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Challenge in the era of globalization is the increasing complexity because there is information of

technology, telecommunications, and transportation that have an impact in the international

community. The challenges of globalization are fundamental and will be faced on following
details :

1. Individualism :
the emergence of a tendency to prioritize self-interest than the common interest, lack
of solidarity and social solidarity, mutual cooperation etc

2. Appreciation of the younger generation, many young people in nowadays society have
forgotten with their national identity with a new phenomenon.
which is they prefer to idolizing foreign artists, movie stars soccer players and Korean
drama girl band and boy band than proud and conserve with their culture

3. Critical thinking of the country's ideology, there are many people who have been
indifferent to the ideology or philosophy of their country. They are no longer interested
in discussing it. They are more excited to comparing with other ideologies what they
think are better

Therefore, to produce quality human resources we have to able to compete with all nations in
the world. Effective education systems are the foundation of opportunities to lead a better life.
Ensuring that all children have adequate access to education. Especially educational systems
around the world. we have to improving the quality of education and learning. since
Globalization cannot be rejected or avoided.

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