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Falloopian tube Muscles Hormones

45 days Mental Deeper tone of the Voice

Puberty 28 days Bones

Adolescence Period Emotional Hair grows in private and public area

Penis Habits Excretory system

Ovaries Testicles Scrotum

Furuncle Tissues Tinea pedis

Allergy Calcium Cell

1. ______________________ the time of life between puberty and adulthood.

2. ______________________ is when the reproductive system become active.

3. ______________________ are chemical substances formed and released in some organs of the body like the adrenal
glands and pituitary gland, and carried to another organ where it has a specific effect.

4-6. Name 3 Physical changes in Boys ______________________________, _____________________________,


7. The two male reproductive organ are ____________________________ and __________________________.

8. How many days does the menstrual period of a woman take? _____________________.

9. ___________________________ It is a change where involves the changes occuring at the same time within yourself on
how you deal with others is also affected.

10. ___________________________ It is a change where psychological development from the onset of puberty to maturity.
It is the time of adjustments for both boys and girls. As their bodies undergo changes, and so do their emotions.

11. ___________________________ It is a change where deals with the learning and exploring new things, open thier
mind to happening with their environment, becomes more mature in dealings with others and develops sensitivity and care
towards their sorroundings.

12. ___________________________ It is the reproductive glands in women found inside the body.

13. ___________________________ It is a patterns of behavior acquired and developed through constant repetition

Prepared by: lcf

14. ___________________________ It is the basic unit of life of plants, animals, and human beings.

15. ___________________________ It is the group of cells perform special functions for the body as they live together in

16.A ___________________________ or a simple boil (pigsa) is an infection of a hair follicles caused by bacteria.

17. The _________________________ is a system involving organs are kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra where its
function is the excretion of waste.

18. ______________________ is another name for athlete’s foot.

19. ______________________ is a condition of unusual or exaggerated sensitivity to a substance which is harmless to

most people.

20. _______________________ are composed of living cells supplied with blood vessels and nerves that are sorrounded
by a large amount of hard non-living material, which makes up the bone proper.

Write TRUE if it is a fact and FALSE if it is not a fact and underline the wrong word.

1. ______________ Physical changes cannot be measured and observed.

2. ______________ Menstruation is nature’s way of preparing girls for motherhood.

3. ______________ Habits may either be good or harmful.

4. ______________ Exercise daily is not an example of healthy habits.

5. ______________ To be sure of the treatment of skin diseases one must consult to an albularyo.

6. ______________ Growing boys and girls need at least 2-4 hours of sleep.

7. ______________ A substance causing an allergy is called allergen.

8. ______________ Another word for blood sugar is glucose.

9. ______________ Your body is the most important equipment because it is the vehicle used in this long travel in life.

10. _____________ Bacteria and amoeba is an examples of single-celled organisms- which means a living things consist
of one cell that can also breathe, feel and get rid of wastes.

11. _____________ Taking in of oxygen and giving off a carbon dioxide is a function of Reproductive system.

12. _____________ The Integumentary system includes the skin and the mucous membranes of the body where protective
covering of the body is its function.

13. _____________ The color of the hair is determined by pigments which are in and around the cells in the hair root.

14. _____________ The dermis is the active part of the skin, and it is for the reason that is referred to as the “true skin”.

15. _____________ Skipping breakfast is good habit.

Prepared by: lcf

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