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The function of a portfolio assessment is to measure progress of a particular process over a specified
length of time. Before beginning a portfolio, the student must be aware of the goals she is trying to
accomplish with this project.

Showcase portfolios. Showcase portfolios highlight the best products over a particular time period or

Documentation Portfolio. This approach involves a collection of work over time showing growth and
improvement reflecting students' learning of identified outcomes.

Process portfolios. Process portfolios, by contrast, concentrate more on the journey of learning rather
than the final destination or end products of the learning process.

Essential Elements of the Portfolio

1. Cover Letter – “about the author” “ what my portfolio shows about my progress
2. Table of Contents – with numbered pages
3. Entries – both core (required) and optional (uniqueness of student)
4. Dates of all entries – to facilitate proof of growth over time
5. Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised versions
6. Reflections – at different stages in the learning process

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