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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 57 (1997) 131 – 138

Antimalarial activity of extracts and fractions from Bidens

pilosa and other Bidens species (Asteraceae) correlated with the
presence of acetylene and flavonoid compounds

M.G.L. Brandão a, A.U. Krettli b,*, L.S.R. Soares b, C.G.C. Nery a, H.C. Marinuzzi b
Laboratório de Farmacognosia, Faculdade de Farmácia, Uni6ersidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG),
A6. Olegário Maciel 2360, 30180 -112 Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou, FIOCRUZ/MG, A6. Augusto de Lima, 1715, 30190 -002 Belo Horizonte MG, Brasil

Received 21 January 1997; received in revised form 1 May 1997; accepted 13 May 1997


After interviewing natives and migrants from the Amazon region of Brazil about plants traditionally used for
treatment of malaria fever and/or liver disorders, we selected and identified 41 different species, including the native
Bidens (Asteraceae). We have undertaken an antimalarial study of Bidens pilosa and other species of Bidens from
abroad. The crude ethanol extracts (whole plant, leaves and roots) and the chloroform and butanol fractions from B.
pilosa at concentrations of 50 mg/ml caused up to 90% inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum growth in vitro. In vivo
the fractions caused partial reduction of Plasmodium berghei parasitemia in mice. The ethanol extracts from nine
different Bidens species collected outside Brazil were tested, and seven inhibited parasite growth in vitro by 65 – 91%.
As B. pilosa appears to be a promising antimalarial agent, we further characterized the substances responsible for
such activity. HPLC analysis using a photo diode-array detector showed phenyl acetylene and flavonoids in the
ethanol extract from the leaves and roots. The chloroform fractions from the roots, which caused 86% inhibition of
parasite growth in vitro, contained a major component identified as 1-phenyl-1,3-diyn-5-en-7-ol-acetate. The
association of antimalarial activity and the presence of acetylene compounds is discussed. In summary, all species of
Bidens which had aliphatic acetylenes (6–14 each) were also very active, whereas extracts of B. par6iflora and of B.
bitternata with none or the three acetylenes, respectively as reported in literature, were inactive or had a borderline
activity in vitro. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

Keywords: Malaria; Chemotherapy; Plant extracts; Bidens pilosa; Acetylenes

1. Introduction

The malaria problem has worsened in the

* Correponding author. world. There are increasing numbers of cases and

0378-8741/97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 3 8 - 8 7 4 1 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 0 6 0 - 3
132 M.G.L. Brandão et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 57 (1997) 131–138

new areas of transmission. New antimalarials are (GR101) is deposited at the Pharmacognosy Lab-
needed because most P. falciparum parasites are oratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, Belo Horizonte.
now resistant to those currently used. Interest in Other species of Bidens collected outside Brazil—
plants as new antimalarials has been stimulated B. frondosa, B. tripartitus, B. pilosa, B. ferulaefo-
by the isolation of artemisinin from Artemisia lia, B. bipinnatus, B. maximo6icziana, B.
annua a compound very active against drug resis- campylotheca, B. bitternata and B. par6iflora—
tant malaria parasites (Klaymann, 1985). This were tested. They were kindly provided as dried
plant, used to treat malaria in China for thou- whole plants in 1992 by Professor H. Wagner,
sands of years, does not exist in Brazil where one from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology,
native species of the genus, A. 6erlotorum, exists University of Munich, Germany, where voucher
but has proven inactive experimentally (our un- specimens are deposited.
published data). Other plants traditionally used
for treatment of malaria in Brazil have been de-
2.2. Extract and fraction preparation
scribed (Brandão et al., 1985) by interviewing
natives and migrants in the Amazon region, where
Two methods were used to prepare extracts
the disease has always been prevalent. Of the 41
and fractions from the air-dried plant samples:
plants discovered (Brandão et al., 1992) several
(i) 300 g samples (whole plant) of B. pilosa and 5
were active as crude extracts against experimental
g of the other species of Bidens were percolated
malaria in vitro and in vivo (Carvalho et al.,
exhaustively with 90% ethanol; after evaporation
at 40–50°C, a crude residue was obtained; (ii)
Bidens pilosa, a plant also used in traditional
300 g of air-dried leaves, stems and roots of B.
medicine to treat malaria (N’Dounga et al., 1983),
pilosa were percolated sequentially with ether
is found in tropical and subtropical regions of the
and ethanol; the dried ethanolic extracts were
world. It is used in traditional medicine as an
dissolved in water and extracted with chloro-
anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, an-
form. The chloroform fraction was separated and
tibiotic agent to treat nematodes and against dia-
the aqueous solution (fraction H2OA) was ex-
betes (Wat et al., 1980; Geissberger and Sequin,
tracted with n-butanol to provide fraction H2OB.
1991). Nevertheless, the 1-phenyl-3,5,7-heptatriyn,
The ether/ethanol extracts and the chloroform/
isolated from the plant extract had a low in vitro
n-butanol fractions were vacuum-dried; the
activity against P. falciparum and was inactive in
aqueous fraction was then lyophilized and used
rodent malaria and other parasitic infections
for further tests.
(N’Dounga et al., 1983). In Brazil, B. pilosa and
B. bipinnatus are considered liver protective agents
the latter being used to treat malaria in the Ama- 2.3. Chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis
zon region (Brandão et al., 1992). We here report
on the antimalarial activity and chemical compo- Analytical TLC was carried out on silica gel
sition of B. pilosa, a plant which is indigenous to 60 F254, 0.25 mm plates (Merck, Darmstadt).
Brazil, as well as of nine other Bidens species For separation and identification of compounds
collected in the Old World. the following solvent systems (a–b) and spray
reagent (c) were used. (a) Chloroform-acetone
(9:1); (b) hexane-ethylacetate (8:2); and (c)
2. Methodology vanillin/sulfuric acid, followed by heating. The
HPLC analysis was performed on an HP 1090
2.1. Plant samples liquid chromatography unit equipped with an
HP 1040A pump and a UV diode-array detector,
B. pilosa L. was collected around Pampulha using a Hibar LiChroCART Lichrospher 100
Lake, Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais), Brazil and RP-18, 5 mm, 125-4 column (Merck). The ex-
identified by T.S.M. Grandi. A voucher specimen tracts and fractions B. pilosa were evaporated
M.G.L. Brandão et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 57 (1997) 131–138 133

Fig. 1. (A) HPLC chromatogram of the chloroform fraction from Bidens pilosa roots shows four peaks identified by the diode array
method through their UV spectrum as either acetylene (I, II, IV) or chalcone (III). The predominant compound, (II), showed a
retention time of 19.82 min and a UV spectrum with typical bands of phenylacetylene (B). The structure being illustrated in (C) is

to dryness and solubilized in methanol. Chloro- from the ethanol extract by flash chromatography
phyll was removed by chromatography on Sep- on silica gel, using mixtures of hexane:ethyl ac-
Pak C-18 cartridges with methanol as eluent. etate (90:10–10:90). The column yielded a total of
Separation of compounds was performed with 68 fractions which were monitored by TLC with
acetonitrile-H2O mixtures as mobile phase, with solvent systems (a) and spray reagent (c). Purifica-
the following gradient systems: (d) Gradient of tion of compound II was performed by rechro-
acetonitrile: water from 10:90 to 90:10 in 20 min, matography of fractions 22–28 on silica gel with
for chloroform fractions and ethanol extracts and the mixture hexane:ethyl acetate (70:30). The pu-
(e) gradient of acetonitrile 10:90 to 25:75 in 30 rity of the compound was confirmed by HPLC
min, for butanol and aqueous fractions. Diode-ar- which showed the presence of a single peak at
ray detection allowed a rapid characterization of 17.82 min and the same characteristic UV spec-
the separated compounds by their Ultraviolet trum. All procedures were performed in darkness
spectra from 210 to 365 nm. IR spectrum was and at temperatures not exceeding 20°C. It be-
recorded in Kbr pellets. 1H NMR was recorded in came a yellow pale powder when stored at 4°C
CDCl3 at 250 MHz, d relative to TMS (0 ppm) and suffered gradual darkening on exposure to air
and J in Hz. and light. By TLC this compound showed on
Rf = 0.64 in solvent system (a), Rf = 0.35 in (b)
2.4. Isolation and identification of compound II and developed a brown colour with (c). It also
(Fig. 1c) showed strong blue fluorescence at 254 nm and
yellowish fluorescence at 365 nm. The spectro-
1-phenylhepta-1,3-diyne-5-en-7-ol-acetate was scopic data are UV l max 202, 239, 250, 264, 278,
described previously (Bohlmann et al., 1964; So- 296 and 317 (Lam and Hansen, 1990). The
erensen and Soerensen, 1958). It is a yellow oil at ence of acetate groups in the molecule was confi-
room temperature (around 28°C) when isolated rmed by IR spectrum (Kbr), which showed a
134 M.G.L. Brandão et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 57 (1997) 131–138

strong absorption at 1730 cm − 1. Other absorp- sages of erythrocytic parasites into mice by in-
tions were at 2460, 2410, 2380 (conjugated tryin traperitoneal injection (ip) (Carvalho et al., 1991).
system), 1450, 1370, 1280, 1270, 1120, 1080, 1030 The experimental mice were inoculated with 106
and 740 cm − 1. 1HNMR (250 MHz, ppm, CDCl3): infected red blood cells (ip) and the next day were
d 7,5 (5H, m, aromatic-H), d 2,4 (3H, s, CH3 randomly divided into the following groups of
acetate), d 4,9 (2H, dd, CH2 −0). four to six mice each: (a) Untreated controls; (b)
chloroquine-treated; (c) treated with the test drugs
2.5. Antimalarial tests in 6itro dissolved in Tween-80 in water; and (d) controls
treated with Tween-80 (final dilution of 0.01% in
For the in vitro tests we used Plasmodium falci- (c) and (d)). Treatment was given orally (1000
parum parasites, strain BHz 26/86, isolated from a mg/kg for the test drugs, and 100 mg/kg for
patient from Rondônia, Brazil in our laboratory chloroquine) for four consecutive days. On the
(Rocha et al., 1987). Cultured blood samples with 5th day after inoculation, blood smears were pre-
high parasitemia have been maintained in liquid pared, fixed with methanol and stained with
nitrogen and are defrosted as needed. Cultivation Giemsa. Parasitemia was determined in coded
was performed according to Trager and Jensen, smears by counting 3000 erythrocytes randomly.
1976. Complete medium was added to a final By comparison with the untreated controls, the
volume of 8 ml in culture Petri dishes (Falcon, inhibition of parasite growth was then calculated.
NJ) with human blood at 1% parasitemia and a A drug was considered partially active when it
5% hematocrit. The experiments were set up as reduced the parasitemia by more than 30%.
described below, with 8 – 12 drug-free wells ran-
domly spread in each plate containing only com-
plete medium (RPMI supplemented with 10% 3. Results
human serum) and control wells with standard
doses of the antimalarial chloroquine or with In vitro parasitemia of the P. falciparum cul-
complete medium plus 0.01% Tween-80. tures by day 4 in one representative experiment is
The in vitro tests of extracts and fractions were shown in Table 1. Without drug (medium only) it
performed in cultures for a total of 72 h, in was on average, 2.5%. In the presence of 0.01%
96-well plates (Falcon, NJ) as described (Carvalho Tween-80, parasitemias were similar to controls
et al., 1991). Briefly, the drugs were dissolved in whereas chloroquine, added at concentrations of
0.01% of Tween-80 in water, used at final concen- 6.5–102 ng/ml, significantly inhibited parasite
trations of 50 and 25 mg/ml and incubated with
the parasite suspension (1% parasitemia). In some Table 1
experiments lower doses of plant extracts were Percent parasitemia and reduction of parasite growth at day 4
used as specified in the results. At 24 and 48 h of of P.falciparum cultures in control wells with only complete
culture medium, in the presence of either 0.01% Tween-80 or
culture, the medium was aspirated and replaced chloroquine used at different concentrations
with fresh medium, with or without drugs. Blood
samples were taken at 72 h, smeared, methanol Culture wells Mean para- Reduction of parasite
fixed, Giemsa-stained and examined microscopi- sitemiaa ( 9 growth (%)
cally to determine the percent parasitemia. Each
extract dose was tested in duplicate. A total of Medium 2.53 ( 90.78) 0
3000 erythrocytes were counted and all smears Tween-80 2.47 ( 90.62) 0
were read coded. Chloroquine (ng/ml)
102 0.02 ( 90.03) 99.2
25.5 0.22 ( 90.25) 91.3
2.6. Antimalarial tests in 6i6o
6 0.65 ( 90.77) 74.3

The rodent Plasmodium berghei, strain NK, is a

Average of eight wells (medium) or four wells (Tween and
maintained in the laboratory through weekly pas- chloroquine) expressed as a percentage.
M.G.L. Brandão et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 57 (1997) 131–138 135

Table 2 and phenolic compounds based on their UV

In vitro inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum growth (%) by
spectra, generated by diode-array detection. The
extracts and fractions from different parts of Bidens pilosa
ethanol extract from the roots had two main
Part used Ether Ethanol Chloroform Butanol components with gradient d, at tR 19.82 and
10.42 min, identified as a phenyl acetylene and
Whole Plant NT 90a NT NT flavonoid, respectively. The major compound de-
Stems 33 NT 47 NT
Leaves 0 90 94a 79
tected in the chloroform fraction was phenyl
Roots 0 90 86 68 acetylene at tR 19.82 min. The HPLC chro-
matogram (A) and the UV spectra (B) of this
B. pilosa used at a concentration of 50 mg/ml in the culture compound (compound II), is shown (Fig. 1).
medium evaluated in comparison to control cultures without
The other constituents were identified as
antimalarial drugs (no inhibition). NT, not tested.
At the dose of 25mg/ml parasite growth inhibition was about aliphatic acetylenes (I and III) and a chalcone
80%. (IV) by their characteristic UV spectra. HPLC
analysis of the butanol fractions with gradient e
growth (Table 1). In each of the experiments showed the absence of acetylene and the pres-
with Bidens, these controls were included (data ence of several polar compounds, especially
not shown). flavonoids, chalcones and chlorogenic acids.
Crude extracts and fractions of Bidens pilosa The aqueous fraction A from the roots, with
were initially tested in vitro against P. falci- low activity (34% parasitemia inhibition, data
parum in cultures (Table 2). The crude ethanol not shown), showed the presence of a flavonoid
extract of the whole plant, leaves and roots at at tR 10.42 min with gradient e. The aqueous
concentrations of 25 – 50 mg/ml caused signifi- root fraction B, and the ether extracts obtained
cant in vitro inhibition of P. falciparum growth, from leaves, stems and roots were inactive (not
in relation to control cultures with no drugs shown). By TLC and HPLC, we verified the ab-
added to the medium. The chloroform fractions sence of acetylenes and flavonoids in these ex-
obtained from stems, leaves and roots, caused tracts.
47, 94 and 86% inhibition, respectively of para- In the in vivo tests in mice the antimalarial
site growth, whereas the butanol fractions of the chloroquine control inhibited parasite growth by
leaves and roots inhibited growth 79 and 68%. 100% whereas 0.01% Tween-80, used to dissolve
The results of the antimalarial tests with the extracts, had no effect on malaria para-
crude ethanol extracts from nine other species of sitemia. The crude ethanol extract and the chlo-
Bidens show that seven of them were very active roform fractions of B. pilosa were tested in mice
at concentrations of 25 and 50 mg/ml or even infected with P. berghei. The whole plant, but
lower (Table 3). The total number of acetylene not the stems, caused reduction of parasitemia
and thiophene compounds, previously identified by around 40% (data not shown).
by others in such plants (Table 3), are also The dried ethanol extract was fractionated by
shown. They varied from six to 14 among the column chromatography purifying the phenyl
more active species. No acetylene compounds acetylene, 1-phenylhepta-1,3-diyne-5-en-7-ol-ac-
have yet been isolated from B. par6iflora, shown etate, the principal constituent of the chloroform
to be inactive in our experiments, whereas B. fraction (compound II, Fig. 1C), identified by
bitternata, with a borderline activity, had only UV, IR and NMR. This compound had been
three isolated acetylenes. The water extracts previously isolated from the roots of B. pilosa
from all species were inactive when tested in (Bohlmann et al., 1964) and from Coreopsis spe-
vitro (data not shown). cies (Soerensen and Soerensen, 1958), both from
HPLC analysis of the active ethanol extract Asteraceae family. It was not tested as a
from the leaves of B. pilosa showed the presence purified component due to its quick decomposi-
of several constituents, identified as acetylene tion, as explained above.

Table 3
In vitro inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum growth (%) by crude ethanol extracts of several species of Bidens (whole plant) collected outside Brazil and the presence
of acetylene and related compounds (thiophene, phenyl and aliphatic acetylene) previously identified by other authors

Bidens species tested Reduction of parasite growth Author reference Number of com-
at doses (mg/ml) pounds identified

50 25 20 10 5

B. frondosa, L. 91 84 77 19 0 Christensen and Lam, 1991 6

B. tripartitus, L. 87 63 70 36 20 Marchant, 1988; Christensen et al., 1990; Christensen and Lam, 1991 13
B. pilosa, L. 83 72 62 8 0 Bohlmann et al., 1964; Wat et al., 1979; Hoffman and Hoelzl, 1988; 11
N’Dounga et al., 1983; Christensen and Lam, 1991
B. ferulaefolia, DC. 82 71 98 75 Christensen and Lam, 1991 12
B. bipinnatus, L. 71 46 ND ND ND Christensen and Lam, 1991 9
B. maximo6icziana, Willd. 70 71 ND ND ND Christensen and Lam, 1991 6
B. campylotheca, Schultz Bip. spp. 65 56 ND ND ND Christensen and Lam, 1991; Bauer et al., 1992; Redl et al., 1994 14
B. bitternata, DC. 38 37 ND ND ND Christensen and Lam, 1991 3
B. par6iflora, Willd. 0 0 ND ND ND No acetylene reported in the literature 0

Experiment 1 (50, 25 mg/ml) and experiment 2 (20, 10 and 5 mg/ml) were performed at different times.
ND, not done.
M.G.L. Brandão et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 57 (1997) 131–138
M.G.L. Brandão et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 57 (1997) 131–138 137

4. Discussion lated 1-phenyl-3,5,7-heptatriyn has low or no ac-

tivity against P. falciparum and P. berghei
The first evaluation of B. pilosa as an anti- (N’Dounga et al., 1983) may be attributed to its
malarial was reported long ago by Spencer et al. instability under the assay conditions. Our present
(1947), who observed that the methanol and experience shows that the isolated compound II,
aqueous extracts of the whole plants were inactive an yellow oil, went dark and solid when exposed
against Plasmodium cathemerium, a species that to air for 24–48h, at room temperature, or after 1
causes malaria in birds. More recently, a low in week at 4°C. Decomposition by air and heat is
vitro activity against P. falciparum and in vivo likely to explain the negative antimalarial results
against P. berghei was reported (N’Dounga et al., with the acetylene isolated from this plant, as
1983). Bidens species are largely used in tradi- described by N’Dounga et al. (1983) as well as in
tional medicine as a source of antibiotics, liver our present results. In the crude ethanol extract,
protection, antimalarials and their activities are the presence of chlorophyll and other phenolic
explained by the abundant production of phenyl constituents seems to increase its stability. By
acetylenes. Biological evaluations have been per- HPLC analysis we have observed the presence of
formed with 1-phenyl-3,5,7-heptatriyn, present in compound II, in crude ethanol extracts stored at
the leaves of Bidens plants (N’Dounga et al., 4°C, for about 6 months (data not shown).
1983) as well as other phenyl acetylene com- Several extracts and fractions of B. pilosa were
pounds, some of which require ultraviolet light inactive in vivo against P. berghei when tested
for expression of activity. The phenyl acetylene weeks after isolation (data not shown). Only the
compounds and derivatives (thiophene), for in- ethanol extract and the chloroform fraction of the
stance, present potent phototoxic activity against whole plant caused a consistent, although low,
a range of organisms, including fungi, bacteria, reduction of parasitemia, a result attributed to the
nematodes, insects and protozoa (Arnason et al., possible protective effect of chlorophyll. The ther-
1980; Wat et al., 1979). apeutic usefulness of acetylene compounds seems
Our data show that ethanol crude extracts ob- limited since they are easily oxidized by air and
tained from leaves and roots of B. pilosa had light, a problem we are now trying to overcome.
strong antimalarial activity against the human Another possibility is that the antimalarial effects
parasite P. falciparum. The active chloroform of Bidens result from association of acetylenes
fraction from the roots has the phenyl acetylene, with other phenolic compounds and with the
1-phenyl-1,3-dyne-5-en-7-ol-acetate as a major flavonoids since in the chloroform fraction from
component, plus two other acetylenes and one the roots we showed one chalcone and two other
chalcone (compound III in Fig. 1). We suggest acetylenes. The flavonoids are substances with
therefore, that acetylenes may be responsible for anti-oxidative properties which could increase the
the observed antimalarial activity. This hypothesis stability of the acetylenes (Marchant, 1988).
is strengthened by our results with other species of The solubility of acetylene compounds in
Bidens active in vitro, from which several acetyle- aqueous solutions is low and these substances are
nes have been previously described (Table 3). easily decomposed by heating. The ‘garrafadas’
Furthermore, the crude ethanol extract of B. (maceration of the plant in alcohol) of B. bipinna-
par6iflora, which has no acetylene compounds, as tus, not teas or tisanes, are used in the Amazon to
yet described, was inactive. In addition, 1-phenyl- treat malaria. They may cure the disease since
3,5,7-heptatriyn has been found in B. tripartitus, ethanol increases the solubility of acetylene and
B. ferulaefolia and B.campylotheca (Bauer et al., flavonoids. Indeed, the ethanol extract of B. pilosa
1992; Redl et al., 1994) and is here shown to be was shown here to be active. The involvement of
active, while 1-phenylhepta-1,3-diyne-5-en-7-ol- phenolic compounds, as in the case of
acetate has been found in B. bitternata (Chris- artemisinine activity against malaria has been
tensen and Lam, 1991) with only borderline shown (Elford et al., 1987). Therefore, it is also
antimalarial activity. Data showing that the iso- possible that in theB. pilosa extracts, the lipid
138 M.G.L. Brandão et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 57 (1997) 131–138

soluble compounds (acetylenes) have their activity falciparum in culture. Brazilian Journal of Medical and
Biological Research 24, 1113 – 1123.
potentiated by hydrophilic substances (flavo-
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1987. Potentiation of the antimalarial activity of qinghaosu
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