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1. Do you like Shakespeare sonnets?

Ans : Yes, I just love these sonnets.

2. Which one you like most and why?

Ans : I like most sonnet 18 .Because the beauty of a day in summer is variable and short
lived . However , the beauty of Shakespeare’s friend lovelier than this beauty
.Shakespeare emotion in this sonnet is one of joy in his friends beauty and also one of
period in his own achievement.

3. Who is dark lady?

Ans : Sonnet 130 is the poet’s pragmatic tribute his uncomely mistress , commonly
referred to as the dark lady because of her dun complexion . The dark lady who
ultimately betrays the poet, appears in sonnets 127 to 154 . The lady has black hair and
dun colored , skin . The dark lady distinguishes itself from the fair youth sequence by
being overtly sexual in its passion.

4. How do you motivated by Shakespearean sonnet?

Ans : Actually the sector motivates me a lot . Shakespeare uses his sonnets to explore
love from as many perspective. He mocks typical love sonnet in 130 .He portrays reality
of lover and love in general . Love isn’t flower and love can make people attractive.

5. Why do you read Shakespeare sonnet?

Ans : Because I’m bound to read that’s why . Honestly speaking no interest to read .

6. Who is W.H ?
Ans : They do not know about him . Not a single person .

7. What is the role of nature in Shakespeare’s sonnet?

Ans : Shakespeare uses nature in his sonnet as a symbol of beauty in his sonnet .

8. Do you think the sonnet can be except love them?

Ans :

9. What do you think why Shakespeare wrote all these sonnets?

Ans: Shakespeare loved his friend a lot. He wanted his friends being alive throw his
10. How do you increase your friend to read Shakespeare sonnet?
Ans: I will convince them to read because these sonnets hold universal appeal in a great
Question for teacher

1. What you read about sonnet of Shakespeare and his 154 sonnets?
2. From when you are holding classes on sonnets? Share with us the period from when
you are teaching sonnets?
3. What are the major plans of your about the sonnets to convey the message of the
4. What is the specific purpose or actual target of reading Shakespearean sonnets?
5. What are the major things and thrill of these sonnets?
6. How will you convince us (the students) the importance and priority of the sonnets?
7. How will you give the students a snake of receiving the sonnets in a nutshells?
8. How can you convince the student about the universality of the sonnets and what
should be the universal target of these?
9. Have you enjoyed Shakespeare sonnets?
10. How you will motive the students to encarve the sonnets in personal life and how you
will encourage them?

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