N Requirment Crop Circle

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Published September 24, 2012

Change in Nitrogen Requirement with Increasing

Grain Yield for Winter Wheat
Shanchao Yue, Qingfeng Meng, Rongfang Zhao, Youliang Ye, Fusuo Zhang,
Zhenling Cui,* and Xinping Chen*

Soil Fertility & Crop Nutrition

Overestimates of N requirements have led to excessive N application and serious environmental pollution in intensively managed
agricultural systems. A database comprising 1395 measurements was developed from 2000 to 2011 using 88 on-farm and station
experiments conducted in five key winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) domains in northern China. The database was created to
evaluate the relationship between aboveground N uptake and grain yield with different N treatments and to quantify N requirements
per Mg grain at different grain yield levels. Across all sites, wheat grain yield ranged from 1.6 to 11.8 Mg ha–1. The nitrogen
requirement per megagram grain yield (Nreq.) increased with N supply from 20.8 kg under the treatment without N fertilizer to
25.7 kg under the excess N treatment. For the optimal N fertilizer treatment, the average Nreq. was 24.3 kg and it declined with
increasing grain yield. For the yield ranges between <4.5 and 6.0 to 7.5 Mg ha–1, Nreq. decreased from 27.1 to 24.5 kg due to increasing
harvest index (HI; from 0.39–0.46) and decreasing grain N concentration (from 2.41 to 2.21%). For the yield ranges between 6.0
to 7.5 and 9.0 to 10.5 Mg ha–1, Nreq. decreased from 24.5 to 22.7 kg due to decreasing grain N concentration (from 2.21 to 2.00%).
For the yield ranges between 9.0 to 10.5 and >10.5 Mg ha–1, Nreq. changed little due to stability in grain N concentrations and HI. In
conclusion, the N requirement of a crop was affected by both the amount of N supplied and the grain yield.

N itrogen requires judicious management in inten-

sively managed cropping systems due to its requirement
in attaining optimal yield offset by the cost of the fertilizer as
Based on extensive on-farm investigations from 1997 to 2007
(Cui et al., 2010), farmers typically applied >300 kg ha–1 N for
winter wheat in northern China, while N uptake was only about
well as deleterious environmental effects when applied in excess. 160 kg ha–1. Understanding the N uptake–yield relationship and
Recent literature on improving the recovery efficiency of N in quantifying N requirements would be of great benefit for optimiz-
crop production has emphasized the need for greater synchrony ing N fertilization for winter wheat production, particularly for
throughout the growing season between crop N demand and N high-yielding system.
supply from all sources (Cassman et al., 2002; Cui et al., 2008, Most previous studies that have been conducted to quantify the
2010). However, overestimates of N requirements in intensive N uptake–yield relationship for winter wheat and have reported
agricultural regions, especially under high-yielding conditions, variations in grain yield-N uptake requirements among regions
have led to excessive applications of N fertilizer and are associated (environments), genotypes, and N management strategies (Ortiz-
with widespread environmental problems (Guo et al., 2010; Le et Monasterio et al., 1997; Pathak et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2006;
al., 2010; Liu et al., 2011). For example, in 43 high-yielding maize López-Bellido et al., 2008; Barraclough et al., 2010; Gaju et al.,
studies that achieved >15 Mg ha–1 grain yield in China, average 2011; Giuliani et al., 2011; Pask et al., 2012). In an investigation
N fertilizer input was 747 kg ha–1, whereas N removal by the of 10 winter wheat varieties in Mexico, the N requirement per Mg
harvested grain was only 292 kg ha–1 (Chen et al., 2011). Nitrogen grain (on the basis of 15% moisture) ranged from 23.0 to 37.0 kg
inputs that are higher than the crop uptake limit our understand- (Ortiz-Monasterio et al., 1997). In an examination of 16 winter
ing of N requirements in high-yielding systems, make demonstra- wheat varieties in the United Kingdom (UK) and France, the
tions of technologies more difficult, and mislead producers into N requirement per Mg grain ranged from 14.4 to 31.1 kg under
believing that greater resource inputs produce higher grain yield. low and high N treatments, respectively (Gaju et al., 2011). Based
on experiments conducted from 1985 to 1995 across widely
differing environments in China, the average N requirement
S. Yue, Q. Meng, F. Zhang, Z. Cui, and X. Chen, Center for Resources, of winter wheat was 24.6 kg for yields that ranged from 0.35 to
Environment and Food Security, China Agricultural Univ., Beijing 100193,
China; R. Zhao, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, 8.73 Mg ha–1 (Liu et al., 2006). To accurately estimate crop N
Zhongkai Univ.of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China; requirements, we need a better understanding of the factors that
Y. Ye, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Henan Agricultural influence variation in N requirements and we need to determine
Univ., Zhengzhou 450000, China. Received 20 June 2012. *Corresponding
author (cuizl@cau.edu.cn; chenxp@cau.edu.cn). the degree of influence that occurs in a certain region.
Nitrogen management influences crop N uptake; the response
Published in Agron. J. 104:1687–1693 (2012)
Posted online 14 Sept. 2012 in N uptake to N fertilizer can be described by a curve that includes
doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0232 three phases designated as the minimum, deficiency adjusted, and
Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Agronomy, 5585 Guilford excess consumption zones (Fowler, 2003). Despite the fact that N
Road, Madison, WI 53711. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage Abbreviations: HI, harvest index; Nreq, the nitrogen requirement per megagram
and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. grain yield; NHI, nitrogen harvest index.

A g r o n o my J o u r n a l • Vo l u m e 10 4 , I s s u e 6 • 2 012 1687
requirements with and without N fertilization have been studied and Tai’an (TA) in Shandong Province; Lankao (LK), Wenxian
(Ortiz-Monasterio et al., 1997; Ferrise et al., 2010), few studies have (WX), Xiangyun (XY), and Zhaobao (ZB) in Henan Province;
examined different N levels, particularly under optimal N supply. and Hongtong (HT) and Yongji (YJ) in Shanxi Province
Therefore, the estimated N requirements may represent overestimates (Table 1). All the field experiments had already been published
or underestimates under unsuitable N fertilizer applications. in research journals or master’s theses (Zhao et al., 2006; Cui
Crop N requirements can also be affected by grain yield, the et al., 2009; Guo, 2011; Ye et al., 2011, 2012; Yue et al., 2012).
HI, and the N concentration at harvest, which are needed to The specific details of these field experiments are not reported
calculate aboveground N uptake. Various studies have found in this paper because the aim of this study was to quantify the N
negative relationships between grain N concentration and grain requirement per Mg grain for winter wheat under a wide range
yield in winter wheat (Triboi et al., 2006; Barneix, 2007; Bogard of environmental conditions. In total, 1395 measurements of
et al., 2010). This indicates that N requirements decline as grain winter wheat grain yield, total dry matter, and N concentration
yield increases. However, whether the trend in this decrease is an at maturity were collected. Table 1 details the number of
equidistant, accelerated, or phasic process is still not clear. experimental sites, varieties, N treatments, data points, and yield
Previous studies that estimated wheat N requirements often ranges in the study areas.
involved site-specific field experiments, mostly at research stations. All of the experimental sites, except the experiment in QZ2,
For example, studies on the N requirements of winter wheat included at least three N treatments: no N as a control (CK), an
in China have been mainly conducted for grain yields up to optimal N rate (Opt.) based on either in-season root zone or yield
8.7 Mg ha–1 (Liu et al., 2006). The concern is whether this value goal N management (Cui et al., 2008; Ju et al., 2009), and the
represents the current range of yield and the N requirements farmer’s nitrogen practice (FNP). Nitrogen treatments at sub- or
of modern, high-yielding varieties in China. In this study, we supra-optimal N rates were applied in experiments with five or six
developed a large database for winter wheat that covers a wide N treatments, including Opt.– 30 kg N ha–1; Opt. + 30 kg N ha–1;
yield range (1.6–11.8 Mg ha–1), which is higher than the wheat Opt. + 60 kg N ha–1; 40, 50, 70, 75, 125, 130, and 150% of Opt.
yield studied by Liu et al. (2006). Four N-application treatments according to the experimental design at each site. The experiment in
were defined for use in this study: a control without N fertilizer QZ2 received two N treatments: Opt. and FNP. For the in-season
(N = CK), optimal N fertilizer input based on in-season root-zone root-zone N-management strategy, the wheat-growing season is
N management (N = Opt.), below optimal N input (N < Opt.), divided into two periods: from planting to the stem elongation stage,
and above optimal N input (N > Opt.). Previous research has and from the stem elongation stage to the mature stage. The amount
shown that N = Opt. treatments based on in-season root-zone of N fertilizer applied at the beginning of each growing period was
N management can maximize winter wheat grain yield while determined by deducting the amount of soil Nmin (NH4+–N +
minimizing the environmental impacts of N fertilization (Cui NO3−–N) in the root zone from the target N value, which was
et al., 2008; Ju et al., 2009). The objectives of this study were to estimated based on the yield target and crop N uptake. Detailed
evaluate the relationship between aboveground N uptake and descriptions of the target N value and the soil Nmin for all field
grain yield under different N treatments and to quantify the N experiments have been previously reported (Zhao et al., 2006; Cui et
requirement per Mg grain for different wheat grain yield levels al., 2009; Guo, 2011; Ye et al., 2011, 2012; Yue et al., 2012).
under optimal N application conditions. All of the experiments consisted of a randomized complete
block design with three or four replications. Plot area varied
MATERIALS AND METHODS from 20 to 300 m2 . A typical winter wheat–summer maize
Data Sources rotation system was adopted at all of the experimental sites.
Eighty-eight field experiments were conducted in five key Winter wheat was planted in mid-October and harvested
winter wheat domains in northern China between 2000 and in mid-June of the following year. Based on soil P and K test
2011. These studies were conducted in Dongbeiwang (DBW) results, all of the experiments received appropriate amounts of
in Beijing; Quzhou (QZ) in Hebei Province; Huimin (HM), triple superphosphate (0–150 kg P2O5 ha–1) and potassium

Table 1. Number of experimental sites, varieties, N treatments, data points, and yield range in different regions of northern China.
Location Year No. of experiments Variety no. N treatment No. of data points Range of yield Reference
Mg ha–1
Beijing DBW 2000–2005 1 2 3 288 1.6–7.3 Zhao et al., 2006

Hebei QZ1 2008–2011 1 2 5 80 2.1–8.0 Yue et al., 2012

QZ2 2009–2010 1 4 2 84 4.9–10.1 Guo, 2011

Shandong HM1 2004–2007 12 3 5, 6 304 3.4–8.6 Yue et al., 2012

HM2 2004–2005 41 7 3 123 3.2–8.3 Cui et al., 2009
TA 2005 9 4 3 45 7.4–10.5 Cui et al., 2009

Henan LK 2008 1 2 5 30 9.7–11.8 Ye et al., 2012

WX 2008, 2010 2 3 5, 6 81 7.3–11.3 Ye et al., 2012
XY 2008 1 15 3 135 6.1–11.8 Ye et al., 2011
ZB 2008 1 15 3 135 5.5–11.5 Ye et al., 2011

Shanxi HT 2005 9 1 3 45 4.0–8.5 Cui et al., 2009

YJ 2005 9 1 3 45 2.6–7.2 Cui et al., 2009

1688 Agronomy Journal • Volume 104, Issue 6 • 2012

chloride (0–120 kg K 2O ha–1) before planting. Urea was applied dry matter. The nitrogen harvest index (NHI) is defined as the N
before winter wheat was planted and as a top dress at the stem accumulation in the grain proportion of the total aboveground
elongation stage according to the specific N treatment. No N uptake. The N requirement per Mg grain (Nreq.) is defined as
obvious water, weed, pest, or disease stress was observed at any of the amount of aboveground N needed to produce 1 Mg grain (on
the sites during the growing season. the basis of 15% moisture).

Sampling and Laboratory Procedures Data Analysis

Plant measurements followed similar protocols at all sites. All data from the N treatments in the various experiments
Wheat plants from an area at least 3 m2 in the middle of each plot were divided into four groups: no N as a control (N = CK);
were harvested manually at maturity. Dry weights of stems and below optimal N application (N < Opt.), which included
grain were determined after separation and oven-drying at 60°C Opt.– 30 kg N ha–1 and 40, 50, 70, and 75% of Opt.;
in a forced-draft oven. Subsamples that passed through a 1-mm an optimal treatment based on in-season root-zone N
screen in a sample mill were mineralized using H2SO4–H2O2 management or a yield goal (N = Opt.); and above optimal N
and plant N concentrations were determined using the standard application (N > Opt.), which included Opt. + 30 kg N ha–1;
Kjeldahl method (Horowitz, 1970). Opt. + 60 kg N ha–1; 125, 130, and 150% of Opt.; and FNP.
Grain yields were reported at a standard moisture content The relationship between aboveground N uptake and grain
of 0.15 kg H2O kg–1 fresh weight. Grain and straw N yield was fitted as linear, quadratic, and power models using
concentrations were reported on the oven dry basis. The HI is SigmaPlot 10 for Windows (www.sigmaplot.com). The power
defined as the grain dry weight proportion of the aboveground model produced the best fit.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of grain yield, harvest index (HI), concentrations of N ([N]) in grain and straw, total N uptake, and
nitrogen harvest index (NHI) at maturity of winter wheat.
Data set Parameter n† Mean SD Min. 25% Q Med. 75% Q Max.
All Yield, Mg ha–1 1395 6.7 2.2 1.6 5.3 6.5 8.3 11.8
HI 1395 0.45 0.05 0.28 0.42 0.46 0.49 0.58
[N] in grain, % 1395 2.11 0.27 1.15 1.95 2.12 2.28 3.04
[N] in straw, % 1395 0.53 0.15 0.11 0.44 0.53 0.62 1.05
N uptake, kg ha–1 1395 159 50 32 129 158 192 305
NHI 1395 0.77 0.06 0.54 0.74 0.77 0.81 0.94
Nreq., kg‡ 1395 23.7 3.3 14.4 21.7 23.6 25.7 37.5

N = CK Yield, Mg ha–1 356 5.8 2.5 1.6 3.6 5.7 7.8 11.4
HI 356 0.45 0.05 0.28 0.41 0.45 0.49 0.56
[N] in grain, % 356 1.91 0.22 1.22 1.78 1.92 2.06 2.63
[N] in straw, % 356 0.42 0.13 0.17 0.31 0.41 0.50 0.86
N uptake, kg ha–1 356 121 54 32 74 122 159 246
NHI 356 0.79 0.05 0.60 0.77 0.80 0.83 0.91
Nreq., kg 356 20.8 2.6 14.4 19.1 20.6 22.4 31.1

N < Opt. Yield, Mg ha–1 146 6.7 1.8 3.8 5.5 6.3 7.2 10.8
HI 146 0.47 0.04 0.33 0.44 0.48 0.50 0.58
[N] in grain, % 146 2.01 0.24 1.26 1.87 2.06 2.17 2.49
[N] in straw, % 146 0.56 0.13 0.20 0.46 0.57 0.65 0.93
N uptake, kg ha–1 146 152 39 68 129 145 169 269
NHI 146 0.76 0.06 0.57 0.73 0.76 0.80 0.91
Nreq., kg 146 22.8 2.5 16.7 21.1 22.9 24.1 29.3

N = Opt. Yield, Mg ha–1 429 7.2 1.9 3.2 5.8 6.7 8.6 11.8
HI 429 0.46 0.04 0.29 0.42 0.46 0.49 0.58
[N] in grain, % 429 2.18 0.20 1.43 2.06 2.18 2.30 2.80
[N] in straw, % 429 0.53 0.10 0.29 0.46 0.53 0.59 1.05
N uptake, kg ha–1 429 172 41 86 143 164 199 281
NHI 429 0.77 0.05 0.59 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.88
Nreq., kg 429 24.3 2.1 17.9 22.7 24.3 25.7 33.7

N > Opt. Yield, Mg ha–1 464 7.1 1.9 3.2 5.6 6.8 8.5 11.8
HI 464 0.45 0.05 0.32 0.42 0.46 0.49 0.58
[N] in grain, % 464 2.23 0.26 1.15 2.09 2.23 2.38 3.04
[N] in straw, % 464 0.61 0.13 0.11 0.52 0.60 0.71 1.03
N uptake, kg ha–1 464 179 41 86 149 175 206 305
NHI 464 0.75 0.06 0.54 0.72 0.75 0.79 0.94
Nreq., kg 464 25.7 3.3 17.8 23.4 25.2 27.5 37.5
† n = number of observations; SD = standard deviation; Q = quartile; Med. = median; Min. = minimum; Max. = maximum.
‡ Nreq.: The nitrogen requirement per megagram of grain.

Agronomy Journal • Volume 104, Issue 6 • 2012 1689

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the N > Opt. treatments (288 kg N ha–1 on average, 122 kg N ha–1
General Overview of the Data Set before planting and 166 kg N ha–1 at the stem elongation stage) did
Considering all 1395 data points that were collected among not produce increased yield compared to the N = Opt. treatment.
all of the experiments, winter wheat grain yield (at 15% moisture) Across all of the experiments, aboveground N uptake averaged
ranged from 1.6 to 11.8 Mg ha–1, with an average of 6.7 Mg ha–1 121, 152, 172, and 179 kg N ha–1 in the N = CK, N < Opt.,
(Table 2). The mean grain yield was 42% higher than China’s N = Opt., and N > Opt. treatments, respectively (Table 2). For the
average wheat yield of 4.7 Mg ha–1 and 123% higher than the N = Opt. treatment, the overall relationship between aboveground
world’s average wheat yield of 3.0 Mg ha–1 in 2010 (FAO, 2011). N uptake and winter wheat grain yield could be described by a
The HI ranged from 0.28 to 0.58, with an average of 0.45 (Table positive power function (Fig. 1b), and 89.3% of the variation in
2). Fifty percent of all observations had HI within a narrow range aboveground N uptake was explained by grain yield. The curve
of 0.42 to 0.49, which is in agreement with the 0.4 to 0.6 range produced by the optimal N supply was higher than that for all of the
reported for modern varieties of most grain crops (Hay, 1995). N treatments, which indicates that the aboveground N uptake–yield
The average grain N concentration was 2.11%, while the straw N relationship was affected by the application of N fertilizer.
concentration was 0.53%. However, the N concentration varied For the N = Opt. treatment, the average grain yield was
tremendously in both grain (1.15–3.04%) and straw (0.11–1.05%) 7.2 Mg ha–1 with an average HI (0.46). Average Nreq. was 24.3 kg
due to the wide range of environmental and N supply conditions and the N concentrations were 2.18% in grain and 0.53% in straw
(Table 2). This wide range in grain N concentrations was similar (Table 2). When less N fertilizer was applied in the N < Opt.
to the 1.23 to 4% that was reported by Asseng et al. (2002). On treatment, Nreq. decreased from 24.3 to 22.8 kg and the N
average, N uptake by aboveground plant dry matter was 159 kg concentrations declined by 8% in grain (from 2.18 to 2.01%) and
ha–1, and the grain NHI was 0.77 (Table 2). increased by 6% in straw (from 0.53 to 0.56%). For the N = CK
Overall, the relationship between aboveground N uptake and treatment, average Nreq. was 20.8 kg, which was the lowest value
winter wheat grain yield could be described by a positive power observed across all of the N treatments. This was because it had the
function, and 85.6% of the variation in aboveground N uptake lowest N concentrations in both grain and straw (1.91% in grain
was explained by grain yield (Fig. 1a).The average N requirement to and 0.42% in straw). With the addition of more N fertilizer in the
produce 1 Mg winter wheat grain was 23.7 kg (range from 14.4 to N > Opt. treatment compared to the N = Opt. treatment, Nreq.
37.5 kg). This requirement was lower than the 24.6 kg estimated by increased from 24.3 to 25.7 kg because the N concentration had an
Liu et al. (2006). The difference may be attributable to the higher increase of 2% in grain (from 2.18 to 2.23%) and 15% (from 0.53
winter wheat grain yield in this study compared to the study by to 0.61%) in straw. This indicates that when excess N consumption
Liu et al. (2006), in which the winter wheat yield ranged from 0.35 occurred, the excess N did not lead to greater grain yield or a greater
to 8.73 Mg ha–1. N concentration in the grain, but instead accumulated in the straw.
Similar results showed that under excess N application, the grain N
Grain Yield, Nitrogen Concentration, and Nitrogen concentration reached a maximum and then remained stable, while
Requirement at Different Nitrogen Treatments the straw N concentration continued to increase (Barneix, 2007).
Average winter wheat grain yield was 5.8 Mg ha–1 (n = 356)
without N fertilizer, whereas average grain yield was 7.2 Mg ha–1 Nitrogen Requirements for Different Winter
(n = 429) in the N = Opt. treatment (130 kg N ha–1 on average, Wheat Grain Yield Levels Under Optimal
55 kg N ha–1 before planting and 75 kg N ha–1 at the stem Nitrogen Application Conditions
elongation stage). Treatments that were below Opt. (74 kg N ha–1 To further clarify the aboveground N uptake–grain yield
on average, 32 kg N ha–1 before planting and 42 kg N ha–1 at the relationship, all of the data from the N = Opt. treatment were
stem elongation stage) had a 7% yield reduction compared to the grouped into six yield ranges: <4.5 Mg ha–1 (n = 24, 4.0 Mg ha–1
N = Opt. treatment. On the other hand, adding more N fertilizer in on average), 4.5 to 6.0 Mg ha–1 (n = 103, 5.3 Mg ha–1 on
average), 6.0 to 7.5 Mg ha–1 (n = 147,
6.7 Mg ha–1 on average), 7.5 to 9.0 Mg ha–1
(n = 64, 8.1 Mg ha–1 on average), 9.0 to
10.5 Mg ha–1 (n = 66, 9.8 Mg ha–1 on
average), and >10.5 Mg ha–1 (n = 25,
11.0 Mg ha–1 on average) (Table 3). Using
all of the data for the N = Opt. treatment,
the average HI values were 0.39, 0.44, 0.46,
0.46, 0.47, and 0.48 for the six wheat grain
yield ranges, respectively (Fig. 2a). Average
NHI remained stable at about 0.77 for
all of the yield ranges (Fig. 2b). The grain
N concentrations were 2.41, 2.25, 2.21,
2.13, 2.00, and 2.06% for the six yield
ranges, respectively (Fig. 2c); the straw N
Fig. 1. Relationship of aboveground N uptake and winter wheat grain yield for (a) all N concentration was 0.47% for the yield range
treatments and (b) N = Opt. treatment. The solid line represents the relationship. The <4.5 Mg ha–1 and was stable at about 0.53%
dashed lines represent the prediction band (P = 0.95). *** Significant at the 0.001. for the other five yield ranges (Fig. 2d).

1690 Agronomy Journal • Volume 104, Issue 6 • 2012

Table 3. Descriptive statistics of grain yield (Mg ha –1) of the N = Opt. treatment at different yield ranges.
Yield ranges n† Mean SD Min. 25% Q Med. 75% Q Max.
<4.5 24 4.0 0.4 3.2 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.5
4.5–6.0 103 5.3 0.4 4.5 5.0 5.3 5.7 6.0
6.0–7.5 147 6.7 0.4 6.0 6.3 6.6 7.0 7.5
7.5–9.0 64 8.1 0.5 7.5 7.7 8.1 8.6 8.9
9.0–10.5 66 9.8 0.4 9.0 9.6 9.9 10.2 10.5
>10.5 25 11.0 0.3 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.3 11.8

Total 429 7.2 1.9 3.2 5.8 6.7 8.6 11.8

† n = number of observations; SD = standard deviation; Q = quartile; Med. = median; Min. = minimum; Max. = maximum.

Average Nreq. was 27.1, 25.0, 24.5, 23.8,

22.7, and 22.5 kg for the six wheat grain
yield ranges, respectively (Fig. 3).
In this study, decreases in the N
requirement of winter wheat in response to
increases in grain yield could be classified
into three response stages. For yield ranges
from <4.5 to 6.0 to 7.5 Mg ha–1, increases
in grain yield were mainly caused by both
improved HI values and higher aboveground
biomass. Yield increased by 68% (from
4.0 to 6.7 Mg ha–1) when aboveground
biomass increased by 39% (from 8.9 to
12.5 Mg ha–1) and HI increased by 18%
(from 0.39 to 0.46). The Nreq. decreased
from 27.1 to 24.5 kg due to the increase
in HI from 0.39 to 0.46 and the decrease
in grain N concentration from 2.41% to
2.21%. For the yield range from 6.0 to 7.5
to 9.0 to 10.5 Mg ha–1, the increase in grain
yield mainly resulted from the increase in
aboveground biomass and the maintenance Fig. 2. (a) Harvest index, (b) N harvest index, (c) grain N concentration, and (d)
straw N concentration of the N = Opt. treatment at maturity of winter wheat for
of a stable HI of 0.47. Nreq. decreased from different yield ranges in the northern China. Solid and dashed lines in this figure
24.5 to 22.7 kg due to a decrease in grain indicate median and mean, respectively. The box boundaries indicate the 75 and 25%
quartiles, the whisker caps indicate 90th and 10th percentiles, and the circles indicate
N concentration from 2.21 to 2.00%. the 95th and 5th percentiles.
For the yield range from 9.0 to 10.5 to
>10.5 Mg ha–1, Nreq. changed little because
the grain N concentration and HI were stable.
In this study, for the N = Opt. treatment, the average grain
yield was 7.2 Mg ha–1 and the N requirement per Mg grain ranged
from 17.9 to 33.7 kg, with an average of 24.3 kg. However, this
N requirement was greater than the value (19.8 kg) for winter
wheat in the UK (Barraclough et al., 2010) and was smaller than
the value (25.9 kg) reported in Mexico (Ortiz-Monasterio et
al., 1997). This is because the grain yield was greater in the UK
(9.27 Mg ha–1) and lower in Mexico (6.4 Mg ha–1). Our results
show that the N requirement decreased from 27.1 kg with an
average grain yield of 4.0 Mg ha–1 to 22.5 kg, with an average grain
yield of 11.0 Mg ha–1. Hou et al. (2012) found similar trends,
whereby N requirements decreased with increasing grain yield in
spring maize.
In our study, the N requirement declined with increasing
grain yield because of an increase in HI and a decrease in the N
concentration, especially in the grain N concentration. An inverse Fig. 3. Nitrogen uptake per Mg wheat grain of the N = Opt.
relationship has been reported between grain N concentration treatment at different yield ranges in the northern China.
Solid and dashed lines in this figure indicate median and mean,
and grain yield in winter wheat (Triboi et al., 2006; Barneix, respectively. The box boundaries indicate the 75% and 25%
2007; Bogard et al., 2010). Grain N concentration or grain protein quartiles, the whisker caps indicate 90th and 10th percentiles,
concentration is a critical trait that determines the nutritional and the circles indicate the 95th and 5th percentiles.

Agronomy Journal • Volume 104, Issue 6 • 2012 1691

value, processing properties, and market value of wheat grain. et al., 2006; Foulkes et al., 2009). Several studies have reported
Therefore, one critical question is how wheat grain yield can be that the addition of postanthesis N through dry fertilizer material
increased while maintaining acceptable grain N concentrations. or foliar N application can increase the grain N concentration
Our results from the N = Opt. treatment show that average without reducing yield (Bly and Woodard, 2003; Dupont et al.,
HI increased from 0.39 in the <4.5 Mg ha–1 yield range to 0.48 2006). Therefore, we can increase both the level and stability of
in the >10.5 Mg ha–1 yield range. These values were lower than wheat and grain N concentrations through wheat breeding and
the HI value (0.55) for winter wheat in the UK (Barraclough et better management practices.
al., 2010). The difference in HI between northern China and
the UK may be caused by differences in climatic conditions. The CONCLUSIONS
climate in northern China is continental, which includes cold Uncertainties in estimates of wheat N demand, such as among
winters and hot summers. In comparison, the climate in the UK regions, N supplies, and wheat grain yield levels, have affected the
is oceanic, which includes moderately cool summers and relatively development of an optimal N management index. A database
warm winters, with a narrow annual temperature range. High comprising 1395 measurements collected from sites in which
temperatures in late May limit grain filling; temperatures over grain yield ranged from 1.6 to 11.8 Mg ha–1 was used to quantify
30°C are common and the maximum temperature can be as high N requirements. Average N requirement increased with N supply.
as 40°C in northern China (Porter and Gawith, 1999; He et al., Excess N application did not lead to greater grain yield or greater
2001). Despite the fact that the highest HI value (0.48) was lower grain N concentration; instead, N accumulated in the straw. A
than the theoretical maximum value of 0.64 for winter wheat decrease in the N requirement per Mg grain yield was observed
(Foulkes et al., 2011), the scope for further improvements in HI with increasing grain yield, which was attributable to an increasing
may be limited in wheat. For example, the highest HI value was HI and dilution effects from declining grain N concentrations.
0.53 for winter wheat cultivars released in France from 1946 to The average N requirement in the N = Opt. treatment was
1992 (Brancourt-Hulmel et al., 2003), while the highest HI value 24.3 kg, which was greater than the value (19.8 kg) for winter
was 0.50 for winter wheat cultivars released in northern China wheat in the UK and smaller than the value (25.9 kg) in Mexico.
from 1960 to 2000 (Zhou et al., 2007). To further increase the In practice, to accurately estimate the N requirements of crops,
yield potential of winter wheat, particular attention should be we should take into account the effects of different N supplies and
given to dry matter production, especially postanthesis, while grain yield levels.
maintaining HI at values above 0.5 (Foulkes et al., 2011; Reynolds
et al., 2011; Ye et al., 2011). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
In this study, the grain N concentration decreased from We thank the National Basic Research Program of China (973,
2.41% in the < 4.5 Mg ha–1 yield range to 2.00% under the 9.0
Program: 2009CB118606), Special Fund for Agro-scientific
to 10.5 Mg ha–1 yield range. The negative relationship between
Research in the Public Interest (201103003), the Innovative
grain N concentration and grain yield in winter wheat had been
Group Grant of National Natural Science Foundation of China
well established (Triboi et al., 2006; Barneix, 2007; Bogard et
(30821003) and the Key Project of Twelfth Five-year National
al., 2010). The physiological basis of this negative correlation can
Plan (2011BAD11B05).
be explained by two hypotheses: (i) competition between C and
N for energy; and (ii) an N dilution effect caused by C-based REFERENCES
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