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Thank you so much for all you have done to make

this graduation season very fruitful. God has

blessed your efforts and it is a blessing to see the
difference in the lives of the children and youth. It is
my joy to see your sponsored children/youth and their families in person, and to hear them express their love
and gratitude for you. Because of you they have a chance to break the cycle of poverty in their lives. Thank
you for making their dreams come true. College graduation is a day that many can only dream about. LCW/LCP continues to make
We are grateful to you for your partnership, faithful support, and prayers. Without your gifts LCW/LCP would educational dreams come true through scholarships. Read this story of a scholar that embodies
not be able to touch the lives of over 6000 people each year. You impact not only lives on earth but also the goals of our programs, and join us in this issue for more stories of the Lord’s faithfulness
eternity as people come to know Jesus and His amazing love. during this graduation season.
“Hi there! I'm ROCKY BRUCE M. ALKUINO, an LCP scholar, graduate of Bachelor in
Again, we come to you asking for your help. Many LCW/LCP Programs including Health, Preschool, Science in Hospitality Management class of 2018.
Wee Women and Consuelo Residential Dorms, Peace and Faith Program and Shipping are in need of Before LCP, my parents worked so hard, were so industrious even with tired bodies, and
funding. There are also 220 children currently waiting and praying for help and hope through they were always so loving, selfless, and caring. They tried to give us everything we needed, even if
sponsorship. We appeal to you to consider giving a gift to Little Children of the World, today to meet that left nothing for themselves. We had so many financial and food insufficiencies. My parents
these Urgent Needs. often sacrificed their meal for us. There was nothing I could do to help them during that time, except
With deepest appreciation, to hold on to my will to finish my studies so I would be able to give back to them after graduation.
Facing such life obstacles is a struggle but, after so many prayers, God gave us relief through
LCP. We joined when I was 8 years-old in 2nd grade. Soon after, I was sponsored. Sponsorship
Glenna Waller, President / CEO assisted my parents in supporting our day to day needs, in our personal, financial, and academic life.
At LCP, we were involved in Bible studies, Sunday worship & service, Sunday school, fellowships, and
College Banquet
community outreach programs. There were academic trainings too. We experienced these, little by
Little Children of the World Non-Profit Organization little, but they had great effects on our interpersonal, spiritual, and emotional development. Inspired by everyone's
Give online: commitment and passion at LCP and by all blessings they gave me, I was determined to do my best and hold on to my
P.O. Box 37 U.S. Postage Paid ambition. With God's grace, I was able to finish my primary education and my high school years.
Barnesville GA 30204 Barnesville GA 30204 I became a LCP trainee for 1 year, and I learned so much. In God's plan, my sponsors, Bud & Stella Naifeh and
Give by mail: Tel/Fax 770-358-2771 Permit No. 22
Glen Clemens, and college donor, Dumaguete South Rotary Club, granted me an opportunity to reach my dreams in
P.O. Box 37 college. During that time, my father fell out from heat stroke, and my mother was diagnosed with stage 1 cyst on her
Barnesville GA 30204 Return Service Requested breast. With these major health risks, there were many difficulties with it, and they could not work well. There were
months that my family had nothing. It broke my heart seeing them that way. But with strong will, and determination,
Give by phone: with my LCP family's help, entrusting everything to God, we were able to overcome. My father recovered, my mom
770-358-2771 underwent surgery, and finally, I was able to finish college. Now, I’ve received my Bachelor's degree, and I am ready to
face the next journey in my life. I could not bear everything without the help of God and everyone through LCP.”
Volunteer in the US Little Children of the World is changing lives one child at a time through education. Lend a helping hand and
or the Philippines break the cycle of poverty through giving a college education to a scholar like Rocky, today.

Sponsor a child MORE IN THIS ISSUE: Graduation celebrations, Preschool teachers retire after
($35/month) Creator/Editor: Brittany Foster,
over a decade of service, First-12th grade graduates in the Philippines, Alumni visit
Preschool is LCP’s first step of educational intervention. Our seven We are so excited we have added 13 new alumni to the
preschool centers start four year old children off with quality LCP graduates, bringing us to a grand total of 284
foundational education to prepare them for the future. This year graduates to come through our scholarship program.
marks a record number of preschool graduates with 119 moving up Thank you so much to everyone who was a sponsor and
donor to these amazing graduates! Education is truly
to kindergarten in June. The graduation ceremony featured dance
the only way to break the cycle of poverty. College
and song performances from each of the seven preschool centers. graduates can make a better life for themselves, reach
The graduates performed traditional Filipino dances with costumes to back to help their families, and are more financially able
match, made by the mothers, as well as to give their children a chance to live free from the
contemporary dances. Each class awarded grips of poverty that once held them in bondage.
1st and 2nd honors to the students with
The school-year has come to an end for the LCP Work Scholarship recipients. And
best behavior and participation, as well as
for 13 students, all their labors have paid off in graduation. LCP celebrated with a
other superlative awards. The preschool
night just for the graduates. Nine graduates received Bachelor’s Degrees and three
centers are a longstanding program. We
received Associate’s Degrees. In addition, we were able to see former scholars
are so proud of the achievements of the preschools, and we know the teachers are
graduate who have now completed their respective degrees and graduates who
the reason for their continued success. Lolita Mendez, Bloomington Preschool
have furthered their education. Most notably, Jorilie Joy Bilbao, an LCP college
teacher for 16 years, and Pomposa Patajo, Balugo Preschool teacher for 12 years,
graduate who has been working full time while paying her way through law
will be retiring this year. They are huge contributors to the success of this program
school. Joy spoke at the college banquet to encourage the college scholars with
and other educational programs, because they have faithfully taught hundreds of Pomposa Patajo & Lolita Mendez
her story. We are so proud of Joy for her achievements. She is an inspiration to all LCP students and a picture
young children, many of whom have already graduated from college.
of hard work and determination.
In years past, the Philippines has only
Earlier in the week, all 51 of the scholars celebrated the end of the school year with a banquet. Different
required their students to complete 10
groups performed dances and songs for the guests, including the LCP staff who performed “Kaamulan,” a
years of schooling prior to proceeding
traditional Filipino dance. Graduates, Rocky Bruce Alkuino and Gretchen Joy Tubil, shared their stories of how
to college. In 2016, the Philippine
LCP has positively impacted their lives, and helped them achieve their dreams of attaining a college education.
education system added 11th and 12th
Awards were given for the most notable scholars. Joyce Gingco: Scholar of the Year, Aljhon Baco: Best in
grade to their curriculum to become
Participation, and Arnold Rahiol: Best in Swap. Many other scholars received recognition for excellent grades
more internationally competitive. In
and LCP participation. Next year we anticipate 33 college graduates, and we look forward to seeing them
2016 and 2017, LCP had no high school
succeed in the future. Due to the new laws giving free tuition in the Philippines, providing a scholarship
graduates, but rather, students
through LCP will be much more affordable. Consider granting a scholarship for a deserving student and
celebrated being the first classes to
break the cycle of poverty for good!
move from 10th to 11th grade in
Philippine history. Now that the
additional years of schooling are fully implemented, 2018 marks the first-ever 12th grade graduates at LCP. LCP’s number of alumni is steadily growing! This
LCP celebrated with a banquet for the 51senior high school graduates. The night included songs and dances year marked the 6th anniversary of the Alumni
performed by the graduates. Notable awardees for academic honors include: Jofelyn Garsula, Theresa Meet and Greet. 60 LCP graduates from all
around Dumaguete and surrounding islands in
Timonan, Jay Cheever Rocabarte, Ruben Morano, and Claire Vensuelo. Graduates receiving awards for LCP
the Philippines returned to the LCP compound
participation include: Jofelyn Garsula, Cris Rona Mae Oira, Raymark Ablong, and Theresa Timonan. We are so for fellowship and sharing their success stories.
proud of all of our graduates! Graduates from every class since the scholarship
We hope to see all these graduates succeed in life whether they are proceeding to college or entering into program began in 2001 were represented. Many
the work force. The new education system equips 12th grade graduates with vocational training as part of brought their children, and we were able to catch
their senior high curriculum. All graduates are eligible to take an entrance exam to qualify for free college a glimpse into how LCW/LCP is making a differ-
tuition at a public college like NORSU. LCP scholars, as always, must have an 85%, or above, average to be ence in the next generation. 95% of LCP graduates are working or pursuing further education, and the remain-
eligible for a scholarship. With government funded tuition, costs of sending a student to college will be ing 5% have chosen to become full-time parents. Our graduates are thriving no matter where they go! We are
greatly reduced. However, LCP scholarships will still be provided to help support transportation fees, projects, so proud of all of our graduates and the lives they have built for themselves. Thank you so much for giving a
supplies, uniforms, and other additional expenses that vary based on course of study. hand up to a better future and breaking the cycle of poverty through education.

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