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Numerous issues like STDs, Teenage Pregnancy, or Prostitution are very common

nowadays. This is due to the lack of knowledge regarding sexual health and inadequate learnings

on the consequences. Sex Education deals with acquainting individuals on the proper way of

doing sexual intercourse and its possible effects to one's reproductive health. It covers activities

associated with sexual intercourse, sexual reproduction, age of consent where (mostly ladies) can

legally have sexual intercourse, reproductive health, precautions to have safe sex, birth control

such as pills and sexual abstinence or the practice of refraining from all aspects of sexual

activity. It is a high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics related to sex

and sexuality, exploring values and beliefs about those topics and gaining the skills that are

needed to navigate relationships and manage one’s own sexual health. It has been misinterpreted

by many with the unrelated information which is not applicable to a particular age hence, it

should occur throughout a student’s grade levels, with information appropriate to students’

development and cultural background. It should also include information about puberty and

reproduction, abstinence, contraception and condoms, relationships, sexual violence prevention,

body image, gender identity and sexual orientation.

Sex Education is probably one of the most sensitive topics here in the Philippines. It has

been a subject of debate whether to incorporate this in the school curriculum. But the wrong idea

of Sex Education is also from the government itself because recently, the Department of Health

proposed a plan to distribute condoms to students because they believe that it was in conjunction

with introducing Sex Education to these students in order to address the aforementioned

problems, which obviously performed and introduced in public in a wrong way. Aside from

giving condoms, the DOH or Department of Health was considering being aware of the World

Health Organization to make HIV self-testing kits available to the public. According to Health

Secretary Duque III (2018), "As health workers, we should lead and promote HIV testing as part

of the national strategy to fight and prevent HIV/AIDS. It is important to know one’s HIV status

to enable people living with HIV (PLHIV) to access treatment, which is now given for free by

the DOH."

Sex Education should also be implemented to become aware towards the growing

percentage of both teenage pregnancy and prostitution situations. According to the data gathered

by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), among 10 Filipinas aged between 15 and 19 years

old, one has gotten pregnant; 8% have become mothers and 2% are pregnant with their first

child. The "Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study" on the other hand, conducted in 2002 by

the University of the Philippines' Population Institute and Demographic Research and

Development Foundation found that 19% of young males had paid for sex and 11% had received

payment for sexual favors. In 2013, it was estimated that there were up to 500,000 prostitutes in

the Philippines from a population of roughly 97.5 million. Citing a 2005 study, Senator Pia S.

Cayetano asserted in her “Anti-Prostitution Act” (Senate Bill No. 2341 s.2010), that the number

of people being exploited in prostitution in the Philippines could be as high as 800,000. In this

part, everyone and particularly the youth, needs to understand that Sex Education is not just

about how sex is happening but how sex can affect one’s way of living as well.

Sex Education must be implemented for the children to be oriented about the sexual

activities and there won't be confusions or misinformation that could occur. Students deserve to

be given the proper information that will enable them to make responsible and healthy decisions,

in terms of sexual intercourse, their reproductive health, safe sex and the like.

If we observe the issues that our country are facing right now like poverty, teenage

pregnancy, STDs and prostitution, it is already a necessity to know more beyond the reason of

how and why such things are happening which obviously falls under Sex Education, that is why

the researchers conducted a study to know the knowledge and perspectives of parents and grade

11 students towards the possible implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of

Baliuag that can help to implement awareness to the beneficiaries of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the knowledge and perspectives of parents and Grade 11

students towards the possible implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the knowledge of parents and grade 11 students towards the concept of Sex


2. What are the perspectives of parents and grade 11 students towards the possible

implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the possible implementation of Sex

Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag?

Significance of the Study

Through tackling a sensitive but relevant issue that is Sex Education for the youth, this

research provides several benefits to different stakeholders such as the students, parents,

teachers, the school itself, and future researchers.

1. To the Grade 11 Students

This study provides important information on several facets of Sex Education that is

accessible and may easily be comprehended by students. With this, this research benefits Grade

11 students may understand the concept of Sex Education since the subject will be discussed

throughout the research. Also, this study will present opinions and insights of different groups

such as educators and parents.

2. To the Parents of SMCB

This study is also significant to the parents of SMCB for they will learn about the

knowledge of their children about Sex Education. Knowing that can help them guide their

children on the subject matter even outside the school.

3.. To the Teachers of SMCB

This study is essential for the teachers of SMCB for it offers them a deeper understanding

on the insights of Grade 11 students towards Sex Education. If in the future, the inclusion of Sex

Education comes into fruition, educators may gauge the extent of the students’ knowledge and

level of maturity on the subject matter. There will no longer be a need to run diagnostics to

determine how much students know about Sex Education.

4.To The Administration of SMCB

Since the school will become familiarized with the knowledge and different insights of

stakeholders towards Sex Education, they can determine which beliefs and insights must be

explained and taught further or debunked. That is why this study is also beneficial to the school

and the administration of St. Mary's College of Baliuag because this can serve as a relevant

source of knowledge on how they can seamlessly adapt and design Sex Education in the

curriculum, if the subject will be integrated in the future.

5. To the Researchers Themselves

This study also benefits the researchers themselves because it will give them a relevant

and vital source of information from different groups. The study can serve as a primary source of

material if ever the researchers decide to pursue the subject matter further in the future.

6. To the Future Researchers

Any research contributes to the vast collection of knowledge. Through this research,

future scholars can have an essential source of information if ever they choose to explore the

subject of Sex Education further. Future researchers can also discern how the different

stakeholders think towards the subject matter during this time and generation. They may examine

how much have changed or how much have retained over time.

Scope and Delimitation

The study is focused on the knowledge and perspectives of parents and Grade 11 students

towards the possible implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag. The

primary data gathering method used for the basis of the research data is a set of questionnaire

and interviews of 50 respondents. The respondents are categorized into 2 groups: parents and

students. 25 parents and 25 students answered the questionnaire and are interviewed. They were

given the same set of questions. All respondents were part of the SMCB Community of school

year 2018-2019. The research lasted for four months, from August to November 2018.

This study is conducted to serve as a basis to properly introduce and raise awareness on

sex education since it presents the insights of several stakeholders in a school. It does not

necessarily suggest or encourage the possibility of it being implemented in St. Mary’s College of

Baliuag. It also does not explore the discussion on how the school may adopt the subject in its

curriculum and its implications, especially since the school is a Catholic Institution.



Review of Related Literature

Sex Education deals with varied topics concerning sex and sexuality, exploring different

factors and dimensions about those topics while also developing skills to nurture one’s sexual

health and awareness towards sexual rights. It may take place in homes, schools, communities,

and in the media (Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc., n.d). It is also considered as a

constant process of gaining information and forming attitudes and values about human

development, relationships, and sexual behaviors (Sexuality Information and Education Council

of the United States, 2004).

Sex Education is considered to play a vital role towards the health and wellbeing of a

person. The goal is to promote a positive perspectives towards sexuality as a whole by providing

information, giving the freedom to discern on one’s own attitudes, building relationships, and

establishing self-responsibility (SIECUS, 2004). It renders a holistic approach for the youth to be

prepared for social issues like sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), teenage pregnancy, gender

inequality, etc. while empathizing towards traditions and culture that will cultivate their

capability bond with other people. It can also develop their respect for human rights (United

Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 2018).

From a study, Sex Education in schools has increasing importance as it informs students

about current issues. It can help the youth to understand the impact of sex in their lives, through

Sex Education, youth can be aware of what is a good and a bad touch. It can also help transform

children to be responsible adults. However, the topic should have expert teachers or at least have

enough knowledge to teach the right information. Sex Education in schools might be

misinterpreted that is why it is needed to be cleared that it is not an extracurricular course anyone

can do (De, 2015). As stated by Hall (2011), there are thousands of female teens between 15 and

19 years of age which are involved in teen pregnancies and teen abortions and as an addition,

Cayetano (2015) asserted in her “Anti-Prostitution Act” (Senate Bill No. 2341 s.2010), that the

number of people being exploited in prostitution in the Philippines could be as high as 800,000.

With these data, it was shown that the significance of having abstinence education or Sex

Education itself would have much impact because most of the teens are not fully aware. The

expectation is that the higher levels of the Sex Education would be a result to a fully aware

behaviour and thus lower levels of teen pregnancy.

According to Andrade (2016), the full implementation of teaching Sex Education in

public schools under the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law of 2013 (RH

Law) is one of President Duterte’s concern. The Supervising Education Program Specialist of

DepEd, Rosalie Masilang, stated that it is meant to empower students to make choices for their

own well-being, to help them identify and avoid abuse in an early age and to correct values and

attitudes to discourage premarital sex and teenage pregnancy. It is also suggested that Sex

Education can easily be integrated in the curriculum through natural and purposive integration.

Natural integration refers to Science, Health, Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies), and

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (Values Education) subjects while purposive integration focuses on

Mathematics and Language subjects.

However, some issues did arise that contributed to the curriculum to be further

revaluated. As stated by the Department of Education (2016), Sex Education which schools and

other learning facilities should perform has not yet fully comprehend which makes the

implementation of a particular program like RH law it not that being developed yet DepEd

already included the topic in its K to 12 curriculums but it is not yet approved by a panel of

expert in line with teachers, parents, RH providers and the youth. Teachers are also needed to be

trained on how to teach the topic with its appropriateness with the students’ age said by the


In line with that, quality of education would always be important in one’s development

and to attain quality education, effective teachers should be present. To develop potential

teachers, the institution itself is tasked to prepare their teachers with comprehensive knowledge

and imbued with ideals, aspiration and traditions from our own Filipino culture that must lead the

students to the understanding on what Sex Education really is and not to the further

misconceptions of the topic (Padama et al., 2015).

The plan to implement Sex Education in the curriculum worried the Catholic bishops

considering that it is a very sensitive topic. They also pointed out that the government should

thoroughly evaluate the details in the program while discussing that parents should play a vital

role in it. Moreover, they said that comprehensive guidelines should also be provided while

carefully determining the process and the standards to be able to teach the program (Saludes &

Murcia, 2016).

Later on, Torres (2017) reported that the Department of Education disapproved the

proposal of Health officials to distribute condoms towards Senior High School students since the

students are still minors and it still requires a parental consent to push through with the said

errand even if it’s aim is to tone down the cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Today, according to Education Secretary Leonor Briones, the need for Sex Education is

becoming urgent because of several cases of Teenage Pregnancy, Sexual Violence, and HIV.

Hence, DepEd delivered the Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the Comprehensive

Sexuality Education (CSE) or the DepEd Order No. 31, series of 2018 (DO 31), to strengthen the

foundation of the program itself. It means that the government will shoulder the teaching

materials to ensure the accuracy of the lessons while also facilitating training programs for the

teachers (Esguerra, 2018).

According to Justice (2016), further resources should be tackled regarding Sex Education

to effectively answer the questions of the students. Moreover, students must be prepared to learn

information about Sex Education as much as the schools are prepared to teach it. Students

wanted an in depth coverage of prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Most students wanted more

information on contraception, sexual violence, and sexual harassment; also students

communicated distress in discussing Sex Education.

The leaders where exceptionally dedicated to their past regarding social and sexual

issues. Nonetheless, it was hard for them to convey Sex Education because of timetable firmness,

different cross-curricular issues and there was only a little recognition or reward for the

preparation of curriculum and materials (Alldred, David, & Smith, 2009).

In regards to the differences between mothers and fathers, according to McKay, Byers,

Voyer, Humphreys, and Markham (2014), mothers are more comfortable and knowledgeable

about Sex Education. They also suggested that the actual teaching should start earlier and

expressed that the topics are more important that did the fathers. However, Weaver et al. (2001)

found out that there are no major differences between the mothers’ and the fathers’ attitudes

towards Sex Education.

From another study, it is concluded that parents want their children to learn about Sex

Education. However, they want to be constantly informed about the programs, they want to be

assured that the teachers are well-qualified to deliver such sensitive knowledge to their children,

and that the schools are willing to take an active engagement with parents to foster concerns. In

short, they want a concrete trust between school and home (Dyson, 2010).

According to the study of the University of the Philippines Population Institute conducted

by Cruz and Cruz (2013), majority of the selected parents agree that sex education should be

taught in school. Parents prefer sex education to be introduced in high school. Hence, many

studies also justified that students feel more comfortable talking about sex if the lesson were led

by an older teacher (Cooper, 2016) and Kontula (2016) stated that the level of student’s sexual

information was advanced emphatically by instructors who need to instruct demeanors of

expectation and resilience toward sexuality, found sexual issues simple to talk about.

Also, the nationally representative survey commissioned by PPFA and the Center for

Latino Adolescent and Family Health (CLAFH) at the Silver School of Social Work at NYU,

conducted by Knowledge Networks, found that majority of parents say they feel very

comfortable talking with their children about sex and sexual health and majority of them feel

confident about their ability to influence whether or not their child has sex (Anonymous, 2010).

Guardians assume a basic part in the improvement of youngsters' sexuality, yet regularly

feel awkward and on edge about how best to speak with their kids about sexual issues. Parents

felt generally proficient and sure examining sexuality points with their child, despite the fact that

they noticed that there were subjects they would not feel good discussing. The degree to which

the parent felt proficient and agreeable in teaching their child about sexuality and their utilization

of effective parenting strategies procedures were altogether identified with parental certainty. At

long last, guardians evaluated all potential parenting intercession subjects as being helpful

(Morawska, Walsh, Grabski, & Fletcher, 2015).

Also, according to Jerves, López, Castro, Ortiz, and Palacios (2014), guardians held a

confined view about sex training, grounded in conventional religious thoughts regarding

sexuality, which drove guardians to comprehend it as an ethically and physically unsafe

movement. Despite the fact that guardians communicated an eagerness to make great quality sex

instruction accessible to their youngsters, they revealed having deficient individual assets to

satisfy that goal.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows how the possible implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College

of Baliuag. The researchers want to know how the possible implementation of Sex Education in

St. Mary’s College of Baliuag affects the knowledge and perspectives of parents and grade 11


The Possible The Knowledge and

Implementation of Sex Perspectives of Parents
Education in St. Mary’s andGrade 11 Students
College of Baliuag

Figure 1: The Knowledge and Perspectives of Parents and Grade 11 Students Towards the

Possible Implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag.

Definition of Terms


 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); a chronic, potentially life-

threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

2. HIV

 Human Immunodeficiency Virus; infects cells of the immune system, destroying or

impairing their function and the virus that causes AIDS, which is the most advanced

stage of HIV infection.

3. Implementation

 The process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution.

4. Knowledge

 Facts, information and skills acquired by a person through experience or education.

5. Perspectives

 A particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by

your beliefs or experiences.

 A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view

6. Sex

 Sex refers to the biological characteristics that define humans as female or male.

7. Sex Education

 Sex Education is high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics

related to sex and sexuality, exploring values and beliefs about those topics and

gaining the skills that are needed to navigate relationships and manage one’s own

sexual health. Sex Education may take place in schools, in community settings, or


8. Sexual Health

 A state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality;

it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health

requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as

well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of

coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and

maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and


9. Sexuality

 A central aspect of being human throughout life encompasses sex, gender identities

and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction.

Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs,

attitudes, values, behaviors, practices, roles and relationships. It is influenced by the

interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, legal,

historical, religious and spiritual factors.

10. Sexual Rights

 The application of existing human rights to sexuality and sexual health constitute

sexual rights. Sexual rights protect all people's rights to fulfill and express their

sexuality and enjoy sexual health, with due regard for the rights of others and within

a framework of protection against discrimination.

11. Sexual Violence

 A sexual act committed against someone without that person's freely given consent.

12. SMCB

 St. Mary’s College of Baliuag

13. Teenage Pregnancy

 A pregnancy that occurs for a woman under the age of 20. Although technically not

a teenager, a young woman 12 or under who is pregnant falls into this definition of

teenage pregnancy as well.



Research Design

The researchers used Qualitative Research design, specifically, the descriptive method of

research to determine the knowledge and perception of parents and Grade 11 students towards

the possible implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag.

Shuttleworth (2008) states that the descriptive method of research revolves around

obtaining information by observing and describing a respondent’s natural behavior towards a

specific circumstance without affecting it in any way. It is commonly used in social science and

psychology to achieve an overview of the subject. It also serves as a basis for other studies, as it

gives valuable pointers to determine variables that can be considered as essential.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers used systematic sampling where in the total numbers of Grade 11

students which is 194 excluding the researchers were divided into 25 which are the target

respondents to get the interval of 7 in choosing who the final respondents per section are. The

data were collected from 25 Grade 11 students in St. Mary's College of Baliuag. There were 6

students in Grade 11- St. Ignatius of Loyola, 4 students from Grade 11- St. Francis of Assisi, 4

students from Grade 11- St. Benedict, 4 students from Grade 11- St. Augustine and 6 students in

Grade 11- St. Dominic.

The researchers used purposive sampling under non-random, where in the researchers

may be able to choose who and how many the respondents are. The data were collected from 25

parents in St. Mary's College of Baliuag. The researchers settled with the standard that the

parents should have a child or children who are currently studying in SMCB also in the school

year 2018-2019.

Research Instrument

The data for this study were gathered using interviews. The researchers asked

dichotomous questions which are answerable by yes or no and the researchers also asked open

ended questions. The first two questions gauge how much respondents know about Sex

Education. The third and fourth questions explore how the respondents feel about Sex Education.

The fifth question focus on the perspectives of the respondents towards the possible

implementation of Sex Education in school.

Research Procedure

The researchers included 25 Grade 11 students and 25 parents from St. Mary’s College of

Baliuag. The researchers asked permission from the respondents in regards to their time and

willingness to participate in the study. A questionnaire was given with 17 questions, each are

answerable by yes or no and a structured interview was also conducted with 5 questions at hand

to obtain sufficient data. The stakeholders were guaranteed with confidentiality of their

responses. After data collection, the researchers then analyzed and interpreted the data.

Statistical Treatment

The accumulated data was tallied, analyzed and interpreted. The data was statistically

treated using frequency and percentage.


P = Total no. x 100
of Respondents

P = Percentage

F = Frequency



This chapter presents analysis and interprets the data and information gathered according

to relation to the general and specific problems of the study as indicated in the statement of the

problem. For clarity of discussion, the data are categorized and presented into a single part.

Table 1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents

Section Frequency Percentage

St. Ignatius of Loyola 6 12%

St. Augustine 5 10%

St. Francis of Assisi 4 8%

St. Benedict 4 8%

St. Dominic 6 12%

Parents 25 50%

Total 50 100 %

Table 1 show that the frequency of sections St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Dominic has 6

out of 50 respondents and both have a percentage of 12% which is the largest population if the

respondents were students. There are 5 out of 50 respondents in St. Augustine and has a

percentage of 10%. In St. Francis of Assisi and St. Benedict, there are 4 out of 50 respondents

which has a percentage of 8%. Lastly, the parents have a frequency of 25 out of 50 which has a

percentage of 50%.



Figure 2: Do you know what Sex Education is?




100% 100%

Students Parents


Figure 2 shows that 25 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 100%. It also shows that 25 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes”

which has a percentage of 100%. Therefore, all of the respondents are knowledgeable about Sex




Figure 3: Do you feel like Sex Education is a sensitive



20 40%



Students Parents

Figure 3 shows that 15 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 60% and the remaining 10 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 40%. It also shows that 18 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 72% and the remaining 7 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 28%. Therefore, majority of the respondents feel like Sex Education is a sensitive


Figure 4: Are you comfortable talking about Sex

20 32%


10 84%

Students Parents

Figure 4 shows that 21 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 84% and the remaining 4 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 16%. It also shows that 17 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 68% and the remaining 8 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 32%. Therefore, majority of the respondents are comfortable talking about Sex


Figure 5: Are you interested to learn about Sex

16% 20%


10 84% 80%

Students Parents

Figure 5 shows that 21 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 84% and the remaining 4 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 16%. It also shows that 20 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 80% and the remaining 5 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 20%. Therefore, majority of the respondents are interested to learn about Sex


Figure 6: Do you think it's important for students to
learn about Sex Education?

25 4%


100% 96%

Students Parents

Figure 6 shows that 25 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 100%. It also shows that 24 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes”

which has a percentage of 96% and the remaining 1 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which

has a percentage of 4%. Therefore, majority of the respondents think it’s important for students

to learn Sex Education.

Figure 7: Are you in favor of implementing Sex
Education in our school?


24% 16%


10 76% 84%

Students Parents

Figure 7 shows that 19 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 76% and the remaining 6 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 24%. It also shows that 21 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 84% and the remaining 4 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 16%. Therefore, majority of the students are in favor of implementing Sex

Education in their school.



Figure 8: Are you aware of the government's plans in

regards to implementing Sex Education in public an
private schools?


28% 28%


72% 72%

Students Parents

Figure 8 shows that 18 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 72% and the remaining 7 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 28%. It also shows that 18 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 72% and the remaining 7 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 28%. Therefore, majority of the respondents are aware of the government’s plans

in regards to implementing Sex Education in public and private schools.



Figure 9: Is the level of maturity and preparedness of

students should be considered?

25 4%



96% 100%

Students Parents

Figure 9 shows that 24 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 96% and the remaining 1 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 4%. It also shows that 25 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 100%. Therefore, majority of the respondents agreed that the level of

maturity and preparedness of students should be considered.



Figure 10: Are you familiar with the parts of the male
and female body?



92% 100%

Students Parents

Figure 10 shows that 23 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 92% and the remaining 2 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 8%. It also shows that 25 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 100%. Therefore, majority of the respondents are familiar with the parts of

male and female body.

Figure 11: Are you aware of the changes a boy and
girl may encounter during puberty/ adolescence?



100% 100%

Students Parents

Figure 11 shows that 25 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 100%. It also shows that 25 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes”

which has a percentage of 100%. Therefore, majority of the respondents are aware of the

changes a boy and girl may encounter during puberty or adolescence.

Figure 12: Are you familiar of the risks of having
unsafe sex?

25 4%


100% 96%

Students Parents

Figure 12 shows that 25 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 100%. It also shows that 24 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes”

which has a percentage of 96% and the remaining 1 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which

has a percentage of 4%. Therefore, majority of the respondents are familiar of the risks of having

unsafe sex.

Figure 13: Do you know why Teenage Pregnancy is
considered as a serious social issue?



92% 100%

Students Parents

Figure 13 shows that 23 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 92% and the remaining 2 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 8%. It also shows that 25 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 100%. Therefore, majority of the respondents know why Teenage Pregnancy

is considered as a serious social issue.

Figure 14: Are you aware of the different types of
contraceptives/ birth control?

12% 8%


88% 92%

Students Parents

Figure 14 shows that 22 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 88% and the remaining 3 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 12%. It also shows that 23 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 92% and the remaining 2 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 8%. Therefore, majority of the respondents are aware of the different types of

contraceptives or birth control.

Figure 15: Do you know the causes of having Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and HIV/ AIDS?

8% 4%



92% 96%

Students Parents

Figure 15 shows that 23 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 92% and the remaining 2 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 8%. It also shows that 24 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 96% and the remaining 1 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 4%. Therefore, majority of the respondents know the causes of having Sexually

Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS.

Figure 16: Are you familiar with the symptoms you
might get if you have STD?



10 76%

Students Parents

Figure 16 shows that 13 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 52% and the remaining 13 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 48%. It also shows that 19 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 76% and the remaining 6 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 24%. Therefore, majority of the respondents are familiar with the symptoms they

might get if they have STD.

Figure 17: Are you aware of the current state of
prostitution in our country?


20 32%


Students Parents

Figure 17 shows that 14 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 56% and the remaining 11 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 44%. It also shows that 17 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 68% and the remaining 8 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 32%. Therefore, half of the respondents are aware of the current state of

prostitution in the country.

Figure 18: Do you know the importance of consent
and boundaries?

16% 8%


84% 92%

Students Parents

Figure 18 shows that 21 out of 25 students as respondents answered “Yes” which has a

percentage of 84% and the remaining 4 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 16%. It also shows that 23 out of 25 parents as respondents answered “Yes” which

has a percentage of 92% and the remaining 2 out of 25 respondents answered “No” which has a

percentage of 8%. Therefore, majority of the respondents know the importance of consent and



1. How can you define Sex Education?

Student 1

I think I can define Sex Education in its most simple terms, but Sex Education is dealing

about the reproductive system and its part but also about the preferences such as gender and


Student 2

Sex Education will explain the possible consequences if you indulge in sexual


Student 3

Sex Education is the proper knowledge of how our body works.

Student 4

For me, Sex Education is the manner of teaching the pros and cons of having sexual


Student 5

Sex Education is not just about sexual intercourse.

Student 6

Sex Education is teaching the parts of the reproductive system.

Student 7

Sex Education teaches the students how to handle sexual intercourse.

Student 8

It is education for topics that define sex.

Student 9

It teaches us the do’s and don’ts that are related to sex.

Student 10

It is the preparation for family planning.

Student 11

It is the instruction of how life is made by the opposite sex and how students can avoid

teenage pregnancy. Diseases are also tackled as well.

Student 12

Sex Education is the preparation to avoid pre-marital sex and teenage pregnancy by

guiding and informing them.

Student 13

Sex Education focuses on topics just like safe sex and family planning.

Student 14

Sex Education talks about the reproductive system.

Student 15

Sex Education is not merely about the sex act alone but on how students deal with it.

Student 16

Sex Education is the study of male and female body parts.

Student 17

Sex Education is all about the intercourse between male and female.

Student 18

Sex Education is something that is important because you become open about this

especially for children and for them to be aware if this act is bad for them.

Student 19

Sex Education is something we need to learn and be aware of.

Student 20

Sex Education prepares the student for the future.

Student 21

Sex Education is the proper teaching for students to be aware about the do's and don’ts in


Student 22

It talks about what happens between a man and a woman and what makes a man and a


Student 23

Sex Education is knowledge and explanation about how life goes on by procreation.

Student 24

Sex Education is something that students should have for them to learn safe sex and the

responsibility during sexual intercourse.

Student 25

Sex Education serves as a basis towards reproduction and deals with the precautionary

measures like barriers and pills.

Parent 1

Sex Education is not actually telling your kids how to do it, but telling your kids about

safe sex, about the possible sickness you will get from unsafe sex, and the outcome of sex, which

is of course, teen pregnancy. So for me, Sex Education goes to that issue, not actually telling

your kids how the procedure is.

Parent 2

Sex Education is talking about the characteristics of male and female individuals. From

infancy, puberty age, and adult age then we also discuss on how reproduction between 2 persons

is possible, I’m talking about the union of 2 persons in order to reproduce.

Parent 3

Sex Education informs teenagers about the effects and to raise awareness about the

consequences of engaging in premarital sex.

Parent 4

Sex Education teaches students the limitations and to deepen their knowledge about the


Parent 5

Sex Education is not only biological but also sociological. Sociological in a sense that

young adults need to know the limitations, the advantages and disadvantages of Sex, the results

of having Sex is the utmost importance of why we need to be educated about Sex.

Parent 6

Sex Education is knowledge about sexual or actual sex.

Parent 7

Sex Education is teaching the students regarding their sexuality.

Parent 8

It is the instruction of issues relating to human sexuality, including emotional relation and

responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent,

reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control and sexual abstinence.

Parent 9

Sex Education is related to human sexuality, its anatomy, activity, reproduction, age of

consent, RH Law and rights, safe sex, birth control and abstinence.

Parent 10

Sex Education is chastity.

Parent 11

It is the lessons or topics ranging from abstinence and reproduction to sexually

orientation and sexually transmitted disease. It is being offered from grade 7 to grade 12.

Parent 12

It refers to education regarding human sexuality, intercourse and safety, sexual issues,

sexual reproduction and birth control.

Parent 13

It is the basic knowledge about sex, its nature, the safe practices and the right age to be


Parent 14

Sex Education is the instruction of issues regarding to human sexuality, including

emotional relations and responsibilities. In my own understanding, it can be defined as

awareness of an individual of what sexuality is all about.

Parent 15

Sex Education is learning that sex must be done by a man and woman who are in love

and through the sanctity of marriage.

Parent 16

Sex Education is all about sexual preference, reproductive system and human anatomy.

This will help the young ones to become aware about their actions towards their opposite sex

when it comes to sexual desire. It will lead them to become more responsible to all their actions.

Parent 17

Sex Education is something that can help people understand the human reproductive

system (male and female) and the diseases that can be acquired from having intercourse with

another individual.

Parent 18

For me, this is a very sensitive topic especially to kids because a single misinterpretation

may confuse them among idea about sex.

Parent 19

Sex Education is a form of instruction to teach and inculcate awareness among students,

the aspects of human sexuality, emotional aspect, sexual anatomy and the responsibilities

regarding this topic.

Parent 20

Sexuality Education is a study surrounding sexuality, anatomy, diseases and it also

includes things like birth control, etc.

Parent 21

Sex education helps people gain the information, skills and motivation to make healthy

decisions about sex and sexuality.

Parent 22

Sex education is educating young people about their body parts and how to take care of it

and be aware of the changes that they’re experiencing as they grow old and be aware of those

changes for them to accept themselves because if a child or a person have knowledge about

things happening within them they can easily accept it and that is sex education

Parent 23

Sex Education is educating people on the importance and limitations also like things

about sexuality and gender

Parent 24

It is learning about sexuality and attitudes of an individual.

Parent 25

In my own perspectives, I define Sex Education as a process of learning and knowing the

fundamental aspect of growth and development. It is also providing information to the learners

the dos and don’ts and Pros and cons and significance of Sex Education.

2. What do you think are discussed in this subject?

Student 1

I believe that the things that discussed in this subject are things like procreation and also

preferences and also safety around STDs or maybe even about contraceptives or other types of


Student 2

It discusses the importance of life because sex can produce an offspring.

Student 3

It talks about the sensitive parts in which the teachers and parents are too shy to talk


Student 4

The things that are discussed in this subject are the things that are happening in a sexual

intercourse and how does sexual intercourse happen.

Student 5

Most of them think that it’s all about sexual intercourse, but it also tackles your gender

and limitations, specifically the difference between gender and sex.

Student 6

It deals with the reproductive system.

Student 7

It explains how the reproductive system works.

Student 8

The topics are mostly about puberty stages and reproductive parts of the male and female


Student 9

It tackles certain topics like the body parts of male and female and its purpose.

Student 10

It focuses on the contraceptives to be used to avoid teenage pregnancy.

Student 11

It’s about the Proper ways on how to use contraceptives and how sexual intercourse is


Student 12

It talks about the importance and purpose of Sex Education. The use of contraceptives is

also discussed.

Student 13

It involves the proper use of contraceptives, STD’s, and the advantages and

disadvantages of having sex.

Student 14

It focuses on the reproductive system and pills.

Student 15

It usually discusses the cautions, planning, parenting, and how are we to deal with this.

Student 16

A basic topic would be the body parts of male and female.

Student 17

It talks about how to engage in sexual intercourse.

Student 18

It is the reproduction or the proper way of doing it.

Student 19

It focuses on sexual intercourse.

Student 20

It talks about safe sex.

Student 21

Aside of the reproductive system, contraceptives are also discussed.

Student 22

It tackles the sexual intercourse itself and the outcome like teenage pregnancy.

Student 23

The cause and effect and disadvantages of sexual intercourse like STD's f or the students

to be informed about the disadvantages and they will be able to prevent accidents in regards to


Student 24

Common topics are HIV, AIDS, and STD's.

Student 25

It talks about the reproductive system and the different types of contraceptives.

Parents 1

Other than what I’ve said, first, it talks about the reproductive system and its functions,

the calendar method, and the natural rhythm method.

Parents 2

There is the means on how to plan a future for your family or if you want to have a

family. For example, the number of kids. So we have the natural method and then the artificial

method. You can also discuss the things that are happening between the husband and wife, like

miscarriage and stillbirth. The different diseases associated with sexual intercourse with a person

who is not purely your partner can also be discussed, like STD’s both for the young and adult.

Parents 3

It talks about the consequences of premarital sex.

Parents 4

The topics can be about the importance, the different ways, and limitations about sexual


Parents 5

The effects of having early sex, every person would go to this stage in life. Learning the

importance, and knowing the issues that the couple will encounter on having sex.

Parents 6

The topics that will be discussed can be about safe sex.

Parents 7

The subject can talk about early pregnancy, the consequences of it, the different kinds of

contraceptives, the effects of contraceptives, and HIV. Also, it talks about having sex outside

marriage and how to prevent early pregnancy.

Parents 8

Just like what I’ve said before, the subject deals with issues relating to human sexuality,

including emotional relation and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual

reproduction, age of consent, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control and

sexual abstinence.

Parents 9

The topics can be about the reproductive system, the diseases encountered by carnal

malefactors, sources of diseases, prostitution, and how this became a contemporary issue, etc.

Parents 10

The topics can be all about family planning, readiness in married life and God's teaching

regarding sex.

Parents 11

The topics can be about, reproduction including the description of the male and female

genitals, contraceptives and the diseases that are related to it.

Parents 12

The topics can be about the different contraceptives and the right age to engaged in this


Parents 13

It’s about the do's and don'ts on safe practices and its moral implication.

Parents 14

The topics that can be discussed may be all about sexual awareness and menstruation.

Parents 15

Sex Education should be discussed in an appropriate way by the authority of a person

who are in charge and should discuss the topic that can lead to intimacy.

Parents 16

It’s about the health condition, sexual preference, sexual ideologies, reproductive system,

population growth, and early pregnancy.

Parents 17

It focuses on the diseases like STDs and the reproductive system.

Parents 18

The important aspect of sex education is protection. Sex Education is not encouraging

them to have a sex but rather informing kids, especially teens, so that they will be prepared when

the time comes for them to engage in sexual intercourse and with the participation of parents,

moral values will also be discussed to them.

Parents 19

The topics include the following: Human development, sexual orientation, relationship

and emotional maturity, sexual behavior, and sexuality.

Parents 20

I do believe it's a broad topic. When I was a nurse before, it was a hard topic to grasp.

Now it's probably wider.

Parents 21

Sex education in school can help children explore. It teaches our kids to avoid sexual

assault, teenage pregnancy, and how to be a responsible adult.

Parents 22

Other than topics I said before it also talks about the risks of getting pregnant on an early

age and basic concepts about what is egg cell and sperm cell.

Parents 23

It talks about protection and pre-marital sex. Also we also deal with opinions of people

about sex and sexuality.

Parents 24

The topics that can be discussed are the following: reproductive system, family planning,

different contraceptives or birth controls and different diseases.

Parents 25

I think if this will be discussed in the classroom it should be based on the curriculum

regulated by the DepEd. It should talk about the basic knowledge about reproductive system,

how an individual should take care of their reproductive organ, what can it create or produce and

how things can be controlled during its production.

3. What is the importance of learning Sex Education?

Student 1

Everyone indulges in sexual intercourse, that’s the simplest way I can say it because sex

is a part of human beings and how they can reproduce. A huge part of males and females want to

have children so why not educate them now? Maybe they’ll end up learning something when

they’re already old so it’s better to start at an early age. There are people who don’t have any

idea how a kid is made. In reality, we can’t blame them because they lack knowledge. Some of

them don’t even know if they are already infected with STDs.

Student 2

It will widen the perspectives of an individual.

Student 3

It is important to avoid teenage pregnancy and to avoid problems that we are facing right


Student 4

It is important because it can serve as awareness to students and to other people so that

they can know the problems that they may encounter when they have/had sexual intercourse to


Student 5

As a young individual, you should know what Sex Ed is since these days, there are

common misconceptions among adults that the purpose of Sex Ed is to teach young people to

have sex.

Student 6

It is important to know the do’s and don’ts when having sexual intercourse.

Student 7

It is important to know how to reproduce in a proper way.

Student 8

Sex Education should be taught for people to know what is the use and importance of the

reproductive system.

Student 9

Sex Education is essential for us to be aware about sex education.

Student 10

We will be able to avoid the causes of early pregnancy.

Student 11

It is important because students are already knowledgeable about it, they can avoid and

know the importance of virginity.

Student 12

For me, it is important for us to be informed and for me to be responsible for the future

and avoid the “Batang Ama” stereotype.

Student 13

It is for the students to be cleared of their assumptions for them to not be curious

anymore and to be aware of the consequences.

Student 14

The importance of Sex Education is for us not to experiences teenage pregnancy.

Student 15

It is to educate us that Sex Education is not about what they think; it has a deeper

meaning. In this generation we are more open to this topic and it is essential to learn to youths

like us.

Student 16

It is important so that we can be aware of what are body is capable of.

Student 17

It is important because when we grow up we know our limitations and as we grow up our

knowledge about Sex Education widens so it’s to learn to avoid danger.

Student 18

It’s simply to avoid premarital sex.

Student 19

It’s deemed as important for us to be aware with the rising issues especially rape cases.

Student 20

It is for the students to know the consequences of having unprotected sex.

Student 21

So that the students will be more in caution in regards to their actions.

Student 22

We will be able to prevent problems that our generation is facing today.

Student 23

We will be informed about the disadvantages and we will be able to prevent accidents in

regards to sex.

Student 24

Today, most of the parents are only teens and diseases are already common so Sex

Education is really needed.

Student 25

We will gain knowledge and we will be able to prevent teenage pregnancy and other

sexual issues.

Parent 1

For my kids, it’s important for them to be careful. So let’s say that they would not

indulge in premarital sex, but the importance of learning Sex Education is for them to tell their

friends, so that they would be a responsible friend to those friends that are not responsible at all

for their body. Another thing is that it is primarily for themselves. So that they will know what

might happen to them that they could get pregnant, or the other one can impregnate, then after

that expenses. Aside from that, they will also know the possible diseases you may get by having

sex with a lot of people. Lastly, considering what other people may say to you is one of the

reasons. Because this is the Philippines, a lot of people are saying things. Of course, you don’t

listen to what other people may say about you. However, we have this perspectives because it is

already embedded in our culture. There is a cycle, or the effects on what they might say about

you and how you’re going to deal with it. Sex Education is mostly generalized, there are so many

principles, but it all comes down to safety.

Parent 2

It is prevention towards possible problems like teenage pregnancy and diseases. The

children will be aware on not to practice things that should be done at an early age. So it is a

prevention and precaution, so that in the future they will also take care of themselves.

Parent 3

It is to avoid early pregnancy.

Parent 4

Students will know their limits and it is to gain more knowledge.

Parent 5

It will let us know when is the right time to have sex and what we must do in order to be

protected, where is the proper place to have it and how to be aware of its aftermath.

Parent 6

Of course my child is a girl, she should know the right things she must do to prevent

things she can actually regret in the future. Learning Sex Education means you can also learn

how to take care of yourself

Parent 7

For me, it doesn't need for them to learn it in the school because as a parent, as a mother,

I could explain it to my daughter because I know her more than anyone else and it is better if it is

discussed one on one, more private and personal. Sex Education in the first place should be the

first concern in our home not in school.

Parent 8

It is to prevent the students from future encounters with sexually transmitted disease

(STD) and unwanted pregnancies.

Parent 9

It is important for learning this will affect adolescents in healthy decision making in

relationships, sexuality and behavior.

Parent 10

It is to satisfy their curiosity about sex life and for students become more open minded.

Parent 11

If a person is well informed, then they specifically teenagers can avoid getting into

troubles. As what they say prevention is better than cure. Making the students aware of what is

happening to their body can make them responsible individual.

Parent 12

It is to avoid and prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Parent 13

We will be able to be aware of its consequence when done at the wrong or improper time.

Parent 14

Young people nowadays are very aggressive most especially when it comes to sex, it is

about time to educate and disseminate information that will help them to be aware and warn

them to the consequences that may arise.

Parent 15

It is important to educate all the students that sex is not for fun. It is an intimate

relationship of a man & woman who express their love through the sanctity of marriage.

Parent 16

If properly handled, it will be a good factor to let the students become aware of their

behavior towards sexual intercourse.

Parent 17

Sex Education can educate people especially teens. It can be a way to avoid teenage

pregnancy and rape cases.

Parent 18

Sex Education is important because it serves as a powerful tool in helping them to

prevent diseases like HIV. Although a proper education will not eliminate the issue of AIDS and

the like, at east it can greatly help to inform the students that such thing might happen.

Parent 19

Sex Education is very informative and it creates awareness among students/ adolescents

who are capable of engaging in any relationship. Knowing the possibilities, a person may

encounter will help everyone to decide and choose the right thing.

Parent 20

Sex and sexuality is really an undeniable part of human lives. Instead of scaring teens, we

should educate.

Parent 21

Sex education is important on the part of children and adults, to protect them and society

as a whole. Sex education can help keep away exploitation, abuse, unplanned pregnancy,

sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.

Parent 22

The benefit that a child will get upon learning sex education is that they see it in a wider

perspectives because our culture as Filipinos is that sex education is referring to the sexual act

alone which is wrong and for them to know that this topic is a sacred thing and natural process

which is important and should not be done just for fun. For them to know that this thing is


Parent 23

It is for us to be knowledgeable of these controversial and sensitive issues about sex. It is

important for the students to learn it because for them to have an open mind that sex education is

not a topic that should be close or set aside because it’s that should be open talk about properly.

Parent 24

People will be more aware about the current situation of sex in our country and they will

have a wider understanding regarding the topic.

Parent 25

It gives a brighter idea to an individual to be careful and knowledge in all aspects about

sex education. It will give awareness to students even in their young minds about Sex Education.

4. Why do you think sex education is interesting yet sensitive?

Student 1

It’s interesting because every human goes through the want of sex and also procreation in

general. But sensitive because it’s a mature topic, it’s not something for children, but more

specifically for teens. There’s lot of stigmas surrounding it. However, we can break the barrier of

Sex Education being sensitive in the first place. When you are mature, it doesn’t mean you’re

old. A lot of children are already mature in their age and to handle a topic like Sex Education.

You really need the maturity and preparedness. Because you want teenagers to feel prepared

when they’re having subjects like this. Sex Education is just the like other subjects; you need to

have a background on it. You can’t just suddenly move on to the sex part without even knowing

what is needed before sex.

Student 2

Sex Education is not that interesting for me simply because I’m just not that into it

although it is actually a sensitive topic. So if we’re going to talk about it, males and females

should be separated.

Student 3

It’s interesting because it is not common and it is commonly prohibited by our parents. It

is sensitive because it is private.

Student 4

It is interesting yet sensitive topic because we all know that not all people are open

minded when it comes to this issue. Others might get offended or might not take it seriously.

Student 5

It is interesting yet sensitive topic because we all know that as a millennial we are open to

those things and it can help you to be more a mature individual and this you should be open

about. This lesson is something you cannot just teach you have to filter it depending on the

person you are talking to because people have different maturity and some are close to this topic.

All people are interested but it becomes sensitive depending on the person.

Student 6

For me it is simply interesting as a teen. However, it is sensitive because sex itself is

being tackled and it is a private thing to do.

Student 7

It is interesting because we don’t usually talk about it in a normal setting and it is

sensitive because you should not have sex with other people that easy, there should be a process.

Student 8

It is interesting because people are able to explain thoroughly the importance of Sex

Education. It is sensitive because the parts are sensitive as well and some people don’t

understand it.

Student 9

It is simply interesting for me but it is sensitive as well because we are not that mature

and the topic should be for adults itself.

Student 10

It is interesting yet sensitive because it is for mature people only.

Student 11

It’s interesting because not all people can label Sex Ed as a normal topic to dwell into it is

not something to talk about while in public. But still, it is interesting because people want to

know how a child is born.

Student 12

It’s interesting because it is new for us. We are not accustomed with having a subject

like this. But it turns out to be sensitive because not all people are mature enough for it. For

example, when you hear certain body parts being said others will see it as disgusting.

Student 13

It’s Interesting because let’s be honest everyone is curious about it. It is sensitive because

some think of it as disgusting and they will relate it to other malicious activities, which is not


Student 14

It’s interesting because students are open to this topic. It’s sensitive topic because it just

talks about the sex act.

Student 15

It’s interesting because we are in an open minded generation. It’s sensitive for some who

don’t know what sex is about. Because what is in their mind about Sex Education is the process

of sex act but it’s more on the importance and necessity of it.

Student 16

It’s interesting because it gives information on how the body works inside when having

an intercourse. It’s sensitive topic because some parts of the female body are exposed and what

is happening when male and female is having an intercourse.

Student 17

It’s interesting for millennials because they have knowledge about this topic. It’s

sensitive because it’s not appropriate for children to hear.

Student 18

It’s interesting because if you’re a child your curious in everything. It’s sensitive because

we’re talking about parts of the body.

Student 19

It’s not interesting for me. It’s sensitive because I’m a conservative person.

Student 20

It’s interesting because it talks about what the future of a student. It’s sensitive because

the Philippines is a very conservative country.

Student 21

It’s interesting because it’s not a usual subject here in our school. It’s sensitive because

Sex Education should only be discussed with people who have background information about it.

Student 22

It's interesting because today, it is already common to talk about. It’s sensitive because

you should not do it until you're in a right age.

Student 23

It’s interesting because most people are innocent about sex like children, if they hear

certain things about it. They tend to laugh and they turn out to eager to learn about it. It’s

sensitive because they are curious about what is sex is all about and maybe they will reach a

point that they will try it which may possibly result to teenage pregnancy.

Student 24

It’s interesting because we will be enlightened towards the problems regarding sex. It

depends on the person if it is sensitive, if they will think malicious thoughts while learning it.

Student 25

Sex Education is not interesting for me. It is informative instead because it is essential for

us to learn it. It’s sensitive because it involves the process if making life and some people also

consider chastity and virginity important.

Parent 1

I’m speaking for myself when I say that it is not interesting anymore because I already

know about it. I have already experienced it. It’s good, but only if you’re married. I even got

myself pregnant, I gave birth, and so what is there to know? When it comes to my kids, yes, I

want them to know. Actually, I’m already telling them but in a way that it is not too sudden. So

first I talk about their safety in their environment, for example, abduction, kidnapping, rape and

then there goes sex education. The reproduction system, it is already taught in school and I don’t

think there’s a malice of knowing the parts of the reproductive system because whenever it is

being discussed with the students, they don’t react that much, it seems like for them, the topic

doesn’t have a green meaning behind. But I want them to understand sex education from their

teachers or parents, not with the same age as them, because what can those kids share, it might

be the reason for them to get curious and indulge in sexual intercourse.

Parent 2

For me it is interesting, because there might be new techniques none like the one that I

have known before. Maybe there are new techniques in natural and artificial planning. Also, I

don’t think Sex Education is a sensitive topic because it is actually a part of our life that we are

born as male and female. And if you are a female, you should know the traits, characteristics,

and changes of your body. It should be stated fully and correctly, and there is no malice about it.

The only thing that makes it sensitive is when we use “tag names” to identify your body parts,

when there is a wrong notion and wrong interpretation.

Parent 3

It’s interesting because not everyone is open for such topic.

Parent 4

It’s interesting because you can gain more knowledge about Sex Education. It’s sensitive

because some people look at Sex Education as an alternative way to encourage students to do it.

Parent 5

It’s interesting because as we get to puberty stage, it is part of having attraction on your

opposite sex. However, it is more sensitive because youth must be taught correctly. Let them

understand it in a manner that they will be properly educated about the topic.

Parent 6

Sex Education is interesting depends on the personality of the person, for other people,

it's boring and for others especially for some boys, it is interesting especially when you know

nothing about it. And definitely it's a sensitive topic especially to us parents who are not vocal to

their children like "Hey, use condom or bring condom" or "Don't forget to rake your

contraceptives" of course we don't usually tell those things to them because we are also thinking

about us being sensitive enough for their age. Teaching our children about Sex Education must

be appropriate first for their age.

Parent 7

I am not that interested because for me, it is something we should not really talk about

because in our society today, we already know that once we had sexual intercourse with someone

without any protection, there is a big possibility that you will be pregnant. In discussing Sex

Education, I am sure that the prevention will be discussed which is not that really accurate for the

students because the more they gain the knowledge on how to prevent being pregnant then the

more they will be confident to do it because again they already know how to prevent it. Almost

everyone knows about it, the prevention and the like, so what is the purpose of teaching it to the

students who can just be triggered to try it. It is sensitive because it is very personal, it depends

on the level of maturity of the child, there are some who are very open depends on they were

raised by their family. There are so many students who also have different experiences, some

may be open yet some can be shocked to the topic because perhaps it is not usual topic within

their family and another thing is that sometimes we have a specific topic that we already knew

and we don't want to talk about it anymore and Sex Education can be that topic to other people.

Parent 8

Sex Education is very sensitive topic all we need is to handle with care.

Parent 9

It’s interesting because by the subject matter, students may still be subject to

embarrassment/excitable by subject matter of ridicule.

Parent 10

It’s interesting because of course we talk about something that needs parental guidance.

They are having background about a topic considered as a sensitive one. It is interesting because

we talk about life.

Parent 11

It’s interesting for most students because it connects sex education with love, no wonder

they find it interesting. Moreover, the topics talk about the real changes that are happening to

one’s body so they find it amazing. It is quite a sensitive topic because if not properly guided,

students might experiment on it because of too much curiosity.

Parent 12

It is interesting yet sensitive because you can learn from it.

Parent 13

It’s interesting yet sensitive because it needs an open minded person and maturity to talk

about it.

Parent 14

Sex Education is interesting in a sense that it is new to your ears than the other subjects

which is taught every year. It’s a sensitive topic because it covers so many things like STDs,

unwanted pregnancies, etc.

Parent 15

It is interesting because it was felt by the people who are in love and it has sensitive

topics not all people can take it seriously.

Parent 16

It is interesting to discuss to open the perspectives of the young ones towards Sex

Education and its possible implications in their future life. However, it is a sensitive topic if the

crowd and the young ones did not consider all the possible implications but it is of big help to

them if they take it seriously to become a responsible individual.

Parent 17

It’s interesting because it's only for open minded, people think that talking about sex in

public is embarrassing and shameful. It is sensitive because we might offend someone but

educating at the same time.

Parent 18

Sex Education is interesting yet a sensitive topic especially for kids who are not properly

informed because in learning Sex Education, they will know the unusual information about what

is and what is not about sex. Sex Education aims to straighten out the misinterpretation of our

society about sex education and other related to it.

Parent 19

It is interesting because it deals with human behavior anatomy and relationship. It is a

sensitive topic because other people are not open to discuss sexuality.

Parent 20

It’s interesting since all of us know it naturally, and it’s a part of transitioning into an

adult. Sensitive since some terms may be hard (to explain) and the Philippines is a

"conservative" country.

Parent 21

Sex education is something that's difficult to ignore in our lives because it's everywhere

in our culture. Well in fact, many people find it extremely difficult to talk about sex; it can be a

sensitive and awkward topic that raises feelings of embarrassment, shame or inadequacy.

Parent 22

Yes, it is interesting because you will have more knowledge which is not discussed

among your family because the things that they are saying are very limited and some Filipino

family their culture is that when we talk about sex education it’s malicious when in fact sex

education should be taught by the parents for them to correct some misconceptions of the child

about these topics. Parents should have an open mind about these certain things. As a parent sex

education becomes sensitive depending on the person receiving it just like I said earlier when

parents are open about things to their child at home it won’t be any more sensitive to a child but

when these things are not discussed at home somewhat it becomes sensitive to a child

Parent 23

Yes, it’s interesting to learn because you will learn something new despite of my age I

have things that I’m unaware of about this topic such as new diseases and how you can get them.

It a sensitive topic because you go beyond education and classroom lessons and it’s about

personal life but we shouldn’t think about it as personal but rather we should think about it that

something that can help us if ever it will be discussed

Parent 24

It is interesting because it has a lot of lessons that we can learned from and at the same

time, it is sensitive because everyone is not that fully aware and they may not take it seriously,

there are also other subtopics under it that may cause misunderstanding once the teacher didn't

discuss it well.

Parent 25

Everything should be interesting as a topic. Definitely, Sex Education is a sensitive one

because if the process of teaching is not properly taught the students will be affected. Instead of

learning the right things, it will be mistaken.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of possible implementation sex education?

Student 1

Definitely, Sex Education is a tool for being an adult, because when you’re sexually

educated, you’ll know how to avoid certain type of things and you’ll know what is right and

what is wrong as an adult, you can also clear the stigma that sex education is for adults. But

basically, I don’t want it to be too sudden. It should be eased out, following a step-by-step

process. So, you can help a teenager to mature more.

I think one of the disadvantages is that when you are in an age like this, you can’t help

but to be “green minded”. There are the jokes, so maybe it can be a tool. For example, if its topic

would be opened for possible bullying and harassment. Another is that the parents will worry.

Because parents are overprotective, and then when you teach students things like that, although

needed, some of them will really go against it. Saying things like “They’re too young…” I think

if children can learn about in on the Internet freely, why not teach it in a proper institution.

Student 2

We are in a catholic school; it teaches the importance of life. So if they are educated,

they’ll know the importance but also the prime age to have sex. The disadvantage is between

males and females, teasing may occur.

Student 3

The advantage is that we will be able to avoid problems and adjust the way students think

and the disadvantage is that the mindset of a student may lead for their curiosity.

Student 4

The advantage is that it can serve as a lesson or awareness to students so that they can

know the pros and cons of having sexual intercourse to others. Plus, it can make a students

understand that early sexual intercourse can bring you no good.

Student 5

The advantage is that it can help you to know as an individual to know your limitation

even in their young age. Rising issues such as teenage pregnancy is existing but do we know why

it is happening. Also sex education can serve as awareness and to inform people which are its


The disadvantage is that for me it will be hard to understand at first because some

misconceptions have been already planted in my mind that sex education is about sex intercourse

alone it will be hard for us to adapt also it’s a disadvantage because we are in a catholic school

which taught us that sex is sacred.

Student 6

The advantage is that it will lessen teenage pregnancy and there are no disadvantages.

Student 7

The advantage is that students will be aware about how they can have sex and when they

can actually do it. One disadvantage is that students will be encouraged to have sex.

Student 8

The advantage is that there will be more room of knowing and learning of students about

sex education. The disadvantage is that students will be curious and might try to explore the act


Student 9

The advantage is that we will be able to know what may possibly happen during sexual

intercourse. The disadvantage if it’s not handled properly students might be encouraged to have


Student 10

The advantage is that you will be able to prepare for family planning and there are no


Student 11

The advantage is that we will lessen the possibilities of STD’s, teenage pregnancy, and

pre-marital sex. The disadvantage is that students might probably do it if the lesson is not

discussed properly by the teachers.

Student 12

The advantage is that we will be responsible and we will know what is right and wrong.

The disadvantage is that since we are a catholic school, Sex Education is being banned by the

catholic institution because it may promote sexual intercourse instead of preventing it.

Student 13

The advantage is that students will be able to know the consequences and we will be

enlightened. Prevention to diseases will be observed as well. The disadvantage is that if a student

is not that mature, his curiosity will be heightened to the point that he will then discover his own


Student 14

The advantage is that for us to be knowledgeable about things we shouldn’t do and the

disadvantage is that they might engage in sex because it’s taught to us in that subject

Student 15

The advantage is that for the youths who don’t talk to their parents about these things

because frankly they’re old school and to help youths to be more educated. The disadvantage is

that it can trigger youth to engage in these things if not taught or execute properly.

Student 16

The advantage is that for us to be educated and be aware of what is happening when

engage in sexual intercourse. The disadvantage is that it starts at grade 5 and maybe they’re too

young to be exposed on those things.

Student 17

The advantage is for us to have more knowledge about things before they engage in it.

The disadvantage is that your mind will be filled with malicious thoughts that they can do this.

Student 18

The advantage is for students to become more open to this topic. The disadvantage is that

they become more curious about it and might engage in it.

Student 19

The advantage is that we can be aware and the disadvantage is that not all people can

handle this thing including me.

Student 20

The advantage is that students will be properly educated and learn a lot about the topic.

On the other hand, the disadvantage is that some students may take it differently and explore it


Student 21

The advantage is for them to be aware and know their limitations. The disadvantage is

that maybe they will be more curious and will result to indulging in sexual intercourse.

Student 22

The advantage is for us to have more knowledge. The disadvantage is that it’s in contrast

with the Catholicism of our school.

Student 23

The advantage is for the possibility of teenage pregnancy to lessen because they already

know the effects of sex. The disadvantage is that maybe sex education will be taught to young

children which may lead to their curiosity to even try it.

Student 24

There are a lot of advantages because there are lots to learn. The disadvantage is that

some of the students are not mature enough so they will be curious enough to try it.

Student 25

The advantage is that it will clear out the prior assumptions about sex and it will be

discussed properly. The disadvantage is that there is a possibility that if preventions are tackled,

students will be motivated to engage in sexual intercourse.

Parent 1

For advantage, education will always make you wiser and smarter, so even though it is

sex education, physical education or literature, still, it is called education, you will learn

something from it.

For disadvantage, probably, there are students that are experimental, so they would apply

what they learned from the education. It should have limitations, such as the age of the students

involved. It’s just like the spiral curriculum; it should start with the basics first. But for me, sex

education is more on the advantages; it is just becoming a disadvantage depending on how you

handle yourself with regards to sex education. If it has malice for you, it is a disadvantage. But if

you’re there to learn, it is an advantage. Why would you waste an opportunity? And teenage

pregnancy is also timely. If before, elders are not in favor of teaching sex education, now, I think

it’s time for the students to have knowledge about it because it can be the solution.

Parent 2

For once, just like what I have mentioned, it is important for you to really know what

really are the functions of your body parts, for what reason, and also for the future, we try to

prevent you from committing unnecessary actions that you will actually regret in the future, like

for example in your CL you’re talking about Chastity, that is for all, not only for girls but also

for boys and to keep your body clean for your future wife and husband. When you are not yet

married, you don’t practice this kind of actions to anybody else because chances are things might

happen that you would actually regret for example, even though you are mature but you give

your virginity to someone else and you did not happen to marry that person and you marry

another person, it’s like a gift to whoever will be your lifetime partner, I am saying that, for a

Catholic perhaps but not for all.

The disadvantage is who are the person to discuss this with, are they capable, are they

experts in discussing sex education, when to discuss this, what particular subject, if it is a subject

will it be discussed by somebody professional. What if he doesn’t know it? What if there are

questions thrown to him, what will be his answer? What are the possible questions the person

should answer in a mature way or as a mature teacher? Another is there may be an abuse in the

part of the students or vice versa. Like “oh, that’s the way of how I can prevent getting

pregnant.” so they would be more and more curious about premarital sex, you don’t prevent

premarital sex but you promoted it instead.

Parent 3

The advantages would be the following: to raise awareness, to avoid early pregnancy, to

value human body and to value patience. The disadvantages for me are none.

Parent 4

The advantages are that the students would be enlighten and will have a broader

knowledge about Sex Education and the disadvantage is that there are some students who are

sensitive enough to learn the topic and some students would be encourage to do premarital sex

because they already know the prevention and limitation.

Parent 5

For me, the advantages would be the following: full knowledge of the sickness that they

may get from having it, the "teenage pregnancy", for they will be aware to it and the students

will be able to learn that having sex is not just what they see on movies but a serious topic in real


Disadvantages are bullying and having fun of the topic might come out and students

might think that it is okay since it was taught in school. Mentors should explain deeper issues of

Sex Education, that this is not shallow matter but a deeper one.

Parent 6

Definitely the advantage would be the awareness about the different consequence of your

actions, for example when you learned about the things that can lead you for early pregnancy

then you can help yourself to prevent doing those actions.

Disadvantage would be some will be curious on how those things happen, so proper

guidance of the teacher is highly needed, they should not just teach them about it, teachers

should also tell the students the consequences and benefits.

Parent 7

The topic can already be discussed casually and people can be comfortable talking about

it, that would be the advantage.

Disadvantage is that they would be more encouraged to indulge their selves to premarital

sex because they know already how to prevent. And with that, I suggest to educate also us

parents not only the students because the questions from our children can be thrown to us


Parent 8

The advantage is that it turns student to a responsible adult and they can prevent diseases

like HIV. For the disadvantage, I think it is just normal to talk about Sex Education.

Parent 9

The advantages of having Sex Education in SMCB is that children will understand the

impact of sex in their lives and this will help children in learning rather than other resources such

as internet's pornographic material.

On the other hand, the disadvantages are that Sex Education at school may be at odds

with religious ideologies and most teachers given this task aren't experts and have rage ideas

about sex health themselves.

Parent 10

The advantage is that, students become more open minded regarding the topic.

Disadvantage is that St. Mary's is a catholic school which means that sex education is against the

teaching of SMCB.

Parent 11

The advantage is spreading awareness about Sex Education, and the disadvantage is that

if the teacher concern might not be able to explain the topic enough and the corresponding

responsibility related to it, the more it might trigger the curiosity of the students which the school

is trying to avoid.

Parent 12

The advantages are that students will be more aware of how things go on with that

matter, also the students will be more cautious because of the diseases that they will get from

having sexual intercourse.

The disadvantage is that the students will be more open minded towards that matter and

since they've tackled that in school they might get curious and explore more things

Parent 13

The advantage is that it will create "awareness" on having "sex" and the disadvantage is

that if the student will not understand it correctly it may bring harm than good.

Parent 14

I think the advantage of possible implementation of Sex Education in SMCB is the

students became aware and educated but the disadvantage is when the curiosity arises within the

innocent mind of the students.

Parent 15

The advantage is that they learn sex education is to educate the students that it should

only be done by a married couple. The disadvantage is that some students may do it because of


Parent 16

The advantage is that as a parent, if this subject will be offered as a part of the

curriculum, I should help them analyze things that are discussed so they would be able to learn it

without malice, hesitations or negative interpretation in Sex Education.

The disadvantage is that if the topic does not deliberately give facts and appropriate

details that will lead the students to explore and experiment on it, if misguided.

Parent 17

The advantage is that we can avoid teenage pregnancy and the disadvantage is that

students who are equipped with this knowledge might think that they can explore things because

they are educated.

Parent 18

It is an advantage because it is better to teach our children about sex education rather than

letting them use other sources such as internet which holds a huge store of information that might

be misinterpreted. The disadvantage of the possible implementation in SMCB is that it may

contradict with the religious ideologies of the school.

Parent 19

The advantage is the awareness for the students, being responsible sexually and

emotionally and prevention of early and unwanted pregnancy. The disadvantage is that

millennial may consider it legal or acceptable to engage in sexuality.

Parent 20

I think advantage is that children will be aware of their body and feelings. The

disadvantage would be the backlash from public and students have a tendency to be green


Parent 21

The advantage is that it’s much better to teach children about sexual health in school

rather letting them use other resources, such as pornographic material and the internet. This is

important because avenues, such as the internet have a huge store of information that might be

misleading. The disadvantage is that students may still be subject to embarrassment or excitable

by subject matter. If not taught properly, Sex Education in school can become a matter of

ridicule and students may not take any interest in it.

Parent 22

It will become an advantage to a child because you can insert values while teaching it but

when you don’t know these things you are prone to danger and in my perspectives when you

have knowledge about this topic you become more knowledgeable about your health and how to

take care of yourself and to be aware of things you should avoid.

The disadvantages since our technology is more advanced nowadays the students can

easily search things. When some things are discussed by the teacher which is sensitive students

can easily search it in the internet and number of malicious information will then pop up so as

teacher when you are discussing these things you should explain it thoroughly so that students

can understand it because when students don’t understand what you’re teaching they will search

it in the internet and number of malicious information will pop up. The problem is that the

internet is too much open about these things and it became more accessible at home so that’s

why sex education has a bad impact to students especially when they’re exploring it by

themselves not unlike when they have an adult or teacher to teach it because there comes a time

when a child becomes malicious but when a teacher knows how to attack or teach this lesson and

explain it in a more a wider perspectives and teach this as a sacred thing which is given by God.

This lesson should not be handle by students alone it should be taught by someone whose an

expert about it none the less it should be open to subjects but have limitation because it will be

furthermore discussed in college especially when the course you’re taking is related to medicine

so in high school it should be taught but should have a limitation.

Parent 23

The advantage is that even at an early age people will know what sex education is really

about and this topic should not be aside and if ever it will on preventing pre-marital sex and

teenage pregnancy if ever it will be discussed in school. The disadvantage is that student might

be curious about this topic and they might engage in this because they want it to apply in their


Parent 24

The advantage is that students will understand the topic more since it is not just under a

specific subject and they will be aware to the current issues in our society that may be able to

actually affect them as well and the student who really wants to know more about the topic will

me enlightened. I can't think of much disadvantage because for me, it can really be a platform for

the awareness of students and it can be like an eye opener for the students.

Parent 25

Again if the RVM Education Ministry will include or consider this Sex Education to be

included in the RVM curriculum, there will be a lot of advantages.

Figure 19: How can you define Sex Education?
2% 2% Sexual intercourse
2% 2% Physiology/Anatomy
2% 14% Sexuality
2% Awareness
2% Limitations
2% Not just about sexual intercourse
2% Family Planning
Teenage Pregnancy
6% Premarital Sex
Safe Sex
Precautionary Measure
10% Chastity
22% Marriage
Sensitive Topic

Figure 19 shows that 12 out of 50 respondents answered “Sexual Intercourse” which has

a percentage of 24%, 11 out of 50 respondents answered “Physiology/Anatomy” which has a

percentage of 22%, 8 out of 50 respondents answered “Sexuality” which has a percentage of

16%, 5 out of 50 respondents answered “Awareness” which has a percentage of 10%, 3 out of 50

respondents answered “Limitations” which has a percentage of 6%, 1 out of 50 respondents

answered “Not just about sexual intercourse” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50

respondents answered “Family Planning” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents

answered “Teenage Pregnancy” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered

“Premarital sex” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Safe sex”

which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Preparation” which has a

percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Precautionary Measure ” which has a

percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Chastity” which has a percentage of 2%, 1

out of 50 respondents answered “Marriage” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50

respondents answered “Sensitive topic” which has a percentage of 2%. Therefore, majority of the

respondents stated that the definition of Sex Education is all about sexual intercourse.

Figure 20: What do you think are discussed in this
subject? Physiology/Anatomy
2% 2% 2%
2%2% Sexual Intercourse
4% STDs

4% 30% Early Pregnancy

Safe Sex
Family Planning

6% Premarital Sex
Importance of Life

14% Moral Values

8% Relationship & Emotional Maturity
12% Others

Figure 20 shows that 15 out of 50 respondents answered “Physiology/Anatomy” which

has a percentage of 30%, 7 out of 50 respondents answered “Contraceptives” which has a

percentage of 14%, 6 out of 50 respondents answered “Sexual Intercourse” which has a

percentage of 12%, 4 out of 50 respondents answered “STD’s” which has a percentage of 8%, 4

out of 50 respondents answered “Early pregnancy” which has a percentage of 8%, 3 out of 50

respondents answered “Safe sex” which has a percentage of 6%, 2 out of 50 respondents

answered “Family Planning” which has a percentage of 4%, 2 out of 50 respondents answered

“Premarital sex” which has a percentage of 4%, 2 out of 50 respondents answered “Sexuality”

which has a percentage of 4%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Importance of life” which has

a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “cautions” which has a percentage of 2%,

1 out of 50 respondents answered “Moral values” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50

respondents answered “Relationship and Emotional Maturity” which has a percentage of 2%.

1 out of 50 respondents answered “Others” which has a percentage of 2%. Therefore, majority of

the respondents stated that Physiology/Anatomy are the topics discussed in Sex Education.

Figure 21: Importance of learning Sex Education
2% 2% 2%
4% To inform and educate
8% Awareness

To widen perspective

To clear out misconceptions

16% As a precaution


For Healthy Decision Making

30% Others

Figure 21 shows that 16 out of 50 respondents answered “To inform and educate” which

has percentage of 32%, 15 out of 50 respondents answered “Prevention” which has a percentage

of 30%, 8 out of 50 respondents answered “Awareness” which has a percentage of 16%, 4 out of

50 respondents answered “To widen perspectives” which has a percentage of 8%, 2 out of 50

respondents answered “To clear out misconceptions” which has a percentage of 4%, 2 out of 50

respondents answered “As a precaution” which has a percentage of 4%, 1 out of 50 respondents

answered “Limits” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “For

Healthy Decision Making” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered

“Others” which has a percentage of 2%. Therefore, majority of the respondents stated that the

importance of learning Sex Education is to inform and educate students.

Figure 22: Do you think Sex Education is
interesting? Why?
Thoroughly explained the importance and everythig
2% 2% about Sex Education
2%2% People are open to the topic
2% 18%
Not that interesting
It is not common

Everyone gets curious about it

8% Not all people are open minded

It is simply interesting
It talks about life and future

It is part of having attraction on your opposite sex

Can help to be a mature individual

Explains how our body works inside

10% There might be new techniques

It depends to the person

It is everywhere in our culture

10% 10%

Figure 22 shows that 9 out of 50 respondents answered “Thoroughly explained the

importance and everything about Sex Education which has a percentage of 18%, 6 out of 50

respondents answered “People are open to the topic” which has a percentage of 12%, 5 out of 50

respondents answered “Not that interesting” which has a percentage of 10%, 5 out of 50

respondents answered “It’s not common” which has a percentage of 10%, 5 out of 50

respondents answered “Everyone gets curious about it” which has a percentage of 10%, 4 out of

50 respondents answered “Not all people are open minded” which has a percentage of 8%, 4 out

of 50 respondents answered “It’s simply interesting” which has a percentage of 8%, 4 out of 50

respondents answered “It talks about life and future” which has a percentage of 8%, 3 out of 50

respondents answered “It’s part of having attraction on your opposite sex” which has a

percentage of 6%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Can help you to be a mature individual”

which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Explains how our body works

inside” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “There might be new

techniques” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “It depends on the

person” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “It’s everywhere in our

culture” which has a percentage of 2%. Therefore, majority of the respondents stated that it’s

interesting because it thoroughly explained the importance and everything about Sex Education.

Figure 23: Do you think Sex Education is sensitive?
2% 2% It is a sensitive topic
2%2% 14% It is private and personal
2% Others might be offended or might not take it seriously
2% They may try doing sex act because of curiosity
4% It depends to the person
Conservative Person
4% 12% It is not that sensitive anymore
It is simply sensitive
4% Some people don't understand it
Some body parts will be exposed
It should not be done unless you're in a right age
Not properly informed
Male and Female should be seperated when discussed
6% Because sex is a progress
Will relate to other malicious activities
It talks about sex act
6% Some people consider chastity and virginity important
6% 6%
It covers so many things
It is not commonly discuss at home

Figure 23 shows that 7 out of 50 respondents answered “It’s a mature topic” which has a

percentage of 14%, 6 out of 50 respondents answered “It’s private and personal” which has a

percentage of 12%, 6 out of 50 respondents answered “Others might get affected or might not

take it seriously” which has a percentage of 12%, 4 out of 50 respondents answered “They might

try doing sex act because of curiosity” which has a percentage of 8%, 3 out of 50 respondents

answered “It depends to the person” which has a percentage of 6%, 3 out of 50 respondents

answered “Conservative person” which has a percentage of 6%, 3 out of 50 respondents

answered “It’s not that sensitive anymore” which has a percentage of 6%, 3 out of 50

respondents answered “It’s simply sensitive” which has a percentage of 6%, 2 out of 50

respondents answered “Some people don’t understand it” which has a percentage of 4%, 2 out of

50 respondents answered “Some body parts will be exposed” which has a percentage of 4%, 2

out of 50 respondents answered “It should not be done unless you’re in a right age” which has a

percentage of 4%, 2 out of 50 respondents answered “Not properly informed” which has a

percentage of 4%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Males and Females should be separated

when discussed” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Because sex

is a process” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Will relate to

other malicious thoughts” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “It

talks about sex act” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “some

people consider chastity and virginity important” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50

respondents answered “It covers many things” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50

respondents answered “It’s not commonly discuss at home” which has a percentage of 2%.

Therefore, majority of the respondents stated that Sex Education is interesting because it’s a

mature topic.

Figure 24: The Advantages of the possible
implementation of Sex Education in SMCB?
They will be educated
2% 2%
2%2% Awareness
2% Lessen Teenage Pregnancy
2% Adjust the way students think
Will be responsible
4% Tool for being an adult

Prepare family planning

STDs will be lessen

Will be more open to the topic

6% Clear assumptions

People will be comfortable talking about it

To teach in school than internet

For the youth who don't talk to their parents will be educated by the school
itself because their parents are oldschool
28% Others

Figure 24 shows that 19 out of 50 respondents answered “Students will be educated”

which has a percentage of 38%, 14 out of 50 respondents answered “Awareness” which has a

percentage of 28%, 3 out of 50 respondents answered “Lessen teenage pregnancy” which has a

percentage of 6%, 3 out of 50 respondents answered “Adjust the way students think” which has a

percentage of 6%, 2 out of 50 respondents answered “Will be responsible” which has a

percentage of 4%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Tool for being an adult” which has a

percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Prepare family planning” which has a

percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Lessen STD’s” which has a percentage of

2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Will be more open to the topic” which has a percentage

of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Clear assumptions” which has a percentage of 2%, 1

out of 50 respondents answered “So that people will be comfortable talking about it” which has a

percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “To teach in school than internet” which has

a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “For the youth who don’t talk to their

parents will be educated by the school itself because their parents are old school” which has a

percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Others” which has a percentage of 2%.

Therefore, majority of the respondents stated that the advantage of the possible implementation

of Sex Education is that students will be educated.

Figure 25: The Disadvantages of the possible
implementation of Sex Education in SMCB
Try to explore because of curiousity
2% 2%
2%2% Encourage to have sex

32% Against the religios ideologies of the Catholic school

Teasing can be a matter of ridicule

6% Misconceptions

Green minded

Too young to learn

Malicious thoughts

Not all people can handle learning about it

Search things in the internet and get malicious

12% information
22% Others

Figure 25 shows that 16 out of 50 respondents answered “Try to explore because of

curiosity” which has a percentage of 32%, 11 out of 50 respondents answered “Encourage to

have sex” which has a percentage of 22%, 6 out of 50 respondents answered “None” which has a

percentage of 12%, 4 out of 50 respondents answered “Against the religious Ideologies of the

Catholic school” which has a percentage of 8%, 3 out of 50 respondents answered “Teasing can

be a matter of ridicule” which has a percentage of 6%, 3 out of 50 respondents answered

“Misconceptions” which has a percentage of 6%, 2 out of 50 respondents answered “Green

minded” which has a percentage of 4%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Too young to learn”

which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Malicious thoughts” which has

a percentage of 2 %, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Not all people can handle learning about

it” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents answered “Search things in the

internet and acquire wrong information” which has a percentage of 2%, 1 out of 50 respondents

answered “Others” which has a percentage of 2%. Therefore, majority of the respondents stated

that disadvantage of the possible implementation of Sex Education is that students will try to

explore it because of curiosity.



This chapter presents a summary of the findings of the study, the conclusions were drawn

from the obtained results and the recommendations derived from the salient findings of the


Summary of Findings

The general problem of this study is to determine The Knowledge and Perspectives of

`Parents and Grade 11 Students Towards the Possible Implementation of Sex Education in

St. Mary’s College of Baliuag.

Specific Problems:

1. What are the knowledge of Grade 11 students and parents towards the possible

implementation of sex education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag?

The first question of the researchers will determine the knowledge of parents and grade 11

students towards Sex Education.

Thus, the knowledge of parents and grade 11 students towards Sex Education is that it serves

as an awareness by discussing about sexual intercourse, sexuality, Physiology/Anatomy,

limitations, family planning, safe sex, chastity, prevention of teenage pregnancy and premarital

sex, contraception, preparation for a student’s future, precautionary measures as a teen, moral

values, relationship and emotional maturity, importance of marriage, and its possibility as a

sensitive topic.

2. What are the perspectives of parents and Grade 11 students towards the possible

implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag?

The second question of the researchers will determine the perspectives of parents and Grade

11 students towards Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag.

Thus the majority of the respondents think that Sex Education is a sensitive topic yet an

interesting one. Most of them are also comfortable talking about it and deemed Sex Education as

an important thing a student should learn. A majority of the researchers’ stakeholders are in favor

of implementing Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag although they agree that the

level of maturity and preparedness should be considered as well.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the possible implementation of Sex

Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag?

The third question of the researchers will determine the advantages and disadvantages of the

possible implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag.

Thus, the advantages of the possible implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of

Baliuag are the following; Students will be educated, awareness will be established, it will lessen

teenage pregnancy, It will also adjust the way students think and they will be responsible, it is a

tool for being an adult, it prepares the students for family planning, it will lessen the incidences

will promote gaining knowledge in school instead of the internet, and for the youth to gain

knowledge if their parents don’t talk about Sex Education because they are considered as “old

school”. While the disadvantages are students will try to explore because of curiosity, they will

be encouraged to have sex because of gaining knowledge in regards to contraceptives and birth

control, they consider Sex Education as against the religious ideologies of the catholic school, it

can be a matter of ridicule and may cause misconceptions, Some students may turn out to be a

“green minded”, it may generate malicious thoughts, not all people can handle learning about it,

and teens may search things in the internet and may acquire wrong and malicious information.


The researchers concluded that the knowledge of parents and Grade 11 students about

Sex Education are mostly about physiology such as the growth and development of males and

females and the reproductive system, sexual intercourse or procreation in general together with

virginity and abstinence, contraception or the different types of birth control, Sexually

Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS, its causes and symptoms, Sexuality in regards to

gender, and social issues today specifically teenage pregnancy, and STD as well as how to

prevent them.

Results show that parents and Grade 11 students perceive that Sex Education is a

sensitive topic in such a manner that they agreed there should be a particular level of maturity

and preparedness to learn about it. They are comfortable dealing with it and they think it is

interesting because it is discussed thoroughly in a way that it broadens an individual’s

perspectives. The respondents deemed Sex Education as an important for a student learn to

establish awareness and instill a sense of responsibility while to curb rising incidences of early

pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and sexual violence as well. With this in mind, the

researchers therefore conclude that parents and Grade 11 students are in favor of the possible

implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of Baliuag.

The advantage of the possible implementation of Sex Education in St. Mary’s College of

Baliuag is that the students will be educated and their own understanding of sex and sex related

topics will be developed. It also clears out any misconceptions and adjusts the way students think

for them to be prepared for the future. In disadvantages however, the respondents are worried

that if contraceptives are to be discussed, it will encourage an unhealthy curiosity that will

eventually lead to early sexual activity. In conclusion, Sex Education has beneficial results,

specifically in terms of perspectives, experience and knowledge change and yet if handled

poorly, it may result to crucial consequences.


The researchers recommend:

 For the teachers to contribute to the learning process of Sex Education even if it is in an

indirect way by preparing themselves with information in an approach that is aligned

with their subject. They should be approachable and students should be able to ask

questions and satisfy their curiosity.

 For the school to research about Sex Education and to make certain adjustments that will

satisfy the school’s vision. This research can be utilized as well as a basis to know if the

curriculum is enough for the students and parents of St. Mary’s College of Baliuag.

 For the parents to develop a partnership with the school. It includes having successful

communication about Sex Education with their children by being a good listener,

providing truthful answers from reliable sources, letting the child voice out their opinions

without the fear of getting yelled and punished, and making the child feel understood and


 For the students to develop responsibility in regards to gaining information on their own

by investigating the sources they have and avoiding venturing into porn for it may form

unrealistic expectations.


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