Me Me Generation" Because They Want It All. They Are Known As Confident, Entitled and Depressed. Millennials Grew Up Making The Rules

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Long Test

G9 English
Name: _____________________________________ Grade 9:___________________ Date ___________ Score_____

Read and comprehend the selection below. Choose the BEST ANSWER to the given questions by writing the letter on the blanks
provided before each number. Use PRINT or CAPITAL letters only.

Which Generation Do You Belong To?

The Baby Boomers were born roughly between the years of 1946 and 1964, placing them at the age range between 51 to 70
years. Perhaps the most influential generation in history, this “flower power” generation is known as Baby Boomers because soldiers
came home after the war and had more time creating babies resulting in a population of 75.4 M strong. They value relationships and did
not grow up with technology running their lives.
The Generation X aka “sandwich generation” was born between 1965 and 1980. They are lodged in between the two big well-
known generations, the Baby Boomers and the Millennials. They are focused on work-life balance rather than following a straight-and-
narrow path. Gen Xers are considered the first “daycare” generation, because many were raised by two parents who worked or by a single
divorced parent.
The Millennials, aka the narcissistic tech gurus the first generation to reach adulthood in the new millennium. They thrive on
new innovations, startups and working out of coffee shops. They were kids of the 1980 and 2000. Time magazine called them “The Me
Me Me Generation” because they want it all. They are known as confident, entitled and depressed. Millennials grew up making the rules
rather than having their parents tell them what is right.
The Gen Z on the other hand who were approximately 19 years old and below are lovers of freedom and self-expression. They
are also known as “innovators” who value individuality and fresh knowledge. They treasure uniqueness and individualism. This
generation caters to young ones who are truly assertive and goal-driven. They are bold enough to express their thoughts and opinions
without giving much care about what others might think.
So, next time you deal with people consider which generation they belong to. You’ll never realize how being in-the-know could
make things like a walk in the park.

______1. Which generation is considered as the “sandwich generation”?

A. Baby Boomers B. Gen X C. Millennials D. Gen Z
______2. The term Baby Boomer was named such because…
A. they love to take care of babies C. they needed to produce offspring
B. they had time to make babies after the war D. they aspired for more babies
______3. The Me Me Me Generation is also known as narcissistic tech guru. Narcissistic means
A. individualistic B. assertive C. confident D. self-centered
______4. Which generation has the oldest members?
A. Baby Boomers B. Gen X C. Millennials D. Gen Z
______5. Which generation values freedom of expression?
A. Baby Boomers B. Gen X C. Millennials D. Gen Z
______6. Gen X people are confident, entitled and depressed. Entitled is synonymous to…
A. eligible B. famous C. generous D. enticing
______7. Which generation is more likely to engage in online dating and social media exposure?
A. Baby Boomers B. Gen X C. Millennials D. Gen Z
______8. Which do you think is the BEST generation?
A. Baby Boomers because they were influential. C. Gen X because they got the best of both worlds.
B. Gen Z because they hold the future in their hands. D. None because each has their own strengths and weaknesses.
______9. If you want to deal with a person who belongs to Gen Z, which is a more appropriate way of mingling with them given the hints
from the selection?
A. Be discreet and mindful of your words and what you make them feel.
B. Be conservative and value personal relationship which matters a lot.
C. Know how to balance between work and life.
D. Know the value of individuality and self-expression.
______10. Is it important to consider which generation someone belongs to?
A. Yes, because it can help you how to intermingle with them.
B. Yes, because it is fun to be with certain groups of people.
C. No, because things should be as they are. We shouldn’t care much about other people.
D. No, because belonging to a certain generation doesn’t make any difference at all.

Read the sentence then select the letter of the correct meaning of the italicized word.
______11. In search of the fire-breathing dragon, Beowulf went to its lair.
A. the habitation of wild animals C. an animal’s cemetery
B. the partner of the wild animal D. an animal’s hospital
______12. Beowulf need not use light of battle to defeat Grendel.
A. torch B. battle gear C. sword D. army

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______13. She plays the hapless heroine who is unlucky in love.
A. lucky B. miserable C. witty D. unfortunate
______14. The mother of Grendel lured all the men she met.
A. seduced B. envied C. admired D. ignored
______15. The stalwart soldiers of the 5th Scout Ranger Battalion are always ready and willing to fight for our freedom.
A. hot-headed B. courageous C. bad-tempered D. loyal

A. Sentence Pattern: Give the sentence pattern used in the following sentences. Write only the letter of your answer.
______16. I learned the lesson that honesty is always a virtue.
______17. A later law forbade the employment of young children in underground mines.
______18. The orphans walked into the large stone hall.
______19. Most of the students give their teachers their projects on time.
______20. The promises of Grendel’s mother sounded very encouraging to all men who wanted riches and power.

B. Conjunctions: Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunction to complete the sentences. Choose your answer from the word pool below.

for and nor but or yet so

21. The pudding is good, _______________ it could have been better.
22. He finds it difficult to see clearly _____________________ he is born partially blind.
23. Christine has a guitar ________________ she plays it well.
24. The twins began quarrelling __________________ now they sleep in separate rooms.
25. You can return the books today ________________ tomorrow.

C. Contractions: Fill in the blanks with the correct contractions of the words inside the parentheses.
26. (They are) _________________ the best classmates I ever had.
27. (I am) _____________________ qualified of joining the competition.
28. Our Teachers (do not) ___________________ give us long quizzes daily.
29. (Where is) ____________________ the way going to Barangay San Jose?
30. They (have not) ______________________ passed their requirements on time.

D. Paraphrasing: Choose the BEST paraphrase of the original sentence. Write only the letter of the best answer.
______31. The Blues has always been an important part of jazz. It’s sorrowful scale and simple harmonies helped shaped the character of
A. Blues affected jazz with its sadness and simplicity C. Characters in jazz stories always play the blues.
B. People who listen to jazz often like blues too. D. It is important to study blues and jazz together.
______32. In spite of the growing interest in ballet, ballet companies worldwide struggle to survive even during good economic times.
A. When more people attend ballet, companies survive. C. People only attend ballet when they have money.
B. Changes in the economy create interest in ballet. D. No matter what ballet does not make much money.
______33. A handshake does not mean the same thing around the world.
A. A handshake means something different around the world.
B. Internationally, a greeting by shaking hands is not the same.
C. A handshake does not mean the same thing around the world.
D. A handshake is an international language.
______34. Deserts cover one fifth of the surface of the Earth.
A. Deserts cover one fifth of the Earth. C. Deserts occupies a small portion of the planet
B. One fifth of the Earth's surface is desert. D. Deserts cover more than half of the Earth's surface.
______35. A high school student usually has summer reading assignments.
A. A high school student always has homework assignments in the summer.
B. It is common for students in high school to have summer reading assignments.
C. Usually school aged students have summer reading assignments.
D. Most summer school students have high school reading to do.
E. Denotation and Connotation: Choose the most appropriate word(s) that can be inserted in the blank. Write the letter of your answer
before each number.
______36. Everyone in the office respects Casey because of her kind but __________ attitude.
A. assertive B. bossy C. demanding D. hard
______37. "Well," said Curtis with an embarrassed smile, "I'm looking for __________ car.
A. a cut rate B. a cheaper C. a more economical D. an affordable
______38. "Here's a scholarship that you might qualify for," said Mike's advisor. "It's for people who are ________ ."
A. underprivileged B. poor C. poverty-stricken D. less fortunate
______39. William annoys his friends because he's so __________ when it comes to money.
A. economical B. thrifty C. stingy D. tight-fisted

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______40. We're worried about Trish; she's lost so much weight that she looks __________ .
A. trim B. bony C. slender D. slim
F. Punctuation Marks: Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Write only the letter of your answer.
______41. A. A silly-acting child is a joy to behold.
B. A silly acting child is a joy to behold.
______42. A. You asked for forgiveness; He granted it to you.
B. You asked for forgiveness, He granted it to you.
______43. A. The girl’s vitality and humor were infectious.
B. The girls vitality and humor were infectious.
______44. A. What a delicious, appetizing meal!
B. What a delicious! Appetizing meal!
______45. A. “Is it almost over,” he asked?
B. “Is it almost over?” he asked.
A. Poem Analysis: Read the poem then answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter of your choice
Mother to Son
By: Langston Hughes.
Well, son, I'll tell you: And turnin' corners,
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. And sometimes goin' in the dark
It's had tacks in it, Where there ain't been no light.
And splinters, So boy, don't you turn back.
And boards torn up, Don't you set down on the steps
And places with no carpet on the floor – 'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Bare. Don't you fall now –
But all the time For I'se still goin', honey,
I'se been a-climbin' on, I'se still climbin',
And reachin' landin's And life for me ain't been no crystal stair
______46. Who is the persona in the poem?
A. mother B. son C. the author D. none
______47. To what does the persona in the poem compare her life to?
A. tacks B. crystal stair C. splinters D. stair
______48. The lines –“ And sometimes goin' in the dark ,Where there ain't been no light “, appeal to what sensory images?
A. touch B. smell C. hearing D. sight
______49. What is the mood of the poem?
A. failure B. optimism C. fatalistic D. futuristic
______50. The tone of a poem is the attitude you feel in it — the writer’s attitude toward the subject or audience. What is
the tone of the poem, Mother to Son?
A. didactic B. sarcastic C. entertaining D. ironic
B. Sensory Images: To what sensory image the following items appeal. Choose your answer from the choices inside the box. Write only
the letter of your answer.

A. sight B. smell C. taste D. hearing E. touch

______51. David went in. A smell hit him--flowery, but old and sour.
______52. The wild gusts of cold wind pierced her body.
______53. The silence in the room was unnerving.
______54. The starry night sky looked so beautiful that it begged him to linger, but he reluctantly left for home.
______55. The chirping of birds heralded spring.
C. Figures of Speech. Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences.
______56. He roared with the force of a thousand lions.
A. simile B. hyperbole C. personification D. irony
______57. He has a heart of gold.
A. simile B. metaphor C. hyperbole D. apostrophe
______58. The homeless survived in their cardboard palaces.
A. irony B. metaphor C. simile D. personification
______59. Death lays his icy hands on King Arthur’s body.
A. personification B. hyperbole C. irony D. Metaphor
______60. Everyone wanted Ken on the swim team because he could swim like a fish.
A. metaphor B. personification C. apostrophe D. simile

“ Success is no accident.
It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all,
love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

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