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Marta Krzemińska
A. Clarke


Mai Tran


Giver tips 20

Receiver tips 21

Lube it up 23


Stage 1: Knocking on the door 27

Rimming 28

Stage 2: First guests – fingers 29

Stage 3: Bring in the implements 33

Butt plugs 34

Small dildos 35

Vibrators 36

Push-pull 37

The Twirl 38

OUCH! 41
Positions: On Side 44

Positions: On All Fours 45

Positions: On Thy Back 46

Prostate Owners 55

Vagina Owners 57


So, you’ve done *that* Google search! Was it an incognito window? ;-) You’ve
decided that enough is enough. It’s time you tried to do this anal sex thing
you’ve heard so much about. Whether you’re a total newbie or maybe you’ve
tried a couple of times: Welcome!

Thank you so much for downloading this guide and for the curiosity
to explore another side of the sexual spectrum.

Many people dismiss anal sex because, and I quote, “The other hole is perfectly
fine”. Vaginas are great, but not everyone has one, not everyone wants to play
with them, and to put it simply: anal sex is awesome. It’s the ultimate all inclu-
sive, tolerant, stereotype-free experience.

According to Google’s predictions, anal sex as a search query

will surpass “vaginal sex” in three years. If data is what motivates
you, it’s time to get on the trend!


This guide is intended to cover the why’s, how’s and who’s of anal play. It’s
intended for anal virgins as well as those already familiar with the fundamen-
tals, but would like to refine their derrière experience.

If you are planning on practicing with a partner, we recommend you both read it!

Bottoms down on the chairs, dear explorers, let us begin our journey!

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | INTRODUC TION 5

Here are some useful terms used when talking about anal sex. We’ll be using
and discussing many of them in this guide! If you’re curious about anything
from this list, this book is perfect for you.












6 A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | INTRODUC TION


Butts are a taboo. There are lots of misconceptions, misunderstandings,

and missed opportunities when it comes to anal sex. Most of us are aware
of them on an intellectual or theoretical level but some fears and presumptions
are so deeply internalised they might be hard to reject. The fact that you are read-
ing this guide means you are ready for tackling the myths – we believe in you!

There is nothing unnatural about anal sex. It has been practised through
human cultures in all corners of the globe. There are Ancient Greek clay pots
showing small figures engaged in anal intercourse, it’s depicted on Japanese
scrolls, and mentioned (albeit, with condemnation) in the Bible.

Anal is as old as the hills, and so are the misconceptions surrounding it.
Let’s run over a few of these myths, to remind ourselves why
a “thorough probing” is nothing to be afraid of.
· It’s only for gay people – an alternative of this is “anal sex will make me
gay”. Sexuality is personal and intrinsic – people don’t choose to feel the urges
they do, it is in their deepest nature. You are more likely to become vegan
from eating tofu than turning gay from putting an object in your butt.
· It must involve a penis – well maybe that’s what the first sentence
on Wikipedia says, but anal sex, or anal play does not even need to involve
penis related penetration. As we’ll cover in this guide, there is a lot of fun to be
had in the butt area before we even consider involving a phallic object.
· It hurts – so can brushing your hair, but only if you’re doing it wrong.
· It’s dirty – given the usual use of the butt, there are many fears involving
cleanliness. But, there are certain steps that can be taken before anal play
to make sure everthing is as fresh and clean as buttered toast.
· It’s shameful – many religions consider anal sex a form of sexual deviance.
If you were brought up in a conservative or religious community you may have
internalised some of this distaste. There are people for whom breaking a reli-
gious taboo can have an extra erotic appeal.
· I’ll need diapers – no, you won’t. The human body is remarkably resi­
lient. Unless you’re aiming to do some triple fisting, you’re unlikely to do
anything to interrupt your bowel process.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | INTRODUC TION 7

See, that wasn’t so hard was it? If some of these ideas put you on edge, or touch
a hot plate in your brain stove, it’s worth thinking about what exactly you’re
afraid of. Is the fear rational? Social, physical? Explore your feelings, and
remember that sexual conduct is deeply personal, and not an area that society
should have too much to say.

With open hearts and minds let’s dive into the biology of the magical area­
of the butt!


The ass is a beautifully complicated labyrinth of nerves, muscles, membranes

and (potential) sexual pleasure. However, to be able to stimulate these sensitive
parts, we need to know where exactly they are.

Let’s take a brief tour of your ass then!




8 A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | INTRODUC TION

This is the basic anatomy of the rectum – isn’t it pretty? It’s the final part
of your large intestine.

Anus is the name for the opening at the end of the digestive tract.
The term comes from the Latin for ring or circle, anything to do with
this area is described as anal, hence also anal sex – the sex of the circle.

A few bits and bobs worth noticing about this part of the anatomy:

The outside of the anus has many nerve endings. Because it’s very sensitive,
it also tends to be pleasurable to touch.

The anus contains two separate muscles:

· External sphincter – this functions as an outside “release valve”, and is
a muscle you *can* control (thank heavens, right?).
· Internal sphincter – that’s the first release valve. It does its own thing
without our conscious involvement. It separates your rectum from the sig-
moid colon, an S-shaped part of your large intestine, which sits just before
the rectum.
· Past the anus are the rectal walls – thin and sensitive tissue inside
the butt. This tissue tears very easily because, unlike the vagina, it does not
self lubricate. This is why anal sex usually requires external lubrication,
and a longer warm up period. I’m sure you can’t wait to learn all about it
in the lube section, but hold your horses, it’s still the biology bit!

People with penises have a magic spot hidden inside, and accessible only
through the anus. It’s called the prostate. Other terms are the male G-spot
or “Oh my god, yes, keep touching me there!”. Here’s where it is:



A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | INTRODUC TION 9

To tickle it, you point your finger tips towards the belly button (while inside a butt,
obviously, it doesn’t work from a distance unless your last name is Skywalker),
and move them towards yourself with a “come to me” motion.




For people with vaginas here is the good news: you too can anally orgasm even
without a prostate.

We’ll cover this in more detail later, but the clitoris has nerves that run down
into the vagina and into the anal-vaginal wall. This means that some women
are very sensitive to anal penetration, and can have tremendously powerful
orgasms. Isn’t that the best piece of information you have learned in this whole day!?

PS-spot – the what? Yup, there are more spots to learn about. The perineal
sponge (PS) is an external place beneath the perineum, the area between
the vagina and the anus. It’s made of very sensitive, erectile tissue, and, when
stimulated it will grow larger like a clitoris or a penis. That’s a sign for you
it likes to be touched. ;-)

Related to it, but present in all genders is the pudendal nerve – one that
carries the sensations from the external to the internal erogenous zones.

10 A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | INTRODUC TION

See, that’s not as hard as high school biology is it? And we didn’t even have
to dissect a poor hapless frog!


Lastly, let’s list a few of the innumerable benefits of anal play. These include
but are not limited to:
· Feels Good – a common reaction to good anal experiences is “Wow, that
feels so different, but so good!”. So many areas around the ass are sensitive,
open to pleasure, and can contribute to some fantastic feelings and orgasms.
It’s an area seemingly designed for pleasure, so why not try some of that?
· More Intense Orgasms – along similar lines anal play can make orgasms
more intense, powerful, and delightfully earth shaking.
· Fun Toys – anal toys are extremely varied and fun! Everything from
jewellery decorated plugs, to big stretching toys, to fluffy tails you can wear
to parties. Anal toys can even be worn through the day as you go about your
errands. The sky is the limit.
· Group Play – a well practised ass can be very useful if you or your
partner are interested in thereesomes or group play. An extra hole means
an extra participant.
· D/S – if you are into kinky types of play, such as Dominant/Submissive
scenarios, then the ass can be used to great effect as a punishment or reward.

The biggest reason to explore anal play though is, simply, that you want to.
As an autonomous human being you have every right to explore every inch
of your beautiful, one-in-7-billion body. You deserve awesome sex, and anal
can be a lovely addition to that.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | INTRODUC TION 11


Consent [noun]. permission for something to happen or agreement to do some-

thing: no action may be made without the consent of all the partners.

Consent is often assumed, but we should really try to do better than that. Don’t
guess. Be more explicit. More caring. More empathetic. There is a tendency
to only talk about consent in the context of saying ‘no’. But, consent applies
to many other aspects of our sexual encounters.

At the most basic level consent is about both parties agreeing to engage in 
a sexual activity. An obligated “*sigh* ...Ok, just this once.” type of consent, while
technically qualifies as agreement, is a terrible start for any sexual exploration.
Never pressure a partner into an act just because you would like to try it.

Is your partner consenting enthusiastically, or are they trepidatious

and unsure? Many people can feel anxious about saying no. Reassure them
denial doesn’t have any impact on your relationship.

Why be so specific and explicit for anal? Because the butt knows what
the brain may not be willing to admit. When it comes to anal only an enthu-
siastic “Yes! Let’s do it!” will result in the butt hole relaxing and enjoying
the proceedings. The further we depart from this ideal the harder everything

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | THE THRE E BASIC C ’ S 13


Even if you both consented remember: either person can withdraw their
consent at any moment! There are no but’s or maybe’s when it comes
to butts. Consent is like an electric current – once it ceases to run the whole
system stops.

There are many different types of anal play. It’s important to clarify each others
attitude towards each individual type of stimulation. Make a habit to ask about
any new activity before trying it.

How do you feel about being touched there with fingers? About being kissed
or licked? Which toys are you comfortable with trying? What else are you worried
or unsure about?



Good sexual communication can take many forms, but let’s start with
the simplest one: talking.

Before you jump into action, talk about the coming sexual experience.
However, do not treat it as an element of foreplay – that could heighten
fears and insecurities. Talk in an open and caring way, both sides can have
fears or concerns.
· The giver can be worried about potential poop-accidents, and what
their partner will feel about them.
· The receiver, apart from poop-accidents, can be worried they won’t
be able to take in their partner’s penis or toy.

Voicing and talking through these concerns will prevent potential

future awkwardness, and ensure you both have pleasant memories
of the future experience.

14 THE THREE BASIC C ’ S | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal

It is perfectly normal to feel awkward talking about it for the first time. Societal
taboos are at play, and openly talking about sex can be new to you. None of it
is an excuse for avoiding a conversation. The goal is to provide you both with
a sense of confidence and understanding.


During a sexual encounter communication takes a, shall we say, less verbal quality.

Use sounds and body movement to gauge each other’s emotions.

Good indicators will be:
· Breathing – is it deep or shallow? Deep breathes indicate relaxation, short
shallow breaths can indicate anxiety or fear. They can, of course, also indi-
cate excitement, but if you’re unsure better err on the cautious side and ask.
· Shoulders – are they calm and relaxed or uptight and tense?
· Lower back – is the body coiling up, or is the butt arching up to meet your

It’s the giver’s job to allay the anxieties the receiver holds. Keep reassuring their
body by massaging and touching it. Calm their mind by reminding there is
no pressure. You’re exploring anal together.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | THE THRE E BASIC C ’ S 15


Whether you meet with anal triumph or booty blues it’s important to talk
afterwards. Share the highlights. Discuss where things didn’t go so well. One
or both people may require a specific form of aftercare – give each other
cuddles, chocolate, space or whatever each of you needs.

At every stage listen, talk, and connect.


Butts are beautiful, but they can be messy, so let’s talk condoms and cleanliness.

A healthy rectum is usually clean of toilet debris. However, it contains bacteria

which should not find itself into any other body orifice, particularly the vagina.
If it moves to the vagina, anal bacteria can cause a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
– and that’s no fun!


1. Get clean – everyone! – every hole. Shower, use soap, be diligent.

2. Put condoms on everything. (Except your own head, that’s bad
for breathing!). Every toy that goes in the butt should have its own condom.
3. If the giver’s cock or toy is going to switch holes, never go from anus
to the vagina without changing condoms.
4. Use latex gloves for fingering. It’s very to easy to forget you have used
the same hand to finger someone’s ass, then use it to play with a vagina
and cause a UTI. Use a latex glove for playing with the butt, and take it off
before the vaginal play.

Have wet wipes or tissues at hand, so you can clean fingers or toys as needed.
It’s also a reassurance for the receiver to know they are in capable, organised

16 THE THREE BASIC C ’ S | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


1. A vagina-owner should go and pee. They’ll probably also want to go

to the toilet to discard excess lube, if necessary.
2. Have a shower, ideally together. This is a good opportunity
to freshen up, and come back to normality (more on this in the final
‘After Care’ section).
3. Clean all the toys with antibacterial toy cleaner, even if condoms
were used on them.

Just be sensible and careful. You don’t need to be as sterile as a heart surgeon,
but a few simple steps will help you avoid basic pitfalls and add a confident
stride to the session.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | THE THRE E BASIC C ’ S 17


So, you’ve made the big decision! You’ve discussed it with your partner,
and you’ve both given enthusiastic consent – congratulations!

That word enthusiasm is of crucial importance. If a person isn’t into it their body
is not likely to cooperate, let alone receive pleasure from the proceedings.
A vagina is a somewhat passive orifice (no offense to vaginas!), whereas
an anus is very much an active “participant”.

If the receiver does not feel calm, relaxed, cherished, and trusting… Well,
things just don’t tend to go that well. Sphincters don’t relax, initial feelings
of discomfort don’t eb, and things can end a bit anticlimactically.

There may be discomfort, but with love and care all things are possible.
If the giver and the receiver have a great attitude the butthole will follow.

With this mindset it’s time to get that rear in gear.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | PRE PAR ATION 19


Whether it is your ass or someone else’s who will be doing the receiving, there
are a few steps you can take in preparation.

Research! Along with this guide there are plenty of resources for you to learn
from. The more you know about the magical and mysterious butt holes,
the better equipped you’ll be to have a good time.

Trim your nails, ideally a few days before. Rectal walls are very delicate
and prone to tearing, much more so than those in the vagina. Remove sharp
edges of the nails, and file them down. Moisturise your hands daily.

Wash your hands thoroughly. No-one wants a dirty hand in their behind!

Get your anal play area organised. Whether it’s your bed, the floor, or some-
where far more exotic, you’ll thank yourself later for preparing it in advance.
Make sure you have tissues, towels, lube, condoms, and other tools at the ready.
Lay out a towel so the receiver can lie comfortably, and you don’t have to fret
the bed sheets might get covered in lube or worse.

Have patience. Rushing is not conducive to good sex, anal or otherwise.

You are not on a schedule, and you shouldn’t be worried about your own
orgasm. This event is all about your partner.

Anal, especially for beginners, is a very intimate and personal way of connecting.
Remember, the receiver’s trust is a special gift – be worthy of it.

We have a complicated relationship with the entire digestive process,

which manifests in a taboo relationship to asses. Think how many swear
words are derived from this digust: arsehole, kiss-ass, bullshit… you get
the idea. It’s a shame humanity is so anti-butt. It makes the idea of anal play
fraught with embarrassment. Attitudes to anal do seem to be changing,

20 PRE PAR ATION | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


As the receiver of anal play, there’s probably one thing you’re most concerned
with – poop. You want to be clean, and fresh as a sex-positive-daisy. Let’s see
how we can ensure that.

The two main areas in your bum we are concerned with are the rectum
and the sigmoid colon (remember those from chapter 1?). For anal play you
want to have a clean and empty rectum. It is preferable to also empty the first
part of your sigmoid colon. That will help prevent any accidents if the penetra-
tion is deeper and more vigorous.

Maintain a good diet. A diet rich in fibre from fruits, vegetables, and oatmeal
aids in bowel movements, and keeps your inner hallways clear. If you have
a good eating and exercise regime you might find you don’t need to do any
further prep!

If that’s the case, the only thing to do before anal play is to wait at least half
an hour after a bowel movement, have a shower, and clean thoroughly.



A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | PRE PAR ATION 21

Use an enema kit. The next level, and this is recommended for beginners who are
a bit on the squeamish side, is to use an enema kit. Its simplest version is an anal
bulb, but you can also explore water bottle systems, or attachments for shower taps.


1. Clean the tip with antibacterial wipes or solution.

2. Fill the bulb with room temperature water. The butt can take in a lot
of water, but 250ml (1 cup), should be enough.
3. Lay on your side, or get on all fours. The second position will aid deeper
cleaning, by letting the liquid into the sigmoid colon.
4. Lubricate the tip and insert it into your butt.
5. Slowly press the bulb to squirt the water out. Once you pressed it, don’t
release the pressure.
6. Wait until you feel the urge to expel the liquid.
7. Go to the toilet and let it all out.

The art with an enema is to use “just enough” water. The body is able to take
a tremendous amount of water – way more than you need to empty the areas
in question. You want to clean just a little more than your rectum, and for that
250ml (one cup) should be enough. Pornstars have their own day-long regime
for preparing for anal, but that’s probably not necessary for you at this stage!

Enema warning: be careful not to do enemas too frequently. They can make
the muscles in the intestines lazy and cause problems with natural bowel
movements. Water washes out the natural mucus lining of your rectum,
and for the following days you can find it harder than normal to go to the toilet.
The body will regenerate, but give it some time off. Anal is great, but an enema
every day may cause problems! When in doubt always consult a doctor.

One way to examine the effect an enema has had is to use your fingers
and exploring it yourself in the shower. You might find you weren’t as “empty”
as you thought! A shower is a great time to flex the anal muscles and get

22 PRE PAR ATION | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal

sparkly clean. Use this opportunity to learn more about the shape of your
rectum, the inner sphincter, and how different types of stimulation feel.

Initially all this will feel novel an awkward, but... as is the case with everything:
practice makes perfect. Over time you’ll learn to understand your body
and what kind of cleaning preparation it needs.


Unlike a vagina the anus does not produce a natural lubricant. This means it’s
up to us to find a way to reduce friction and prevent abrasion.

A lot of people have a favourite lube brand with the consistency, chemical com-
position, and feel that ‘just works’. Finding one of your own might take time,
so here are some general tips to get you started.

There are three primary types of lube: water-based, silicone-based, and oil-based.
Below we list their basic features.


+ Works with almost any toy or condom.

- Can sometimes cause an allergic reaction, particularly if it’s flavored

and promises extra sensations.

- Because it’s water-based the body tends to absorb it. You will have to
reapply it often during a long session.

+/- It comes in many different consistencies: from thin and watery,

to jelly-like. Thicker lubes work better for anal because they last longer.
In contrast, the thin ones seem to disappear immediately!

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | PRE PAR ATION 23


+ Works for a long time, because it’s not absorbed by the body. It can
be enough to apply it just once in a session, which can cause less

+ Is hypoallergenic, which means it’s less likely to cause irritation

or an allergic reaction.

- It’s not good to use with silicone toys as it can damage them, so it’s
advisable to protect them with a condom. Hard toys – made of metal,
glass, or wood – will work just fine with a silicone lube.

+/- Feels quite different to the water-based lube, almost silky. Some people
like this, other’s don’t.

24 PRE PAR ATION | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


+ Similar to massage oil, it can last even longer than silicone lube.

- Cannot be used with latex condoms.

+/- It makes you more sensitive to friction – you feel everything more,
which may not be to your desire.

People can be allergic to different lubes and it’s a good idea to test them first
on a dab of skin. Nothing kills the mood better than a sudden burning sensa-
tion that requires a shower, clean off, and a recovery period.

When starting out with anal play, go as simple as possible. Avoid variants
that promise extra sensations, such as those with cooling or warming effect.
Anal stimulation alone will already provide plenty of sensations to keep your
mind busy.

Do not use numbing lube. Your body has pain receptors for a reason – to warn
you about the danger and inform you when things aren’t going right. Train
your body to relax and teach your mind to read its subtle cues. By dulling your
senses with a numbing agent you’re more likely to hurt yourself and be sore
afterwards. An ass deserves better treatment than that.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | PRE PAR ATION 25

You’ve patiently waded through all the introductory steps. The toys, condoms,
and lube are ready, and the butt is fresh. Let’s get fucking!

Not so fast.

Remember, this ain’t no pussy. This is the butt! It’s sensitive and tender.
If the hole is receptive all sorts of fun awaits, but first you need to seduce it.

Romance the ass!


The very first step for anal is to make sure your precious receiver is fully

A wonderful way to do it is by giving them – and not just their butt! – a massage.
If you have never done that before, here is a quick walk through a basic massage

1. Get some oil, lather up, and ask your partner to lie on their front.
A pillow under their head and elbows will provide extra comfort. Caress
the shoulder, neck, press firmly down the sides of the spine, rake your nails
gently over the skin. Gently squeeze the sides of their trunk.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | G E T THE PART Y STARTE D 27

2. Move on to their legs. Squeeze rhythmically from the ankles
up the calves, around the knees, and outside the upper thigh. Those mus-
cles all take a lot of strain through the day – relaxing them works wonders.
Continue along the inner thighs, less firmly, but probing closer to the
person’s most sensitive areas.
3. Move closer to the “main stage”. Take your partner’s butt cheeks in your
hands and start squeezing. Start softly kneading them like dough, spreading
and squishing the flesh together. Try going a little rougher by digging your
fingers into the buttcheeks, but be wary of avoiding quick movements – that
might make the receiver tense up.
4.Slowly start spreading the buttocks. Pull them apart slowly, then
release. Repeat that a few times. The nerves on the anus are sensitive, a rare
and delicious vulnerability. Expect to hear some gasps!


Starting on their outer edge gently run your fingertips up and down the butt
cheeks, slowly getting closer the centre, until you start touching the outer
part of the anus. The little crinkles around the butt hole can be very sensitive.
Touching them can sometimes tickle, so be gentle.

When you feel your partner is ready, start touching their anus. Don’t go
straight to jamming a finger inside! Just press and stroke the entrance – these
nerves aren’t used to being touched. We’re still just warming up the area
for further action.


Now is a great time for rimming – stimulating the anus with your tongue.
Of course, always check with your partner beforehand if they are up for it.

Was that a sound yes? Let’s go!

28 G E T THE PART Y STARTE D | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal

Make sure your tongue is wet, and lean down into the butt you have been
kneading. Run your tongue around the butt hole, a few long strokes along
the perineum, and up along the inner cheek. At first just trace your tongue
over the entrance. If this area has any hair, lap at and poke your tongue against
them to stimulate the nerves. This is highly likely to elicit moans.

Now, you can play it by ear and do more of your partner finds pleasurable.

You can try taking hold of the butt cheeks and spreading them in time with your
licks. This will prompt the anus to relax and dilate. As it happens, start sliding your
tongue deeper inside – probe and explore. A tongue-job like that not only provides
a novel stimulation for the nerves, but is also supremely relaxing.


Remember, the response of the receiver depends on their attitude. If they
find the idea of anal stimulation unappealing, or think rimjobs are icky, their
body is unlikely to respond favorably. You’re seducing three things here:
your partner’s mind, body, and their ass. The butt tends to have “a mind
of its own”, and it’s worth investing time into a long, tender lead up.
Savour it!


The previous steps have – hopefully – made the receiver happy and relaxed.
Their hole is now tentatively interested in what’s happening, if still a little shy.
It’s time to try anal fingering!

There are a couple of reasons fingers are good for first penetrations:
· Size: fingers are certainly smaller than an average toy or butt plug.
· Dexterity: they are malleable and can work against the anus clenching.
· Sensitivity: by feeling the butt from inside, the giver can start under-
standing the anatomy of the receiver.

You can use your bare fingers or opt for a rubber glove – but be wary of any
latex allergies.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | G E T THE PART Y STARTE D 29


Use a liberal amount of lube on your fingers, or even the entire hand. The anus
is going to swallow that lube quickly, so you can’t have too much.

Gently place your index finger at the receiver’s entrance. Imagine your finger
tip is resting on the edge of a cliff, the edge of the butt hole, and lean it into it.
Slide a bit of your finger inside, and retreat.

Read the receiver’s body: listen to their breathing and feel their reactions.
If their hole starts clenching, stop and wait a moment. If they relax, slide in
a little more. This rule will apply throughout anal play!

At this stage their anus is still likely to be fluttering, opening and closing,
or even just staying closed. These first penetrations are the hardest,
because the receiver’s hole is still in a “pre-anal mode”. Their nerves are
shouting: “When we are are stimulated, we need to clench in case we’re
accidentally going to poop – that’s why we’re here!”.

What we want to achieve in anal play is to reprogram this auto-

matic response. With time and practice the nerves will stop reacting
defensively, they’ll begin to relax, and enjoy the sensations.


After a while you should be able to work more of your finger inside the butt
hole. Be careful to not scratch the anal walls. Pay attention to the direction
of your partner’s delicate inner channel – it’s more parallel with the spine than
you’d imagine.

When your finger is entirely inserted you may be able to feel the internal
sphincter. An advanced anal player can probe that hole too, but for now let’s
stay in the shallower territory.

30 G E T THE PART Y STARTE D | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal

Check how your partner is feeling. Tell them how impressed you are they have
taken in your finger so easily. If they’re struggling a bit, tell them how proud
they make you with their performance.

As the receiver relaxes begin moving your finger in and out, but resist
the temptation to “finger fuck” them. We’re not there yet! Rome wasn’t built
in a day, and no ass is fucked in a moment (hey, we coined a phrase!). If your
partner begins clenching or groaning – slow down.

On some occasions, small insistent movements work best, other times you just
need to work slowly. The goal here still is to overcome the clenching instinct,
and find the best rhythm.


Once the receiver’s anus starts to relax and opens up more easily you can begin
working a second finger in. Place your middle finger above the other, and gently
press inside. The hole will need double the diameter of its opening, so go easy
now. Once the fingers are both inside you can rearrange them to be side by side.


Now you can explore a little more. And we can find so many magical things!

If your partner has a prostate you can try to press and stroke it. To locate it bend
your finger(s) towards their belly button. If the receiver is on their back then
you can curl your fingers in a “come hither” motion.

If your partner wasn’t born with a penis you can press the PS spot (for those
who skipped the biology section, it’s time to go back!). This is a fascinating
landscape with spongy hills and innumerable little crevices. Explore it well
and you can discover buttons that make your partner orgasm – lucky you!


If everything goes well, you can begin harder fingering. If anything feels too
intense or uncomfortable the anus will clench up again. Listen to what the butt
is telling you.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | G E T THE PART Y STARTE D 31

At the same time pay attention to your partner’s breathing. If they start holding
their breath or their body is freezing up, it’s time to slow down.


This is an opportune time to test the butt’s elasticity. Spread your fingers like
you were giving the body a peace sign.

If your fingers are knuckles deep, you’ll open their rectum – this can feel quite
tingly. If your fingers are only half-inserted the movement will spread the
entrance. A relaxed body is more likely to hang open easily, but don’t worry if it
doesn’t happen – most people will clench at the feeling of sudden stretching.


If the butt is still happy and content, let’s try to add another finger.

Be aware that every time you add a finger the circumference of the hole needs
to expand. Put your finger tips together in a triangle shape. After you made it
with two fingers, three are likely to enter easily. Because your fingers all meet
in a line at your knuckles putting them together forms a wide wedge shape.

32 G E T THE PART Y STARTE D | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal

The receiver might get scared of the idea of taking more than a couple of fingers.
It is sometimes not because they’re physically restricted, but not ready men-
tally. After they reach a mode of anal acceptance they might even be surprised
to hear how many fingers you used.


If you’ve ever been to an adult store or shopped online for a sex toy you have
likely noticed that there are a LOT of toys to go in one’s anus. Dildos, vibra-
tors, butt plugs, inflatables, prostate massagers, beads, tails… the list goes on!
For aspiring anal-noughts a smaller toy is a great warm up to the penis, strap on,
or other implement that you are working towards.

There are specific points to consider for each type of toy.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | G E T THE PART Y STARTE D 33


A butt plug is characterised by a thick middle that thins out just before finishing
with a flared base.

This ending allows the anus to snugly close around the toy and “hold it”, the base
prevents it from disappearing inside the butt. The ass can be a hungry thing,
and a trip to the hospital can be a real buzzkill. Although we wouldn’t want
to kink-shame you if that’s your thing!

Butt plugs can be used for solo play, and they are a good to train the receiver
before experimenting with bigger items. Using a butt plug helps the body asso-
ciate the pressing sensation of the anal sphincter nerves with pleasure. Some
people wear a butt plug before an anal sex session to get accustomed
to the feeling.

During a play session a butt plug can pave the way for larger toys or a cock.
It’s a nice in-between step, before the big guns.

34 G E T THE PART Y STARTE D | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


Using a dildo is much like using a butt plug, but without the extreme changes
in width at the base. You’ll be glad to know this makes it easier to use, and allows
deeper penetration. With a dildo you can stimulate the receivers prostate
or PV wall. Listen to the receivers body and find the angles that work best.

Work patiently. If the anus is completely relaxed you will be able to slide
the toy all the way in and out with minimal clenching. This is a beginning
of a small “gape”, and is a sign the receiver is ready for more.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | G E T THE PART Y STARTE D 35


If you are using a vibrator, or a vibrating butt plug, always start on a low
vibration setting. Once the toy is in try pressing it against the anal wall
where the prostate is, or against the pudendal nerve. These areas will give
the receiver a nice and tickly feeling.

Everybody is different and every body is different. Experiment with different

angles and ways of stroking the receiver’s sensitive areas. Similarly with
vibration settings – vibrations can be overwhelming for some, but for others,
they are required to reach an orgasm.

Needless to say, if you do manage to bring your partner to orgasm, you are
well set for future anal endeavours. Nothing convinces an ass to enjoy play
like pleasurable feelings. Orgasms or not, pleasure helps us reprogram
the nerves better than anything else!

Be methodical, confident yet caring, and keep reading your partner’s reactions.
You’ll have an ass full of toys in no time!

36 G E T THE PART Y STARTE D | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


Much like with using fingers, there are a few steps to make the insertion
nice and easy.

Lube up your toy or put a condom on it, if you like. Some toys are made of materi-
als that feel very rubbery. The anus is so sensitive it will feel every bit of friction!

Tell your partner to take slow, deep breaths. Begin pressing the plug against
their derrière’s door. You’ll likely find the body being resistant to this intrusion.
Here are two techniques you can use to make the insertion easier:


Begin sliding the toy in, pushing against the body’s instinctive clenching.
Do it slowly, but apply a little more force than the pressure you’re experiencing
in return.

Stop pushing, keep the toy in place, and wait a moment. Then pull the toy out
a little. Count a few breaths, and begin pushing again. Each time you want to
push it a little deeper, and pull out a little less. Two steps forward, one step back.

This slow process with the little moments of relief seem to trick the receiver’s
body into yielding, and opening bit by bit. The sensations are slightly confus-
ing which helps avoid a clenching reaction.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | G E T THE PART Y STARTE D 37


Hold the base of the toy like a joystick and roll it around in large slow cir-
cles. The tip of the implement should stay in the same place, circling around
the entrance of the ass. As you roll and push simultaneously you can progres-
sively work more of the toy inside.

The movement almost hypnotises the nerves, it becomes hard to tell if the item
is entering or exiting. To aid the reception respond to clenches by relaxing your
force, allowing the body to push out the toy a little more. Then continue rolling,
and pushing.

Whichever technique you do you’ll start reaching a point where the toy
is reaching its widest point. Depending on the shape of the toy this will be easy
or, well, hard. Tell your partner to breath deeply and insert the toy fully.
Taa-daa! The toy has (almost) disappeared like magic.

38 G E T THE PART Y STARTE D | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal

Once the toys pops into place your partner can suddenly feel like they need
to go to the toilet – this is the body’s response to pressing anal and rectal
nerves. Receivers: breath deeply and try to get used to this feeling.

When your partner is ready start to move the toy in and out. This will feel
intense, especially if you’re using a plug. The nerves will light up again, and
the hole can be reticent to release the toy.

Pull the toy out slowly, and apply force only when the anus is relaxed. Just like
you don’t push the toy in against the clenching reaction, you pull it out slowly
too – if necessary, only a millimeter at a time. It can take a few moments, and be
prepared to add a reassuring: “deep breaths, you’re doing great.”

Once the toy pops out give your partner a moment to rest, but don’t let the anus
relax fully. When you spread their buttcheeks again you’ll notice the hole
is more open, a bit more “alive”.

After a short break, put the toy back in. Let them rest. Pop it back out. Check in
with the partner. Repeat.

What you’re hoping to achieve is for the anus to start accepting this stimula-
tion and eventually give in. The anus needs to almost get bored with the feeling
of penetration and evacuation. Once it stops paying attention to the new feel-
ings, the nerves will be ready to start firing increasingly pleasurable responses.

If you want, you can stop right here. You both went really far for the first time!
You can give yourselves a hug, high five, cookie or…

Proceed to more anal.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | G E T THE PART Y STARTE D 39

Let’s talk a little bit about pain. Anal should never hurt.

A certain level of discomfort during the initial penetration is normal.

But a feeling of “eep! No, I don’t want this!” is a signal the body is protecting
the receiver. A pain response can cause the anus to close up. If this happens
you’ll need to take a break, or continue with less invasive foreplay.

The body knows best, although it can be stubborn too. It’s a delicate skill
to balance – extending your body’s limits, at the same time not ignoring
important feedback.

A burning feeling during anal play can signal you have a minor cut,
and the lubricant is irritating it.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | OUCH . PAIN AND LIMITS 41

Congratulations! You’ve relaxed your partner’s puckered little hole. We can
now progress to... penetration.

It’s time for a penises and or strap ons – let’s get anal!

For this discussion we’ll be using the word cock to refer to a human penis
or a strap on. Or, for that matter, anything that’s hard, and between
the giver’s legs!

You likely have favorite sex positions. For anal the choice can make a big dif-
ference. Remember, the cock is only going to enter the receivers rectum – we’re
working with a limited volume.

Before we continue exploring asses it’s important to explore the angles and find-
ing one that does not result in a painful rectal wall bashing.


We chose positions to provide different sensations, views, or... to test our

acrobatic skills. In the case of anal sex, the choice of position has an additional
bearing on the mechanics of the encounter. The position of the legs changes
the distribution of body weight and dictates how easily the butt can relax.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | WE LCOME THE VIPS 43

Let’s review basic positions to give you a picture of the pros and cons of each.


There’s a reason doctors ask patients to lay on their side for any shallow anal
exam. Maintaining it requires no effort or tension. The weight is drawn away
from the butt helping it to remain relaxed. The rectum is positioned well
to achieve a good depth of penetration. It tends to be the easiest position
for a beginner.

Don’t dismiss it even if you consider yourself advanced! For an experienced

anal aficionado it remains the easiest way to start a hard buggery session.

The main downside of this position is a lack of accessibility to the receiver’s

genitals. Raising a leg is the best way to achieve this, but that reduces the ease
of the position, and can be a little awkward.

44 WE LCOME THE VIPS | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


Doggie-style is often a fan favorite. Why? The position naturally spreads receiver’s
ass. It has a primal, even animalistic, feel that many people find erotic.

The reason why we call it intermediate, is because it requires maintaining

tension in the legs and glutes to support the body. This in turn makes it harder
for the receiver to relax and accept their butt-guest.

The advantages of doggie style are numerous though:

· the receiver has room to play with their genitals, which aids relaxation;
· it makes the rectum slightly more elongated, which makes room to potentially
accommodate the entire length of the giver’s cock.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | WE LCOME THE VIPS 45

A potential issue a this angle is that under full relaxation at this angle
the opened anus has a tendency to fill with air, like a bellow. During penetra-
tion it will either make noises, or the air will get pumped inside the body which
can lead to discomfort or cramps afterwards.


This is the hardest, but the most intense and intimate of these three positions.

Maintaining it engages the hip and leg muscles making it much harder to relax
the anus. In the opposite way to doggie style, the rectum here has less room
to expand. The nerves are bunched up, which results in a tighter, more chal-
lenging experience.

A lovely benefit of having the receiver on the back is that at this angle an aver-
age cock will be perfectly positioned to stroke their prostate or G-spot, which
can lead to explosive orgasms! Needless to add, it’s also a deeply intimate posi-
tion, as it allows you to see your partner.

46 WE LCOME THE VIPS | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


And now, at long last, we’re ready for cock-in-butt sex! You’re doing great.

Lube up and if you have a biological penis get it as hard as you can!

Use your finger to locate the hole and line your cock against the opening. Ask
your partner to breath deeply throughout the process and tell them you’re
going to slowly start sliding your cock in.

Begin pushing slowly, holding the tip so that it smoothly finds the entrance.
The hole needs to expand enough to accept your cock, you’re waiting to feel
a “pop” as the head enters them.

The challenge for the giver is that at first the anus will feel very tight. Before
the receiver’s hole opens enough to allow the penis in, it can feel like blood is
being squeezed out from you. The harder and more enthused you are, the bet-
ter. If you’re using a toy or a strap on, there are no such complications.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | WE LCOME THE VIPS 47


· Sometimes a more rhythmic, pushing motion is helpful. Try moving your

hips back and forth pushing a little deeper each time – like during the butt-
plug push-pull maneuver mentioned earlier.
· Listen to your partner’s breathing, only enter when they relax and
slow down when you feel them tensing up. If the position allows it, kiss
and stroke them.


At his stage people can be very shy with communication. Many people
have performance issues. They feel they are disappointing you if they want
to stop, or fail to take you in.

Remind your partner they can opt out at any point. Reassure each other
that you care about each other, feel safe, and that you’re on this journey

As the cock enters the receiver what they are likely to be thinking is...

“Wow, this kind of sucks.”

Why? The nerves are stimulated in an unfamiliar way – it feels like being

There is a tug-of-war between the receiver’s mental desire to accept the visitor,
and the body’s automatic response to expel the intruder. The challenge is
to bravely override the feeling of discomfort. The giver should be aware of this
struggle and support their partner. With proper relaxation, touching, kissing,
and stroking, the initial waves of discomfort should pass.

Some people prefer a large item to stay still inside them, as they focus
on relaxing and accepting it. On the other hand slow, gentle moves back
and forth can help confuse the butthole’s discomfort response. Communicate
with your partner and find out what works best.

48 WE LCOME THE VIPS | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


· No rush. You’ve gone through a lot seduction and butt romance. Keep be-
ing caring and sensitive. Treat the ass how you would like yours to be treated.
· Gentleness. Put as much inside the butt as the receiver is comfortable
with. If they find it’s too much, pull out a little and let them get comfortable
again. To be able to cross the discomfort threshold, it’s sometimes necessary
to take a step back to let your partner gather courage.
· Little push. Ask the receiver to push their anus out slightly, as if they’re
trying to go to the toilet. It can help them open up.
· Softness. During this process the penis can become less hard. This isn’t
surprising – a tight hole forces the blood out of it. You can use a cock ring,
or accept being half-hard for a while. Once the receiver relaxes and the fuck-
ing begins you’ll likely get hard again.

When the cock is fully inserted and a slow gentle fucking starts, something
magic happens. The receiver’s anal switch flicks to “Oh wow, this feels great!”.
Their hole relaxes and stops feeling so tight. The nerves that had previously
communicated discomfort start to feel light and ticklish. Movements, even
small ones, start to elicit a pleasurable response.

As this happens, the giver can start pushing a little harder – not jamming, but
slowly increasing the length and speed of their strokes. Remember not to ram
the cock all the way inside! Even though the receiver is much more relaxed
now, a sudden movement can still result in their butthole clenching and clamp-
ing shut.

Check in with your partner. If you sense insecurity, don’t increase the tempo
or intensity. To help relaxation and opening up, encourage them to play with
their erogenous areas: nipples, penis, clit, whatever they enjoy.

Congratulations! You’re having anal!

Try and carefully go deeper. Spread the ass cheeks, so the hole can entirely
accommodate the cock.

The anus can receive penetration at a greater diversity of angles than the
vagina. Use this freedom to find your partner’s most sensitive spots – the prostate
or anal-vaginal wall. To locate these areas use the cock like a lever. If you’re

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | WE LCOME THE VIPS 49

behind your partner, raise yourself up, almost like you’re climbing over them.
It will direct the cock towards of the belly button – a perfect angle for prostate
or G-spot stimulation.

Be mindful which position elicits the best response.

Now that the receivers hole has turned into a delightfully fuckable pleasure
palace, you can start trying different positions. If possible, avoid removing
the cock entirely. If it happens, to permit re-entry spread the butt cheeks a little
and encourage a few deep breaths.


If the receiver has a vagina, you can try using a small toy on it. Double
stimulation and penetration is intense and deeply erotic.


Receiver on the side, and the giver on their knees. This position can become
very intense and even animalistic.


50 WE LCOME THE VIPS | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal

Work up to the next levels of intensity. If the giver is strong enough, they
can try having the receiver on top. Better yet, go “full porno” – lift up
the receiver and try a Full Nelson.


A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | WE LCOME THE VIPS 51

That’s many points to bear in mind. Remember to take it slowly and, above all,
enjoy the intimacy and the intensity of this new form of play.

Go you, you foxy frisky things, looks like you’re having anal!

Anal makes vaginal sex look easy, so soak up all the times it has worked. And,
if it hasn’t, it’s perfectly normal. Don’t be intimidated to try again!

Have fun ass-keteers – you have earned it.

Looks like you’re having anal now – kudos! The whole point of sex is to eventually
have an orgasm, right?


Unfortunately, many people still think of an orgasm as the ultimate purpose

of sex. This attitude causes many problems for everyone involved. Turning
orgasm into the Holy Grail of a sexual encounter invalidates the pleasure of
those who struggle to, or can’t, reach it. A watched pot never boils, and a pres-
sured orgasm often fizzles.

Pressure from a partner can be an ultimate buzz kill.

Good sex is deeply and soulfully nurturing. Mutual trust and vulnerability
are necessary to explore and accept the darker, dirtier sides of ourselves. Sex
remains profoundly animalistic, yet so much of it happens in the mind.

Reducing sex to a series of physical movements that result in an orgasm, does

a tremendous disservice to the entire exercise. Cut it out.

That being said orgasms sure are nice. Here are a few pointers about the anal ones.


An anal orgasm for a prostate owner is reasonably similar to orgasming

through vaginal penetration or masturbation.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | ORGASMS 55

One of functions of the prostate is to produce a fluid that’s part of the semen.
Muscles around the prostate gland also take part in ejaculation. Stimulating
the prostate can feell like being masturbated from the inside, causing a lovely,
yet intense release.

The relationship between prostate, erection, and orgasm is complicated – no

two prostate owners experience it the same way. Here are a few possibilities.

· A spontaneous orgasm through anal penetration at a right angle.

· Erection from having the prostate rubbed. Rubbing a cock alongside
will help achieve an orgasm.
· Inability to get hard at all, but still reaching an orgasm and ejacu-
lating from a flaccid penis.

Prostate stimulation can be very powerful. Depending on the person this inten-
sity can feel good, or can inhibit the orgasm. If the receiver is finding
the sensation too intense use a smaller toy, or shallower strokes.

After an orgasm a prostate owner is likely to tighten up. They will not be able
to take much more penetration, especially if they are new to anal.

An interesting US study from 2009 found that “100 percent of men
and 94 percent of women say they orgasmed during encounters in which
they received anal sex” [
orgasm-gap/]. Note that the study talked about sex that included anal
stimulation, it wasn’t reliant on anal sex alone. Foreplay and additional
stimulation have their point! Also, mind that the data sample for this study
was small. But, hey, if you are a fan of data collection – try testing it for
yourself and record some orgasmic data.

56 ORGASMS | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


For receivers with a vagina the scenario is very different.

Vagina owners who enjoy anal often describe an anally-induced orgasm

as being “the same but different” – as if it was reaching a deeper erogenous
zone than the vaginal penetration is able to. This makes sense – many nerve
endings are accessible only via the ass. Combine that with vaginal or clitoral
play, and you go from one instrument to a full orchestra of pleasure!


The clitoris is best thought of as the tip of an iceberg. Its nerves – called legs
– extend down and, through the pudendal nerve, are connected to the perineal
sponge. The sensitivity of the anal area is underestimated, and women can be
surprised they are able to orgasm from anal stimulation. Depending on the angle
and the size of the object, you can stimulate not just the anus, but also, indi-
rectly, even the G-spot!

Some vagina-owners are able to orgasm spontaneously from anal, though this
usually requires finding just the right angle. Exploring different positions,
being spread-wide and very relaxed, can all can help achieve this.

A very lucky few are able to gush or squirt from an anal orgasm – make sure
to have towels around!

All orgasms require relaxation and enthusiasm. First anal experiences

are rarely explosive or easy, the initial focus is on achieving whole penetration,
so don’t be disappointed if there are no fireworks.

One advantage of not having a prostate is that people with vaginas are usually
able to take more anal stimulation after an orgasm. Multiple orgasms
are within their grasp.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | ORGASMS 57

Clit stimulation can add a delicious tingle to help ease into the penetration.
The sensations of anal and clit play are quite different and can combine
in delightful ways. Clitoral vibrators are a great accompaniment for anal.
The receiver doesn’t need to coordinate their hand movements with the move-
ments of the giver. They can just find the right angle and stick to it.

Unlike vaginal penetration, which tends to open the legs and expose the clit,
the best anal penetration angles require the receiver to close the legs and tuck
the clit away. A vibrator will be a good way to reach it. To give both parties access
to the clit, try doggie style or a position where the receiver is lying on their back.
The angle in both of these positions emphasises depth and stimulation.

The ass is a picky thing and an anal orgasm will be a very different experience
to everyone, both in terms of difficulty as well as sensation. But, exploring our
bodies to their maximum, and experiencing the fullest range of sensations
is what sex and love are about, right?

58 ORGASMS | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | ORGASMS 59
Regardless of how great all of this buggery has been, it will eventually end. Save
your groans though – hopefully there will be a next time.


Ask the receiver to hold their ass cheeks open and slowly remove whatever
you have put inside. If it’s difficult, they can try to push out a little, as if they’re
going to the toilet.

Getting the object out can feel a little uncomfortable – the anus can snap shut,
the nerves will give a big sigh of relief and, potentially, discomfort.


Anal benefits from regular practice. If things were harder than you anticipated,
or it didn’t quite work, don’t be dissuaded – this is all part of the journey.

If, as a receiver, you are interested in training a little before your next try, slow
and steady practice is key. Use toys on your own, or try to wear small butt plugs
around the house. Think of your asshole not as an obstacle to overcome, but
a step on a path of love and lust; a way to teach your body a new kind of pleasure.
Enjoy all these adventures, and your ass will eventually come to enjoy them too.

A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal | FINISHING UP AND AF TE RC ARE 61


If, in spite of all your precautions, a poop-accident happened don’t freak out.
This is why you set up you play station before the anal play! Use the nearby
towel and tissues to clean up your partner, and politely suggest they go
to the toilet. Depending on the amount and type of lube used, they might feel
full and want to do so anyway.

After hard anal sex the, normally quite small, butt hole can feel a bit differ-
ent – more open, and possibly sore. If you used a large toy, the hole can gape
a little at first, but it will usually close back on its own. A very vigorous session
can even result in minor tears or bleeding. Fortunately the butt heals quickly,
but don’t be surprised if it remains tender for a while.


If there was any mess, or the receiver is shy or timid, they might feel shame
or guilt. Reassure them that accidents, stress, pain, and change of mind are all
normal. Remind them they’re gorgeous, and they made the anal session
an amazing experience. Everyone needs something different after an anal
encounter, but holding and stroking your partner is always a safe place to start.


After a penetrative anal session the receiver can have a lot more air in their butt
than normal. Again, going to the toilet, and pushing it out will solve it. It may
seem embarrassing, but it’s all natural.

If there’s a lot of air, the receiver can get on all fours, spread their ass cheeks
and push it out. Make sure to do so while on a towel, just in case.

In any event don’t laugh at your partner, and don’t make a big deal of any
of their body’s natural reactions.

62 FINISHING UP AND AF TE RC ARE | A B e ginner ’s G uide to Anal


It’s time to come down from the hyper-intense level of sexual sensation.
When you’re ready, talk to each other and review the experience – discuss
what worked, and laugh at what didn’t. In other words: behave like lovers,
not the deviant horny animals you were a few moments ago. It’s through
these moment of acceptance, honesty, and connection that trust and inti-
macy are fostered. One or both parties can have feelings of shame or guilt
– this is a good time to talk and reconnect.

Throw out the condoms, tissues, and anything else you used. Clean your toys
and return them to their homes. Fall asleep in each others arms knowing
that now you’re both part of a new private club.

Welcome to Anal. I think you’re going to like it.

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