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Book Review

malities based on the relative degree Section III:

Blood Cell Morphology: of abnormality in individual cells, the White Blood Cell Morphology
Grading Guide relative fraction of cells with the Section III provides guidelines
abnormality, or (preferably) a combi- for grading toxic granulation, toxic
nation of both. vacuolation, Döhle inclusion bodies,
By Gene Gulati, 96 pp with illus, Section II: hypersegmentation, hyposegmenta-
Chicago, Illinois, American Society for Red Blood Cell Morphology tion, agranular/hypogranular gran-
Clinical Pathology Press, 2009. Section II discusses the specifics of ulocytes, cytoplasmic fragments/
grading individual red blood cell agranular or hypogranular platelets,
Blood Cell Morphology: Grading abnormalities and defines a grading and smudge cells. For each topic,
Guide is a reference guide for grad- system described in words and clinical correlations associated with
ing red blood cell abnormalities, images for anisocytosis, poikilocyto- each morphologic finding are pro-
white blood cell abnormalities, and sis, microcytosis, macrocytosis, hy- vided. Grading is classified as occa-
platelet morphology. The purpose of pochromia, polychromasia, blister sional, 1+, 2+, 3+, or 4+. For several
the book is to provide a practical cells, target cells, teardrop cells, abnormalities, grading is based on
approach that will make the evalua- schistocytes, sickle cells, spherocytes, neutrophils plus bands with the
tion of cell morphology in the man- acanthocytes, echinocytes, ellipto- specified abnormality as a percen-
ual differential white blood cell count cytes, stomatocytes, Howell-Jolly tage of all neutrophils and bands.
and peripheral blood smear more bodies, basophilic stippling, Pappen- Additional criteria are set for grad-
systematic and consistent among heimer bodies, rouleaux, and agglu- ing toxic granulation (which takes
laboratory professionals through the tination. For each red blood cell into account the average size and
use of a grading system. This refer- abnormality, the definition and asso- density of granules), toxic vacuola-
ence guide is divided into 4 sections. ciated clinical correlations are pro- tion (in which the average number of
Section I discusses general considera- vided. In addition, correlations with vacuoles per neutrophil and band
tions of grading blood cell morphol- are considered), and Döhle inclusion
automated results generated by the
ogy. Section II focuses on the specifics bodies (which takes into account the
analyzer, such as red blood cell
of grading individual red blood cell average number of Döhle inclusion
distribution width, mean corpuscu-
abnormalities. The grading of white bodies per neutrophil and band).
lar volume, and mean corpuscular
blood cell abnormalities is described The grading of hypersegmentation
hemoglobin concentration, are pro-
in Section III, and platelet morphol- is divided into 3 systems based on
vided where applicable. For each
ogy is discussed in Section IV. In each the average number of nuclear lobes,
abnormality, a grading system de-
section, grading is categorized from the percentage of neutrophils with 5
fined as occasional, 1+, 2+, 3+, or 4+ lobes, and the percentage of neutro-
1+ to 4+. Specific grading parameters
are described for each abnormality is provided, and parameters are set phils with 6 lobes. The grade is
and are illustrated by a photomicro- based on the abnormal cells as a determined for hyposegmentation,
graph taken at 31000 magnification, percentage of all red blood cells for by the percentage of neutrophils
unless otherwise indicated, from a most cases, with the exception of with bilobed and unilobed nuclei;
peripheral blood smear stained with anisocytosis, which is graded based for hypogranularity, by the number
Wright or Wright Giemsa. on how large the representative of hypogranular cells as a percentage
Section I: General Considerations largest red blood cell is compared of all granulocytes; for cytoplasmic
Common hematologic tests per- with the representative smallest red fragments and hypogranular plate-
formed in the clinical laboratory blood cell. Additional grading cri- lets, as a percentage of the sum of all
include the manual differential leu- teria are given for some abnormal- platelets and cytoplasmic fragments;
kocyte count and morphologic ver- ities, including microcytosis, which and for smudge cells, based on
ification of the automated complete takes into account how the size of the smudge cells as a percentage of all
blood cell count. Abnormal morpho- representative smallest red blood cell white blood cells. Color photomicro-
logic findings are reported in various compares to a normal red blood cell; graphs are provided for each entity
ways, including with the use of such macrocytosis, in which the size of the to illustrate the grade.
terms as present or absent, and semi- largest representative red blood cell Section IV: Platelet Morphology
quantitatively, as slight, moderate, or is compared with a healthy red Section IV provides guidelines
marked. Although there is no evi- blood cell; and hypochromia, in for grading platelet morphology.
dence that either reporting system is which the size of the central pale This section provides a grading
superior to the others, the author area as a fraction of the diameter of system for giant platelets, large
emphasizes that maintaining consis- the total area of the red blood cell is platelets, agranular or hypogranular
tency within a chosen system is good taken into consideration. For each platelets and cytoplasmic fragments,
clinical practice and is also recom- abnormality, the grading criteria are and platelet satellitosis. Each mor-
mended by laboratory-accrediting clearly defined and the correspond- phologic category is graded as occa-
agencies. To achieve consistency in ing color images are included to sional, 1+, 2+, 3+, or 4+ and is
grading, this book defines a grading illustrate each abnormality accord- categorized based on the abnormal
system (1+ to 4+) for several abnor- ing to grade. platelets as a percentage of all plate-
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, August 2010 Book Review 1229
lets, with the exception of platelet Summary specific abnormal finding. The lay-
satellitosis, which is graded based on Blood Cell Morphology: Grading out for each section is easy to
neutrophils plus bands with platelet Guide serves as a comprehensive follow. The grading systems are
rosettes as a percentage of all neu- reference for grading red blood cell applicable to everyday practice,
trophils and bands or as the fraction abnormalities, white blood cell ab- and the quality of the illustrations
of individual cell surfaces sur- normalities, and platelet morphol- is superb. In addition, the construc-
rounded by platelets. Additional ogy. This book provides clearly tion of the book, including the spiral
grading criteria for giant platelets understandable parameters for the binder and sleek design, allows for
are based on the size (diameter) of grading of several blood cell ab- ease and comfort of use in any
individual giant platelets as com- normalities and also serves as a setting. This book is useful for
pared with healthy red blood cells. review of blood cell morphology. laboratory professionals, including
Color photomicrographs are pro- One of the greatest strengths of this students, teachers, and practi-
vided for each platelet abnormality book is the use of color photomicro- tioners.
to illustrate the features of the grad- graphs to illustrate the features of JESALYN JAHARA TAYLOR, MD
ing system. each grade as it applies to the Houston, Texas

1230 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, August 2010 Book Review

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