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Week 11 THURSDAY March 21, 2019

Lesson: 16 Week: 11 Day : Thursday Date: 21 March, 2019

Time : 7.45 am - 8.45 am Class : Year 1 Subject : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Topic : UNIT 1 - AT SCHOOL Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends
What’s this?
It’s a (ruler)
Language Focus Is it a (ruler)?
Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content Standard 2.1-Communicate simple information 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety
intelligibly of familiar contexts
Learning standard 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using 1.2.2 Understand with support specific
suitable words from word sets information and details of very simple
phrases and sentences
1) By the end of the lesson, some pupils will be to communicate by using fixed phrases.
Objectives 2) By the end of the lesson, some pupils will be to listen and show the stationery.
Success Criteria/ 1) Pupils can talk in the fixed phrases.
Can do statements 2) Pupils can listen and show the stationery.
Teaching aids Textbook, coloured papers, worksheets
CCE : Creativity & Imagination HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Time 21 CL : Pair / Group Discussion
1. Teacher writes the success criteria on the board.
Pre Lesson
2. Teacher carries out recalling session.
1. Teacher teaches the vocabularies.
Lesson 2. Pupils read after teacher.
Development 3. Pupils stick the phrases in correct order.
4. Pupils learn in their group.
1. Teacher chooses specific pupils to be a little teacher.
2. Pupils take turn to read the words.
Post Lesson
3. Pupils complete the worksheet.
4. Teacher praises pupils for their effort in trying to read in targeted language.
Assessment Task
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
The lesson was carried out successfully.
Choose an item.
Week 11 THURSDAY March 21, 2019

课程:美术 班级:二年级 时间:1015-1115

领域 :认识传统手工艺品
单元 :童玩
题目 :我心爱的玩具
内容标准 :3.1 美术创作
4.1 美术鉴赏学
习目标 : 此课题后,学生们可以:
1. 创意地选择并操作媒材/材料
2. 展示自己的美术作品

跨课程元素 :创业家元素
媒介/材料 : 图形、牙签、盒子、胶水、白胶、木彩
用具 :剪刀
技巧 :剪纸、上色
道德价值 :勤勉、分工合作
活动 :1)教师辅助学生创意地选择并操作媒材/材料。
评估 :观察
反思 :

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