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University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila

Class: BS – CS (4th) Paper: Operating System Laboratory` Term: Final Term SP 2019
Total Marks: 10 (Objective) Time: 10 Minutes
Session: 2k17 Roll No: Name: Date: 29-06-019

Note: Circle the correct option in corresponding options. Deleting/Cutting will lead to Zero for that part.

Question No. 1 (10*1=10)

Encircle the suitable answer of the following Multiple Choice Questions.

1. BIOS stand for?

a. Basic input output b. Basic input output c. Basic input output d. Basic input output
service structure Script system

2. In OS, each process has its own

a. address space and b. open files c. pending alarms, signal d. all of the mentioned
global variables and signal handlers

3. In UNIX, which system call creates the new process?

a. fork b. create c. new d. none of the mentioned

4. What is IPC’s

a. Communication within b. communication c. communication d. none of the mentioned

the process between two process between two threads of
same process
5. The PCB is

a. process type variable b. data structure c. a secondary storage d. a block in memory

6. The degree of multiprogramming is:

a. the number of b. the number of c. the number of processes d. the number of

processes executed per processes in the ready in the I/O queue processes in memory
unit time queue
7. Which process can be affected by other processes executing in the system?
a. cooperating process b. child process c. parent process d. init process

8. In UNIX each process is identified by its

a. process control block b. device queue c. process identifier d. none of the mentioned

9. In UNIX the return value for the fork system call is ---- for child process and ---- for parent process.

a. negative integer, zero b. zero, negative integer c. zero, non-zero integer d. non-zero integer, zero

10. Do you find this course useful and easy?:

a. Yes b. No c. average d. natural

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University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila
Class: BS – CS (4th) Paper: Operating System Laboratory` Term: Final Term SP 2019
Total Marks: 60 (Subjective) Time: 90 Minutes
Session: 2k17 Roll No: Name: Date: 29-06-019

Note: Question paper must be return with the answer sheet otherwise your paper will not be marked.
Attempts all questions on the answer sheet.

Question No. 2 (5*4=20)

i. Kernel is the core part of the operating system justify your answer.
ii. Differentiate between vi and gedit text editors and also discuss which one is better.
iii. What are file filters commands in Linux?
iv. Define the following terms:
v. RPM is 15000 what is rotational latency and average rotational latency (ms).

Question No. 3 : (10+10=20).

a) Perform the following activity :

i. Create a user ‘CS’
ii. Create a file ‘OSLAB.txt’
iii. Change the owner of the file to newly created user “XYZ”
iv. Rename a file ‘ABC.txt’
v. Create a file with timestamp
vi. Make a copy of /proc directory
vii. Create a dummy file and then change the ownership of the dummy file.
viii. Determine the process id of the user from which you are logged in and then terminate that
process. What happens after terminating the particular process id?
ix. List all files in system having string ‘lab’ in their filenames.
x. Determine the storage capacity utilized in system

b) Write 3 C program one prints “Department” second prints “Computer” and third prints
“Science”. Compile and Run three programs and print the output to three different files. After then
combine three the files in one new file using a single command, also draw tree for it.
Question No. 4 : (10+10=20).

a) Write Algorithm/program for Preemptive Shortest Job First Non-Preemptive Shortest Job First.
b) Write an Algorithm/program for the following:
i) Product of all the integers up to and including a given integer.
ii) Raise a number to a power.
By using getpid(), getppid().

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