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Whether you want to breakthrough in

your business, find love, improve your
relationship, master your finances, or
finally get in shape, Peak Performance &
Success coach Jeff Israel Nthiwa will show
you the best strategy to your

Breakthrough! Jeff strongly believes that all we need no matter what we are
dealing with at the moment is a breakthrough. Jeff has managed to gain a
reputation as one of the leading coaches in Africa and has helped to train many
other prominent names in the coaching field. He is a Certified Strategic
Intervention Life Coach by the strategic Intervention Institute U.S.A He is the CEO
of Destiny Life Coaching an agency for the International Coaches Register)

Jeff has experience mentoring other coaches across all of Africa and has become
well-known as one of the leading coaches in Africa, thanks to his impressive
portfolio and even more impressive results. During his time practicing as a coach,
Jeff has managed to amass an incredible 12,000 face-to-face hours with his
clients. Whenever you look for a coach, look for one with that kind of experience
under their belt.

He runs a 3 months Class for training and certifying life coaches. He also facilitates
a Masterclass program for creating ideal life vision and goal setting the program
focuses on guiding a small group of professionals on a Step by Step Guide On How
to Create a Masterpiece Vision for their life so they can Easily Crush their Goals.

His purpose in life is “To Be a Successful and Fulfilled Leader, Coach, Speaker,
Author and Teacher who Empowers World leaders and Pacesetters to Rock Their

In his Masterclass program he shares the 10 key areas of life that we all MUST
establish an empowering vision in order for us to breakthrough into a life of
fulfilment and achievement.
Jeff cites Master life coach Tony Robbins among his greatest inspirations. He has
modelled Tony Robbins Results Coaching for over 10 years now and uses many of
his strategies in his own sessions. But with an insatiable curiosity and love of the
craft, Jeff is not content to rely on just the classic methods. Rather, he is
constantly learning and implementing new strategies, concepts, models, and
techniques to the benefit of his clients – creating a unique and tailored
experience along the way.

What really sets Jeff apart though is his absolute commitment to practicing what
he preaches. Jeff has had great success implementing many of the very same
concepts and ideas and wants to help others enjoy the feelings of fulfilment and
happiness that they have helped him achieve. With a passion for deep,
meaningful, human connection, he aims to do this by forging rewarding
relationships with clients and seeing how the same ideas can be applied to their
unique circumstances and personalities.

Accredited by the international Coaches register

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