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RPVV kishanganj

Class: XI A Subject: Computer Science (New)

Time: 40 Min. Max. Marks: 20
1. Write 5 advantage and 3 disadvantage of python programming language. 4
2. Write the name of two ways of using python programming language. 1
3. What extension do we use when we saving python programming file? 1
4. Write example of any 6 keyword, 2 valid and 2 invalid identifier. 5
5. Write octal integer literal and hexadecimal integer literal of decimal integer 59. 2
6. 152 is an example of real literal. True or False? 1
7. Write the decimal integer literal of 5.E2. 1
8. What will be the output of following code? 2
9. Why punctuators are used in programming language? 1
10. What is dynamic typing? 2

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