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1. Which of the following best describes what social sciences have in common?
A. An interest in studying human beings
B. The study of the human mind
C. A focus on material culture
D. Research that overlaps with genetics
2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a social science?
A. Physics B. Economics C. Anthropology D. Psychology
3. Which of the following is a characteristic of anthropology?
A. It is concerned with both human biology and culture.
B. It is concerned with human variation, evolution, and adaptation.
C. It focuses only on prehistoric societies.
D. a and b
4. Social science and natural science are both scientific but differ in focus because?
A. Natural science deals with spiritual values
B. Social science deals with all aspects of the group life of humans
C. Social science deals mostly with matter and energy
D. Natural science does not deal with living things
5. Anthropology most often studies the relationship between?
A. The natural environment and trading system
B. Biological traits and socially acquired characteristics of humans
C. Physics and biology
D. Marketing strategies and geography
6. Which social science is most concerned with the distribution of resources in society?
A. Psychology B. Economics C. Linguistics D. Anthropology
7. Absolute Location is described using
A. Latitude and longitude B. Nearby landmarks
8. Sometimes people have to go to a new place in order to get a better job. Which theme does this situation represent?
A. Region B. Movement C. Human-Environment Interaction
9. Long ago, there were very few roads and people traveled by horse and buggy. Now we have interstate roads and
almost everyone has a car. Which theme does this situation describe?
A. Place B. Human-Environment Interaction C. Region
10. When we describe a place by saying "it has a beautiful lake and mountains in the background," we are describing it
by its _____________________.
A. Cultural characteristics B. Physical characteristics
11. When we tell about a place by describing the kinds of food people eat and the way they celebrate holidays and
family traditions, we are describing ________________________characteristics.
A. Cultural B. Physical
12. We use trains, planes, and trucks to bring clothes, furniture, cars, and groceries to the stores we shop in. Which
theme does this represent?
A. Human-environment interaction B. Movement C. Location
13. When I say that I live close to the church, I am telling you my ________________location.
A. Absolute B. Relative
14. When we say we live in the south where most days are sunny and warm, we are describing our
A. Location B. Place C. Region
15. What is an example we use today of relative location?
A. My house is 5 miles away from school.
B. 38° 53′ 35″ N, 77° 00′ 32″ W
C. 23° 48′ 65″ N, 60° 00′ 12″ W
16. What kind of location is 38° 53′ 35″ N, 77° 00′ 32″ W
A. Absolute location C. A general location
B. Relative location D. My favorite location
17. A branch of knowledge that records and explains past events.
A. Anthropology B. Economics C. Geography D. History
18. The following are primary sources except
A. Textbooks B. Diaries C. Videos D. Artifacts
19. Textbooks, encyclopedias and news articles about the past are considered as
A. Primary Sources B. Secondary Sources
20. A branch of Anthropology that refers to the study of the ancient and recent human past through material remains.
A. Physical Anthropology C. Archaelogy
B. Cultural Anthropology D. Linguistic Anthropology
II. Give the following
1. Two divisions of economics
2. Fundamental problem of economics
3. Two divisions of Geography
4. Distinguish Social Science, Natural Science and Humanities
5. Importance of History

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