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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,604,042 B2

Maruko et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 5, 2003

(54) BRAKING CONTROL SYSTEM WITH 6,275,772 B1 * 8/2001 Sugimoto et a1. ......... .. 701/301
()BJECT DETECTION SYSTEM 6,311,119 B2 * 10/2001 Sawamoto et al. ......... .. 701/96
INTERACTION 6,311,123 B1 * 10/2001 Nakamura et al. .......... .. 701/96
6,317,693 B2 * 11/2001 Kodaka et al. ........... .. 701/301
. - . 6,339,740 B1 * 1/2002 Seto et al. . ... ... ... . . . . . .. 701/96

(75) Inventors‘ glzzglglrygrllfl‘l’a 2001/0020217 A1 * 9/2001 Matsuno ................... .. 701/301

Hideaki Inoue, Yokohama (JP); FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Takayuki Watanabe, KanagaWa (JP)
JP 5-058257 3/1993
(73) Assignee: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Yokohama JP 5'242396 9/1993
(JP) JP 2000-247161 8/2000
JP 2001-233189 8/2001
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
USC. 154(b) by 0 days. US. patent application Ser. No. 10/049,565, Maruko et al.,
?led Feb. 15, 2002.
(21) App1_ NO; 09/988,274 US. patent application Ser. No. 09/789,010 ?led Feb. 2001,
Manuko et al., Class 701 Subclass 70.
(22) Filed: Nov. 19, 2001
_ _ _ * cited by examiner
(65) Prior Publication Data
Us 2OO2/0091479 A1 Jul‘ 11’ 2002 Primary Examirter—Thomas G. Black
Asststant Examtner—Tuan C To
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Foley & Lardner
Jan. 9, 2001 (JP) ..................................... .. 2001-001930 (57) ABSTRACT

(51) Int. Cl.7 .......................... .. G018 13/93; G08G 1/16 Abraking Control System includes an Object detector, a host
U-S- Cl- ....................... .. Vehicle Speed Sensor, and a Control unit Con?gured to be
340/436; 340/444; 340/465; 340/903; 180/170 electronically connected to at least the object detector and
(58) Field of Search .......................... .. 701/96, 93, 301, the host vehicle speed sensor for automatically controlling,
701/97, 98, 41; 340/904, 901, 903, 902, depending on a host vehicle speed and a relative distance, a
435, 436, 441, 444, 465; 342/70, 71, 455, braking force needed for an automatic braking operation,
107, 109, 113, 114, 133; 180/170, 171, containing preliminary braking control and supplementary
172, 167 braking control, Without driver’s braking action When a host
vehicle is approaching a frontally positioned object. The
(56) References Cited control unit detects the presence or absence of a driver’s
U'S' PATENT DOCUMENTS intention for lane-changing. In the presence of the driver’s
intention for lane-changing, the preliminary braklng control
5,710,565 A * 1/1998 Shirai et al. ................ .. 342/70 initiated prior to the driver’s braking action is inhibited or
5,871,062 A * 2/1999 Desens et al 180/169 the degree of limitation on the supplementary braking
57904215 A * 5/1999 Ikeda ~~~~~~ ~~ 180/169 control, through Which a value of a controlled quantity is
5,955,967 A * 9/1999 Yamada 340/904 brought closer to a target deceleration rate needed for
6,026,347 A * 2/2000 Schuster ............ .. 701/301 collision_avoidance is reduced'
6,195,157 B1 * 2/2001 Yamashita et a1. 180/169 ’
6,265,990 B1 * 7/2001 Isogai et al. ....... .. 340/903
6,269,298 B1 * 7/2001 Seto .......................... .. 701/96 24 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets



U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 1 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2


N 12



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U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 2 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2

40 52
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U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 3 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2







U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 4 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2



FIG.5 FIG . 6


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U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 5 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2

100 - /150
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U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 6 6f 13 US 6,604,042 B2


242 208

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U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 7 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2

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UPDATE GxMAx ~ 404
GXMAX = max{Gxo,Gx-1,Gx-2---Gx-a9}
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408 No

414 N0




=0 |-438
U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 8 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2

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FOR PPB ~460

No 462

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U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 9 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2





U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 10 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2






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U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 11 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2


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- dL/dtF

408 NO
414 "°


U.S. Patent Aug. 5,2003 Sheet 12 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2

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M M 442
FsT = 1 ~446



DETERMINE Rd '\--454
PPB = Km - KIL -_ Kr - PpBo

FOR PPB “460

No 462
F =D
F: = 0 “464

U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2003 Sheet 13 0f 13 US 6,604,042 B2





9MAx ' FLo-L

US 6,604,042 B2
1 2
BRAKING CONTROL SYSTEM WITH interaction, Which is capable of precisely determining the
OBJECT DETECTION SYSTEM presence or absence of a driver’s intention for obstacle
INTERACTION avoidance or a driver’s intention to pass the preceding
vehicle, in other Words, the presence or absence of a driver’s
intention for lane-changing, so as to optimally control a shift
TECHNICAL FIELD to an automatic braking mode and to prevent an undesirable
The present invention relates to an automatic braking shift to the automatic baking mode.
control system With object detection system interaction, and In order to accomplish the aforementioned and other
particularly to techniques for automatic braking control objects of the present invention, a braking control system
according to Which a braking system is activated autornati 10 With object detection system interaction comprises a
cally Without any driver’s braking action When a host relative-distance detector that detects a relative distance of a
vehicle is closing on a frontally-located obstacle or a vehicle frontally positioned object relative to a host vehicle, a
ahead. vehicle speed sensor that detects a host vehicle speed of the
host vehicle, an automatic braking control unit con?gured to
BACKGROUND ART 15 be electronically connected to at least the relative-distance
In recent years, there have been proposed and developed detector and the vehicle speed sensor for automatically
various braking control systems that determine a possibility controlling, depending on both the relative distance and the
of collisions based on both a relative distance betWeen a host host vehicle speed, a braking force needed for an automatic
vehicle and an object, such as an obstacle in front and a braking operation Without driver’s braking action When the
preceding vehicle running ahead of the host vehicle, and a host vehicle is approaching the frontally positioned object,
relative velocity of the host vehicle to the preceding vehicle, the automatic braking control unit comprising a detection
for the purpose of automatic activation of a braking system, section that detects the presence or absence of a driver’s
collision avoidance, slippage control of steered Wheels, or intention for lane-changing, the automatic braking control
the like. Japanese Patent Provisional Publication No. unit limiting the automatic braking operation in the presence
5-242396 has disclosed an active safety system which 25 of the driver’s intention for lane-changing.
determines that the possibility of a collision is loW When a According to another aspect of the invention, a braking
relative velocity to the preceding vehicle is beloW a prede control system With object detection system interaction
terrnined threshold value and an acceleration value of a host comprises an object detection means for detecting a relative
vehicle is above a predetermined acceleration value, and distance of a frontally positioned object relative to a host
thus prevents a braking system from being undesirably vehicle, a vehicle speed detection means for detecting a host
activated automatically when the host vehicle is passing the vehicle speed of the host vehicle, an automatic braking
preceding vehicle. Japanese Patent Provisional Publication control means con?gured to be electronically connected to at
No. 5-58257 has disclosed a steered-Wheel slippage control least the object detection means and the vehicle speed
system Which reduces a braking force or sets the braking detection means for automatically controlling, depending on
force to Zero in order to prevent undesirable slippage of 35 both the relative distance and the host vehicle speed, a
steered road Wheels When the road Wheels are steered during braking force needed for an automatic braking operation
an automatic braking rnode. Japanese Patent Provisional Without driver’s braking action When the host vehicle is
Publication No. 2001-233189 has disclosed an automatic approaching the frontally positioned object, the automatic
previeW braking control system capable of generating a braking control means comprising means for detecting the
minute braking pressure (that is, pre-application of the presence or absence of a driver’s intention for lane
brakes) based on a vehicle running state When an anti-skid changing, the automatic braking control means limiting the
braking system (ABS) electronic control unit (ECU) deter automatic braking operation in the presence of the driver’s
mines that the preliminary braking pressure application is intention for lane-changing.
required as a previeW. Assuming that the possibility of a According to a further aspect of the invention, an auto
collision is merely determined based on both a relative 45 rnatic prelirninary braking control system With object detec
velocity of a host vehicle to a preceding vehicle and an tion system interaction comprises a relative-distance detec
acceleration rate of the host vehicle, there is a possibility that tor that detects a relative distance of a frontally positioned
the operating mode of the braking system cannot be shifted object relative to a host vehicle, a vehicle speed sensor that
to an automatic braking rnode under a particular condition detects a host vehicle speed of the host vehicle, a brake
Where the host vehicle is approaching the preceding vehicle sWitch Whose signal indicates if a brake pedal is depressed,
due to driver’s inattentive driving during Which the relative an accelerator stroke sensor that-detects an accelerator
velocity is beloW the predetermined threshold value and the opening, an automatic braking control unit con?gured to be
time rate of change in the host-vehicle speed eXceeds the electronically connected to at least the relative-distance
predetermined acceleration value. On the other hand, in the detector, the vehicle speed sensor, the brake sWitch and the
system that the braking force is reduced depending on 55 accelerator stroke sensor for automatically controlling,
Whether road Wheels are steered, there is an increased depending on the relative distance, the host vehicle speed,
tendency for a shift to the automatic braking mode to be the signal from the brake sWitch and the accelerator opening,
inhibited even during cornering Wherein the automatic brak a braking force needed for preliminary braking control
ing is required. initiated prior to driver’s braking action When the host
vehicle is approaching the frontally positioned object, the
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION automatic braking control unit comprising a target decelera
Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to provide an tion rate calculation section that calculates a target decel
automatic braking control system With object detection eration rate, needed to avoid the host vehicle from being
system interaction, Which avoids the aforementioned disad brought into collision-contact With the frontally positioned
vantages. 65 object, from an eXpression GX*={Vrn2—(Vrn—dL/dt)2}/2L,
It is another object of the invention to provide an auto Where GX* is the target deceleration rate, Vrn is the host
rnatic braking control system With object detection system vehicle speed, L is the relative distance, and dL/dt is a time
US 6,604,042 B2
3 4
rate of change of the relative distance, a comparison section predeterrnined threshold value substantially corresponding
that determines Whether the target deceleration rate is to a closed position of an accelerator, a condition that the
greater than or equal to a predetermined deceleration-rate target deceleration rate is greater than or equal to a prede
threshold value, and a detection section that detects the terrnined deceleration-rate threshold value, and a condition
presence or absence of a driver’s intention for lane that the driver’s intention for lane-changing is absent, is
changing, the automatic braking control unit inhibiting the unsatis?ed, and decreasingly compensating for the target
preliminary braking control, When either of a condition that braking pressure for limiting supplernentary braking control,
the brake pedal is undepressed, a condition that the accel When a condition that the actual braking pressure is less than
erator opening is less than or equal to a predetermined the target braking pressure and a condition that the driver’s
threshold value substantially corresponding to a closed 10 intention for lane-changing is present, are both satis?ed.
position of an accelerator, a condition that the target decel The other objects and features of this invention will
eration rate is greater than or equal to the predetermined become understood from the folloWing description With
deceleration-rate threshold value, and a condition that the reference to the accompanying draWings.
driver’s intention for lane-changing is absent, is unsatis?ed.
According to a still further aspect of the invention, an 15 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
automatic supplernentary braking control system With object FIG. 1 is a system block diagram illustrating an automatic
detection system interaction comprises a relative-distance braking control system for ?rst and second ernbodirnents.
detector that detects a relative distance of a frontally posi FIG. 2 is a longitudinal cross-sectional vieW illustrating a
tioned object relative to a host vehicle, a vehicle speed detailed construction of a vacuum brake booster used in the
sensor that detects a host vehicle speed of the host vehicle, system of each of the ?rst and second ernbodirnents.
a pressure sensor that detects an actual braking pressure, an
FIG. 3 is a How chart illustrating a brake pre-application
automatic braking control unit con?gured to be electroni
cally connected to at least the relative-distance detector, the control routine (an automatic prelirninary braking control
vehicle speed sensor and the pressure sensor for autornati
routine) executed Within a processor of an electronic control
cally controlling, depending on the relative distance, the host unit (ECU) incorporated in the system of the ?rst ernbodi
vehicle speed and the actual braking pressure, a braking
force needed for supplementary braking control through FIG. 4 is a How chart illustrating a sub-routine used to
Which a value of a controlled quantity is brought closer to a determine a driver’s intention for lane-changing and
target deceleration rate needed for collision-avoidance When executed Within a processor of the ECU incorporated in the
the host vehicle is approaching the frontally positioned system of each of the ?rst and second ernbodirnents.
object, the automatic braking control unit comprising a FIG. 5 is an explanatory vieW shoWing that a sign of a
target deceleration rate calculation section that calculates the relative angle 61 (62) is an inverse (or a negative) of a sign
target deceleration rate, needed to avoid the host vehicle of a steering angle 6 When a host vehicle is steered to a right
from being brought into collision-contact With the frontally (or to a left) under a condition Wherein the host vehicle is
positioned object, from an expression Gx*={Vrn2—(Vrn—dL/ 35 driving straight ahead.
dt)2}/2L, Where Gx* is the target deceleration rate, Vrn is the FIGS. 6A and 6B are explanatory vieWs shoWing that a
host vehicle speed, L is the relative distance, and dL/dt is a sign of relative angle 61 (62) is a positive of a sign of steering
time rate of change of the relative distance, a computation angle 6 When the host vehicle is steered to the right (or to the
section that computes a target braking pressure based on the left) during a right-hand turn (or during a left-hand turn).
target deceleration rate, a comparison section that deter FIG. 7 is a preprograrnrned steering angle threshold value
mines Whether the actual braking pressure is less than the 0t versus tirne-to-collision TC (representing an elapsed time
target braking pressure, and a detection section that detects before the host vehicle is brought into collision-contact With
the presence or absence of a driver’s intention for lane the preceding vehicle) characteristic rnap.
changing, the automatic braking control unit decreasingly FIG. 8A is a timing chart shoWing the relationship
compensating for the target braking pressure for limiting the 45 betWeen variations in steering angle 6 and variations in
supplementary braking control, When a condition that the relative angle 6 in case of a comparatively short tirne-to
actual braking pressure is less than the target braking pres collision TC(L).
sure and a condition that the driver’s intention for lane
FIG. 8B is a timing chart shoWing the relationship
changing is present, are both satis?ed. betWeen variations in steering angle 6 and variations in
According to another aspect of the invention, a method for relative angle 6 in case of a comparatively long tirne-to
automatically controlling a braking force needed for an collision TC(L).
automatic braking operation Without driver’s braking action FIG. 9 is a preprograrnrned relative angle threshold value
When a host vehicle is approaching a frontally positioned
[3 versus relative distance L characteristic rnap.
object, the method comprises detecting a host vehicle speed,
detecting a relative distance of the frontally positioned 55
FIG. 10 is a relative angle 6 versus relative distance L
characteristic curve.
object relative to the host vehicle, detecting a signal from a
brake sWitch, detecting an accelerator opening, detecting an FIG. 11 is a preprograrnrned deviation threshold value a1
actual braking pressure, calculating a time rate of change of (a threshold value for a deviation Ap betWeen ?rst and
the relative distance, calculating a target deceleration rate second curvatures p1 and p2) versus tirne-to-collision TC
based on the host vehicle speed, the relative distance, and the characteristic rnap.
rate of change of the relative distance, computing a target FIG. 12 is a conceptual diagrarn used to estimate the
braking pressure based on the target deceleration rate, relationship betWeen deviation Ap and tirne-to-collision TC.
detecting the presence or absence of a driver’s intention for. FIG. 13 is a preprograrnrned deviation threshold value (X2
lane-changing, inhibiting prelirninary braking control initi (a threshold value for deviation Ap versus relative-angle
ated prior to driver’s braking action, When either of a 65 tirne TA characteristic rnap.
condition that the brake pedal is undepressed, a condition FIG. 14 is a How chart illustrating an automatic supple
that the accelerator opening is less than or equal to a rnentary brake-application control routine executed Within a
US 6,604,042 B2
5 6
processor of the ECU incorporated in the system of the Referring noW to FIG. 2, there is shoWn the detailed cross
second embodiment. section of electronically-controlled vacuum brake booster
FIG. 15 is a preprogrammed characteristic map showing 24. As clearly shoWn in FIG. 2, an internal space of a
the relationship betWeen the time-to-collision TC and a housing (not numbered) of brake booster 24 is divided into
time-to-collision dependent gain k1, used for arithmetic a variable pressure chamber 1 and a negative pressure
calculation of a compensated target braking pressure Pt*. chamber 2 via a diaphragm 14. With the brakes not applied,
FIG. 16 is a preprogrammed characteristic map shoWing there is a negative pressure (e.g., intake-manifold vacuum
the relationship betWeen the relative angle 6 and a relative produced during operation of the engine) on both sides of
angle dependent gain k2 used for arithmetic-calculation of diaphragm 14, and thus the pressures applied on the tWo
compensated target braking pressure Pt*. sides of diaphragm 14 are balanced. In contrast to the above,
When brake pedal 23 is depressed for braking action and thus
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED pushrod 8 is moved forWard, this action causes a vacuum
EMBODIMENTS valve 3 to move toWard its closed position and also causes
Referring noW to the draWings, particularly to FIG. 1, the an atmospheric valve 4 to move toWard its open position.
automatic braking control system of the embodiment is 15 Thus, atmospheric pressure can enter the right-hand side
exempli?ed in a four-Wheeled vehicle (a host vehicle) With space of diaphragm 14, that is, variable pressure chamber 1.
front-left, front-right, rear-left, and rear-left, and rear-right NoW, there is a differential pressure betWeen the pressure in
road Wheels 21FL, 21FR, 21RL, and 21RR. Front-left, variable pressure chamber 1 and negative pressure chamber
front-right, rear-left, and rear-left, and rear-right Wheel brake 2 and therefore the diaphragm is forced to move to the left
cylinders (brake actuators) 22FL, 22FR, 22RL, and 22RR (vieWing FIG. 2). The leftWard movement of diaphragm 14
are attached to the respective road Wheels. Reference sign 25 causes pushrod 8 to further push the master-cylinder piston
denotes a brake master cylinder. In the shoWn embodiment, to the left. Hydraulic pressure develops in the master
used is a dual master cylinder With tWo pistons, set in cylinder, thus forcing brake ?uid through primary and
tandem. Each individual Wheel brake cylinder (22FL, 22FR, secondary brake-?uid lines 17a and 17b to the Wheel brake
22RL, 22RR) is constructed to generate a Wheel brake 25 cylinders. In this manner, the braking action is assisted or
cylinder pressure (a braking force) substantially correspond increased. The pressure in negative pressure chamber 2 is
ing to a brake ?uid pressure supplied from master cylinder maintained at a predetermined negative pressure during
25 thereinto. Abrake pedal 23 is connected or linked via an operation of the engine. A substantially cylindrical poWer
operating rod 6 to both an electronically-controlled vacuum piston member 17 is ?Xedly connected to the central portion
brake booster 24 (Which Will be fully described later) and a of diaphragm 14. PoWer piston member 17 is formed With a
master-cylinder pushrod 8 of master cylinder 25. A brake communication passage 11 through Which variable pressure
sWitch 26 is located near brake pedal 23 to signal an chamber 1 and negative pressure chamber 2 are communi
automatic braking control electronic control unit (ECU) 29 cated With each other. The previously-noted vacuum valve 3
if the brake pedal is depressed. Front brake Wheel cylinders is provided at the rightmost opening end (a vacuum port 3a)
22FL and 22FR are communicated via a primary brake-?uid 35 of communication passage 11. When brake pedal 23 is
line 17a With the primary brake outlet port of master depressed by the driver or When a brake-booster-control
cylinder 25, While rear brake Wheel cylinders 22RL and electromagnetic valve 5 is energiZed, vacuum valve 3 is
22RR are communicated via a secondary brake-?uid line closed so as to block ?uid-communication betWeen variable
17b With the secondary brake outlet port of master cylinder pressure chamber 1 and negative pressure chamber 2. With
25. In order to detect a total braking force applied to the the previously-noted atmospheric valve 4 opened, atmo
vehicle, a ?rst pressure sensor 32 is located on or screWed spheric pressure is introduced into variable pressure cham
into the primary brake-?uid line 17a mainly to estimate a ber 1, and thus applied to the right-hand side of diaphragm
braking force (a negative longitudinal force) resulting from 14. Actually, atmospheric valve 4 A cooperates With a valve
braking torque application on front road Wheels 21FL and body 12 formed integral With a substantially cylindrical
21FR, Whereas a second pressure sensor 33 is located on or 45 slider 5b of electromagnetic valve 5, to open and close an
screWed into the secondary brake-?uid line 17b mainly to atmospheric port 4a. When brake pedal 23 is depressed by
estimate a braking force (a negative longitudinal force) the driver or When electromagnetic valve 5 is energiZed,
resulting from braking torque application on rear road atmospheric valve 4 is opened in such a manner that
Wheels 21RL and 21RR. That is, a brake-?uid pressure PW1 atmospheric pressure is introduced through atmospheric port
sensed or detected by ?rst pressure sensor 32 is used to 4a and a passage 7 into variable pressure chamber 1.
estimate the braking force resulting from braking torque Electromagnetic valve 5 is comprised of an electromagnetic
application on front road Wheels 21FL and 21FR, While a solenoid 5a and slider 5b. Solenoid 5a is located in a
brake-?uid pressure PW2 sensed or detected by second pres boss-like solenoid casing 10 of poWer piston member 17 and
sure sensor 33 is used to estimate the braking force resulting coaXially arranged With respect to the aXis of operating rod
from braking torque application on rear road Wheels 21RL 55 6. Slider 5b is slidably accommodated in boss-like solenoid
and 21RR. Usually, a value of brake ?uid pressure PW1 casing 10 and coaXially arranged With respect to the aXis of
sensed by ?rst pressure sensor 32 and a value of brake ?uid operating rod 6. Slider 5b is formed at its rightmost end With
pressure PW2 sensed by second pressure sensor 33 are a comparatively large-diameter stepped portion 18 Which is
essentially identical to each other. Even When errors are in engagement With both vacuum valve 3 and atmospheric
contained in a detected pressure value of either one of ?rst valve 4. In more detail, the leftWard sliding of slider 5b is
and second pressure sensors 32 and 33 due to a sensor transmitted via the stepped portion 18 to both vacuum valve
failure, in order to enhance the control accuracy of the 3 and atmospheric valve 4, so as to close the vacuum valve
system, a dual pressure sensor system, composed of ?rst and and open the atmospheric valve. Slider 5b is permanently
second pressure sensors 32 and 33, is used. An accelerator spring-loaded rightWards by means of a return spring 15
stroke sensor 28 is located near an accelerator pedal 27 65 disposed in negative pressure chamber 2. As clearly shoWn
Whose stroke is used to estimate or detect an accelerator in FIG. 2, operating rod 6 is located in the slider. Operating
opening APS. rod 6 is mechanically linked at its leftmost end via pushrod
US 6,604,042 B2
7 8
8 to the master-cylinder piston of master cylinder 25. 26 is an ON voltage signal, the brake pedal is depressed.
Operating rod 6 is also linked to brake pedal 23 via a Conversely When brake sWitch 26 is turned OFF and thus
brake-pedal pushrod 19. Reference sign 9 denotes a disk signal SBRK from brake sWitch 26 is an OFF voltage signal,
shaped reaction member attached to the rightmost end of the brake pedal is undepressed. When Winker sWitch 37 is
master-cylinder pushrod 8. On the other hand, a return turned ON, a signal TN from Winker sWitch 37 is an ON
spring 16 is disposed betWeen operating rod 6 and slider 5b. voltage signal. Conversely When Winker sWitch 37 is turned
A return spring 13a is disposed betWeen stepped portion 18 OFF, signal TN from Winker Witch 37 is an OFF voltage
of slider 5b and each of vacuum valve 3 and atmospheric signal. Within ECU 29, the central processing unit (CPU)
valve 4, Whereas a return spring 13b is disposed betWeen alloWs the access by the I/O interface of input informational
poWer piston member 17 and brake-pedal pushrod 19. 10
data signals (SBRK, APS, Pwl, PW2, Vm, L, 6, SW, 6, TN) from
the previously-discussed vehicle sWitches and sensors. The
Returning again to FIG. 1, as can be appreciated from a CPU of ECU 29 incorporated in the system of the ?rst
plurality of signal lines indicated by broken lines, ECU 29 embodiment is responsible for carrying the brake pre
receives input information from various vehicle sensors/ application control program (see FIG. 3)/decision routine for
sWitches. Automatic braking control ECU 29 generally a driver’s intention for lane-changing (see FIG. 4) stored in
comprises a microcomputer. ECU 29 includes an input/ 15 memories and is capable of performing necessary arithmetic
output interface (I/O), memories (RAM, ROM), and a and logic operations containing an automatic braking control
microprocessor or a central processing unit (CPU). The management processing (containing an automatic prelimi
input/output interface (I/O) of ECU 29 receives input infor nary braking control achieved through brake-booster-control
mational data from various vehicle sensors and sWitches, electromagnetic valve 5). Computational result (arithmetic
namely a vehicle speed sensor 30, an object sensor or an calculation result), that is, a calculated output signal
object detector 31, an automatic braking control enable/ (solenoid drive current) is relayed via the output interface
disable sWitch 34, a steering angle sensor 35, a turn signal circuitry of the ECU to an output stage, namely the elec
sWitch or a direction indicator sWitch or a Winker sWitch 37, tromagnetic solenoid 5a constructing part of brake-booster
brake sWitch 26, accelerator stroke sensor 28, and ?rst and control electromagnetic valve 5 included in the automatic
second pressure sensors 32 and 33. Vehicle speed sensor 30 25 braking control system. As Will be fully described hereunder
is provided to detect a host vehicle speed Vm. Usually, a in reference to the How chart shoWn in FIG. 3, the system of
transmission output speed of the host vehicle is used as the the ?rst embodiment operates to suppress or prevent auto
host vehicle speed. A scanning laser radar sensor is used as matic preliminary braking pressure application (automatic
the object detector 31 to capture, recogniZe, sense or detect brake pre-application) in the presence of the driver’s inten
the preceding vehicle (or relevant target vehicle) or a fron tion for lane-changing. In the shoWn embodiment, relative
tally located object, and to monitor a vehicle-to-vehicle angle 6 measured clockWise from the direction of the host
distance (or an inter-vehicle distance or a separating distance vehicle’s motion is positive, Whereas relative angle 6 mea
betWeen the host vehicle and the preceding vehicle) or a sured counterclockwise from the direction of the host vehi
relative distance L of the frontally located object (or the cle’s motion is negative. LikeWise, When steering Wheel 36
preceding vehicle) relative to the host vehicle, and to moni 35 is rotated clockWise, steering angle 6 is positive. Conversely
tor a relative angle 6 of the direction of the host vehicle’s When steering Wheel 36 is rotated counterclockWise, steering
motion relative to the direction of the preceding vehicle’s angle 6 is negative.
motion or relative to the object. That is, object detector 31 The brake pre-application control (automatic preliminary
serves as a relative-angle detector as Well as a relative braking pressure application control) is executed by the CPU
distance detector. As is generally knoWn, the scanning laser of ECU 29 incorporated in the system of the ?rst embodi
radar sensor includes a scanning device, containing both a ment. The arithmetic processing shoWn in FIG. 3 is executed
transmitter and a receiver. The scanning device of the laser as time-triggered interrupt routines to be triggered every
radar sensor transmits a pulse of light (laser beam) in a predetermined time intervals AT such as 10 msec.
horiZontal line, back and forth. The scanning device mea At step S1, input informational data (SBRK, APS, Pwl, PW2,
sures the time of ?ight of the pulse of light, and then the 45
Vm, L, SW) from the previously-noted vehicle sensors/
relative distance or the inter-vehicle distance is calculated on sWitches and the decision result (LC=1 or LC=0) obtained
the basis of the time interval from the transmitted pulse (the by the decision routine of FIG. 4 for the driver’s intention for
time When the laser beam is emitted from the host vehicle) lane-changing are read.
to the received pulse (the time When the receiver receives the At step S2, the latest up-to-date host vehicle speed indica
laser Wave re?ected from the preceding vehicle). Instead of tive data Vm is extracted.
the use of the scanning laser radar, a millimeter-Wave radar
At step S3, the latest up-to-date relative distance indica
sensor may be used for object detection. Alternatively, by
tive data L is extracted.
image-processing image data of a stereocamera using a
charge-coupled device (CCD) image sensor, the system is At step S4, a derivative of relative distance L is calculated
able to determine the host vehicle’s distance from the 55
as a rate of change dL/dt of relative distance L With respect
preceding vehicle, that is, relative distance L betWeen the to t. The time rate of change dL/dt corresponds to a relative
host vehicle and the preceding vehicle, and relative angle 6. velocity of the host vehicle to the preceding vehicle (or the
When automatic braking control enable/disable sWitch 34 is frontally located object).
turned ON and thus a signal SW from sWitch 34 is an ON At step S5, a target deceleration rate Gx*, needed to avoid
voltage signal, the automatic brake pre-application control is the host vehicle from being brought into collision-contact
in the enabled state. Conversely When automatic braking With the preceding vehicle (or the frontally located object),
control enable/disable sWitch 34 is turned OFF and thus is arithmetically calculated based on the host vehicle speed
signal SW from sWitch 34 is an OFF voltage signal, the data Vm extracted through step S2, the relative distance data
automatic brake pre-application control is in the disabled L extracted through step S3, and the time rate of change
state. Steering angle sensor 35 is provided to detect a 65 dL/dt calculated through step S4, from the folloWing expres
steering angle 6 of a steering Wheel 36. When brake sWitch sion
26 is turned ON and thus a signal SBRK from brake switch
US 6,604,042 B2
9 10
At step S6, a check is made to determine Whether the ECU determines that the driver’s intention for lane-changing
signal from brake switch 26 is the ON voltage signal (=“1”) is absent, that is, in case of LC=0, the routine advances to a
or the OFF voltage signal (=“0”). When the ansWer as to step series of steps S11—S13, so as to initiate or engage the
S6 is in the af?rmative (YES), that is, the brake pedal is preliminary braking control. More accurately, at step S11,
depressed, the routine proceeds from step S6 to step S14. In PB ?ag FPB is set to “1”. At the same time, a preliminary
contrast, When the ansWer to step S6 is in the negative (NO), braking-control-mode target brake-?uid pressure PPB is set
that is, the brake pedal is undepressed, the routine proceeds to a predetermined pressure value such as 0.1 MPa. On the
from step S6 to step S7. At step S7, a check is made to basis of the preliminary-braking-control-mode target brake
determine Whether the accelerator opening APS is greater ?uid pressure PPB set, and the sensor signal values PW1 and
than a predetermined threshold value APSOFF substantially 10 PW2 from pressure sensors 32 and 33, the Wheel-brake
corresponding to a closed position of the accelerator. When cylinder pressure of each of brake actuators 22FL, 322FR,
the ansWer to step S7 is af?rmative, that is, in case of 22RL and 22RR is feedback-controlled so that the actual
APS>APSOFF, in other Words, When the accelerator is Wheel-brake cylinder pressure is brought closer to
depressed, the routine proceeds from step S7 to step S14. preliminary-braking-control-mode target brake-?uid pres
Conversely When the ansWer to step S7 is negative, that is, 15 sure PPB. In order to enable the driver to achieve braking
in case of APSEAPSOFF, for eXample, With the accelerator action With an enhanced responsiveness by Way of depres
undepressed, the routine ?oWs from step S7 to step S8. sion of the brake pedal subsequently to the preliminary
At step S8, a test is made to determine Whether a braking control mode, the previously-noted predetermined
preliminary-braking-control state indicative ?ag (hereinafter pressure value is preprogrammed or preset. Such a set
is referred to as a “PB ?ag”) FPB is set or reset. Setting (=1) 20 pressure value “0.1 MPa” is a comparatively small pressure
of PB ?ag FPB means that the automatic braking control value that there is little longitudinal deceleration
system is in the preliminary braking control mode, Whereas (longitudinal G) exerted on the vehicle. Instead of setting
resetting (=0) of PB ?ag FPB means that the automatic preliminary-braking-control-mode target brake-?uid pres
braking control system is out of the preliminary braking sure PPB to a small pressure value such as 0.1 MPa, making
control mode. When the ansWer to step S8 is affirmative 25 great account of the enhanced braking effect, target braking
(YES), that is, in case of FPB=1, the routine proceeds from ?uid pressure PPB may be set to a value greater than 0.1
step S8 to step S12. Conversely When the ansWer to step S8 MPa.
is negative (NO), that is, in case of FPB=0, the routine As can be appreciated from the equation CNT=CNT+1
proceeds from step S8 to step S9. shoWn in step S12, at step S12 a preliminary-braking-control
At step S9, a check is made to determine if the absolute 30 counter CNT is incremented by “1”.
value |GX*| of target deceleration rate GX* calculated at step At step S13, a check is made to determine Whether the
S5 is greater than or equal to a predetermined deceleration current counted value of preliminary-braking-control
rate threshold value GXO*. Actually, the calculated target counter CNT is greater than or equal to a predetermined
deceleration rate GX* is compared to a negative value preliminary-braking count-up threshold value CNTO. In case
(—GXO*) of predetermined deceleration-rate threshold value 35 of CNTZCNTO, the routine proceeds from step S13 to step
GXO*, since the target deceleration rate GX* is a negative S14. In contrast, in case of CNT<CNTO, the routine returns
value on the assumption that an acceleration rate is de?ned from step S13 to step S1. Adequately considering the
as a positive value and a deceleration rate is de?ned as a elapsed time (time-period) from the time When the ECU
negative value. When the ansWer to step S9 is affirmative determines that the automatic preliminary braking pressure
(YES), that is, in case of |GX*| §GXO*, in other Words, When 40 application (or brake pre-application control mode) is
the calculated deceleration rate GX* is less than or equal to required as a previeW to the time When the driver actually
a negative value —GXO* of predetermined deceleration-rate depresses the brake pedal and thus signal SBRK from brake
threshold value GXO*, the routine proceeds from step S9 to sWitch 26 is sWitched from the OFF voltage signal to the ON
step S10. In contrast, When the ansWer to step S9 is negative voltage signal, preliminary-braking count-up threshold
(NO), that is, in case of |GX*|<GXO*, in other Words, When 45 value CNTO is determined or preset. In the system of the ?rst
the calculated deceleration rate GX* is greater than the embodiment, preliminary-braking count-up threshold value
negative value —GXO* of predetermined deceleration-rate CNTO is set at one second. Setting of preliminary-braking
threshold value GXO*, the routine ?oWs from step S9 to step count-up threshold value CNTO at “one second” is based on
S14. The predetermined deceleration-rate threshold value the assumption that the driver probably depresses the brake
GX0* is set to a value slightly loWer than a deceleration rate pedal Within one second from the time When the ECU
created by driver’s braking action during normal braking, determines that the preliminary braking pressure application
under a precondition that a braking force based on the is required, and that there is an error in determination of
preliminary braking control mode, is produced automati ECU 29 for the necessity of preliminary braking pressure
cally preliminarily prior to the driver’s braking action, and application if the driver does not depress the brake pedal
thus the collision-contact betWeen the host vehicle and the 55 Within one second from the initiation of the preliminary
frontally located object (or the preceding vehicle) is ?nally braking control-mode. As a matter of course, in order to
avoided by Way of the normal braking action by the driver. enhance the control accuracy and response of the system,
At step S10, a check is made to determine Whether a preliminary-braking count-up threshold value CNTO may be
lane-changing indicative ?ag LC, Which is based on the properly set at a time period other than 1 second, depending
result of the decision routine of FIG. 4 (described later), is 60 upon the type of the host vehicle.
set or reset. Setting (=1) of lane-changing indicative ?ag LC Thereafter, at step S14, preliminary-braking-control state
means the presence of a driver’s intention for lane-changing. indicative ?ag (PB ?ag) FPB is reset to “0”. Simultaneously,
Resetting (=0) of lane-changing indicative ?ag LC means preliminary-braking-control-mode target brake-?uid pres
that the absence of the driver’s intention for lane-changing. sure PPB is set to “0”. In this manner, one cycle of the brake
When the ECU determines that the driver’s intention for 65 pre-application control routine of FIG. 3 terminates.
lane-changing is present, that is, in case of LC=1, the routine Referring noW to FIG. 4, there is shoWn the decision
proceeds from step S10 to step S14. Conversely When the routine for the presence or absence of a driver’s intention for
US 6,604,042 B2
11 12
obstacle-avoidance or a driver’s intention to pass the pre from the explanatory vieW of FIG. 6B, conversely When host
ceding vehicle, that is, the presence or absence of a driver’s vehicle HV passes preceding vehicle PV from the left-hand
intention for lane-changing. The decision routine shoWn in side of the latter under a condition Wherein direction D along
FIG. 4 is also executed as time-triggered interrupt routines the host vehicle’s lane or road or corridor is curved
to be triggered every predetermined time intervals AT such leftWards, host vehicle HV is steered to the left and thus
as 10 msec. steering angle 6 becomes negative, Whereas relative angle 62
At step S51, input informational data (6, Vm, L, 6) from becomes negative, and as a result the product (6x6) of
the previously-noted vehicle sensors are read. steering angle 6 and relative angle 6 becomes positive
At step S52, the latest up-to-date steering angle indicative during a left turn on a leftWardly-curved trajectory corridor.
data 6 and the latest up-to-date host vehicle speed indicative 10 In contrast to the above, in case of —y§6><6§y, in other
data Vm are extracted. Words, in the absence of the initiation of lane-changing
At step S53, the latest up-to-date relative distance indica operation during cornering and in the absence of the initia
tive data L and the latest up-to-date relative angle indicative tion of lane-changing operation during straight-ahead
data 6 are extracted. driving, the ECU determines that the lane-changing opera
At step S54, a derivative of relative distance L is calcu 15 tion is not initiated. Therefore, the routine ?oWs from step
lated as a rate of change dL/dt of relative distance L With S56 to step S66.
respect to t. In the presence of the initiation of lane-changing opera
At step S55, a rate {L/(dL/dt)} of relative distance L With tion during straight-ahead driving, the routine advances to a
respect to the time rate of change dL/dt, that is, a time-to series of steps S57—S60 needed to precisely determine the
collision-contact (simply, a time-to-collision TC) represen presence or absence of the driver’s intention for lane
tative of an elapsed time before the host vehicle is brought changing during straight-ahead driving on the basis of both
into collision-contact With the preceding vehicle or the the magnitude of steering angle 6 and the magnitude of
frontally located object, is arithmetically calculated from the relative angle 6.
folloWing expression At step S57, a steering angle threshold value 0t for an
25 absolute value of steering angle 6, used to determine the
presence or absence of the driver’s intention for lane
At step S56, on the basis of the product (6x6) of steering changing during straight-ahead driving, is retrieved from a
angle 6 and relative angle 6, the ECU determines if the preprogrammed characteristic map map0 of FIG. 7 shoWing
driver’s lane-changing operation is initiated, and simulta hoW a steering angle threshold value 0t has to be varied
neously the ECU determines if the vehicle is driving straight relative to a time-to-collision TC. As clearly seen from
ahead or cornering a curve. Concretely, When the product preprogrammed characteristic map map0 of FIG. 7, Within a
(6x6) of steering angle 6 and relative angle 6 is less than a relatively shorter time-to-collision area TCiS that time-to
negative value-y of a predetermined positive value y, that is, collision TC is shorter than or equal to a predetermined time
in case of 6><6<—y, the ECU determines that the lane TC1, steering angle threshold value 0t is set to a predeter
changing operation is initiated during straight-ahead driving. 35 mined maximum value (Xmax. Within a relatively longer
Thus, in the presence of the initiation of lane-changing time-to-collision area TCiL that time-to-collision TC is
operation during straight-ahead driving, the routine proceeds longer than or equal to a predetermined time TC2 (greater
from step S56 to step S57. This is because, as can be seen than predetermined time TC1), steering angle threshold
from the explanatory vieW of FIG. 5, When the host vehicle value 0t is set to a predetermined minimum value amt-W
HV passes the preceding vehicle PV from the right-hand Within an intermediate area TCiM de?ned betWeen the tWo
side of the latter under a condition Wherein a direction D areas TCiS and TCiL, steering angle threshold value 0t
along the host vehicle’s lane or road or corridor is straight, decreases in a linear fashion as time-to-collision TC
host vehicle HV is steered to the right and thus steering angle increases. This is because, as can be appreciated from the
6 becomes positive, Whereas relative angle 61 becomes timing charts shoWn in FIGS. 8A and 8B, in other Words, as
negative, and as a result the product (6x6) of steering angle 45 can be appreciated from the relationship betWeen the mag
6 and relative angle 6 becomes negative. Conversely, When nitude |61| of a steering angle 61 obtained in case of the
the host vehicle HV passes the preceding vehicle PV from shorter time-to-collision TC(L) and the magnitude |62| of a
the left-hand side of the latter under a condition Wherein steering angle 62 obtained in case of the longer time-to
direction D along the host vehicle’s lane or road or corridor collision TC(L), that is, the inequality |61|>|62|, steering
is straight, host vehicle HV is steered to the left and thus angle 6 tends to reduce as time-to-collision TC increases or
steering angle 6 becomes negative, Whereas relative angle 62 lengthens.
becomes positive, and as a result the product (6x6) of At step S58, a relative angle threshold value [3 for an
steering angle 6 and relative angle 6 becomes negative. absolute value of relative angle 6, used to determine the
In contrast, in case of 6><6>y, the ECU determines that the presence or absence of the driver’s intention for lane
lane-changing operation is initiated during cornering. Thus, 55 changing during straight-ahead driving, is retrieved from a
in the presence of the initiation of lane-changing operation preprogrammed characteristic map map2 of FIG. 9 shoWing
during cornering, the routine proceeds from step S56 to step hoW a relative angle threshold value [3 has to be varied
S61. This is because, as can be seen from the explanatory relative to a relative distance L. As clearly seen from
vieW of FIG. 6A, When host vehicle HV passes preceding preprogrammed characteristic map map2 of FIG. 9, Within a
vehicle PV from the right-hand side of the latter under a relatively shorter relative-distance area LiS that relative
condition Wherein direction D along the host vehicle’s lane distance L is shorter than or equal to a predetermined
or road or trajectory corridor is curved rightWards, host distance L1, relative angle threshold value [3 is set to a
vehicle HV is steered to the right and thus steering angle 6 predetermined maximum value [3mm Within a relatively
becomes positive, Whereas relative angle 61 becomes longer relative-distance area LiL that relative distance L is
positive, and as a result the product (6x6) of steering angle 65 longer than or equal to a predetermined distance L2 (greater
6 and relative angle 6 becomes positive during a right turn than predetermined distance L1), relative angle threshold
on a rightWardly-curved trajectory corridor. As can be seen value [3 is set to a predetermined minimum value [3mm

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