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Deep Learning - Assignment 11 Your Name, Roll Number

1. What is the difference between backpropagation algorithm and backpropagation through

time (BPTT) algorithm ?
A. There is no difference.
B. Unlike backpropagation, in BPTT we add the gradients for cor-
responding weight for each time step.
C. Unlike backpropagation, in BPTT we subtract the gradients for
corresponding weight for each time step.

Solution: Option B is the correct answer.

2. What approach is taken to deal with the problem of Exploding Gradients in Recurrent
Neural Networks?
A. Gradient clipping
B. Using modified architectures like LSTMs and GRUs
C. Using dropout

Solution: Option A is the correct option.

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3. In the context of the state equations of LSTM, we have seen that ht = ot σ(st ) where
ht , ot , st ∈ Rn . What is the derivative of ht w.r.t. st ?
A. Vector
B. Tensor
C. Matrix

Solution: Option C is the correct answer.

The derivative will yield a diagonal square matrix.

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4. Continuing the previous question, how many non-zero entries does the derivative of ht
w.r.t. st have?
A. No non-zero entries
B. n
C. n2 − n

Solution: Option B is the correct answer.

The derivative will yield a diagonal square matrix. The only non-zero elements will
be the ones on the diagonal.

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5. In the context of LSTMs, the gradient of Lt (θ) w.r.t θi vanishes when
A. the gradients flowing through at least one path from Lt (θ) to θi
B. the gradients flowing through each and every path from Lt (θ) to
θi vanishes.

Solution: Option B is the correct answer

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6. Which of the following options represent the full set of equations for GRU gates where
st represents the state of the GRU and ht refers to the intermediate output?
A. ot = σ(Wo ht−1 + Uo xt + bo )

it = σ(Wi ht−1 + Ui xt + bi )

B. ot = σ(Wo st−1 + Uo xt + bo )

it = σ(Wi st−1 + Ui xt + bi )

Solution: Option B is the correct answer.

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7. Consider a GRU where the input x ∈ Rm and the state of GRU s ∈ Rn at any time step
t. What is the total number of parameters in this GRU ?
A. n2 + nm + 2n
B. 3 × (n2 + nm + n)
C. n + 3 × (n2 + nm + n)
D. 4 × (n2 + nm + n)

Solution: From the equations of GRU, we know that it has the parameters namely,
Wo , Wi , W, Uo , Ui , U, bo , bi , b where the dimensions of W 0 s ∈ Rn×n , U 0 s ∈ Rm×n and
b’s ∈ Rn . Therefore, Option B is the correct answer.

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8. Consider the following statements in the context of LSTMs:

1. During forward propagation, the gates control the flow of information.

2. During backward propagation, the gates control the flow of gradients.

Which of the following option is correct ?

A. Statement 1 is True and Statement 2 is False.
B. Statement 2 is True and Statement 1 is False.
C. Both are False.
D. Both are True.

Solution: Option D is the correct answer.

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9. Consider the RNN with the following equations:

st = σ(U x + W st−1 + b)
yt = O(V st + c)

where st is the state of the network at timestep t and the parameters W,U,V,b,c are
shared across timesteps. The loss Lt (θ) is defined as :

Lt (θ) = − log(ytc )

where ytc is the predicted probability of true output at time-step t. Given the above
RNN, find ∂L∂st (θ)
at t = 4.

A. ∂L4 (θ)
∂s4 = − OO(V s4 +c)
0 (V s +c)

∂L4 (θ) O(V s4 +c)

B. ∂s4 = −V O0 (V s4 +c)
∂L4 (θ) O0 (V s4 +c)
C. ∂s4 = −V O(V s4 +c)
∂L4 (θ)
D. ∂s4 = −V O0 (V s4 + c)

Solution: Option C is the correct answer.

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∂L (θ)
10. Considering the same RNN setup as defined in the previous question, find ∂V

A. ∂L (θ)
∂V = −st OO(V st +c)
0 (V s +c)
B. ∂L (θ)
∂V = −st OO(V
(V st +c)
st +c)
∂L (θ)
= t=1 −st OO(V st +c)
C. ∂V 0 (V s +c)
∂L (θ)
= t=1 −st OO(V (V st +c)
D. ∂V st +c)

Solution: Option D is the correct answer.

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