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Udise No: 27230600139

School Index No : 32.04.065

The Divisional Secretary,
M.S. Board of Sec.& Higher Sec Edu,
Mumbai : Divisional Board
Vashi Navi Mumbai 703.

Sub:- Regarding the collection of KalChachani Ahwal of our S.S.C. Students

March 2019.

Respected Sir,

I , the under signed Head Master of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School.

(Hindi Sec) here by deputing Mr. Dilip Mane to Collect the KalChachani Ahwal of

122 Students appearing in S.S.C. Exam March 2019.

There fore I am Requesting you please hand over the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
Udise No: 27230600139

School Index No : 32.04.065

The Educational Inspector (w zone)
I Y College
Jogeshwari (E)
Mumbai :- 400060

Sub:- Submitting the Excel Sheet of 7th Pay.

Respected Sir,
I , the under signed Head Master of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School.

(Hindi Sec) would like to submit the Excel Sheet of Our 24th Staff of 7th Pay .

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
Udise No: 27230600139

School Index No : 32.04.065

The Divisional Secretary,
M.S. Board of Sec.& Higher Sec Edu,
Mumbai : Divisional Board
Vashi Navi Mumbai 703.

Sub:- Submitting the proforma of Abstract of Expenditure H.S.C. Exam

Feb & March 2016 .

Respected Sir,

I , the under signed Head Master of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School.

(Hindi Sec) would like to submit the proforma of Abstract of Expenditure H.S.C. Exam

Feb & March 2016 .

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
Udise No: 27230600139

School Index No : 32.04.065

The Divisional Secretary,
M.S. Board of Sec.& Higher Sec Edu,
Mumbai : Divisional Board
Vashi Navi Mumbai 703.

Respected Sir,

I , the under signed Head Master of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School.

(Hindi Sec) would like to submit the proforma of List of Teacher Appointed by the

Board for S.S.C. Exam March 2019.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
Udise No: 27230600139

School Index No : 32.04.065

The Divisional Secretary,
M.S. Board of Sec.& Higher Sec Edu,
Mumbai : Divisional Board
Vashi Navi Mumbai 703.

Sub: List of Teacher Appointed for March 2019. S.S.C. Exam.

Respected Sir,

I , the under signed Head Master of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School.

(Hindi Sec) would like to submit the proforma of List of Teacher Appointed by the

Board for S.S.C. Exam March 2019.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
Vice Chancellor
Shridhar University,
Pilani, Rajasthan,
Sub: - Verification of Professional /Graduate /Post Graduate Degree

Dear Sir / Madam,

The following Employer of our school has been passed their degree courses from
Your esteemed institution.
The details of his / her qualification are given as under.
S Name of Edu Enrollme Year of Name of Name of Faculty Mar Total
r Employee Quali/ nt No Passing the College the ks Mark
N prof Universi Obt
o Quali ty aine

Please verify & inform this school early whether the above Employee was Bonafide
Student of your university in the previous year & whether the professional / Graduate /
Post Graduate issued in this case is correct.

Thanking You
Yours Faithfully,
Udise No: 27230600139

School Index No : 32.04.065

The Divisional Secretary,
M.S. Board of Sec.& Higher Sec Edu,
Mumbai : Divisional Board
Vashi Navi Mumbai 703.

Sub: Withdrawal of S.S.C. Students March 2019.

Respected Sir,

I , the under signed Head Master of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School.

(Hindi Sec) would like to inform you that our 3 students are absent from Nov 2018.

I like to withdrawal their names from March 2019 S.S.C. Exam . And also am submitting

the Appendix ‘A’ proforma regading names and absentee.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
The Educational Inspector (w zone)
I Y College
Jogeshwari (E)
Mumbai :- 400060
Sub:- Regarding P.F. Loan

Respected Sir,

I the under signed Mrs.Suman V. Singh Working as an Asst Teacher

in Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School Hindi Secondary Laxman Nagar ,

Kurar Village Malad (E) Mumbai – 400097. Since June 1989 The wedding of

My first daughter Miss Shilpa V. Singh has been fixed 04/02/2019. To meet the

various expenses of marriage ceremony I require Rs. 700000/- ( Seven Lakhs )

for this purpose . I request you to kindly sanction me the above mentioned amt.

as non refund able loan from my P.F A /C 71777 . I am enclosing here with all

the necessary papers of various expenses during wedding for your kind consideration

kindly do the needful in this matter a oblige .

Thanking you
Your’s Sincerely,
Details of Wedding Expenses
Sr. No Types Of Expenses Amount
1 Jewellety 562792
2 Saree & Dress Material 74050
3 Miscellaneous 30 000
4 TV 33158

Total 700000

Thanking you
Your’s Sincerely,
Index No: 3204066
The Educational Inspector
Greater Mumbai West zone,
I.Y.College, Compound.
Jogeshwari (E),

Respected Sir,

I the undersigned Headmaster of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School Hindi

Secondary Section would like to draw your attention that I had checked & verified

The P.F. A/C No of our 21 staff. The name & the A/C No is Correct according to my

knowledge .And the Total amt is also correct for the year 2017 – 18 .

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,
The Educational Inspector
Greater Mumbai West zone,
I.Y.College, Compound.
Jogeshwari (E),

Respected Sir,

I the undersigned Headmaster of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School Hindi

Secondary Section would like to draw your attention that I had checked & verified

The P.F. A/C No of our 21 staff. The name & the A/C No is Correct according to my

knowledge .And the Total amt is also correct for the year 2017 – 18 .

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,
Udise No: 27230600139

School Index No : 32.04.065


The Divisional Secretary,

M.S. Board of Sec.& Higher Sec Edu,

Mumbai : Divisional Board

Vashi Navi Mumbai 703.

Respected Sir,

I am Sending Mr. Dilip D. Mane to collect the Science practical material

& Grade List of S.S.C. Students , who will be appearing in March 2019 S.S.C. Exam.

Conducted by Divisional Board .


Kindly hand over the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
The Educational Inspector,(West Zone)
‘P’ ward
I.Y. College,
Jogeshwari - (East)
Mumbai :- 400060

Through (Mangesh. Vidya Mandir High School )

Respected Sir,

As per your Information I am sending our contribution of

Rs.1200/- ( Rs. One thousand two hundred only) for sahashaley

Upkram Samiti 2018-19.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully.
School Index No : 32.04.065


The Divisional Secretary,

M.S. Board of Sec.& Higher Sec Edu,

Mumbai : Divisional Board

Vashi Navi Mumbai 703.

Sub: Proforma of Information about teacher’s teaching various subjects..

Respected Sir,

I am Submitting the Proforma of information about Teachers Teaching in

various subject in school in std Xth ( S.S.C.) March 2019 to 2021 . And also Science

teacher information for external Exam.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely
The Educational Inspector,
I.Y. College,
Jogeshwari (East)
Mumbai :- 400060

Respected Sir,

I am submitting the proforma of statement ‘A’ Girls and

Boy’s Free ship 2018-19

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully.
School Index No : 32.04.065


The Divisional Secretary,

M.S. Board of Sec.& Higher Sec Edu,

Mumbai : Divisional Board

Vashi Navi Mumbai 703.

Sub: To Collect the Passing Certificate of March 2018 – S.S.C . Students.

Respected Sir,

I am Sending Mr. Dilip D. Mane to Collect the Passing Certificate of our

Students for the Year March 2018, Who had appeared their S.S.C. Exam .

the Total No is 104

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely

The Educational Inspector

Greater Mumbai West zone,

I.Y.College, Compound.

Jogeshwari (E),


Sub:- Regarding Salary for the year 2019-20 lumsum.

Respected Sir,

I the undersigned Headmaster of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School Hindi

Secondary Section would like to Submitt the proforma dully filled for the year 2019-

Of our staff (Lumsum ) .

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

cee efMe#eCe efvejer#ekeÀ

ye=ndvecegbyeF&, Heef½ece efJeYeeie,

peesieséejer, HetJe&. cegbyeF& - 60.

efJe<e³e – ceens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ®es

cetU Jesleve meeoj keÀjC³eeyeeyele


Deece®³ee MeeUsleerue / keÀefveÿ ceneefJeÐeeue³eeleerue

keÀe³e&jle Demeuesu³ee efMe#ekeÀ / efMe#ekesÀlej
keÀce&®eeN³eeb®eer ceens . . . . . . ®es cetU Jesleve os³ekeÀ leerve
Òeleerle Keeueer veceto kesÀuesu³ee menHe$eebmen
cebpetjermeeþer meeoj Deens.

menHe$es : 1. ÒeesHeÀe@cee& ¬eÀ 2

2. Yeefveefve Devegmeg®eer
3. Jesleve Devegoeve He$e
4. Dee³ekeÀj Jepeeleer
5. J³eJemee³e keÀj Jepeeleer lekeÌlee
6. Sue Dee³e meer Jepeeleer lekeÌlee
7. keÀpe& Jemetueer lekeÌlee
8. peeoe Jeslevee®es Jemetueer lekeÌlee
9. JesleveJee{ ÒeceeCeHe$e
10. mejemejer npesjer / ceeefmekeÀ HeìmebK³ee
11. 1/12 ceeefmekeÀ HeÀer ®ee YejCee kesÀu³ee®eer
12. Jew³eeqkeÌlekeÀ keÀce&®eejer ceev³elee He$ee®eer Òele
( DeeJeM³ekeÀlesvegmeej )
13. Jesleve efveef½eleer®ee lekeÌlee ( Jeefjÿ ÞesCeer Jee
efveJe[ ÞesCeer efoueer iesu³eeme DeeJeM³ekeÀlesvegmeej
14. keÀesì& ÒekeÀjCe ( Demeu³eeme DeeJeM³ekeÀ
keÀeieoHe$e )
15. efMe#eCe efvejer#ekeÀ, ye=ndvecegbyeF&, Heef½ece
³eeb®es efo 12.6.96 ®³ee HeefjHe$ekeÀeÒeceeCes 1 les
11 ®es mJeleb$e ÒeceeCeHe$e
16. Flej


mener Je

cee efMe#eCe efvejer#ekeÀ

ye=ndvecegbyeF&, Heef½ece efJeYeeie,

peesieséejer, HetJe&. cegbyeF& - 60.

efJe<e³e :- Jesleve os³ekesÀ HetjJeCeer os³ekesÀ yeeyele

1) cegKeHe$eele 4.

1. ceefnv³ee®e os³ekeÀ –
2. keÀce&®eejer jpesJej –
3. keÀeueeJeOeer –

2. jpesyeeyele:-

1. jpes®ee ÒekeÀej-

2. jpes®ee keÀeueeJeOeer –

3. keÀce&®eejer ªpet DenJeeue/jpee cebpetj þjeJe-

4. jpes®³ee veeWoer®³ee Heevee®eer HeÀesìeskeÀe@Heer-

þjeJe :- jpes®ee ÒekeÀej-


3. keÀce&®eö³eeb®eer Jemetueer:-

1. Jemetueer®ee ÒekeÀej-

2. Mesje –

3. Jemetueer®ee efJeJejCe-

4. SKeeoe keÀce&®eejer jpesJej Demeu³eeme l³eeb®ee Keel³eeJej

mesJee HegmlekeÀeceO³es jpee efMeuuekeÀ vemeu³eeme lees
keÀce&®eejer keÀeceeJej ªpet nesCeej vemeu³eeme l³eeb®es Jesleve
keÀe{C³eele ³esT ve³es. p³eeJesUer meoj keÀce&®³eeb®es Jesleve
keÀe{C³eele ³eeJes.

5. ÖeesHeÀe@cee& ¬eÀ 2 ceO³es HeÀer ®es Je<e& veceto keÀjeJes

SketÀCe HeÀer/ Yejuesueer HeÀer Je efMeuuekeÀ HeÀer ®eer
ceeefnlee veceto keÀjeJeer. HeÀer YejCee kesÀu³ee®eer
®euevee®eer Òele meesyele pees[eJeer.

6. DeefleefjkeÌle keÀce&®eejer – SKeeoe keÀce&®eejer DeefleefjkeÌle

Demeu³eeme / DeeHeu³ee MeeUsle vesceCetkeÀ efoueer
Demeu³eeme cee efMe efve ³eeb®es DeeosMe He$e / vesceCetkeÀ
He$e lemes®e HetJeea®³ee MeeUs®es veeos³e ÒeceeCeHe$e Je
Debeflece Jesleve ÒeceeCeHe$e F.

DeeHeuee efJeéeemet

I the undersigned Mr. Amar Bahadur R Singh (HM) Hindi Secondary Section
state that none of our school employees enjoyed L W P during the Academic
Year 2017 – 2018.

Thanking You.

Yours Faithfully

I the undersigned Mr. Amar Bahadur R Singh (HM) Hindi Secondary Section
state that none of our school employees of Teaching & Non-Teaching staff
are handicapped.

Thanking You.

Yours Faithfully

DeHebie DevegMes<e

SketÀC HetCe&l #eer DeefmLeJ³e cegkeÀyeOe

e e: Ce bie erj/
DebOe ¢äer
17 - - - -


This is to certify that all teaching and non-teaching staff of our school has
recalculated their salary amount of 2017-18 in their form no 16 in this year.
And also they had deducted their Income Tax as per Form No 16 and I had
verified the document, whatever difference is arising, I am ready to deduct
from their salary.

efMe#eCe efveefj#ekeÀ ye=. Cegb. He. efJe. ³eeb®es

HeefjHe$ekeÀ ¬eÀ. Meefve / He. efJe. / Jesleve HeLekeÀ lemes®e
MeeEfve. ¬eÀ / meer. Heer / Des / ‰ / ‘‘ / mesJee - efo. ‘/ /
ceO³es veceto kesÀu³ee ÒeceeCes Òel³eskeÀ
keÀce&®eeN³eekeÀ[tve pees[He$e Š Yeªve IesJetve oHlejer
þsJeC³eele Deeues Deens. os³ekeÀeceO³es p³ee
keÀce&®eeN³eeb®ee Iej Yee[s YeÊee keÀe{C³eele Deeues
Deens. les keÀce&®eejer MeemekeÀer³e efveJeeme mLeeveele
jenleele DeMee keÀce&®eeN³eeb®ee IejYee[s YeÊee keÀe{C³eele
Deeuesuee veener.

YeefJe<³eele Demes efveoMe&veeme Deeues keÀer meoj

keÀce&®eejer MeemekeÀer³e efveJeeme mLeeveele jenle veener.
l³eebvee IejYee[s YeÊee Deoe keÀjC³eele Deeuee Deens lej Demee
peeoe Òeoeve Peeuesuee IejYee[s YeÊee SkeÀ jkeÀceer Jemegue
keÀjC³ee®eer peyeeyeoejer cegK³eeO³eeHekeÀ cnCetve ceePeer



ÒeceeefCele keÀjC³eele ³esles keÀer, MeeUsleerue meJe&

efMe#ekeÀ / efMe#ekesÀlej keÀce&®eejer ³eeb®ee 2014-15 ³ee
efJeÊeer³e Je<ee&le Dee³ekeÀj HeefjieCeleer³e oeKeJeuesues
SketÀCe GlHevve yejesyej Deens. lemes®e Š012-2013 meneJee
Jesleve Dee³eesiee®eer HeÀjkeÀe®eer jkeÌkeÀce, YeefJe<³e
efveJee&n efveOeer Hee®eJee nHeÌlee Je l³eele ³ee MeeUsleerue
Jesleve Je Flej ceeiee&ves efceUCeejs GlHeVe Oejuesues Deens
DeeefCe les Dee³ekeÀj keÀjerlee OejC³eele Deeuesues Deens. ³ee
Kesjerpe Flej keÀesCelesner GlHeVe veener ³ee®eer Keelejpecee
kesÀuesueer Deens. l³ee®eyejesyej mebHetCe& Je<ee&le meJe&
keÀce&®eeN³eeb®ee J³eJemee³e keÀj ( PT) efve³eceeÒeceeCes
Jesleve met®eer ceOetve keÀHeele keÀjC³eele Deeuee Deens.
meoj yeeyeleerle cegK³eeO³eeHekeÀ cnCetve meJe&
peyeeyeoejer ceePeer jenerue. ³ee meJe& yeeyeeRmeeþer
ÒeceeCeHe$e osC³eele ³esle Deens.

The Manager,

L.I.C. of India,

Mumbai Divisional Office,


Respected Sir,

I am submitting the draft of Rs. /-

(Rs._________________________________________). The
draft No is _________ date _____________ we have deducted
from our staff salary bill for the month of _______________.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,

The Education Inspector

Greater Mumbai West zone,

I.Y.College, Compound.

Jogeshwari (E),


Sub:- Application for Condonation of Late Submission of Salary

bill of Month Feb-2015.

Respected Sir,

I the undersigned Headmaster of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High School Hindi

Secondary Section would like to draw your attention that the salary Bill of Feb-2015
of our employees submitted late because I was busy in necessary rituals at my
native place.

Therefore I am requesting your goodself please condone the late submission

of bill & release the Salary of our employees.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

The Manager,

State Bank of India A/c Income Tax


Mumbai- 400 097.

Sub:- Submission Rs.266343/-D.D.No.363445 dt. 11/03/2015

Respected Sir,

I, the undersigned H.M. of Adarsh Vidya Mandir Hindi Secondary School State that
our employees had deducted their Income Tax from Jan-2015 to Feb-2015. I am giving
their detail as follows.

TAN No. Of the School:- MUMA24791E

Sr. Dec Jan - Feb- Total Tax

Name of the Staff Pan Card No.
No -2015 2016 2016 Deducted
Mr.Amar Bahadur R.
1. AHFPS9294D 5000 5000 31472 41472
2. Mrs Leena F. Correia ABNPCO457F 5000 5000 31337 41337
3. Mr. Umesh B. Singh AMTPS0767K - 10000 12963 22963
4. Mr. Rajendra L. Tripathi AFFPT0703D - 5000 18477 23477
5. Mr. C.B. Vishwakarma ABBPV6959K 5000 5000 8336 18336
6. Mr. Dinesh R. Singh AHEPS7484H 5000 5000 - 10000
7. Mr. Arvind M. Dubey ABHPD3172G 5000 5000 11640 21640
Mr.Narendra Pratap S.
8. AEUPSO708M - 5000 15730 20730
9. Mr. Arun R. Rai AQNPR6595C - - 3052 3052
10. Mrs.Sunita S.Salaskar AHEPS9302C 5000 5000 - 10000
11. Mrs.Bella M. Fernandes AACPF4279L 5000 5000 6979 16979
12. Mrs. Suman V. Singh AHEPS7483A 3000 3000 5027 11027
13. Mrs. Anita F. D’costa ACAPD3521D 5000 5000 5822 15822
14. Miss.Rashmi P.Singh AHEPS9303D 5000 5000 5819 15819
15. Mr. Shrinivas A. Sharma AHEPS7482B - 3000 5925 8925
16. Mrs.Flavie R. Rozario ADYPR1573J 5000 5000 787 10787
17. Mr.Shirish L. Singh AHEPS9301B 5000 5000 - 10000
GRAND TOTAL 58000 81000 + 300
+ 300
163666 302666

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking You,


The Manager,

State Bank of India A/c Income Tax


Mumbai- 400 097.

Sub:- Submission Rs.58000/-D.D.No._______________ dt. _____________

Respected Sir,

I, the undersigned H.M. of Adarsh Vidya Mandir Hindi Secondary School State that
our employees had deducted their Income Tax from Dec-2015. I am giving their detail as

TAN No. Of the School:- MUMA24791E

Sr. Dec- Total Tax

Name of the Staff Pan Card No.
No 2015 Deducted
1. Mr.Amar Bahadur R. Singh AHFPS9294D 5000 5000
2. Mrs Leena F. Correia ABNPCO457F 5000 5000
3. Mr. Umesh B. Singh AMTPS0767K - -
4. Mr. Rajendra L. Tripathi AFFPT0703D - -
5. Mr. C.B. Vishwakarma ABBPV6959K 5000 5000
6. Mr. Dinesh R. Singh AHEPS7484H 5000 5000
7. Mr. Arvind M. Dubey ABHPD3172G 5000 5000
8. Mr.Narendra Pratap S. Singh AEUPSO7081M - -
9. Mr. Arun R. Rai AQNPR6595C - -
10. Mrs.Sunita S.Salaskar AHEPS9302C 5000 5000
11. Mrs.Bella M. Fernandes AACPF4279L 5000 5000
12. Mrs. Suman V. Singh AHEPS7483A 3000 3000
13. Mrs. Anita F. D’costa ACAPD3521D 5000 5000
14. Miss.Rashmi P.Singh AHEPS9303D 5000 5000
15. Mr. Shrinivas A. Sharma AHEPS7482B - -
16. Mrs.Flavie R. Rozario ADYPR1573J 5000 5000
17. Mr.Shirish L. Singh AHEPS9301B 5000 5000
GRAND TOTAL - 58000 58000
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking You,

The Educational Inspector

Greater Mumbai West zone,

I.Y.College, Compound.

Jogeshwari (E),


Sub:- saSas~ saonaa Qvajaidna inaQaI

2016 17

Respected Sir,
I the Head Master of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High (Hindi Secondary )
had the received 100 forms of saSas~ saonaa Qvajaidna inaQaI
2016 17 .
I am giving the details of forms .& collection and Deposition of the amt as follows
( A list is of the details is enclosed )

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

The Manager,

Mumbai District co-op Bank Ltd,

Malad West


Sub:-Issuing a demand draft of Rs

Respected Sir,

Kindly debit our saving a/c no 00061020000024 Rs.

And issues a demand draft in favour of secondary school

employees co-op cr.society Ltd. Mumbai.

Kindly do the needful and oblize.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

The Manager,

Mumbai District Central co-op Bank Ltd,

Malad West

Mumbai :- 400064

Subject:-Regarding a demand draft of Rs. ________________

Respected Sir,

Kindly debit our saving a/c no 00061020000024 Rs.

And issues a demand draft in favour of L.I.C Jeevan seva 89

series Mumbai.

Kindly do the needful and oblize.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

The Educational Inspector,

I.Y. College,

Jogeshwari (East)

Mumbai :- 400060

Respected Sir,

I am submitting the proforma of statement ‘A’ Girls and

Boy’s Free ship 2017-18

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and oblige.

Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully.


The Educational Inspector,

I.Y. College,

Jogeshwari (East)

Mumbai :- 400060.
Respected Sir,

I Mr. Amar Bahadur .R. Singh (H.M.) of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High

School. (Hindi Medium) would like to inform you that our staff deducted their
Income tax to your office . for the year 2011 -12 . And from Income tax office the

reminder had come that amount is not credit to their account .

So , I am giving the detail of their deduction .

Sr. Name of the Staff Amt ded Amt ded Amt ded Total Remark
No Amount
Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12

1 Mr. Amar Bahadur R. Singh 16307 16307 2011 -12

2 Mrs.Leena F. Correia 5000 5000 11357 21357 ″
3 Mr. Umesh B. Singh 16595 16595 ″
4 Mr. Rajendra Prasad L. Tripathi 5000 14952 19952 ″
5 Mr. Chandravali B. Vishwakarma 5000 5000 5072 15072 ″
6 Mr. Dinesh R. Singh 10000 5508 15508 ″
7 Mr. Arvind M. Dubey 10000 7373 17373 ″
8 Mr. Narendra Pratap S. Singh 5000 5000 3688 13688 ″
9 Mrs. Sunita S. Salaskar 3000 1645 4645 ″
10 Mrs. Bella M. Fernandes 3000 7610 10610 ″
11 Mrs. Suman V. Singh 3000 324 3324 ″

12 Mrs. Anita F. D`Costa 7000 8665 15665 ″

13 Mrs. Rashmi P. Singh 7000 10555 17555 ″

14 Mr. ShriNiwas A. Sharma 10960 10960 ″

15 Mr. Shirish L.Singh 3933 3933 ″

16 Mr. Awdhesh Narayan.K. Singh 5000 5000 17126 27126 ″

17 Mr. Rajaram H. Yadav. 5000 5000 10169 20169 ″

18 Mr. Arunkumar R. Rai 10326 10326 ″

Total 34000 64000 162165 260165

So , Kindly do the needful & Oblize.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

The Educational Inspector,

I.Y. College,

Jogeshwari (East)

Mumbai :- 400060.

Respected Sir,

I Mr. Amar Bahadur .R. Singh (H.M.) of Adarsh Vidya Mandir High

School. (Hindi Medium) would like to inform you that our staff deducted their
Income tax to your office . for the year 2012 -13 . And from Income tax office the

reminder had come that amount is not credit to their account .

So , I am giving the detail of their deduction .

Sr. Name of the Staff Amt ded Amt ded Amt ded Total Remark
No Amount
Dec 12 Jan 13 Feb 13

1 Mr. Amar Bahadur R. Singh 5000 5000 8574 18574 2012 -13
2 Mrs.Leena F. Correia 5000 5000 16134 26134 ″
3 Mr. Umesh B. Singh 5000 5000 12667 22667 ″
4 Mr. Rajendra Prasad L. Tripathi 5000 5000 12563 22563 ″
5 Mr. Chandravali B. Vishwakarma 5000 5000 9500 19500 ″
6 Mr. Dinesh R. Singh 5000 5000 10000 ″
7 Mr. Arvind M. Dubey 5000 5000 11137 21137 ″
8 Mr. Narendra Pratap S. Singh 5000 5000 6417 16417 ″
9 Mrs. Sunita S. Salaskar 3000 3000 4295 10295 ″
10 Mrs. Bella M. Fernandes 3000 3000 8412 14412 ″
11 Mrs. Suman V. Singh 3000 3000 6000 ″

12 Mrs. Anita F. D`Costa 3000 3000 10502 16502 ″

13 Mrs. Rashmi P. Singh 3000 3000 10425 16425 ″

14 Mr. ShriNiwas A. Sharma 3000 3000 630 6630 ″

15 Mr. Shirish L.Singh 1853 1853 ″

16 Mr. Arunkumar R. Rai 5000 5000 500 10500 ″

17 Mrs. Flavie R. Rozario 394 394

Total 63000 63000 114003 240003

So , Kindly do the needful & Oblize.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

The Manager,

Mumbai District central co-op Bank

Malad (w)

Mumbai -400064
Subject :- Regarding a demand draft of Rs._______________

Respected Sir,

Kindly issued a demand draft of Rs.___________________________



From our saving A/C No. 00061020000024 in favour of State Bank

Of India Income tax Mumbai.

So, I am requesting you to please issues the same and oblige.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

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