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It is a Cambodian musical ensemble or an

orchestra that usually accompanies ceremonial music of the
royal courts and temples. Music is always part of their court
dances, masked plays, shadow plays,
and religious ceremonies
The pin peat is the musical group or commonly known as orchestra
that are tasked to perform the ceremonial music of the royal courts
and temples of Cambodia. More often than not, this musical ensemble
are composed of nine to ten instruments. Instruments are usually
wind and percussion like xylophones and drums
he Skor thom are Cambodian 2-headed barrel drums played
with a pair of wooden drumsticks.They typically have skin
heads made from oxen, cows or buffalos, and are played in
pairs.The drums are tuned such that one will give a "tighter
and louder" sound when struck, while the other gives a
"loose and more flatter tone.The log is hollowed out to form
a thin tube, about 1 centimeter thick, and the hide is
stretched out on each side to create the drum.Dimensions for
the instruments vary, as they are carved from logs; however
they can measure 50 centimetres long and be 46 centimetres
in across at the center of the drum, with the ends beinng
about 40 centimetres wide.
The samphor also romanized as samphor) is a small, 2-
headed barrel drum indigenous to Cambodia, approximately
.35 meter wide by .5 meter long. It has two heads, with one
drumhead being larger than the other and is played with both
hands. Depending on the ability of the musician, the
samphor can make as many as 8 different pitches. The player
of the sampho leads the pinpeat (a classical ensemble of
wind and percussion instruments), setting the tempo and
beat. It is also played at freestyle boxing evens,
accompanying the sralai. The samphor is analogous to
the taphon used in Thailand.
a xylophone used in the Khmer classical music of Cambodia.
It is built in the shape of a curved, rectangular shaped boat. It
has twenty-one thick bamboo or hard wood bars that are
suspended from strings attached to the two walls.

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