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Assessment to the Influences of Advertising Sunsilk Shampoo and Creamsilk Conditioner

to the Buying Behaviour of the Consumer at Castillejos, Zambales

Advertising aims to convince and persuade people to buy their product. There are so many
advertising option to encourage new customer, but you must choose the right advertisement that is
suitable to your product. There are some types of advertisement that is good for advertising sunsilk
shampoo and creamsilk conditioner. One of these is television advertisement or television
commercial, because it has a large audience and you can see the improvement or the effectiveness
of each product to the consumer and that is very convincing. You can also use magazine
advertisement in introducing sunsilk shampoo and creamsilk conditioner because magazine present
a high quality images and it is the best way to attract or to get the attention of the reader which is
the potential costumer. Online advertisement or any social media platforms is also the best
advertising sunsilk shampoo and creamsilk conditioner because it is very convenient and most of
us have a social media like Facebook, you can easily know if the product was good because of the
feedback of the consumer. Advertising plays a very important role to us, without this we will not
immediately know the existence of the product.

Advertising is a way of communication to encourage an audience for making purchase

decision about a product or service and conveying information to viewers. It is considered as a vital
and essential element for the economic growth of the marketers and businesses (Ryans, 1996).
Advertising is usually a paid form of exposure or promotion by some sponsor that reaches through
various traditional media such as television, newspaper, commercial radio advertisement, magazine
mail, outdoor advertising or modern media such as blogs, websites and text messages (Ahmed &
Ashfaq, 2013).

Marketers have always adapted to changing business demands when it comes to creating
new advertisements. The use of advertisements has significantly increased in the 20th Century as
industrialization expanded the supply of manufactured products. However, not many businesses
practiced advertising at the time. During the late 80s advertisements were fairly limited to
television, radio, billboards and newspapers. In the modern times, businesses are leaning towards
Digital Advertising. Companies are so focused in social media and mobile advertisements that they
may take over Television advertisement very soon. In Bangladesh, the trend of Digital Marketing
is just on the bloom. Most large local and multinational giant companies are now practicing digital
marketing in full swing.

The major aim of advertising is to impact on buying behaviour; however, this impact about
brand is changed or strengthened frequently through people’s memories. Memories about the brand
are formed by associations that are related to brand name in consumer mind (Khan, Siddiqui, Shah
and Hunjra, 2012). These brands continuously influence consideration, evaluation and finally
purchases (Romaniuk & Sharp, 2004).Consumers buying behaviour has always been given so
much importance and space in the literature study of impact of advertising regarding its
effectiveness (Ajzen, 2002). Most of the time consumers buying behaviour depends on liking or
disliking of consumer towards the advertisement of the product advertised (Smith et al., 2006). A
good quality advertisement is likely to influence consumers into buying that product while a poor
quality advertisement will do the opposite.

Previous studies have been conducted on effectiveness of advertisement and on

advertisement’s impact on consumer buying behaviour which depicted positive relationships.
However, in this paper we have introduced a combination of different variables and attempted to
examine their influence on consumer behaviour. This paper aims to determine which of these
variables carries the most importance in terms of effecting consumer behaviour and which of these
variables carries less significant impact. This will help marketers to focus on the right factors and
achieve maximum benefit from their advertisement.

We believe that the study will offer useful insights for both advertising scholars and
executives to understand the ins and outs of advertising and to assist marketers in introducing better
approaches to advertising.
Maheshwari, Seth & Gupta (2016) in their article “An empirical approach to consumer
buying behaviour in Indian automobile sector" has concluded that advertisement effectiveness
positively influences consumer buying behaviour.

Ha, John, Swinder & Muthaly (2011), in their research paper "The effects of advertising
spending on brand loyalty in services" have discovered that advertising spending has impact on
consumer’s perceived quality of the product, consumer’s loyalty and satisfaction level.

Kumar & Raju (2013) in their paper “The Role of Advertising in Consumer Decision
Making” have found that advertisements are able to change the consumer’s opinion about a
particular product.

One of the hallmarks of modern capitalism, advertising helps fuel the economy by
motivating buyers and supporting sellers. It is typically used in conjunction with other promotional
tools, like personal selling, sales promotion and public relations, and is at the heart of marketing
strategy for most consumer goods. Advertising influences people through education, persuasion
and reassurance. It also influences the shopping experience, by making shopping simpler and
helping to moderate the prices of advertised products. (Handlin, 2017)

Consumer buying behaviour refers to the methods involved when individuals or groups
choose, buy, utilize or dispose of products, services, concepts or experiences to suit their needs and
desires (Solomon, 1995). A behaviour that consumers display in searching for, paying for, using,
evaluating and disposing of products and services that they think will satisfy their needs (Schiffman
& Kanuk, 2007). It is a convergence of three fields of social science, they are, individual
psychology, societal psychology and cultural anthropology (Ramachander, 1988). A theory that
answers what, why, how, when and where an individual makes purchase (Green, 1992); it is
particularly important to study the subject of consumer buying behaviour as it facilitate firms to
plan and execute superior business strategies (Khaniwale, 2015).
Most consumers don't go out of their way to find ads (unless they’re remarkably memorable
and worth sharing). The marketing and creative department work together to formulate ads that
appeal to an audience’s curiosity. A good ad will increase sales and brand awareness. For
consumers, advertisements are not what consumers need; however, an ad is a great way for
consumers to find out about the products or services they do need. Understanding the ways in
which advertising affects consumer behavior will allow you to create stronger, more memorable
ads. (Tortorice, 2017).

Advertising spending also creates positive impression about a brand in the minds of the
consumers. Aaker and Jacobson (1994) also find a positive relationship between advertising and
perceived quality. Hence, advertising spending is positively related to perceived quality, which
leads to greater amount of purchase from that brand as consumers generally prefer to purchase
from a well know brand in order to avoid disappointments over quality.

Commercial advertising is used to create, maintain and increase the demand of certain
products, creating the best conditions for sale. Non-commercial advertising can be used to attract
attention and create a positive image of an entrepreneur or an enterprise. (Sandage, 2001).

When focused in the field of business and marketing, advertising is a propitious promotion
of goods or services to the public, with the intention to draw attention of people and increase the
amount of sales for these goods and services (Petley, 2003) Adevertising has become greatly
popular and even common place in today’s world. According to Trehan and Trehan (2011), market
is controlled by consumers so companies have to persuade and attract the consumers for selling
their products and services. Thus, advertising has crucial role for communication. Advertising
seems to be in everything for people and everywhere people go; from surfing the net to taking a
bus ride. Advertisement pop up on various websites and can be found in all sorts of unusual places
from can drinks to concert tickets. Advertising becomes increasingly popular as more and more
individuals and companies turn to it as a tool for getting their products or services known by
consumers. There are basic features of advertising; advertising create an awareness of consumers,
it gives an information and also it can persuade consumers. Advertising has costs. An advertising
cost have total message that take of time and space on the media. Advertising is not communicate
directly with a person. It is open to the public. Advertising gives an information as said before and
it is told that advertising educates consumers on a product or service. It includes various creative
strategies and tactics also but in advertising nature it is trying to convince consumers to make a

The promotion and preservation of the brand image is another role advertising plays in
marketing. Advertising is a source of image for brands; it reflects and forms a brands reception by
the public (Biel, 1993). Advertising helps to sustain a brand’s image which in the long run helps to
boost a company’s reputation and long term investments. Advertising achieves the above by
influencing the perceived qualities of products (Kirmani and Zeithmal, 1993). The perceived
quality of a product refers to consumer’s judgment about a product’s overall excellence and
superiority. Advertising through the use of creativity, appropriate media and persuasive tactics can
influence consumers causing them to alter beliefs and desires about particular products or services.

The objective of this research aim was to assess the influences of advertising to the buying
behaviour of the consumer. We have described the impact of advertising on a consumer buying
behaviour. We will give general characteristics about the nature of advertising, its classification,
main types, functions, advantages and disadvantage and we will give more detailed information
about some sources of advertising. We will describe the impact of advertising on consumer buying

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