Measure Small Capac Sens

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A Simple Interface Circuit to Measure Very Small Capacitance Changes in Capacitive Sensors DMG Preethichandra, K. Shida Saga University, Saga, Japan E_mail;,jp Abstract This paper presents an easy to make interface circuit 0 ‘measure very small percentage capacitance variations in capacitive sensors specially suitable for industrial ‘measurements. A computer controlled 24 bit A/D converter is employed to obtain a higher resolution. This interface circuit can be used with any pe of a capacitive sensor. The most interesting thing is that the accuracy of the measurement through this interface circuit is independent from the initial value of ‘capacitance of the sensor. In addition, the double differential operating principle used here results a 1um error due to coupling and stray capacitance of ‘sensor probes. 1, Introduet Capacitive sensors are widely being used in the industry ‘and laboratory experiments to measure various parameters. Position sensing (1},2], angular speed sensing (3}(4)(5}, liquid level sensing[6) and pressure sensing(7] are to name but a few. In most of these cases the percentage change of capacitance is high, though the absolute value ofthe sensor capacitance is small. Usually, this type of a change can be measured with an accurate LCR meter, But in case of a very small percentage change, for example 100 ppm or even smaller, it is difficult to use an ordinary type of a LCR meter and a high sensitive meter has to be employed to monitor it. This type of a high-resolution LCR meters cen only be used in laboratory experiments, but in industrial usage we have to go for high sensitive interface circuits instead, To fulfil that objective, this paper presents a highly sensitive but simple imterface circuit to measure very small percentage capacitance changes. ‘A good low-cost interface circuit is proposed by Frank M. LL. van der Goes, but it is out of reach of many researchers because it involves with a semiconductor 0-7808-5890.2100/$10.00 © 2000 IEEE ‘manufacturing process{8). Another interface circuit specially designed for differential-ype capacitive tensors is among the previous work{7]. ‘We here present a high sensitive interface cireuit, which can be used to measure very small percentage changes in capacitive sensors, This interface circuit has a very special feature of displaying the same accuracy for any type of capacitive sensor imespective to their initial value of capacitance. This has obtained through a double differential operating principle described next. Further, this method has the advantage of automatic cancellation of sensor connecting cable stray capacitance. 2. Principle of operation Fig1 shows a circuit which is very popular as @ gyrator in IC design(9}, where Zi “ZZa(2s+2's)ZxZ.). Usually, Zz ot Zs is replaced by a capacitor to realize an inductor. But in our design we replaced Z; by a capacitor C, while all the others by resistors, which constitutes a highly linear variable capacitor C,.. The capacitor which replace Zs has a capacitance which is nearly equal to the initial Value ofthe sensor capacitance Cy, Fig.1 The ayrator circuit used 0 construct a variable capacitor ve Ra Ditector LPF [Rowe] Ditector &LPF2 Fig. Schematic diagram of the designed interface circuit Fig. 2 shows the schematic diagram of interface circuit designed. With the symbols shown in the figure, it can be shown that qa) @ Fig 3. Shows the actve detector and low-pass filter cireut used in ts itertacecieut. The outs of the two such modes in fig.2 ean be writen as Vi =V RC, @) ViValaRC, ® Where, isthe peak value of input signal VC isthe intial capacitance of te sear, Gls the adjsted value of vaiable capacitor shown in fig] aod fy, fy ae Constants depend on the rppe factor of low-pass iter 1 nd respectively. TT'7; 18 he metsured output voltage at Final OpAmp, first a near 2e0 valve fr Ys tobe obtained by adjusting thc resistors in places of Zs and 2 in Fig. Tis voltage Vavcanbevriteees a1 = (KRC,- ERC, )GY, 6) Where, Gis the gin of final opamp, Hf the sensor is subjected to an environment where i gas eapacance changed to a new value (C; + AC), then we can write Va2=(KiR,(C,+4C)- ERC, )GV, 6) Where, Vz is the measured output voltage at final OpAmp_ vate ow cronies “The above two. are ferential measurements and therfore ouput voltages are very sal. high accuracy canbe guaranted when a24 bit A/D converter i sed (0 toad these small volages, From thedifference of equation (5) and (6) we get } 1 (¥a2Var ac “pale BRL Pe . sor Ra 3 Ra AD [Converter [=k Which we call the double differential method and equation (7) gives the capacitance change in the capacitive sensor. From this equation it is clear that the ‘measured capacitance change has no relationship to the sensor’ inital capacitance. Fig.3 Active detector and low-pass filter Fig 3. Shows a standard active rectifier and a low-pass filten(LPF) cireut used in this interface, Practically it is impossible to totally eliminate the ripple voltage at the ‘output. Therefore here we have used a different technique to overcome the errors caused by the ripple. Here we have used a low noise 24-bit Sigma-Delta A/D converter ( ADT731) in which the sampling rate (f) can be programmed. If the voltage being measured is a repetitive time varying function which has a frequency fy and if we take n samples, then it can be proven that the average of them is directly proportional to the DC value of the signat when the following relationship exists for fi> f n 8) Bae ®) So that the sampling frequency has to be programmed to fulfill the above condition If the stray capacitance of the connecting cable from the sensor tothe interface circuit is C , we ean substitute C) + G in place of Gin equation (5). If the cable positions were not physically changed throughout the measurement, we can substitute (G+ AC + G ) in place of (G +A.) in equation (6). Then (6) ~ (5) shows us that the double differential method results the same answer for A.C. Therefore we can say that this interface ciccuit is hhaving an important feature of automatic cancellation of coupling cable stray capacitance without any special seteening methods employed 3. Experimental procedure In the experiment we used 0.1 {LF and 1 {LF capacitors {o simulate the sensor at two different trials. A micrometer driven parallel plate variable capacitor which has a total difference of 12.SpF over the full span of 25mm was constructed and it was sed to simulate AC. First the parallel combination of 0.1 J1F capacitor and ‘micrometer driven parallel plate variable capacitor was placed in the position of C; in Fig2. Then variable capacitor constructed using the gyrator configuration shown in fig.1 was placed in the positon of C, in Fig.2 Then C, was adjusted to give a few millivolts output at final opamp. This value Vai is stored in computers memory and then the micrometer was adjusted to give a esired displacement and the new output voltage Vio is measured and stored too. Then the AC is calculated using equation (7) and this procedure was repeated for several different displacements of micrometer driven parallel plate capacitor. In the next tral the 0.1 {fF capacitor was replaced by a 1 JL capacitor and the whole thing was repeated. 4, Results and discussion Fig.4 shows the results ofthe above mentioned two cases and from that itis clear thatthe accuracy does not depend on the base value ofthe sensor capacitance. me ‘Variable capacitor dapacement a) 408 Fig Measured capacitance changes ‘The selection of opamps plays a great role in the ‘measurement accuracy. ADS48 precision opamps. were cchosen for the variable capacitor construction shown in fig.1 due to ultra Tow bias current (IOpA max) and low input offset voltage of it. OPA277 high precision opamps ‘wore selected for the rest due to its ultra low input offset voltage (10 LV uncompensated). Both of these are having excellent thermal characteristics and cost effective, ‘which are essential in an industrial environment. 5, Conelusion This interface circuit contains only common type of components and its self explanatory nature provides a pathway for researchers to develop theit own interface circuits for different types of parameter measurements ‘based on this double differential principle. Itcan be concluded thet the designed interface circuit and its double differential operating principle yields @ high precision measurement method for capacitive sensors Inrespective to thei initial value of capacitance and type of construction. Therefore itis suggested that the designed interface circuit is good low cost solution for sensors having higher inital values and exhibits a small change where a very high resolution LCR meter is needed otherwise. Further, it has the advantage of automatic cancellation of stray and coupling capacitance of connecting cables at no extra cost 6. References UIT Hans U. Meyer, "An inteyrated capacitive position sensor’, IEEE Trans. Insrumentation and Measurement, voL45, no.2. pp S21-525 G. brasseur, “A capacitive &-tum angula-position sensor’, EEE Trans. Insrumentation’ and Measurement, vol47, nol, pp 278-279, TT. Fabian and G. Brasscur, "A robust angular speed sensoe" IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, vol 47, no, pp 280-284 X. Li and G.'C. M. Meijer, “A new method for the ‘measurement of low speed using a multple-electrode capacitive sensor", IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, volt, no.2, pp 636-639. ‘T-Fabin and G. 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