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Risk Management

as Applied to
Safety, Security &

Lamoste, Yolah Christalle C.

Canoneo, Lyanne Marie P.
Athletes who got food poisoning in Davao 'ate

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Dozens of

students who were hit by food

poisoning here late Saturday night,

February 17, ate leftover food and drank water suspected to be


These were the initial findings of the Davao City Health Office (CHO) on

Sunday, February 18.

Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio, who cited the findings, said "the

people in charge of the contingent served the leftover food from the previous

night for breakfast to the athletes."

"The leftovers for breakfast were served for lunch and the same happened

for dinner," she added.

Water sources are also being factored in, the mayor said, as the CHO doubts

whether the athletes had been drinking clean water.

"They may have allowed the athletes to drink from water sources not cleared

for human consumption," Duterte-Carpio said.

Over 30 students from Mati City, among the participants for a regional

athletic event, were rushed to the Southern Philippines Medical Center late

Saturday night after they began vomiting and complained of stomachaches

after dinner.

They were here to attend the Davao Region Athletic Association (DAVRAA)

Meet from February 18 to 23.

Authorities are looking into the liability of the Mati City contingent managers.

Duterte-Carpio recommended that the Department of Education (DepEd)

and the Mati City government investigate those responsible for the catering.

"This reckless action resulted in the injury of 38 individuals, many of whom

were children entrusted by their parents to those purported to take care of

them," she said. – Rappler.com



1. What is the cause of food poisoning?

The athletes ate leftover food and drank water suspected to be

contaminated. The leftovers for breakfast were served for lunch and the

same for dinner.

2. What are the symptoms experienced by the person involved?

Over 30 students from Mati City, among the participants for regional

athletic event, were rushed to the Southern Philippines Medical Center

late Saturday night after they began vomiting and complained of

stomachaches after dinner.

3. What are the actions taken by the authorities in this situation?

Authorities are looking into the liability of the Mati City contingent

managers. Duterte-Carpio recommended that the Department of

Education (DepEd) and the Mati City government investigate those

responsible for the catering.

4. In your opinion, how could this event be avoided?

This kind of problem is very rampant now a days this could be

avoided by practicing and starting every individuals perception on

investigating and securing first before eating that kind of food that you are

going to eat. You should set that in your mind that being healthy and fit

isn't a fad or a trend, it's a lifestyle.

5. What can you suggest to avoid the situation happening again?

For us, eating foods are very important especially to athletes

because there core is strong and they really need to eat for them to

play and do well. They should also be fit and the food they will going to

eat should be healthy and in the appropriate food list of an athlete. In

this situation, maybe I can suggest that the cook or chief of the food

should check their meal to serve for the safety of all. They should be

responsible because it’s their action. And they should think that it’s not

for them but for those people who will eat the food they cook. Also

maybe the teachers or coaches should also check because it’s their
responsibility to manage the health of the athletes. If they see some

inappropriate ways for preparing, they should make any actions to

prevent, or maybe avoid any inapplicable things. Most importantly, the

DOH should also check any kind of stool of food to be serve because

it’s their job to take for them to function well. They should make any

meeting or discussions for them to share what should the stool do.

They should guide all cooks and chiefs for them to be better. All of us

are responsible to any consequences of our actions.

Chemical Hazard


1. What is the cause of food poisoning?

2. What are the symptoms experienced by the person involved?

3. What are the actions taken by the authorities in this situation?

4. In your opinion, how could this event be avoided?

This kind of chemical problem is very rare here in the Philippines. Some

of the Filipino Citizens are very careful in removing the plastics of the ground

beef. May be, this kind of practice can be avoided by doing a careful

procedure in chemicals founded on plastics that can be mix with the ground

beef is very dangerous on our health.

5. What can you suggest to avoid the situation happening again?

Corned beef is a food that basically came from the beef. It is famed here

in our country because it’s a food were you don’t need to cook for a long

period of time specifically if you are in a hurry. It’s a simple dish were you

can mark or make any designs or ways of cooking. To avoid this corned beef

contaminated with plastic, the maker should check all the time for it’s their

responsibility. They should be responsible in making the costumers safe for

we don’t know it will cause many illnesses. Again FDA and DOH should

collaborate on checking this kind of product cause it’s their job specially

those kind of these food came from other country. They should make a

seminar or meeting also to let the producers know the proper ways and

techniques in making this kind of food. They should also guide the producers

for their costumers should be safe always. In this kind of situation, they

should make an action against in this situation and learn from it for the next

will be better.

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