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20. Entrepreneurship (Code No. 066) RATIONALE Development of school © the needs and aspiration o curriculum particularly to establi equity of opportunity and particip aaa orce on enterpreneurship aims at instilling and stimula realizing individual potential for generating and putting fo 08S the inputs, relevant to social prosperity and thereby ensure decent means of living for every individual. ‘urriculum is a dynamic process responsive to the soviety and reflecting f its learners, Fast changing society deserves changes in educational ish relevance to emerging socio-economic environment; to ensure cern for excellence. In this context ation and finally promoting con ing human urge for excellence by OBJECTIVES ‘Acquiring Enterpreneurial Spirit and be Enterprising in all walks of life. @__Familiarzation with various uses of human resource for caring decent means of living. © Understanding the concept and process of enterpreneurshiP = 8 contribution and role in the growth and development of individual and the nation e ‘Acquiring enterpreneurial quality, competency and motivation @_Leaming the process and skills of ereation and management of enterpreneurial venture. CLASS XI ‘Total Marks : 70 Enterpreneurship and Human Activities 30 Marks Enterpreneurship © Concept, Functions and Need. Enterpreneurship Characteristics and Competency Relevance of Enterpreneurship to Sovio-Eeonomie Gait generating National Weelth, creating Wage and Self-Employment, Micro, Small ‘and Medium Enterprises, Optimizing Homan and Natural Resource and Solving Problems in the path of prosperity, building enterprising Personality and Society. © Process of Enterpreneurship Development Enterpreneurial Pursuits and Human Activities : © Nature, Purpose and pattem of Human Activities Economic and Non-Economic, Need for innovation. © Rationale and Relationship of Enterpreneurial pursu's and Human Activities. 213 Unit 1 Acquiring Enterpreneurial Values and Motivation 30 Marks @ —_ Enterpreneurial Values, Attitude and Moti ion-Meaning and concept. © Developing Enterpreneurial Motivation and Competency - concept and process of Achievement Motivation, Self-efficacy, Creativity, Risk Taking, Leadership, ‘Communication and Influencing Ability and Planning Action. Barriersto Enterpreneurship Help and support to Enterprenuers Unit 1 Introduction to Market Dynamics 10 Marks © Understanding a Market © Competitive Analysis of the Market e Patents, Trademarks and Copyright PRACTICAL 30 Marks ir ‘Study visit by students to any enterprise of own choice. With the help ofa shedule/questionnaire the students will record observation regarding - the background of enterpreneur, reasons for selecting the enterpreneurial career, starting the enterprise, the type of enterprise, the process of setting this enterprise, products/services, production process, investment made and marketing practices followed, profit or loss, growth and development, problems faced, institutions/organisations which offer support and enterpreneur’s level and type of satisfaction, I. _ Preparation of a brief report based on the observations made during study-visit to an enterprise. CLASS XII THEORY Total marks:70 Unit 1: Enterpreneurial Opportunities and Enterprise Creation 20 Marks * Sensing Entrepreneurial Opportunities * Environment Scanning iS. Market Assesment * Identification of Entreneurial Opporunities * Selection of an Enterprise * Steps in setting up of an Enterprise Unit UI; Enterprise Planning and Resourcing 20 Marks * Business Planning - Preparation of a Project Report Resource Assessment -Financial and Non - Financial Fixed and Working Capital Requirement, Funds, Flows, Profit Ratios, Break Even Analysis etc. 214 + Mobilising Resources - Sources and Means of Fund, Facilities and Technologies for starting an Enterprises. ‘Unit ITI: Enterprise Management 30 Marks (@ General management : Basie ‘Management functions. (0) __Oranising/Produetion of goods ‘and services - quality, quantity and flow of inputs. (©) Managing Market : = ‘Meaning, Function of! "Marketing, Marketing Mix # Product = Price a Place Pa tion advertising and sales promotion) (@ Managing Finance - Sources of Long Term and Short ‘Term Finances = ‘Determination of Cost, Income, Calculation of Profit/Loss. © Managing Growth and Sustenance -Affecting Change, ‘Modernisation, Expansion, Diversification and ‘Substitution. (Entrepreneurial Discipline - Laws of Land, Eoology, Consumer's ConcePts ‘Adherence to Contract and Credits. PRACTICAL Introduction: “The Main objective of the course in Entrepreneurship is to generate in the students initiative , self reliance an d enthusiam soas tO ‘empower them to become nireprenens both in spirit and performat™. A * umber of skills suchas observation "evalution communication Tesouree ‘mobilization and managment, risk assessment team building ete. re ‘leo to be developed in the students ‘Leadership qualities, sensitivity fo business ethics and adherence 10 8 positive value system are the core isSus$ ‘that the course highlights while presenting different concepts related to entrepreneurship. sucha course should necessarily have @ S008 cexpereriential component inthe form of practial work . The objectives of the practical work are: 1, Tointroduce the students to the world of business by developing in them the core skills ved wompetencies requried foram entreprens¥F 2, To develop in the students qualities such as leadership, self-confidence, initiative, facing uncertainties, commitment vativity, people and team building, inteE"Y and reliability. 215

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