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A Balanced Menu in Your Daily Meal

“The body is a sacred garment.”, This Martha Graham’s quotation means that our body
health is so important. For getting a healthy body, we can gain it from the materials that are
contained in our food. Sometimes we don’t see the food materials in our food clearly. We just see
them in general and not completed. For example, we only know that rice is just rice and rice is from
cereal grains, we don’t know that rice is contained by carbohydrate. Meanwhile, if we know food
material in food completely, we can think twice about what we have to prepare for our daily meal
well. In my opinion, there are several food materials that should be considered for our daily meal.

First, you should consider the amount of calories. The amount of calories is so important to
be considered in your daily meal. How much the calories in your food determines the balancing in
your meals. For example, if your food is full of the balanced calories, your food is determined as the
balanced meal. And, conversely, if your food has less calories, your food should be thought twice as
the good food. So that, you need some calories to balance your meal. Every food material has its own
balanced amount of calories per day. In every gram, carbohydrates contain 4.2 calories, fats contain
9.3 calories, and proteins contain 4.3 calories. The amount of calories is useful as the main source of
energy for all human beings. Besides, the amount of calories is used for building the human body.
You can gain calories from many foods like bread, egg, meat, cereal grains, and fresh vegetables.
Without calories, you won’t have any energy for your live because a half part of your body is full of
calories. To have a balanced menu in your meal, you should fulfill your need of calories everyday.
Why? Because if the calories of your food is not enough, you won’t get your balanced menu in your
meal and you will get many body disorders or diseases.

Second, you should consider fibers and water. Fibers and water are other things of having a
balanced meal menu that should be considered. Fibers are important for your digestive process.
Fibers are used for accelerating your digestvie process. So that, your food can be digested easily in
your digestive system, especially in the intestine. You can add fresh vegetables in your daily meal and
eat fresh fruits as your dessert. Water is also important for your health. Water has many benefits.
Some benefits of water are as the buffer, to avoid us from kidney diseases, to help us in metabolism
system, and to make us always fit everyday. You should drink 2 liters of water in a day after doing
some activities or eating. Without water, we can’t live longer and there is no life on earth.

The last but not least, you should consider vitamin and mineral. Mostly, vitamin and mineral
are used for protecting our body from diseases. Vitamin is the organic compound which can be
gained in many foods and it’s necessary for your normal growth. You can find vitamin A in the carrot,
vitamin C in the orange, vitamin D in the green vegetables, and others. Mineral is also necessary for
your health because mineral is used for structure, regulation, pigment production. There are many
kinds of mineral that are found in some foods like Iron (Fe), Phosporus (P), and Calcium (Ca). You
should make sure your meal fulfilled with vitamin and mineral and make them balanced. By adding
vitamin and mineral, your meal will be a complete meal with various food materials and be a
balanced meal for your daily life.

In short, the amount of calories, fibers, vitamin, and mineral should be added in your
healthy daily meal. The amount of calories can help you in producing energy. Fibers can help the
digestive process easily. And, vitamin and mineral can protect your body. They are the perfect recipe
to make your balanced menu in your meal well. You will be healthy everyday if you complete your
meal with those food materials. You should start your life with a healthy life style from now before
it’s too late.

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