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BB 520-0000; 981-8500 oc. 2100/3120 COLLEGE 5} OF ENGINEERING University of the Philippines U.P. Campus, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1404 APPEAL FOR READMISSION | EXTENSION OF MRR (Effective First Semester AY 2017-2018) DEADLINES: ‘+ Deaadline for appeal for readmission effective a particular semiterm is the FIRST DAY" of registration for that semiterm, ‘+ Appeals lodged at the Colege Sec Office after the deadline and before the frst day of classes require endorsement from the department in order for the College Sec Office to process the appeal, subject to normal processing and evaluation of the department ‘+ Appeals lodged at the College Sec Office ON OR AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES forthe semiterm are treated by default as readmission effective the next semesteriterm already (ineligible for the current ecm). “First day of registration period reters to the day typically allocated for reshmen, graduating, PWD, VAAS and greduate students, INSTRUCTIONS: 41. Secure the form "Appeal for Readimi "from the Admin Office, online, or thru your respective department. 2. Fill out the upper part ofthe form and attach the following requirements on appeal for readmission. © Letter of Appeal * TCGIGrades trom CRS (print grades from CRS) ~ appeals lodged online do not need to attach this ‘+ Any supporting documents (ex: medical cetficate, plane ticket, employment certificate, others ) Additional Requirements on Appeal for Readmission to BS EMIBS MetEIBS MatE programs ‘+ Letter of Consent from parentiguardian ‘© 2recommendation letters trom former teachersiinstructors ‘Career Assessment result (for repeated offense-readmited only) from ofice of Guidance & Counseling ‘Submit appeal at MH204 or online ON OR BEFORE the deadline for SRE (Student Records Evaluator) evaluation. 4. Filltout the OCG Referral slip and proceed to Office of Guidance and Counselling (OCG), Vinzon’s Hall for interviewevaluation. Make sure to keep the certificate issued by the OCG after your visit and present this certificate to the College Sec office when claiming your readmission results. Processing of readmission typically takes at least 4 working days. 5. To determine the results of your readmission proceed to Admin Office. Be sure to bring the cetiticate issued by the OCG. 'f readmitted, the Admin staf will instruct you to sign the conforme for the list of conditions stated in your contract and finally give you a photocopy of the results of your appeal 6. If readmitted, proceed to your respective departmentinsttute again and you may start the enrolment process. LIST OF ACADEMIC DELINQUENCIES Violation of 24 unit rule ‘+ MRRsMaximum Residence Rule Violation of readmission/admission contract ‘= Non-Major appeal for extension Violation of 60% rule * College retention rule-Failure to pass 2 Math subjects Double probation in 2 consecutive semesters in? takes AWOL (Absence without official leave) for one or more + PD-Permanent Disqualification or 0 units passed semesters ‘+ Department retention rule COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING University of the Philip Mchor Hall UP. Campus, Dsiman, Quezon Cty, Pilppines 1104 _ 920-8060; 901-8500 te, 3104:9120 ‘APPEAL for READMISSION/EXTENSION of MRR in the UNIVERSITY Semester, 20__-20__/ 2 Semester,20__-20__/ Midyear, 20__-20__ ast NAME: First NAME: ‘Middle NAME: Student No. Degree Program: Request/s for READMISSION to: ( } same Degree Program ( ) other Degree Program Request/s for EXTENSION of: ( ) MRR ( } Non-Major student Signature: Date: Contact No: Email Address: {Tobe filed in by the College SRE) First Enrolment | Frstenroiment | Fist ‘ost Durationof | Duration | Geticlencies nur Imeurent|_enroleent | enrolment toa | orawot | (for MR) (Specie cote, College Incurrent program ear Semen) { - l I ‘The above-specified student is ineligible to enrol due t — non-compliance with the condition/s set by the Department/College the previous semester’ Congition/s not met Dismissed status Reason — Permanent Disqualification” —_ AWOL (Absence Without Leave for more than one term) MRR Others: Reason. ‘The student is requesting for readmission effective ‘extension of residence/non-major student until ‘Attached documents: — Letter of appeal __1C6/Grades from CRS (for Readmission) __Program of study (for MRR extension) others (Please speciy) Printed Nameand Signature of the Colege SRE ates [NOTES (hased on the academic information contained inthe UPD General Catalogue 2004-2010) ‘This form should not be sea by Student turing tom {OR 'stuent sin good acagemie standing Students who, the endothe semester, obtain fal rade below “Bi atest 76% the total umber academic units in wich they tecene fina grades, ‘Students wha, atthe end ofthe semester, obtain faa grades blow "In 2G othe acai Unis In which they ae sven fil ads ‘The Masimura Residence Rulestates that a student mut fash the requirement of» course of ony Colege within» per of actual erence cequvalent 01 tes the navn length othe course concerned. NAMI Student Number: Degree Program: [_ ______ Recommendation ] DEPARTMENT/INSTITUTE Signature: Approval Recommended as Non-Major Program Adviser Disapproval Date: Signature: ‘Approval Recommended as Non-Major Department Chairman/losttute Director Disapproval Date: - TO STUDENT: a - - — Please be informed that you have been readmitted under probation subject to all ofthe following conditions: 1. noleave of absence ‘Additional: 2. no unofficial dropping ( } must pass _units this semester/midyear 3. must passat least 12 units this semester or () must pass all subjects enrolled this sem, /midyear ‘must pass 6 units this midyear () must take & pass ((.) must comply with the department retention rule () others: CONFORME: Printed Name & Signature of Student ‘Note: Geta copy ofthe contract. Conditions not applicable to you must be Yeporte tothe Department Chair and College Secretary up to two (2} weeks after late registration. copy ofthe revised contract must be piven to Admin Ofice. Un authorized revision or failure to report any evsion ofthe contact before the aforementioned dealin can lead to automatic ineligibility to envol inthe next registration. " OFFICE OF THE COLLEGE SECRETARY REMARKS: — Signature: DR, JHOANNA RHODETTE |. PEDRASA - Coleg ery recone bate nono OFCE OF Tit ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR ean STUDENT Arras — ror Nonalor Permanently Dsauaied secre — oisaprea Straue: pA AANDLEYD.CAOTE rasa sssotte bean for stent firs | enone [J | vate . | ‘OFFICE OF THE DEAN REMARKS: oisaproa erature: R.RIENINOA L DELEON : Serawe: DRLAZALNDAL toned counstunc ano curoance Dutt umison etn INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Proceed to Office of Counseling and Guidance, Vinzon’s Halland present the referral slip signed by the College Secretary. 2. Present the Career Assessment rest from Office of Counseling and Guidance when claiming the results of your appeal or readmission atthe Admin fice, REMINDER: You cannot get the results of your readmission ance readmited without submitting the results of your assessment from Office of Counseling and Guidance to Admin Office.

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