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CBSE Class 6 Maths Worksheet

Ratio and Proportion

1. 5 dozen bananas cost Rs 120. Find the cost of 30 bananas?

A) 120
B) 720
C) 320
D) 207

2. Which ratio is larger in the following pair: 9 : 20 ; 8 : 13

A) 24: 13
B) 9 : 20
C) 20 : 9
D) 10 : 23

3. Compare the ratio 7 :6 and 24 : 9?

4. Find the ratio: 5 min to 180 seconds?

A) 4 : 9
B) 5 : 8
C) 3 : 5
D) 5 : 3

5. Dinner at a restaurant cost Rs 1500 for 15 people. How many people can have dinner for Rs 2000?

6. Find the ratio: Rs 5 to 75 paise?

A) 10 : 3
B) 29: 1
C) 20 : 3
D) 34 : 2

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7. Which ratio is larger in the following pair: 9 : 2; 6 : 3
A) 9 : 2
B) 3 : 2
C) 4 : 2
D) 5 : 9

8. In a school of 2000 students, 70 are girls. Find the ratio of boys to all the students?

9. In a club having 200 members, 20 play carom 24 play table tennis, 16 play badminton and the
remaining do not play any game. Find the ratio of the number of members who play carom to the
number of those who play table tennis?

10. Write 3 equivalent ratios of the ratio 10 : 16

11. Rs.2880 is divided between Kareem and Saina in the ratio 2:4. Find the amount each one of them gets.


920 and 1960


1960 and 920


460 and 2420

12. Find two equivalent ratios of 6 : 15?

A) 12 : 32, 3 : 3
B) 4 : 3, 12 : 20
C) 2 : 5, 12 : 30
D) 1 : 4, 23 : 64

13. 24 sheets of paper makes 1 quire. How many quires do 192 sheets of paper make?

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14. Fill up: ___ : 11 = 12 : 22

15. 30 kg apples cost Rs 300. How much would 27 kg cost?

16. There are 200 teachers in a college for 6000 students. Which of the following is the teacher student
A) 24 : 3
B) 14 : 3
C) 1 : 30
D) 30 : 2

17. Write the ratios in the simplest form: 500gm to 1kg

A) 0.1277777777777778
B) 4.3055555555555562E-2
C) 8.4027777777777771E-2
D) 8.6111111111111124E-2

18. There are two rectangles A and B. A has a length of 13cm and breadth of 7cm. B has a length of 12cm
and breadth of 10cm. Find the ratio of their area?

19. Find the ratio: Rs 5 to Rs. 7?

A) 7 : 5
B) 2 : 8
C) 5 : 7
D) 3 : 7

0.45, 0.9, 1.8 are in proportions?

A) True
B) False

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CBSE Class 6 Maths Worksheet

Ratio and Proportion


1. Option B

2. Option B

3. 7 : 6 < 24 : 9

4. Option D

5. 20

6. Option C

7. Option A

8. 193 : 200

9. 0.21249999999999999

10. 5:8, 20:32, 30:48

11. Option A

12. Option C

13. 8

14. 6

15. 270

16. Option C

17. Option B

18. 91 : 120

19. Option C

20. Option A

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