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Python DataStructureQuestions.

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Python Other Data Structure

Write a Python program to count the most common words in a dictionary.
Expected Output:
[('pink', 6), ('black', 5), ('white', 5), ('red', 4)]

Write a Python program to find the class wise roll number from a tuple-of-tuples.
Expected Output:
defaultdict(, {'VII': [1], 'V': [1, 2], 'VI': [1, 2, 3]})

Write a Python program to count the number of students of individual class.

Sample data:
classes = (
('V', 1),
('VI', 1),
('V', 2),
('VI', 2),
('VI', 3),
('VII', 1),
Expected Output:
Counter({'VI': 3, 'V': 2, 'VII': 1})

Write a Python program to get the unique enumeration values.

Expected Output:
Afghanistan = 93
Albania = 355
Algeria = 213
Andorra = 376
Angola = 244

Write a Python program to create an instance of an OrderedDict using a given

dictionary. Sort the dictionary during the creation and print the members of the
dictionary in reverse order.
Expected Output:
Angola 244
Andorra 376
Algeria 213
Afghanistan 93
Albania 355
In reverse order:
Albania 355
Afghanistan 93
Algeria 213
Andorra 376
Angola 244

Write a Python program to group a sequence of key-value pairs into a dictionary of

Expected output:
[('v', [1, 3]), ('vi', [2, 4]), ('vii', [1])]

Write a Python program to compare two unordered lists (not sets).

Expected Output: False

Write a Python program to create an array contains six integers. Also print all
the members of the array.
Expected Output:

Write a Python program to get the array size of types unsigned integer and float.
Expected Output:

Write a Python program to get an array buffer information.

Expected Output:
Array buffer start address in memory and number of elements.
(25855056, 2)

Write a Python program to get the length of an array.

Expected Output:
Length of the array is:

Write a Python program to convert an array to an ordinary list with the same
Expected Output:
Original array:
array('b', [1, 2, 3, 4])
Array to list:
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Write a Python program to convert an array to an array of machine values and

return the bytes representation.
Expected Output:
Original array:
A1: array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
Array of bytes: b'010000000200000003000000040000000500000006000000'

Write a Python program to read a string and interpreting the string as an array of
machine values.
Expected Output:
array1: array('i', [7, 8, 9, 10])
Bytes: b'0700000008000000090000000a000000'
array2: array('i', [7, 8, 9, 10])

Write a Python program to push three items into the heap and print the items from
the heap.
Expected Output:
('V', 1)
('V', 2)
('V', 3)

Write a Python program to push three items into a heap and return the smallest
item from the heap. Also Pop and return the smallest item from the heap.
Expected Output:
Items in the heap:
('V', 1)
('V', 3)
('V', 2)
The smallest item in the heap:
('V', 1)
Pop the smallest item in the heap:
('V', 2)
('V', 3)

Write a Python program to push an item on the heap, then pop and return the
smallest item from the heap.
Expected Output:
Items in the heap:
('V', 1)
('V', 3)
('V', 2)
Using heappushpop push item on the heap and return the smallest item.
('V', 2)
('V', 3)
('V', 6)
Write a Python program to create a heapsort, pushing all values onto a heap and
then popping off the smallest values one at a time.
Expected Output:
[10, 20, 20, 40, 50, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

Write a Python program to get the two largest and three smallest items from a
Expected Output:
[100, 90]
[10, 20, 20]

Write a Python program to locate the left insertion point for a specified value in
sorted order.
Expected Output:

Write a Python program to locate the right insertion point for a specified value
in sorted order.
Expected Output:

Write a Python program to insert items into a list in sorted order.

Expected Output:
Original List:
[25, 45, 36, 47, 69, 48, 68, 78, 14, 36]
Sorted List:
[14, 25, 36, 36, 45, 47, 48, 68, 69, 78]

a Python program to create a queue and display all the members and size of the
Expected Output:
Members of the queue:
0 1 2 3
Size of the queue:

Write a Python program to find whether a queue is empty or not.

Expected Output:

Write a Python program to create a FIFO queue.

Expected Output:
0 1 2 3

Write a Python program to create a LIFO queue.

Expected Output:
3 2 1 0

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