413 - Retail & Sales Management - 30 Days

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Approved Course Module – EDP on Retail & Sales Management (30 Days)

Sess Topics covered

Day ion
I Registration & Inauguration

II About the Institute, rules a regulations of training/institute

III Micro Lab - Ice breaking exercise

IV Achievement Motivation–Confidence building

Why self employment – Advantages over wage employment, Entrepreneurship

Development – What, Why & How?– Introduction
II & Entrepreneurial competencies – Importance, explanation with examples, case
2 III study for identification of different competencies
Orientation to Retail Familiarization with the day to day activity of the store associate in
IV the store Importance of Customer orientation, while interacting with customer at the
I Time management

Orientation to Products Familiarization with various Categories & Products available in a

Retail Store
III Safe Working Environment, Importance of store safety and security

IV Tower building exercise – Eradication of dependency syndrome

Problem solving – Explanation through case studies and exercises, Creativity –

Creative thinking
First Aid, Fire safety & Evacuation Procedures, Ambulance, Fire, Local Police Station
4 II
contact numbers
Risk taking and goal setting - Ring Toss exercise
Familiarization of Scanning and other security systems and procedures used in the store,
Introduction to the retail food safety practices

II Apply personal hygiene, sanitation & House keeping, Identify food safety plan/program
III Handle product hygienically, Clean work area and equipment

IV Monitor food safety, Contribute to continuous improvement

I & II Effective communication skills

6 III Speak Well, Importance of Personality Development in Career Growth

IV The 5As* Concept, Profiling the Retail Market

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2 Floor,Chitrapur Bhavan,15 Cross,8 Main,Malleshwaram,BANGALORE-560055
Ph:080 23462875;Fax:23462876;Email:info@rudsetacademy.org;Website:WWW.rudsetacademy.org
I Customer Relations, Dynamics of Customers, Build relationships with customers

Merchandising & Visual Merchandising, Introduction to Merchandising, Introduction to

Visual Merchandising, Retail visual illustrations
Visual merchandising support structure, Props, Display, Merchandising and category
Selling Skills, Basics of Selling, Qualities of a good sales person, Basics of Sales Inventory,
Suggestive Selling
Importance of Identifying customer needs, Probing to Identify customer needs, Suggest
product/service as per customer requirement
Selling high-end Products, Handling complex sale-situations, Dynamics of Sales and
Service Delivery
Retail Equipment, Basics of equipments used in store/department, Types (POS & Non-

IV Labeling, Bar-code reader, Computer, Printers & Currency Counter equipments

I Point of Sale Handling Procedures, Non-POS Retail Equipment

9 II POS Equipment, Stacking Norm

Business game - Boat building exercise

I Retail Sales 'Key Performance Indicators'

Retail Sales Financial Responsibilities, Elements of marketing concepts, marketing mix

and strategies.
III Identifying Categories & Products available in a Retail Store in a simulated environment

IV Visit to nearby retail outlets/showrooms/malls

I Identify Security Equipments

II Demonstrate food safety practice in a simulated environment

III Cleaning work area in a simulated work environment

IV Demonstrate Customer Interaction in a simulated environment

I Individual practice on public speaking.

Demonstrate Smile, Wish, Greeting & Appreciating customers in a simulated

III Role play on types of customers

IV Role play on good customer relationship.

13 I Identifying different types of Visual Merchandising (VM)

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2 Floor,Chitrapur Bhavan,15 Cross,8 Main,Malleshwaram,BANGALORE-560055
Ph:080 23462875;Fax:23462876;Email:info@rudsetacademy.org;Website:WWW.rudsetacademy.org
II Demonstrate VM in a simulated environment

III Produce retail visual illustrations

IV Demonstrate merchandising and category presentation skills

I & II Visit to nearby retail outlets/showrooms/malls to observe VM

14 III Demonstrate selling skills in a simulated environment

IV Role play on qualifier of a good sales person

I FLC - Self Awareness (Questionnaire, life cycle flip chart)

II FLC - Saving and Spending (Household income and expense worksheet, flip charts)
III FLC - Basic Banking Practices (Handouts; bank opening for, cash/cheque deposit slip)

IV Mid Term Evaluation

I Demonstrate High-end product selling skills in a simulated environment

II Demonstrate skills in handling complex sale situations in a simulated environment

III FLC - Bank Branch Tour ( Visit to the local ICICI Bank branch)

IV FLC - Basics on Insurance (Flip chart on kinds of insurance)

I FLC - Entrepreneurship (Flash card on basic steps in business development)

17 II Identifying the equipments

Tower building - Eradicating dependency syndrome

I Identifying POS & Non-POS equipments

II &
18 Visit to nearby retail outlets/showrooms/malls to observe retail equipment

IV Demonstrate Point of Sale Handling Procedures in a simulated environment

I Operate Non-POS Retail Equipment

II Operate POS Equipment

III Brief overview of the Sales Person (Retail)

IV Inventory, Stock control

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2 Floor,Chitrapur Bhavan,15 Cross,8 Main,Malleshwaram,BANGALORE-560055
Ph:080 23462875;Fax:23462876;Email:info@rudsetacademy.org;Website:WWW.rudsetacademy.org
I Receiving & Processing incoming goods, Receiving and checking stock

II Discrepancy in / tampering of seal, Transfer Out, Unloading stock

III Handling discrepancy found in stock, Unloading stock, Handling the unloaded stocks

IV Documenting unloading, Documenting & Loading stock returns in the van

Dispatching empty tubs and cartons to the distribution center, Completing


II Stock rotation procedures for merchandise, Wrapping and packing materials

III Handling Excess stock, Safe lifting and carrying techniques

IV Storing goods unfit for sale, Avoiding return of damaged stock onto the shelves

I Ensuring returns are scheduled and categorized by Damaged, Excess and Expiry

Packing safely and securely to avoid damage in transit. Ensuring food and non Food
stocks are sent in separate crates
22 Loading goods in the van as per schedule along with the necessary documents. Ensuring
III that the document is cleared by the security and signed by the supervisor, Reordering

IV Loss Prevention

I Operating & Maintaining Retail Equipment

II Managing Bill
III Managing Store Performance, MIS System, Communication System

IV Contingency Planning, Monthly Reviews, Store Audit

I Advanced Sales Process, Preventing Objection, Objection Handling

II Advanced Probing Skills, Handling Low Reactors, Managing Sales MIS

24 Role play and demonstration on communication skills, customer handling, selling skills,
III visual merchandising, retail equipment in a simulated environment as per the curriculum
of module titled ‘Sales Person Retail’.

IV Market survey – Theory, Preparation of questionnaire for field visit

I Checking the lock or seal and tallying stock, Handling discrepancies found in the seals

25 II Tallying Transfer Out

Market survey – Field Visit

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2 Floor,Chitrapur Bhavan,15 Cross,8 Main,Malleshwaram,BANGALORE-560055
Ph:080 23462875;Fax:23462876;Email:info@rudsetacademy.org;Website:WWW.rudsetacademy.org
I Market Survey- Sharing of experience of Market Survey/Report Writing

Identifying , reporting & rectifying Conditions which promote microbial growth, different
equipments used in store/department
III Marketing Management - 4Ps of marketing and Managing the customers

Demonstrating safe lifting & carrying techniques, Handling goods dispatch in a simulated

I Costing, pricing - Fixed cost, variable cost, breakeven point etc.

II Important provisions of Income Tax, Sales Tax & other tax laws
III Business Plan Preparation

IV Visit to nearby retail outlets/showrooms/malls to observe retail equipment

I Banking- Deposits a advances, lending schemes/Government schemes

II Operating and maintaining retail equipment according to design specifications

III Identifying & reporting Equipment faults

IV Managing a simulated Bill

I Practice on billing, handling cash, other modes of payment, bagging, queue management

II Handling Customer Call in a simulated environment

III Experience sharing – Interaction with successful entrepreneur

IV Final Evaluation

I Human Relations

II Maintenance of records & book keeping – Methodology

III Launching formalities – Steps in launching of an enterprises. Pitfalls and their control

IV Feedback & Valedictory

nd th th
2 Floor,Chitrapur Bhavan,15 Cross,8 Main,Malleshwaram,BANGALORE-560055
Ph:080 23462875;Fax:23462876;Email:info@rudsetacademy.org;Website:WWW.rudsetacademy.org

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