Week 16 01

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Week 16 MONDAY April 15, 2019

道德教育 班级:一年级 时间:0715-0815

课题 : (五)人人夸我有礼貌
内容标准 : 5. 有礼的言行举止
学习标准 : 5.4 说出实践有礼的言行举止后的感受
5.5 实践有礼的言行举止
价值 : 崇高的品德
学习目标 : 此课题后,学生能够
1) 说出实践有礼的言行举止后的感受
2) 实践有礼的言行举止

活动 : 1. 教师和学生一同阅读课本的目录。
2. 教师引领学生回顾上堂的课题。
3. 教师辅助学生阅读课文。
4. 同学们在教室的辅助下一同阅读课文。
5. 教师和学生谈论课题。
5. 同学们一起完成练习题。
6. 教师灌输道德价值观。
评估 : 观察
反思 :
Week 16 MONDAY April 15, 2019

道德教育 班级:六年级 时间:0845-0945

课题 : 6 尊崇国家我力行
内容标准 : 6.1 尊重国家
学习标准 : 6.1.3 叙述尊敬国家的感受。
6.1.4 表现尊敬国家的态度。
价值 : 尊重
学习目标 : 此课题后, 学生们可以:
1. 说出尊敬国家的感受。
2. 表现尊敬国家的态度。

活动 : 1. 教师和学生一同述说上堂的课题。
2. 同学们听教师讲解故事。
3. 同学们说出感谢的概念。
评估 : 观察
反思 :
Week 16 MONDAY April 15, 2019


10.15 am - 11.15
- am
English 6
60 minutes
World of Knowledge UNIT 6: HELLO! 999?
By the end of the 6-year 1.1.2 Able to listen to and respond
primary schooling, pupils will be confidently to a given stimulus by
able to: using appropriate words, phrases
Listening & Speaking
1.1 Pronounce words and speaks and expressions with the correct
confidently with the correct stress, stress and intonation.
rhythm and intonation. Choose an item.
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S) 1. Listen and talk about the precaution while going for a journey.
2. Listen and match the precaution with the selected scenario.
At the end of the lesson, pupils can:
Success Criteria 1. Listen and talk about the safety precaution while going for a journey.
2. Listen and match the precaution with the scene provided.
Application Contextual Learning Pair / Group Discussion
TEACHING AIDS Textbook, workbook

1. Pupils discusses the success criteria of today’s lesson.

2. Teacher carries our recalling session and rewards the pupils.
3. Pupils read the textbook and discuss the vocabularies with the teacher.
4. Teacher draws while the pupils guess the new words they have learned on today.
5. Pupils discuss the rules of grammar.
6. Pupils recall the rules of grammar by filling in the blanks in table form.
7. Pupils answer the questions while the remedial pupils are under the guidance from the teacher.
8. Teacher chooses specific pupils to summarise the learning on today’s lesson.
9. Pupils access their friends and receive feedback from the teacher.


Lesson is postponed due to : Choose an item.

Week 16 MONDAY April 15, 2019

课程:美术 班级:五年级 时间:1215 - 1315

领域 :塑造模型与制作物品
技能 : 塑像制作法
主题/单元 :人造物品/单元十四: 固定雕塑艺术
题目 :校车夹纸器
内容标准 :3.3 创意表达
3.4 美术鉴赏
学习目标 :此课题后,学生们可以:
1) 有创意地选择和使用多元材料说
2) 说出制作过程中所得的经验
跨学科元素 :企业家元素
工具 :空罐、纸杯
材料 :粘土、胶水
教学活动 :1)教师引领学生有创意地选择和使用多元材料说
2) 教师辅助学生说出在美术作品的技巧 - 塑像制作法
评估 :观察
反思 :

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