transferred Players
Clarification” established in 2015 regarding the Community Club Sustainability Program’s
‘Player Points Policy’. The intention of this Review will be to (in part) allow Senior &
Junior Club alignment via a CCSP Memorandum of Understanding (e.g Heathmere Junior
FC & Heathmere FNC) that will maximize the opportunities for junior players to move to
senior football through the Senior Club’s pathway competition and which may include
permit arrangements approved by the affiliated governing bodies where players are still
eligible to play junior football, and where such Junior games will be considered as part of
a Players point allocation at Senior club level.

26. In recognizing the importance of a strong relationship between the SWDFNL and the
GSWJFL, it is further recommended that:

a. A member of the GSWJFL sits on the SWDFNL Advisory Committee

b. A member of the SWDFNL Advisory Committee sits on the GSWJFL Board

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