Risk Analysis

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Why Conduct Cost

and Schedule Risk


with David T. Hulett, Ph.D., FAACE,

Author of Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk
Analysis 1
Foreword Contents

The mitigation of cost and Cost and schedule risk analysis ▪▪ CHAPTER 1: What is Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis 4
schedule overrun is crucial helps project managers assess
to any successful project. It's likely impact of uncertainty and ▪▪ CHAPTER 2: Why is Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis Needed and 6

something project managers individual risks on overall project How Does It Work?
are all too aware of, yet many costs and time to completion. As –– 2.1 Why do so Many Projects Overrun Their Cost Estimates? 8
large-scale projects overrun both a result it’s a key weapon in any
the planned costs and schedule. project manager’s arsenal. –– 2.2 How are Project Uncertainty and Risk Defined? 10
Often, overrun can be attributed
Here, we look at what cost and –– 2.3 How Does It Work? 12
to a lack of in-depth analysis at
the planning stage and failure schedule risk analysis is, the
common causes of cost and ▪▪ CHAPTER 3: The Benefits Explained 14
to investigate and test initial
schedule overrun, and how
estimates further. ▪▪ CHAPTER 4: Summary 18
conducting in-depth analysis
can mitigate them, before ▪▪ REFERENCES 20

demonstrating the benefits in


Risk Analyis Expert

David T. Hulett, Ph.D., FAACE

Author of Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis

Hulett & Associates, LLC

(310) 476-7699 (o)
(310) 283-3527 (m)

2 3

What is Cost and Schedule

Risk Analysis?
Put simply, project cost Cost and schedule risk analysis
estimates and schedules are uses quantitative project risk
statements made by experts methods of integrated project
such as engineers or estimators cost and schedule models to
about how much a completed evaluate the likely impact of
project will cost and how long uncertainty and individual risks
the work will take. on overall project costs and time
to completion. These analyses
However, because events not only determine the likelihood
in the future are never fully of finishing the project on time
known, it is wise to investigate and budget, they can also be
the assumptions behind the used to estimate the contingency
statements and any future needed to provide the desired
conditions that may make these level of certainty in achieving the
projects cost more (or less) planned cost and finish date.
than their estimate or differ
in time from their scheduled Modern approaches to risk
duration. Sometimes this is an analysis identify risk drivers
exercise in validating or re-sizing and use them to drive the
the contingency added by the Monte Carlo simulation of cost
estimators. Schedules typically and schedule, and these can
do not have a contingency in be used also to identify the
time, so this may be the first- most important risks to project
time schedule contingency is schedule and cost, enabling
discussed. project planners effectively to
mitigate risk.

4 5
CHAPTER 2 There are plenty of high-profile examples of spectacular cost overrun,
but some of the most infamous include (Flyvbjerg 2014):
Why is Cost and Schedule Risk
Analysis Needed and How Does Scottish Parliament Building
It Work?
original cost estimate
% cost overrun
0 500 1000 1500

Research and experience shows us that cost and schedule estimating

on projects is often unsuccessful because cost overruns routinely
occur. A few real-world examples include: Sydney Opera House
▪▪ A study of public ▪▪ For IT projects, an industry
transportation infrastructure study by the Standish Group original cost estimate
projects (Flyvbjerg 2002) found that average cost % cost overrun

found that 9 out of 10 projects overrun was 43 percent and 0 300 600 900 1200 1500

had overrun their initial that 71 percent of projects

estimates and that overruns
of 50 to 100 percent were
were over budget, over time
and under scope. Edward
common. The study also found Yourdon reported that it is
that costs are underestimated generally accepted that the

original cost estimate
in almost 9 out of 10 projects. average IT project is likely to
% cost overrun
Furthermore, for a randomly be 6 to 12 months late and 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

selected project, the likelihood 50% to 100% over budget

of actual costs being larger (Yourdon 1997).
than estimated costs is 86%
and likelihood of actual costs Bank of Norway Headquarters
being lower than or equal to
estimated costs just 14%.

original cost estimate
% cost overrun
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

6 7

Why do so Many Projects Overrun

Their Cost Estimates?
The principal reasons for costs and schedules to overrun estimates
(assuming that the cost estimators are competent) often relate
to corporate culture and to the risk inherent in the project itself.
According to research conducted by Flyvbjerg and Associates and
DeMarco and Lister, the following are the most common reasons for
cost overrun:

1 2 3 4 5

Corporate management, Customers like to have Risk in the project, including Technical issues such as Deliberate under-estimation
including those responsible certainty about time and estimating uncertainty, is imperfect techniques, (on the part of project
for selling the project to cost objectives and can be often more likely to push the inadequate data, honest sponsors) designed to make
the customer, contributes impatient at being told of costs higher than lower, since mistakes, inherent problems projects more appealing to
to schedule and cost uncertainty in achieving key in practice most of the risks in predicting the future, lack stakeholders or the public.
overruns by causing project objectives, often leading to identified are threats rather of experience on the part of
cost estimates and activity pressure from owners and than opportunities. Add to forecasters.
durations to be optimistically resulting in estimates and this the systemic risks such
estimated. schedules that are optimistic. as incomplete SOW, weak
project team.

Each of these factors can lead to estimates and schedules that are not, and maybe
never were, achievable. To put it bluntly, whatever the project plans produce
on paper will not shorten the real schedule or lower the cost. Often optimistic
estimates and schedules do little more than provide the appearance of success and
get the project sanctioned.

8 9
CHAPTER 2.2 Most risks, whether highly likely or less so, are thought of as making
the project activities take longer or cost more than planned if they
How are Project Uncertainty and occur. Some examples of these risks might be:

Risk Defined? ▪▪ Difficulty in attracting or retaining good engineers.

▪▪ Equipment suppliers may be busier than usual and may take longer
than the contract to deliver sufficient materials.

Uncertainty ▪▪ The project is large so there may be fewer bidders, reducing

competition and increasing the bid prices.
Uncertainty is akin to “common cause” variability in Six Sigma
methodology: Common cause variation is fluctuation caused by
In addition to these project-specific risks there are systemic risks— so
unknown factors resulting in a steady but random distribution
called since they arise from at least a partial breakdown of the project
of output around the average of the data. It is a measure of the
delivery system [Hulett-Whitehead 2017 and AACE International
process potential, or how well the process can perform when
2011a]. A few of these systemic risks include:
special cause variation is removed. It is not likely to be reduced
since it is caused by many small but unknown factors. (iSixSigma ▪▪ The project concept, strategy or plan may not be sufficiently
2017a) worked out to be starting execution.

▪▪ The project is complex so we may not have in place a strong-

enough process and staff to handle the interdependencies.
There are several definitions of project risk, but one of the most ▪▪ The project contains a high level of new or specialized technology,
so there are engineering questions and perhaps even scientific
widely-used comes from the Project Management Institute:
questions to be resolved.
Project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has
a positive or a negative effect on one or more project objectives.
(PMI 2017)

Project risk is similar in nature to the “special cause” variation in Six

Sigma: unlike common cause variation, special cause variation is
caused by known factors that result in a non-random distribution
of output. Special cause variation is a shift in output caused by
a specific factor such as environmental conditions or process
input parameters. It can be accounted for directly and potentially
removed and is a measure of process control. (iSixSIgma (2017b)

10 11
How Does It Work? ▪▪ The first stage addresses the two main causes of unrealistic plans:
(1) random variability or unrealistic optimism or actual bias of the
schedule and estimates and (2) project specific and systemic risks.
This stage can develop estimates of cost and schedule that include
Analysis of risk can begin in the project’s development phase, as soon establishment of contingencies of money and time and hence the
as there is a notional schedule and budget, and should be continued adoption and communication of more achievable targets.
periodically as estimates are refined and more risks are identified and
▪▪ In the second stage, quantitative risk analysis results can prioritize
quantified. The process of quantitative cost risk analysis is as follows the risks to inform a strategy that is used to guide proactive risk
(AACE International 2011b) (Hulett 2011): management actions (Hulett 2017).


Develop a summary analysis schedule that complies with scheduling

best practices and represents all the work (GAO 2016)


The estimation of project costs enables management or other

stakeholders to adopt a realistic budget without padding for risk.


In integrating the costs and schedule risk analyses using resource-

loaded CPM schedules we capture the impact on costs from both
direct cost risks and indirectly from schedule risks.


A Monte Carlo simulation approach is used to develop the possible

finish dates and costs of the project plan under consideration.


The risks that contribute to the contingency can be identified and

prioritized using an iterative simulation approach. In this way, the
quantitative risk analysis leads to a better project plan because it
drives toward early mitigation of the important risks.
12 13
However, what it can do is create a probabilistic statement based on
the results, for example:

The Benefits Explained ▪▪ The project is 80% (or some other desired level of certainty) likely
to finish on or before some date or to cost a dollar amount or less,
given the schedule and the uncertainty and risks identified.

▪▪ The project is X% likely to finish as scheduled and Y% likely to cost

as estimated.
The essence of integrated cost Some risks affect the “burn
and schedule risk analysis is rate” of labor or the total cost ▪▪ Taking the two objectives together there is a Z% chance they will
that “time is money.” In simple of equipment such as concrete, both be achieved (Joint Confidence level, NASA 2015) or better
terms, the cost of resources is rebar and equipment to be with an 80% likelihood.
likely to increase if the task they installed. These typical “cost
are engaged in takes longer risks” can be included so that
than planned. Time dependent cost varies even if the schedule is To illustrate, think of the simple schedule for an offshore gas
resource costs include labor and followed successfully. production platform without the pipeline to the shore shown in
rented equipment such as cranes Figure 1.
and drilling rigs. Taking labor A Monte Carlo simulation cannot
as an example, if an activity is produce a single data point for
originally scheduled to take 20 finish date and total cost because
days and takes 40, labor costs there are too many uncertainties.
are likely to increase in line with For example, if 5,000 iterations
the extra time. Likewise, indirect are calculated the risk analysis
costs such as the management produces 5,000 pairs of finish
of the project team will increase dates and project cost, but
if the project takes longer than cannot determine which one will
expected. occur.

Figure 1: Basic Offshore Gas Production Platform Schedule*

14 15
With a scheduled finish date of A similar histogram and Because both cost and schedule are solved in the same simulation
April 4, 2020 and an estimated cumulative distribution is the two objectives can be analysed together, as shown in the scatter
cost of $1,499 billion (Fig. 1), calculated for the costs, which plot in Figure 3.
add five risks and uncertainties includes the effect of cost
on both cost and schedule. uncertainty, any risks applied The findings of the joint cost and schedule analysis in the scatter plot
With the uncertainty and risks directly to cost and the indirect show that the combination of the finish date at December 8, 2021
added the statistical result for effect of schedule variability and cost at $1.849 provides an 80 percent likelihood of succeeding
the schedule is found using on cost. It is the indirect effect on both time and cost. These values add some $16 million and 50
the histogram and cumulative of schedule on cost that is the calendar days to the schedule from the P-80 results on cost and on
probability distribution shown in essence of the integrated cost- schedule that did not take into account success for both targets.
Figure 2 below. The probability schedule risk analysis (Hulett
of completing on time is 5%, 2011). The findings are that
the P-80 is October 18, 2021 there is an 8% probability of
needing 562 calendar days finishing on cost, that the P-80
of contingency beyond the cost is $1,834 billion, which is
scheduled date. $344 million or 23% over the
deterministic estimate of $1,489

Figure 3: Joint Confidence Level (JCL) of 80 % for Both Cost and Finish Date
compared with the Deterministic Plan.*

Figure 2: Histogram and Cumulative Distribution for Schedule using Monte Carlo
Simulations with 5,000 iterations.*

*The examples above were created using Safran Risk’s user-friendly project scheduler,
risk analysis, and risk reporting tools.

16 17


Applying quantitative risk Performing quantitative risk Of course, in conducting

analysis to the process of analysis provides for uncertainty schedule and cost risk analysis,
setting reasonable targets for and risk where the project the right tools are essential.
project finish date and cost schedule and estimate just form Using software that allows for
produces results that are not the un-risked baseline. Estimate accurate scheduling, real-time
available from the schedule and inaccuracy, bias, and risks’ analysis, and risk reporting will
the cost estimate themselves. occurrence can be discovered not only help you to identify and
For example, quantitative risk through confidential interviews mitigate the risks likely to lead
analysis can provide accurate with the project participants to overrun, it will also provide a
estimates to questions such as: including owner, contractor, valuable tool for reporting to key
designer, commissioning agent, stakeholders upon the likely risks.
▪▪ How likely is the project to etc., identified and provided for
finish on time and budget? during the planning stage. Platforms such as Safran Risk
simplify what would otherwise be
▪▪ How much contingency In addition, quantitative methods an extremely complex procedure
is needed to provide a can be used to prioritize risk, into a step by step process,
reasonable level of confidence making risk mitigation an allowing project managers to
of making cost, schedule and available and practical tool deploy quantitative risk analysis
the two objectives combined? for project managers. If the across their projects and
mitigation plans arising from empowering them to deliver
▪▪ Which risks are the cause analysis are committed to and better project outcomes.
of overruns and the need
for contingency of cost and executed, then the project will
schedule? perform better than predicted
with unmitigated risks.

18 19

▪▪ AACE International, (2011a), Recommended Practice 43R-08: ▪▪ iSixSigma (2017a), "Common Cause," https://www.
Risk Analysis and Contingency Determination Using Parametric isixsigma.com/dictionary/common-cause-variation
Estimating – Example Models as Applied for the Process Industries,
AACE International, Morgantown, WV ▪▪ iSixSIgma (2017b), “Variation: Special Cause,” https://
▪▪ AACE International, (2011b), Recommended Practice 57R-09
Integrated Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis using a Monte Carlo ▪▪ NASA (2015) Cost Estimating Handbook Version 4.0
Simulation of a CPM Schedule, AACE International, Morgantown, Appendix J JCL Analysis J-1 February 2015 Appendix
WV J: Joint Cost and Schedule Confidence Level (JCL)
▪▪ GAO (2015) Schedule Assessment Guide, Government
Accountability Office, GAO-16-2015 ▪▪ PMI (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body
of Knowledge, 6th edition. Newtown Square, PA,
▪▪ Hulett-Whitehead (2017), “The Monte Carlo Method for Modeling Project Management Institute.
and Mitigating Systemic Risk,” Hulett, David T and Whitehead,
Waylon, Cost Engineering, July/August 2017 AACE International ▪▪ Yourdon, E. (1997). Death March, The Complete
Software Developer's Guide to Surviving "Mission
▪▪ DeMarco, T. and T. Lister (2003). Waltzing with Bears, Managing Impossible" Projects, Prentice Hall PTR.
Risk on Software Projects, Dorset House Publishing.

▪▪ Flyvbjerg, B. (2014), "What You Should Know about Megaprojects

and Why: An Overview," Project Management Journal, vol. 45, no.
2, April-May, pp. 6-19

▪▪ Hulett, D. (2009). Practical Project Schedule Risk Analysis, Dover


▪▪ Hulett, D. (2011) Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis (Gower


▪▪ Hulett, D. (Forthcoming) Quantitative Risk Analysis: Why Bother?

Risk Doctor Briefing, The Risk Doctor Partnership.

20 21
David T. Hulett, Ph.D., FAACE
Dr. Hulett is recognized as a leader in developing and applying the concepts and
methods for quantitative project cost and schedule risk analysis and applying them
on large commercial and government projects.

He is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE)

International and heads leading project risk consultancy Hulett & Associates, LLC.

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Safran Software Solutions are unified project management experts and providers
of world-class project management and project risk software. With two decades
of experience creating planning and project controls software, their experience,
expertise and support has ensured project success for many businesses spanning a
range of industries.



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