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- example, factories closing in the United States

Contemporary World - The circumstances and and open in Mexico due to cheaper labor.
ideas of the present age (present times)
Why do we need to study it? SPECIALIZATION ON LOCAL LEVEL
- allows one to make more sense of the current Each place plays a distinctive role based on its
world local assets
Globalization - the process of interaction and
integration among people, companies, and Economic Globalization - refers to the
governments worldwide. increasing interdependence of world economies
as a result of the growing scale of cross-border
Factors that accelerated globalization trade of commodities and services, flow of
international capital and wide and rapid spread
1. improved trade
of technologies.
2. increased labour and capital mobility
Commodity Chains - a process used by firms to
3. improved technology
gather resources, transform them into goods or
Contemporary Globalization - Force or process commodities, and finally, distribute them to
that involves the entire world and results in consumers. It is a series of links connecting the
making something world-wide in scope many places of production and distribution and
resulting in a commodity that is then exchanged
-Increasing interconnectedness of different
on the world market.
parts of the world through common processes
Transnational Operations- conduct research,
of economic, environmental, political, and
operates factories, and sells products in many
cultural change.
countries, not just where it’s headquarters are
Global connections today differ in four ways Culture - Culture is the characteristics of a
from past: particular group of people, defined by
1. Function at much greater speed everything from language, religion, cuisine,
2. Operates on a much larger scale social habits, music and arts.
3. The scope of global connections is much Cultural Globalization - refers to the
broader and has multiple dimensions transmission of ideas, meanings, and values
4. Interactions and interdependencies among around the world in such a way as to extend
numerous global actors have created a new and intensify social relations.
level of complexity for the relationships
- This process is marked by the common
between places and regions
consumption of cultures that have been
diffused by the Internet, popular culture media,
Modern Technology - has created quick and international travel.
movement of money, materials, products, POSITIVE REPERCUSSIONS
technology and other economic assets
Globalization has made us more conscious and
tolerant of other's lifestyles and beliefs.
LOCALIZATION - places might be attractive
because of resources, or it might be suitable for NEGATIVE
new factories, extract materials, sell them, etc.
1. Cola-Colinization
2. Cultural imperialism BECOME THE VOICE FOR:
3. Country's’ traditional foods lost to big Youths
fast food chains Disabled person
4. Traditional clothing lost to big clothing Lesbians
brands Homosexual
Political Globalization- is linked to the growing
importance of international
-One of the key aspects of the political
globalization is the declining importance of the
Human rights
nation-state and the rise of other actors on the
WORLD RISK SOCIETY - “Risk which is inherent
political scene.
in modern society would contribute towards
IDENTITY GLOBALIZATION the formation of a global risk society.” -Ulrich
GLOBALIZATION TO IDENTITY: ❑Globalization is an unpredictable destabilizing
SERVICES CONSUMED BY ALL SOCIAL ➢“not settled or secured but freight with
GROUPS anxieties. ”
2. NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR SOCIAL 2 Consequences of globalization:
INTERACTION ❑Risk consciousness -Technologies open new
3. TRAVEL AND MIGRATION risks after risks.
4. PROMINENT PERSONALITIES ❑Detraditionalization -As new ideas form,
5. HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN traditions are questioned and then comes to an
MAIN ORGANIZATIONS FOR FACILITATING theory oriented toward critiquing and changing
GLOBALIZATION: society as a whole.
1. International Monetary Fund ➢aim to dig beneath the surface of social life
2. World Bank and uncover assumptions. ➢2 important things:
3. World Trade Organization ✓must account for the whole of society within a
historical context.
Civil Society - Refers to voluntary associations
whose activities seek to shape policies, norms ✓should seek to offer a robust and holistic
and/or deeper social structures critique.
➢True Critical Theory: Explanatory, practical,
Community-based orgs is a response to the criticisms of Dependency
Academic institutions Theory.
Environmental campaigns • was developed by Immanuel Wallerstein
Cooperatives (1979).
Charitable foundations
• Wallerstein accepts the fact ex-colonies are Post colonial Period - The era of when colonial
not doomed to be forever trapped in a state of masters depart from from their former colonies.
dependency. Sandugo - a blood compact, performed in the
4 PRINCIPLES: island of Bohol in the Philippines, between the
• One must look at the world system as a Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi and
whole, rather than just at individual countries Datu Sikatuna the chieftain of Bohol on March
• Wallerstein believes that the MWS is 16, 1565, to seal their friendship as part of the
characterized by an international division of tribal tradition.”
labor consisting of a structured set of relations Treaty of Westphalia - The Peace of Westphalia
between three types of capitalist zone: was a series of peace treaties signed between
➢The core May and October 1648, largely ending the
➢The semi-peripheral zone European wars of religion. The Westphalia area
➢The peripheral countries of north-eastern Germany gave its name to the
• Countries can be upwardly or downwardly treaty that ended the Thirty Years’ War.
mobile in the world system. Role of Colonialism in Shaping Global Political
• The Modern World System is dynamic – core and Economic hierarchy of Societies
countries are constantly evolving new ways of 1. Colonialism has shaped modern inequality.
extracting profit from poorer countries and 2. It ended up creating very distinct sorts of
regions. societies in different places.
3. Implementation of colonial education and
THE GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM languages to the importation of technology,
science, and medicine has impacted colonized
Westphalian Theory - “is the principle of societies.
international law that each nation state has Effect of Globalization on Governments
sovereignty over its territory and domestic - Globalization can force local governments to
affairs, to the exclusion of all external powers, accept ideas and laws that they don’t agree
on the principle of non-interference in another with.
country's domestic affairs, and that each state.”
Imperialism - refers to the “various methods -Institutions that Govern International Relations
that one country employs to gain political, United Nations (UN)- describes itself as a
economic and military control over another “global association of governments facilitating
country or geographic area.” co-operation in international law, international
-means the practice, the theory, and the security, economic development and social
attitudes of the dominating core in ruling the equity.”
distant territory. -Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)- is an
“international organization consisting of 57
Colonialism - “Is one of the methods in which member states. The organsation attemps to be
one country takes control of a geographic area the collective voice of the Muslim world and to
that involves the settlement of settlers and safeguard their interest”
formal mechanisms of control.” Institutions that Govern International
-the consequences of Imperialism, it is the Relations
implanting of settlements on distant territory. African Union
Arab League
South Asian Association of Regional able to deal with bureaucracies effectively
Cooperation they have powerful militaries and can boast
Commonwealth of Nations with strong economies.
Council of Europe Due to resources that are available to them
NEO-COLONIALISM (mainly intellectual), they are able to be at the
- “A new form of global power relationships that forefront of technological progress and have a
involves not direct political control but significant influence on less developed non-core
economic exploitation by multinational nations.
corporations.” SEMI-PERIPHERY
INTERNATIONALISM less developed economy
- “The state or process of being international. not dominant in the international trade.
the principle of cooperation among nations, for In terms of their influence on the world
the promotion of their common economies, they end up midway between the
good,sometimes as contrasted with core and periphery countries.
nationalism, or devotion to the interests of a they strive to get into a dominant position of
particularnation.” the core nation, and it was proved historically
GLOBALISM that it is possible to gain major influence in the
- Globalism refers to various systems with scope world and become a core country.
beyond the merely international. PERIPHERY
least economically developed.
One of the main reasons for their peripheral
Wallerstein’s World System Theory
status is the high percentage of uneducated
- “World economy” is an approach to world
people who can mainly provide cheap unskilled
history and social change that suggests there is
labor to the core nations.
a world economic system in which some
There is a very high level of social inequality,
countries benefit while others are exploited.
together with a relatively weak government
Main Characteristics of World System Theory : which is unable to control country’s economic
-The world systems theory is established on a activity and the extensive influence of the core
three-level hierarchy consisting of core, nations.
periphery, and semi-periphery areas. Three Major Intellectual Building Blocks of
-The core countries dominate and exploit the World-system Theory
peripheral countries for labor and raw Annales school
materials. -Historical approach
-The peripheral countries are dependent on -Insistence on the long term (la longue dureé)
core countries for capital. -Focus on geo-ecological regions as units of
-The semi-peripheral countries share analysis
characteristics of both core and peripheral -Attention to rural history
countries. -Reliance on empirical materials
-This theory emphasizes the social structure of Marx
global inequality. -the fundamental reality if social conflict among
materially based human groups
CORE -the concern with a relevant totality
-the transitory nature of social forms and
appear to be powerful, wealthy and highly theories about them
independent of outside control.
-the centrality of the accumulation process and and benefits.
competitive class struggles that result from it INTEREST BASED ALLIANCES
a dialectical sense of motion through conflict 1. ASEAN
and contradiction 2. APEC
Dependence theory
a neo-Marxist explanation of development
Seeks stability and social protection through
different social changes which come from
popular in the developing world
citizens and other state actors such as
focuses on understanding the “periphery” by
institutions and NGO’s.
looking at core-periphery relations, and it has
Behaviors and attitudes of the people of a
flourished in peripheral regions like Latin
nation affect the nation which forces the
national government to make adjustments to
Many contemporary critiques to global
be able to provide the changing needs of the
capitalism come from.
- “whoever held power was recognized by the
rest of the world as the government, regardless
GLOBALIZATION – of how they attained their rule.”
Worldwide governance indicators
-Made it possible for countries and people from - These are a set of composite indicators of
all over the world be connected and be governance published by the World Bank.
interdependent economically, politically & - A nation’s score in the WGI will determine its
socially. likelihood or probability to attract foreign
-Affects internal changes of a nation through: investments, tourism, financial and other forms
External and internal pressures. of aid and global reputation.
-Great potential opportunities for growth, - This is similar to the Westphalia Treaty
human development and political and economic because it also focuses on a set of norms which
security for the people. a country or nation abides to create and to
Its important function is to bestow legitimacy maintain its peace relations with other nations.
on different state governments. - These set of norms set by the WGI are
National governments elaborated in its 6 dimensions of governance.
-Holds absolute supremacy over a state or 6 dimensions of governance
nation which may have distinct powers at Voice and Accountability
various levels. Political Stability and Absence of
-Executive Violence/Terrorism
-Legislative Government effectiveness
-Judiciary Regulatory Quality
Responsible for establishing national laws and Rule of Law
enforcing them. Control of Corruption
External pressures 1. The process by which those in authority
Compel conformity to global standards. States selected and replaced.
are confronted with a variety of penalties and Voice and Accountability
costs if they refuse to comply with standards Political Stability and Absence of violence
2. The capacity of the government to
formulate and to implement policies FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - is a system of
Government Effectiveness dividing up power between a central national
Regulatory Quality government and local state governments that
3. The respect of citizens and state for are connected to one another by the national
institutions that govern interactions among government. Some areas of public life are under
them. the control of the national government, and
Rule of Law some areas are under control of the local
Control of Corruption governments.
-Empower regions
Imperial manila - To express The dominance of
-Recognize diversity
the capital city (manila) in whether
-More responsive government
politics, economy and business or culture affairs
-Deter corruption
over local governments, are decided by what
goes on in the capital region, without
considering the needs of the rest of the country,
largely because of centralized government.

Politics: the country is a centralized government

that provincial governments favor constitutional
amendments for a shift to federal government.
Economy: Internal colonialism is the uneven
effects of economic development on a regional
basis, otherwise known as “uneven
development" as a result of the exploitation
of minority groups within a wider society and
leading to political and economic inequalities
between regions within a state.
Culture: In Marxist philosophy, cultural
hegemony is the domination of a culturally
diverse society by the ruling class who
manipulate the culture of that society—
the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values,
and mores—so that their imposed, ruling-
class worldview becomes the accepted
cultural norm; the universally valid dominant
ideology, which justifies the social, political, and
economic status as natural and inevitable,
perpetual and beneficial for everyone, rather
than as artificial social constructs that benefit
only the ruling class.
Or Social Exclusion is the process of pushing a
particular group or groups of people to the edge
of society by not allowing them an active voice,
identity, or being less important.

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