Training and Development A Dissertation: Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Award of The Degree of

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Training and development

A Dissertation
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
Session 2017 -2019

Under the guidance of
Assist.Pro-Shachi Gupta
The dissertation entitled “submitted by Miss. Surbhi Kushwah under the
supervision of Prof: shachi gupta is forward to the university in three copies.

(Signature of Head/Dean of
Name ……………………
Seal ……………………….
INDUSTRY IN INDIA’ is my own work conducted under the supervision of Prof:
Shachi gupta at school of Management, ITM University, Gwalior (M.P), approved
by supervisor. I have put in more than required attendance with supervisor.
I further declare that to the best of my knowledge, the dissertation does not
contain any part of any work which has been submitted either in this university is
any other university without proper citation.

Signature of the candidate

Date …………………………

This is to certify that the work entitled “ Training & Development on

Employee “is a piece of research work done by Surbhi kushwah under
my guidance and supervision for the partial fulfillment of the award for
degree of MBA of ITM SOM ,ITM University ,Gwalior ( M.P.) .India .I
certify that the candidate has put in an attendance.
To the best of my knowledge and belief of the dissertation:
1. Embodies the work of the candidate himself:
2. Has duly been completed:
3. Is up to the standard both in respect of contents and language.

Signature of the Supervisor


Date ……………………

I express my sincere to Dr.Vandana Bharti, Dean, SOM ITM University, my project

guide Prof: Shachi Gupta, guiding me right form the inception till the successful
completion of the project .I sincerely acknowledge him for extending their
valuable guidance ,support for literature ,critical revies of project and the report
and above all the moral support .
Without their cooperation and support ,this study would never have been
S.NO Contents Page No


1.Chapter I. Introduction
II. Model
III. Rationale
IV. Objective
2.Chapter Research
I. Sample Size
II. Sampling
III. Research Plan

3.Chapter I. Analysis &

Interpretation of
II. Mean ,Median &
III. Correlation &

4.Chapter Finding
Suggestions &
5.Chapter Reference
The first training-related article was published in 1918 in the Journal of
Applied Psychology. This article explored an undergraduate curriculum
designed for applied psychologists.
World War II influenced the focus of applied psychology research to be on
effectiveness of training programs, particularly in military contexts.
By the 1960s and 70s, the field began developing theories and conducting
theory-based research because up until that point, the field had been
rooted in trial-and-error intervention research.
This era also brought along the development of new training methods such
as the use of computers, television, case studies, and role playing. The
scope of training and development also expanded to include cross-
cultural training, focus on the development of the individual employee, and
the use of new organization development literature to frame training
The 1980s marked a shift to focus on how employees were receiving and
implementing training programs, and encouraged the collection of data for
evaluation purposes, particularly management training programs.
The development piece of training and development became increasingly
popular in the 1980s and 90s, with employees more frequently being
influenced by the concept of "lifelong learning".[5]
It was in this decade that research revealing the impact and importance of
fostering a training and development-positive culture (including
management and co-worker) was first conducted.[5]
The turn of the century brought more research in topics such as team-
training, for example cross-training.
Cross-training emphasizes training in coworkers' responsibilities.
Training and development includes attributes such as: ethics and
morality; attitude and behavior; leadership and determination, as well as
skills and knowledge.


LIFE Ms. Pahlavi P. Kulkarni, Assistant Professor, M.E.S. Night College,
Aabasaheb Garware Campus, Affiliated to University of Pune,, India
ABSTRACT: In this competitive world, training plays an important role in the
competent and challenging format of business. Training is the nerve that suffices
the need of fluent and smooth functioning of work which helps in enhancing
quality of work life of employees and organizational development too.
Development is a process that leads to qualitative as well as quantitative
advancements in the organization, especially at the managerial level; it is less
considered with physical skills and is more concerned with knowledge, values,
attitudes and behavior in addition to specific skills. Hence, development can be
said as a continuous process whereas training has specific areas and objectives.
So, every organization needs to study the role, importance and advantages of
training and its positive impact on development for the growth of the
organization. Quality of work life is a process in which the organization recognizes
their responsibility for excellence of organizational performance as well as
employee skills. Training implies constructive development in such organizational
motives for optimum enhancement of quality of work life of the employees.
These types of training and development programs help in improving the
employee behaviour and attitude towards the job and also uplift their morale.
Thus, employee training and development programs are important aspects which
are needed to be studied and focused on. This paper focuses and analyses the
literature findings on importance of training and development and its relation
with the employees’ quality of work life
A literature review on motivation
Research on motivation has attracted academic and corporate entities over
the last two decades. In the present study, authors have reviewed the
intense literature to extract all possible dimensions of motivation, having
direct and indirect impact on motivation techniques. This has examined
the multidimensionality of motivation from the existing literature and
present a conceptual framework based on it, and it is experienced that
various motivation techniques (discussed in this study) are having a
positive impact on both employee satisfaction and the quality of
performance in the organization; however, the model needs to be validated
using quantitative measures. In order to study the various issues
highlighted in this paper related to employee motivation, a large body of
literature mainly from different journals have been incorporated. To make
the study more current only those studies were included which were
published in the last two decades. In past research papers few dimensions
of motivation were used to explain the different models motivation theory
which has direct influence on employee motivation. The novelty of this
study lies in its theoretical framework where authors have made an
attempt to come up with a construct having dimensions that directly or
indirectly influences employee motivation.

Surveys indicate that training and staff development are the leading issues
foremost personnel departments. Staff training is an element in raising
morale because it sounds out people for possible future promotions. The
aim should be to train and develop each employee so far as possible even
if that means running the risk of losing them to other organizations. This
growing awareness of the importance of training and development over the
past decades is also supported by reports that employees were spending
more in aggregate terms on these activities.
1. Induce new employees: Induce employee is the main aim of training
and this is the most essential for a company.

2. Gain knowledge on a new method: Training and development help

to gain knowledge on a new method.

3. Obtain knowledge of company policy: Employee should have

sufficient knowledge about company policy for best performance.
Training and development help employee to obtain knowledge of
company policy.

4. Earn knowledge on customer relations: Gather information about

customer relations is the major objectives of training and

5. Change attitude: It helps to change attitude so, that an employee

can give their best to the organization.

6. Ensure personal growth: Training and development give an

employee everything which needed to be a good professional. And
when he becomes a good employee it ensures his personal growth.

7. Ensure ensuring loyalty: Aim of training and development is to

make an employee loyal to his / her company.
8. Reduce labor turnover: Another objective of training and
development is to reduce labor turnover.

9. Increase productivity: Training develop a person’s skill to a

professional level so, it is easy to say obviously training and
development process increase productivity.

10. Change behavior: Training and development have a great

impact on employee behavior. It polishes employee’s behavior so,
that he/she can fit with the internal and external environment.
In this study, both primary and secondary data source will be used in the research
The primary data will be based on both quantitative (which involve the use of
questionnaires or instruction to the targeted respondents) and qualitive methods.

Descriptive research design

1. Primary data primary data collected interviewing the different type of
customer through ‘public survey’.
i. Population :Gwalior
ii. Sample size:52
iii. Sample success:52

2. Secondary data:
Through internet

Sampling instrument
A questionnaire was prepared by me for the data of customer. The
questionnaire was mostly open ended.

Research plan:
The further research is taken by 52 respondents , for knowing that how
organization considers Training as a part of Organizational strategy & how training
has helped to improve employer Relationship .So mainly main objective for this
Research was to how many organization uses their training program increases
their productivity of both quality & quantity .The research has also been done to
know that how Training helps to increase the Motivation Level of emplyoyees in the
Organization .
Suggestion & Recommendation

In this research I had reviewed a lot of materials related to the

variables used in this research and at the end also proved my
hypotheses. In the light of all this research and all the material which is
being used to conduct this research and all the literature review I came
to the decision that there should be Training and Development in every
Although I have review some disadvantages like it is costly to give
training to the employees, but the advantages of Training are much
more than its disadvantages which are briefly discussed in this study.

I recommend that all organizations should provide Training their

Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Performance
67 Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XI
Issue VII Version I 2011 © 2011 Global Journals Inc. (US) July
employees. We already have discussed that Training and
Development have advantages not only for employee but the ultimate
benefit is for the organization itself. If the performance of the
employee is not good it will affect the whole organization.

Data analysis: The research for this dissertation will involve collecting both qualitative
data from semi-structured interviews and quantitative data in the form of questionnaires and
statistics from secondary sources. The quantitative data once collected will be organized into
tables and pie charts and will be used to support the theories and conclusions derived from a
subjective analysis of the qualitative data.

The method of analysis to be followed is that proposed by Dey, Miles and Huber man:

Comprehend and manage it

Merge related data drawn from different transcript and notes

Identify key themes or pattern from it for further exploration

Develop and/or test hypotheses based on these apparent patters or relationships

Draw and verify conclusions

(Dey, 1993; Miles and Huber man, 1994, cited by Saunders et al., 1997)
Further analysis has been done by comparing Means in various categories :Mean
,Median & Mode .
 Age
Has been compared to know that how Training and development activities helps
the organization to maintain the employee relation rate.
Correlation matrix of all variable included in the analysis is presented in table 2 is
calculated based in data of
The hypotheses testing are used for Correlation of knowing how training can
improve the relationship between Employee-Employer relationships.
Productivity and employer employee relationship simultaneously increase. They
have a positive correlation denoting movement of both factors in same direction
I can conclude that my hypothesis is rejected. Thus
productivity has significance impact on employee and employ

Below research has been conducted by me to find out that how

Training and Development has affected on Employees. I found that
how Training helps employee relationship with their employer in an
organization .And also how Training can help employees to increase
their productivity during their work life .Last but not the least
somehow it can be found out that Training the employees so that
they can perform better and how in a creative way they can do their
work and faster than other is very much important for the
organization .
I would like to conclude that Nowadays Training and development
program enables the employees to accountable and authoritative in
making decision for employees .

1. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Agonies, Herman; Krieger, Kurt (January

2009). "Benefits of Training and Development for Individuals and
Teams, Organizations, and Society". Annual Review of
Psychology. 60 (1): 451–
474. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.60.110707.163505. ISSN 0066-
2. ^ Jump up to:a b c Bell, Bradford S.; Tannenbaum, Scott I.; Ford, J.
Kevin; Noe, Raymond A.; Kraiger, Kurt (2017). "100 years of training
and development research: What we know and where we should
go". Journal of Applied Psychology. 102 (3): 305–
323. doi:10.1037/apl0000142. ISSN 1939-1854.
3. ^ Jump up to:a b Campbell, J P (January 1971). "Personnel Training
and Development". Annual Review of Psychology. 22 (1): 565–
602. doi:10.1146/ ISSN 0066-4308.
4. ^ Burke, Michael J.; Day, Russell R. (1986). "A cumulative study of
the effectiveness of managerial training". Journal of Applied
Psychology. 71 (2): 232–245. doi:10.1037//0021-
9010.71.2.232. ISSN 0021-9010.
5. ^ Jump up to:a b Birdi, Kamal; Allan, Catriona; Warr, Peter
(1997). "Correlates and perceived outcomes of 4 types of employee
development activity". Journal of Applied Psychology. 82 (6): 845–
857. doi:10.1037//0021-9010.82.6.845. ISSN 0021-9010.
6. ^ Jump up to:a b Marks, Michelle A.; Sabella, Mark J.; Burke, C.
Shawn; Zaccaro, Stephen J. (2002). "The impact of cross-training on
team effectiveness". Journal of Applied Psychology. 87(1): 3–
13. doi:10.1037//0021-9010.87.1.3. ISSN 0021-9010.
7. ^ Rosemary Harrison (2005). Learning and Development. CIPD
Publishing. p. 5. ISBN 9781843980506.
8. ^ Patrick J. Montana & Bruce H. Charnov (2000). "Training and
Development". Management. Barron Educationally Series.
p. 225. ISBN 9780764112768.
9. ^ Thomas N. Garavan; Pat Costine & Noreen Heraty (1995).
"Training and Development: Concepts, Attitudes, and
Issues". Training and Development in Ireland. Cengage Learning
EMEA. p. 1. ISBN 9781872853925.
10. ^ Derek Torrington; Laura Hall & Stephen Taylor
(2004). Human Resource Management. Pearson Education.
p. 363. ISBN 9780273687139.
11. ^ Jump up to:a b Bell, Bradford S.; Kozlowski, Steve W. J. (2
Klob Learning Styles Inventory
The Learning Style Inventory (LSI) is a simple self-description test, based
on experiential
learning theory, that is designed to measure your strengths and
weaknesses as a learner.
Experiential learning in conceived as a four stage cycle: (1) immediate
concrete experience is
the basis for (2) observation and reflection; (3) these observations are
assimilated into a
“theory” from which new implications for
action can be deducted; (4) these implications or hypotheses then serve as
guides in acting to
create new experiences. The effective learner relies on four different
learning modes -
Concrete Experience (CE), Reflective Observation (RO), Abstract
Conceptualisation (AC),
and Active Experimentation (AE). That is, he must be able to involve
himself fully, openly,
and without bias in new experiences (CE), he must be able to reflect on
and observe these
experiences from many perspective (RO), he must be able to create
concepts that integrate his
observations into logically sound theories (AC), and
he must be able to use these theories to make decisions and solve
The LSI measures your relative emphasis on the four learning modes by
asking person to rank
order a series of four words that describe these different abilities. For
example, one set of four
words is feeling, watching, thinking, doing, which reflects CE, RO, AC, and
AE, respectively.
The inventory yields six scores: CE, RO, AC, and AE plus two combination
scores that
indicate the extent to which you emphasise abstractness over
concreteness (AC-CE) and the
extent to which you emphasise abstractness over concreteness (AC-CE)
and the extent to
which you emphasise active experimentation
over reflection (AE-RO). One way to better understand the meaning of your
scores on the LSI
is to compare them with the scores of others. The “target” on the next page
gives norms on the
four basic scales (CE, RO, AC, AE) for 1, 933 adults, ranging from 18 to 60
years of age.
About two thirds of the group are men and the group as a whole is highly
educated (two thirds
have college degrees or higher). A wide range of occupations and
educational backgrounds
are represented, including teachers, counselors, engineers, salespersons,
managers, doctors
and lawyers.

The raw scores for each of the four basic scales are listed on the crossed
lines of the target. By
circling your raw scores on the four scales and connecting them with
straight lines you can
create a graphic representation of your learning style profile. The
concentric circles on the
target represent percentile scores for the normative group. For example, if
your raw score on
Concrete Experience was 15, you scored higher on this scale than about
55% of the people in
the normative group. If your CE score was 22 or higher, you scored higher
than 99% of the
normative group. Therefore in comparison to the normative group, the
shape of your profile
indicates which of the four basic modes you tend to emphasis and which
are less emphasized.
Staff around you and those you may supervise will have a preferred way to
learn. This will
impact how they respond to instructions to complete tasks they are
unfamiliar with, or if the
nature of the task falls outside of their ‘learning style’. The aim is to identify
what learning
style you have and raise your awareness that different individuals need
different situations or
tasks to maximize their comfort zone. This will also enhance their learning
and motivation to
complete new tasks.
The inventory is designed to assess your method of learning. As you take
the inventory, give a
high rank to those words which best characterize the way you learn and a
low rank to the
words which are least characteristic of your learning style.
You may find it hard to choose the words that best describe your learning
style because there
are no right or wrong answers. Different characteristics described in the
inventory are equally
good. The aim of the inventory is to describe how you learn, not to evaluate
your learning
Learning - style profile 1
Learning Styles Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Circle or tick the answer that most represents how you generally

1. When I operate new equipment I generally:

a) read the instructions first b) listen to an explanation from someone who
has used it before c) go ahead and have a go, I can figure it out as I use it

2. When I need directions for travelling I usually:

a) Look at a map b) ask for spoken directions c) follow my nose and maybe
use a compass

3. When I cook a new dish, I like to:

a) follow a written recipe b) call a friend for an explanation c) follow my
instincts, testing as I cook

4. If I am teaching someone something new, I tend to:

a) Write instructions down for them b) give them a verbal explanation c)
demonstrate first and then let them have a go

5. I tend to say:
a) Watch how I do it b) listen to me explain c) you have a go
6. During my free time I most enjoy:
a) Going to museums and galleries b) listening to music and talking to my
friends c) playing sport or doing DIY
7. When I go shopping for clothes, I tend to:
a) Imagine what they would look like on b) discuss them with the shop staff
c) try them on and test them out

8. When I am choosing a holiday I usually:

a) Read lots of brochures b) listen to recommendations from friends c)
imagine what it would be like to be there

9. If I was buying a new car, I would:

a) Read reviews in newspapers and magazines b) discuss what I need with
my friends c) test-drive lots of different types

10. When I am learning a new skill, I am most comfortable:

a) watching what the teacher is doing b) talking through with the teacher
exactly what I’m supposed to do c) giving it a try myself and work it out as I

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