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Statement of the problem:

This research will be conducted to assess the grade 9 millennial students

behavior in Manaoag National High School for the school year 2017-2018.

1) What are the behavior of the millennial students in terms of:

1) Being a student

2) Being a child

3) Being a friend

2) What are the top 3 causes of having an inferior behavior of the millennial

students in grade 9?

3) What will be the possible outcome if we refuse to develop disciplined

millennial students?

Scope and limitations of the study:

The respondents of this research will be the 50 grade 9 students coming from

different sections in Manaoag National High School for the school year 2017-2018.

This is to assess if the millennial students should stay on the level of discipline

that they possess or needs reactivation after giving them some questioner.

Significance of the study:

This study attempts to assess the grade 9 millennial student’s behavior in

Manaoag National High School for the school year 2017-2018.

The researchers believes that it these millennial will be developed with

discipline the betterment that we are aiming will be made possible.

Chapter 1

The Problem

Background of the study:

Millennial are sometimes referred to as "echo boomers" due to a major

surge in birth rates in the 1980s and 1990s, and because millennial are often the

children of the baby boomers. Although Millennial characteristics vary by region,

depending on social and economic conditions, the generation is generally marked by an

increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies. In

most parts of the world, their upbringing was marked by an increase in a liberal

approach to politics and economics; the effects of this environment are disputed.

Millennial have been characterized in a number of different ways and as

time goes by .They've been described as lazy, narcissistic and prone to jump from job to

job. The 2008 book "Trophy Kids" by Ron Also discusses how many young people have

been rewarded for minimal accomplishments (such as mere participation) in

competitive sports, and have unrealistic expectations of working life. A story in Time

magazine said polls show that Millennial "want flexible work schedules, more 'me time'

on the job, and nearly nonstop feedback and career advice from managers." Another

Time story in May 2013, titled "The Me Me Me Generation," begins: "They're

narcissistic. They're lazy. They're coddled. They're even a bit delusional. Those aren't

just unfounded negative stereotypes about 80 million Americans born roughly between

1980 and 2000. They're backed up by a decade of sociological research." The article also

points out that Millennial may be simply adapting quickly to a world undergoing rapid

technological change. Millennial are our hope, they are our future nation builders.
Known to be the most threatening and exciting generation or also called the” Me Me Me

Generation”. Why so? Because they think that the world revolves because of them. And

as time goes by, there are a lot of articles stating that millennial have gone so far, far

from the traditional one who gives importance more on the discipline and possess good

manners and right conduct whenever they interact.

Are we just going to let this status quo? Their duty is to bring betterment in

our society. They are expected to raise us economically and globally to be able for us to

aim a globally competitive country having right ethics and etiquettes as millennial. To

be able for us to gain success we should reactivate, and social problem that our

generation facing.

“The youths are the hope of our nation” as said by our national hero, Dr.

Jose Rizal. Let’s not make it a cliché, millennial can be generation of Me, You, Us, a

generation with discipline in all aspect and serves as the most capable beings that

shows respect.

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