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Reyes, Rhenzl B.

Sogueco,Faye S.
Villacorte, Abigail C.

Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1998)

“Philippines 2000”

5 Point Program:

Economic Growth and Sustainable Development.

Under his administration, the Philippines experienced economic growth and

development. The Philippine Stock Exchange in the mid-1990’s was one of the best in
the world that led the country into a new and industrialized country in the world. His
economic growth reforms helped the country increase growth rates and enjoy annual
budget surpluses. As the administration sought to balance the budget in the medium
term, it had to protect core values like health, education, and infrastructure and to do
this, during his presidency was the re-adjustment of Value Added Tax or VAT from 4% to
the mandated 10% of the IMF and World Bank which resulted in an increase in the tax
effort which helped the economy to increase rapidly.

Streamlined Bureaucracy.

To meet all his platform, this program refer to organize his administrative system
to be more efficient. More likely during his second state of the nation address it was
stated how he seek the help of the Government organization especially to Reforms in
tax administration must aim to achieve simplicity, uniformity, and efficiency.

Energy and Power Generation.

Our economy was subjected to a severe shortage of electric power, in 1992. The
country experienced daily brownouts lasting 8 to 12hours. All sectors of the economy,
especially, non-agriculture, saw their respective output slow down. But under the
leadership of Pres. Ramos and with the help of Congress, the Electric Power Crisis Act
was enacted into law, permitting negotiated contracts for power plants. At the same
time, the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Law was amended, which allowed independent
power producers to operate. As a result, the power outages were eliminated in
December 1993. That strengthened the modest economic recovery that began in 1992,
which gained strength through time until the 1997 Asian financial crisis intervened.
Peace and Stability.

One requirement of economic development is stability, which is the long-term

predictability of the economic system. This is why we are seeking a comprehensive and
lasting peace, which is the other face of national stability and is a precondition for trade,
sustained economic growth, and prosperity. Ramos was able to secure major peace
with Muslims separatists, communist insurgents and military rebels which renewed
investor confidence in the Philippine economy.

Environmental Protection

For the past years we are still trying to restore what we took out of our forests in
the past. Seeking and asking again for our country’s wealth. Therefore we need to
provide an economic protection. During his administration new codes covering mining,
land management, forestry, and fishery were submitted. In addition, there are laws
provided to improve solid waste management and to set up a nationwide potable water
program for our communities.
Good morning, I am Rhenzl Reyes, Faye Sogueco and Abigail Villacorte

. F: Passionate.

A: Disciplined.

R: Skilled. A: Responsible.

F: Servant leader.

R: the characteristics we are all searching for. and the characteristics we have seen and confirmed to our
former President Fidel V. Ramos.

A: Further, he graduated Civil Engineering in National University and Top 8 in the Civil Engineering Board
Exam in 1953. F: Went to the United States and he graduated Bachelor of Science in Military Engineering,
as well as master's degree in civil engineering.

R: Also, holds a master's degree in National Security Administration and a master's degree in Business
Administration F: Commander in Cheif of Armed Forces of the Philippines and a former president.

A: But, leadership greatness cannot only be measured through the characters and credentials. Rather,
leadership greatness must prioritized actions and performance together with exemplary character.
Credentials then is just an add-on. R: Evidently, Cory Booker, a United States Senator, once said and I
quote, "Leadership is not a position or title, it is action and example."

F: Going deeper regarding performance, in a presidential position, it is essential that you know where to
focus on. And one of the most important area to address is the states' economy.

R: Economy is considered as one of the most important factor to sustain growth of a nation.

A: Relevantly, our president Ramos truly, indeed and we are proud to say that he gave a significant
contribution to the progress of the Philippines economy which leaves a mark in our history.

R: As an evidence, he formulated a strategic framework that envisions the Philippines to become a newly
industrialized country by the year 2000, which he called as "PHILIPPINES 2000"

F: This Philippines 2000 is a socio-economic flatform, which is subdivided into 5-point program.

A: First, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development. Under his administration, the Philippines
experienced economic growth and development. The Philippine Stock Exchange in the mid-1990’s was
one of the best in the world that led the country into a new and industrialized country in the world. His
economic growth reforms helped the country increase growth rates and enjoy annual budget surpluses.
As the administration sought to balance the budget in the medium term, it had to protect core values
like health, education, and infrastructure and to do this, during his presidency was the re-adjustment of
Value Added Tax or VAT from 4% to the mandated 10% of the IMF and World Bank which resulted in an
increase in the tax effort which helped the economy to increase rapidly.
F: Second, Streamlined Bureaucracy. Streamlined bureaucracy To meet all his platform, this program
refer to organize his administrative system to be more efficient. More likely during his second state of the
nation address it was stated how he seek the help of the Government organization especially to Reforms
in tax administration must aim to achieve simplicity, uniformity, and efficiency.

R: Next, Energy and Power Generation. Our economy was subjected to a severe shortage of electric
power, in 1992. The country experienced daily brownouts lasting 8 to 12hours. All sectors of the
economy, especially, non-agriculture, saw their respective output slow down. But under the leadership
of Pres. Ramos and with the help of Congress, the Electric Power Crisis Act was enacted into law,
permitting negotiated contracts for power plants. At the same time, the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT)
Law was amended, which allowed independent power producers to operate. As a result, the power
outages were eliminated in December 1993. That strengthened the modest economic recovery that
began in 1992, which gained strength through time until the 1997 Asian financial crisis intervened.

A: Fourth, Peace and Stability. One requirement of economic development is stability, which is the long-
term predictability of the economic system. This is why we are seeking a comprehensive and lasting
peace, which is the other face of national stability and is a precondition for trade, sustained economic
growth, and prosperity. Ramos was able to secure major peace with Muslims separatists, communist
insurgents and military rebels which renewed investor confidence in the Philippine economy.

F: And last, Environmental Protection. For the past years we are still trying to restore what we took out
of our forests in the past. Seeking and asking again for our country’s wealth. Therefore we need to
provide an economic protection. During his administration new codes covering mining, land
management, forestry, and fishery were submitted. In addition, there are laws provided to improve solid
waste management and to set up a nationwide potable water program for our communities.

A: After all, all those means resulted to a great legacy and effective presidency of President Ramos. R: He
is definitely and undeniably, with his virtuous characters, impressive credentials, and honorable
performance, our former President Fidel V. Ramos can be considered as an exceptional President of the
Philippines. That would be all. Thank you and God bless!

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