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Digital healthcare:

from hospitals to the home

Digital healthcare: from hospitals to the home
How Horizon 2020 can help deliver cost savings in healthcare
Digital healthcare is becoming a reality – but there are bottlenecks to overcome. Already
apps are on the market to monitor patients with diabetes, schizophrenia and heart
disease. Digital technologies are helping dementia patients stay in the community. Our
smartphones can be used to monitor our health 24/7. But how to get these innovations
used at scale?

We will discuss what role H2020 could play in decreasing costs of healthcare in Europe by
taking advantage of the advancement of digital healthcare technologies and promoting
a more systemic and organisational approach. The integration of digital technologies
in the system enables us to shift our perspective in healthcare-modeling and practice
‘from hospitals to the home’, with potential to deliver additional cost savings at regional,
national and European levels.

19:00 Welcome reception

19:30 Dinner discussion

■■ Welcome an introduction:
Richard L. Hudson, CEO, Science|Business

■■ Horizon 2020: Future directions

Waldemar Kütt, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Research, Innovation and
Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
Paul Timmers, Director of the Sustainable & Secure Society Directorate, DG
CNECT, European Commission
■■ Digital healthcare case studies
DALLAS project - presented by Andrew Chitty, Executive Director, Digital Life
Sciences; Advisor, Technology Strategy Board

CERN developments in Medical Physiscs - presented by Manjit Dosanjh, Life

Sciences Advisor and Knowledge Transfer deputy group leader, CERN
■■ Open discussion

21:30 Carriages
Andrew Chitty Manjit Dosanjh
Executive Director, Life Sciences Advisor and
Digital Life Sciences; KT Deputy Group Leader,
Advisor, Technology CERN
Strategy Board
He currently leads service and product design for Manjit Dosanjh is a CERN senior staff member
healthcare startup Digital Life Sciences’, with a focus and the advisor for life sciences since 2000. She
on developing platforms that connect citizens to their holds a PhD in Biochemical Engineering and after
healthcare providers, bringing real benefits to both. her post-doctoral experience at MIT.She has held
Andrew Chitty is originally trained as a neuroscientist, positions as a research professor at LBNL Berkeley,
publishing on disorders of the human visual BEST professor at Jackson State University, visiting
system before moving into science and technology professor at the University of Padua and University
broadcasting and digital design and development. of Cagliari.
He is a non-executive at OFCOM, the UK’s telecoms She is actively involved in applying technologies
and media regulator, a director of Creative England, derived from particle physics to the health field.
and an advisor to the UK Technology Strategy Board She is the co-ordinator of the European Network for
on digital health. LIGht ion Hadron Therapy (ENLIGHT), as well as of a
number of EC funded projects (PARTNER, ENVISION,
ENTERVISION and the Networking Pillar of ULICE).

Waldemar Kütt Paul Timmers

Head of Cabinet of Director of the Sustainable
Commissioner for Research, and Secure Society
Innovation and Science, Directorate, DG Connect,
Maire Geoghegan Quinn, European Commission
European Commission Paul Timmers is Director of the Sustainable & Secure
Waldemar Kütt obtained his ph.d. (summa Society Directorate in the European Commission
cum laude) from the Technical University in (DG CONNECT) dealing with policy and R&I in ICT
Aachen (RWTH) in 1988 in solid state physics and and health, ageing, public services, smart cities and
semiconductor technology. cyber-security.
From May 2008 to February 2010 he was Deputy Before joining the European Commission, he was
Head of Cabinet in the Cabinet of Commissioner a manager in product marketing and software
Potočnik responsible for the Framework Programme development in a large IT company. He also co-
and the European Research Area Policy. From founded a software start-up. He holds a PhD in
February 2010 to February 2012 he was Senior theoretical physics from the University of Nijmegen,
Expert in the Cabinet of Commissioner Geoghegan- the Netherlands and a MBA from Warwick Business
Quinn, responsible for the European Research School, UK. He has widely published in the field of
Area Policy; the 7th Framework Programme; technology and policy, including a book on electronic
administration, simplification and externalisation; commerce strategies and business models.
and Joint Programming. Since February 2012 he
is Deputy Head of Cabinet and is responsible for
Horizon 2020, the European Research Council and
relations with the Competitiveness Council.
Expert Committee
■■ June Andrews, Director of the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC), University
of Stirling
■■ Franca Fraternali, Professor of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; Randall Division
of Cell and Molecular Biophysics, King’s College London
■■ Douglas Gregory, Executive Director: European Government Affairs, Amgen
■■ Francesco Paolucci, Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Economic Research on
Health (ACERH) at The Australian National University (ANU), Researcher and Lecturer at
the Department of Economics University of Bologna
■■ Ray Pinto, Senior Government Affairs Manager, Microsoft Europe
■■ Elżbieta Szelag, Professor in Neuroscience and Head of Laboratory of Neuropsychology,
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
■■ Isabelle Thizon-de Gaulle, Vice President, Europe Strategic Initiatives and Scientific
Relations, Sanofi, R&D

■■ Boris Azais, Director Public Policy Europe and Canada, MSD
■■ Zsofia Bakonyi, Project Manager, Science|Business
■■ Andrew Chitty, Executive Director, Digital Life Sciences
■■ Alberto Di Felice, Government Affairs Analyst, Qualcomm Europe
■■ Manjit Dosanjh, Life Sciences Advisor and Knowledge Transfer deputy group leader, CERN
■■ Aoife Gallagher, Public Affairs Specialist, Fleishman Europe
■■ Pablo Garcia Tello, Knowledge and Technology Transfer, CERN
■■ Graeme Holland, Corporate Affairs – Healthcare, GE
■■ Richard L. Hudson, CEO, Science|Business
■■ Sasa Jenko Kokalj, Scientific officer, DG Research, European Commission
■■ Christian Koddenberg, Bayer Healthcare
■■ Waldermar Kutt, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Research Innovation and Science,
Maire Geoghegan Quinn, European Commission
■■ Ross Melzer, Director, Science|Business
■■ Elisa Molino, Governmental Programs Executive, IBM
■■ Nuala Moran, Managing Editor, Science|Business
■■ Carlos Morais Pires, Head of Sector of the Scientific Data Infrastructure, DG Connect,
European Commission
■■ Michela Paladino, Manager Policy and Online Media, GSMA
■■ Michele Pastore, EU Trade Policy Manager, Samsung Electronics
■■ Tapani Piha, Head of Unit - e-Health and Health Technology Assessment, DG Sanco,
European Commission
■■ Didier Schmitt, Chief Scientific Adviser Team, Scientific Adviser and Foresight Coordinator
Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA) European Commission
■■ Marc Soignet, Technical & Regulatory Policy Manager, Digital Europe
■■ Paul Timmers, Director of the Sustainable and Secure Society Directorate, DG Connect,
European Commission

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