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Do We Have Commons in San Francisco

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1) What specific types of interactions among organisms were present in the pasture
simulation? You might find it helpful to refer to the Interactions among Organisms table
in your science notebook, which you completed in the Explore-Explain activity,
Interactions in the World around Us.

2) Like every model, the simulation “Pasture Profits” has realistic and unrealistic features
when compared to an actual pasture. Explain at least 2 realistic and 2 unrealistic
aspects of the “Pasture Profits” model.

3) List 3 examples of resources in the modern world that humans use that are like the
shared pasture in “The Pasture Story” video. Describe how people manage each

4) When considering your updated definition of human carrying capacity, are the impacts of
over 860,000 residents in SF indefinitely sustainable without causing irreversible
damage to the habitats that support them? Create a testable question that relates to part
of this inquiry. What recommendations do you suggest to manage human carrying

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