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Nama kelompok:

1. Arinil Haq
2. Aristia Wulandari
3. Devi Nur Aeni
4. Devi Puri Rahayu

A : Hai..
D : Yes nurse, What happen?
A : I will check your sister's body temperature. is he awake?
D : Yes nurse, 10 minutes ago my sister was awake
A : Okay, thanks

A : Assalamualaikum
C : Waalaikumsalam, come in please
A : Good morning, Mom
C : Good morning
A : I am zahra, I will check your child's body temperature
C : Yes please add it

A : Hai.... good morning

B : Good morning, ners
A : Is your name fatimah?
B : Yes, my name is fatimah
A : How are you doing fatimah?
B : I am rather unwell, nurse. I have got fever
A : Oh, I am sorry to hear that . I just want to take your temperature with a thermometer
B : Yes, please
A : Could you raise your arm. Because I will put this thermometer on your armpit?
B : Like this nurse?
A : Yes, thank ( then the nurse puts it at his armpit) and now place your left hand on
your shoulder for a moment
B : My pleasure
After 5 minute hetakes thermometer back from fatma’s armpit
A : Ok, finished. Thank you
B : You’re welcome nurse

C : Nurse, how is my doughter’s temperature?

A : His temperature is high, It’s about 39𝑜 C
C : I see, I am afraid
D : Don’t worry mom
A : Yes, the doctor will check it again. Have you any question?
C : No. I have not
D : Thanks a lot nurse
A : Your welcome.

Notes :

A : Nurse
B : Patient
C : Family (Mom)
D : Sister

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