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EXERCISE 113, Page 253

1. A rectangular bar having a cross-sectional area of 80 mm 2 has a tensile force of 20 kN applied

to it. Determine the stress in the bar.

force F 20  103
Stress  =  6
 250 106 Pa = 250 MPa
area A 80 10

2. A circular section cable has a tensile force of 1 kN applied to it and the force produces a stress of

7.8 MPa in the cable. Calculate the diameter of the cable.

force F force F 1 103

Stress  = hence, cross-sectional area, A =   128.2  106 m 2
area A stress  7.8 106

Circular area = r 2 = 128.2  106 m 2

128.2 106 128.2 106

from which, r2 = and radius r =  6.388 103 m = 6.388 mm
 

and diameter d = 2  r = 2  6.388 = 12.78 mm

3. A square-sectioned support of side 12 mm is loaded with a compressive force of 10 kN.

Determine the compressive stress in the support.

force F 10  103
Stress  =   69.44 106 Pa = 69.44 MPa
area A 12 12 106

4. A bolt having a diameter of 5 mm is loaded so that the shear stress in it is 120 MPa. Determine

the value of the shear force on the bolt.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
force F
Stress  = hence, force = stress  area = stress  r 2
area A
 5  103 
= 120 10   
 = 2356 N or 2.356 kN
 2 

5. A split pin requires a force of 400 N to shear it. The maximum shear stress before shear occurs is

120 MPa. Determine the minimum diameter of the pin.

force F force F 400

Stress  = hence, cross-sectional area, A =   3.3333 106 m 2
area A stress  120 106

Circular area = r 2 = 3.3333 106 m 2

3.3333  106 3.3333  106

from which, r2 = and radius r =  1.030 103 m = 1.030 mm
 

and diameter d = 2  r = 2  1.030 = 2.06 mm

6. A tube of outside diameter 60 mm and inside diameter 40 mm is subjected to a tensile load of

60 kN. Determine the stress in the tube.

 D2 d 2    60  103 2  40  103 2 
Area of tube end (annulus) =         = 1.5708  103 mm 2
 4 4   4 4 
 

force F 60  103
Stress  =   38.20 106 Pa = 38.2 MPa
area A 1.5708  103

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
EXERCISE 114, Page 255

1. A wire of length 4.5 m has a percentage strain of 0.050% when loaded with a tensile force.

Determine the extension in the wire.

Original length of wire = 4.5 m = 4500 mm and strain = = 0.00050
extension x
Strain  = hence, extension x = L = (0.00050)(4500) = 2.25 mm
original length L

2. A metal bar 2.5 m long extends by 0.05 mm when a tensile load is applied to it. Determine

(a) the strain, (b) the percentage strain.

extension 0.05 mm 0.05

(a) Strain  =   = 0.00002
original lengh 2.5 10 mm 2500

(b) Percentage strain = 0.00002  100 = 0.002%

3. An 80 cm long bar contracts axially by 0.2 mm when a compressive load is applied to it.

Determine the strain and the percentage strain.

contraction 0.2 mm
Strain  =  = 0.00025
original lengh 800 mm

Percentage strain = 0.00025  100 = 0.025%

4. A pipe has an outside diameter of 20 mm, an inside diameter of 10 mm and length 0.30 m and it

supports a compressive load of 50 kN. The pipe shortens by 0.6 mm when the load is applied.

Determine (a) the compressive stress, (b) the compressive strain in the pipe when supporting this


 2
Compressive force F = 50 kN = 50000 N, and cross-sectional area A =
 D  d2  ,
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
where D = outside diameter = 20 mm and d = inside diameter = 10 mm.

 
Hence, A = (202  102 ) mm 2  (202  102 ) 106 m 2  2.3562 104 m 2
4 4

F 50000 N
(a) Compressive stress,  =  4
= 212.2  10 6 Pa = 212.2 MPa
A 2.3562 10 m 2

(b) Contraction of pipe when loaded, x = 0.6 mm = 0.0006 m, and original length L = 0.30 m.

x 0.0006
Hence, compressive strain,  =  = 0.002 (or 0.20%)
L 0.3

5. A rectangular block of plastic material 400 mm long by 15 mm wide by 300 mm high has its

lower face fixed to a bench and a force of 150 N is applied to the upper face and in line with it.

The upper face moves 12 mm relative to the lower face. Determine (a) the shear stress, and

(b) the shear strain in the upper face, assuming the deformation is uniform.

(a) Shear stress,  =
area parallel to the force

Area of any face parallel to the force = 400 mm  15 mm

= (0.4  0.015) m 2 = 0.006 m 2
150 N
Hence, shear stress,  = = 25000 Pa or 25 kPa
0.006 m 2

(b) Shear strain,  =
= = 0.04 (or 4%)

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
EXERCISE 115, Page 258

1. A wire is stretched 1.5 mm by a force of 300 N. Determine the force that would stretch the wire

4 mm, assuming the elastic limit of the wire is not exceeded.

Hooke's law states that extension x is proportional to force F, provided that the limit of

proportionality is not exceeded, i.e. x  F or x = kF where k is a constant.

When x = 1.5 mm, F = 300 N, thus 1.5 = k(300), from which, constant k = = 0.005
When x = 4 mm, then 4 = kF i.e. 4 = 0.005 F

from which, force F = = 800 N

Thus to stretch the wire 4 mm, a force of 800 N is required.

2. A rubber band extends 50 mm when a force of 300 N is applied to it. Assuming the band is

within the elastic limit, determine the extension produced by a force of 60 N.

Hooke's law states that extension x is proportional to force F, provided that the limit of

proportionality is not exceeded, i.e. x  F or x = kF where k is a constant.

50 1
When x = 50 mm, F = 300 N, thus 50 = k(300), from which, constant k = 
300 6
When F = 60 N, then x = k(60) i.e. x =    60  = 10 mm

Thus, a force of 60 N stretches the wire 10 mm.

3. A force of 25 kN applied to a piece of steel produces an extension of 2 mm. Assuming the elastic

limit is not exceeded, determine (a) the force required to produce an extension of 3.5 mm, (b) the

extension when the applied force is 15 kN.

From Hooke’s law, extension x is proportional to force F within the limit of proportionality, i.e.
© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
x  F or x = kF, where k is a constant. If a force of 25 kN produces an extension of 2 mm, then

2 = k(25), from which, constant k = = 0.08

(a) When an extension x = 3.5 mm, then 3.5 = k(F), i.e. 3.5 = 0.08 F,

from which, force F = = 43.75 kN

(b) When force F = 15 kN, then extension x = k(15) = (0.08)(15) = 1.2 mm

4. A test to determine the load/extension graph for a specimen of copper gave the following results:

Load (kN) 8.5 15.0 23.5 30.0

Extension (mm) 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.14

Plot the load/extension graph, and from the graph determine (a) the load at an extension of

0.09 mm, and (b) the extension corresponding to a load of 12.0 kN.

A graph of load/extension is shown below.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
(a) When the extension is 0.09 mm, the load is 19 kN

(b) When the load is 12.0 kN, the extension is 0.057 mm

5. A circular section bar is 2.5 m long and has a diameter of 60 mm. When subjected to a

compressive load of 30 kN it shortens by 0.20 mm. Determine Young's modulus of elasticity for

the material of the bar.

 60 103  3
Force, F = 30 kN = 30000 N and cross-sectional area A = r   
  2.8274 10 m

 2 
F 30000
Stress  =  = 10.61 MPa
A 2.8274 103

Bar shortens by 0.20 mm = 0.00020 m

x 0.00020
Strain  = = = 0.00008
L 2.5
stress 10.61106
Modulus of elasticity, E = = = 132.6  10 9 = 132.6 GPa
strain 0.00008

6. A bar of thickness 20 mm and having a rectangular cross-section carries a load of 82.5 kN.

Determine (a) the minimum width of the bar to limit the maximum stress to 150 MPa, (b) the

modulus of elasticity of the material of the bar if the 150 mm long bar extends by 0.8 mm when

carrying a load of 200 kN.

(a) Force, F = 82.5 kN = 82500 N and cross-sectional area A = (20x)10 6 m 2 , where x is the width

of the rectangular bar in millimetres.

F F 82500 N
Stress  = , from which, A =  = 5.5 10 4 m 2 = 5.5 104 106 mm 2
A  150 106 Pa

= 5.5 10 2 mm 2 = 550 mm 2

Hence, 550 = 20x, from which, width of bar, x = = 27.5 mm

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis
F 200000
(b) Stress  =  = 363.64 MPa
A 550 106

Extension of bar = 0.8 mm

x 0.8
Strain  = = = 0.005333
L 150
stress 363.64 106
Modulus of elasticity, E = = = 68.2  10 9 = 68.2 GPa
strain 0.005333

7. A metal rod of cross-sectional area 100 mm 2 carries a maximum tensile load of 20 kN. The

modulus of elasticity for the material of the rod is 200 GPa. Determine the percentage strain

when the rod is carrying its maximum load.

F 20000
Stress  =  = 200 MPa
A 100 106

stress stress 200 106

Modulus of elasticity, E = from which, strain =  = 0.001
strain E 200 109

Hence, percentage strain,  = 0.001  100% = 0.10%

EXERCISE 116, Page 259

Answers found from within the text of the chapter, pages 250 to 259.

EXERCISE 117, Page 260

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (c) 11. (f) 12. (h)

13. (d)

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis

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