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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City

Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

(Prepared by: Mechille L. Pasculado)

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. identify the traits of each character in the story,
b. judge the relevance of the story to real life issues, and
c. perform varied activities manifesting their love for their mother.


Topic: “The Temple of Bukit Jong”
References: English of The New Generation II, pages 346-347
Materials: T.V, Speaker and Visual Aids
Values Integration: Love and Debt of Gratitude

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparation

Good morning class!

Good morning ma’am!
How are you today?
We’re fine ma’am!
That’s good to hear!
Who are absent today?
None ma’am!
Very good!
What was the topic that we had last meeting?
It’s all about Direct and Indirect speech
Can you still remember what is Direct and
Indirect Speech?
Direct and Indirect Speech are both reported
speech ma’am!
So, any questions regarding to that topic?
None ma’am!
B. Drill
(Unlocking of Difficulties)
Before we will start our new lesson let’s have
first a short activity. I have here a puzzle, all
you have to do is to encircle the words you
found in the puzzle. Get the word and connect
it to its exact definition that is posted on the
(Doing the activity)
Difficult Words:
Peculiar- not usual or normal
Hut- a small or simple house
Toil- long strenuous fatiguing labor
Grief-stricken – powerfully affected by deep
Persuasion- the act of causing people to do or
believe something
Folk- certain kind of people
Based on this words class, do you have any
idea of what will be our topic for today?
Answers vary.

C. Motivation

Let’s have another activity. Are you familiar

with Image Relay?
Yes ma’am!
I will group you into three groups. Each
group will have five representatives to do the
activity. You will form a line, the last person
who will get the relay will be the one to draw
the image on the board.
Am I understood?
Yes ma’am!
Good! Form a line in the count of five! 1!, 2!,

(Doing the Activity)
Image: A temple with a ship at the top

D. Presentation

Based on the activity that we had, what do

you think is our topic for today?
Our topic or today will be all about a temple
with a ship ma’am!
Very good! You have an idea. Our topic for
today will be all about the Legend entitled
“The Temple of Bukit Jong”.
But before we go on to the story, let’s read
first the objectives or todays lesson.

Reading activity: Popcorn Reading (Reading the Objectives)

E. Discussion

How do you feel after reading the story?

Answers vary.
Who are the characters of the story?
Halimah, Ali, Yusof and Fatimah.
Why did Ali decide to try his luck in the city?
Because of his dream to give his mother a
beautiful house and many servants so that his
Exactly! mother will not work anymore.
When his mother learned about his plan, what
did she do?
She tried to stop Ali.
What did her mother tell him?
She is contented with their life and happy
working or his son.
What do you think is the character trait of his
Loving, caring, hardworking and contented.
Very good!
But when his mother tried to stop him, what
did Ali do?
He insisted to go.
Correct! He continued his plan and insisted to
go to the City. He became rich and he met
Fatimah who became his wife. What did
Fatimah ask to Ali?
Fatimah asked Ali if his mother is still alive
and living in Bukit Jong.
Exactly! So, what character trait did Fatimah
show in the story?
She is concern and curious about Ali’s
childhood and cheerful because she is willing
Very good! to meet Ali’s mother.
But when Ali saw his mother, what did Ali
tell to his mother?
Ali said that she is some old woman who is
not in her right mind and he said that his
mother is dead.
Correct! So, what character trait did Ali
Liar, arrogant and disrespectful ma’am!
If you were Ali would you do the same thing?
No ma’am!
Yes, of course not. What do you think is the
reason why Ali did it to his mother?
Because he is already rich and his mother
looks shabby.
Now, if you become rich someday would you
deny your shabby mother and your poor
family where you from?
Answers vary.
How did the story ends?
Ali’s mother prayed to Allah. The sky
become dark and there was thunder. The ship
sunk together with Ali and his wife Fatimah
saved by the fishermen. His wife erected a
temple with a ship on top at the mountain of
Bukit Jong.
Very well said!
Why did Fatimah erect a temple with a ship
on top?
As a reminder to the people of Bukit Jong
about what happened to Ali when he denied
his mother.
Very well said! So what is the lesson of the
Have a debt of gratitude and take care of your
mother when they’re old.
Very good!

E. Generalization

We all know that being far away from our

loved ones is not easy. The years may change
our appearance, our intellect may harden our
hearts and change our attitude. But one thing
is for sure you are a child born of a mother
and no power on earth can change that.
Mother’s love is unquestionable, isn’t it? But
my question is, do you love your mother?
Yes ma’am!
In what way you can show your love to your
Answers vary.
In what real life social issue we can compare
this story?
Having an OFW mother.
What issues are arising from this situation?
Answers vary.

G. Application

I will group you into five groups. Each group

will choose one member that will serve as
your leader. To be guided of your scores, read
first the rubric. I will give you five minutes to
prepare and two minutes to perform.
Task: present the following activities
manifesting your love for your mother.
Group 1-short poem
Group 2-short play
Group 3-poster making
Group 4-jingle
Group 5-song

Direction: Encircle the letter of the best answer.
A. Identify the character trait as implied in each sentence.
1. “I’m contented of our life as it is.”
a. concern b. contentment c. liar d. crazy
2. “is your mother still here?”
a. concern b. contentment c. liar d. crazy
3. “that is some old woman who is not in her right mind.”
a. concern b. contentment c. liar d. crazy
B. Choose the letter of the best answer.
4. Which of the following is the lesson learned from the story?
a. Ambition can change a person
b. a powerful truth can kill a person
c. love and care your mother especially when they are old
d. never deny the truth
5. what does the ship in the story symbolize?
a. honor b. richness c. arrogance d. pride
Write a thank you letter for your mother.

Criteria: Content --------------------------------- 15 points

Neatness -------------------------------- 5 points
Total 20 points

Rubrics for the Activity

Criteria 5 4 3

All of the contents Some of the contents Most or all of the

Content significantly relates to did not relate to the contents did not relate to
the theme of the story theme of the story the theme of the story

The group presents a Some parts of the output Most part of the output
Creativity unique and realistic are not unique and are are not unique and are
output common to the audience common to the audience

The presenter/s has The presenter/s has The presenter/s do not

Presentation and well-modulated voice well-modulated voice have well-modulated
Delivery and is very audible to but is not very audible voice and is not very
the audience. to the audience audible to the audience

All members of the Most members of the Some members of the

Teamwork group cooperate and group cooperate and group cooperate and
contribute to the task contribute to the task contribute to the task
presented presented

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