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Rubric for Business Letter Writing

Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.)

Criteria 4 – Exemplary 3 – Accomplished 2 – Developing 1 – Beginning

 Accurately uses  Mostly uses correct  Some noticeable  Several noticeable

correct business business letter format errors in use of errors in use of
letter format (heading, greeting, correct business correct business
Organizati 25 (heading, greeting, introduction, body, letter format letter format
on % introduction, body, closure, signature, (heading, greeting, (heading, greeting,
closure, signature, enclosure, and copy) introduction, body, introduction, body,
enclosure, and copy) closure, signature, closure, signature,
enclosure, and copy) enclosure, and copy)
 Letter clearly states  Letter clearly states  Purpose of letter is  Purpose of letter is
the purpose the purpose unclear unclear
 Appropriate  Some explanations or  More explanations or  Main idea is not
explanations or facts facts used to support facts need to be used supported by
25 used to support the the main idea to support the main explanations or facts
Content % main idea  Somewhat hard to idea  Letter rambles; hard
 Easy to follow follow  Hard to follow to follow or
 Tone is appropriate  Tone is generally  Tone is too formal or understand
for intended audience appropriate for too informal for  Tone is inappropriate
intended audience intended audience for intended audience
 Typed, using correct  Letter typed with few  Letter typed with  Letter not typed;
Appearanc 25 spacing, font, and problems in spacing, frequent problems in wrong format used
e % format font, or format spacing, font, or and hard to read
Language 25  Accurate use of  One or two mistakes  More than two  Incorrect use
Usage % punctuation and with punctuation or mistakes in throughout the letter
grammar grammar punctuation or of punctuation or
 No spelling errors  One or two spelling grammar grammar
errors  More than two  Frequent spelling
spelling errors errors distract from
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

Assignment Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score


Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

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