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Which of the following expression Is used to start a kubernetes cluster using minikube?

minikube start

A binary file, containing details of resources required to execute an application is known as ____?

Docker image

The process of creating new features from existing data is known as ____?

feature engineering

Which of the following command is used to start a single instance of my_image and let the container
expose port 5701 ?


Which of the following is a popular tool used for continuous integration?


Which of the following are allowed HTTP methods in a RESTful API?

all the options

A Kubernetes cluster can be deployed either on a physical or a virtual machine. State True or False?


Which of the following resources needs to be monitored in production?


Which of the following is not a best practice for designing an API?

not using version number

A container consists of which of the following components?

A container consists of an application,

all of its dependencies,

libraries and other configuration files required for running it.

Which of the following command is used to generate a docker image named my_image?

docker build -t myimage

docker image build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -

Which of the following method of a Flask application, app, map a function to an URL?


What does Master node in a kubernetes cluster do?

coordinates all the activities of a cluster

It coordinates activities like scheduling applications,

maintaining applications, scaling applications and so on.

Which of the following statement starts a web server , provided FLASK_APP variable value is set?

flash run

Making a newer version of a service available only to limited users is known as ____?

Which of the following is not an orchestration platform?


Which of the following command is used to create a deployment, based on details present in
deployment.yaml file?

kubectl create

Applications running in containers do not share operating system kernel? false

Applications running in containers access shared operating system kernel.

Which of the following command is used to load latest version of Ubuntu image?


Which of the following statements support the need for DevOps


Which of the following framework is used for building REST APIs in Python?


Which of the following Linux command is used for monitoring network utilization?

The command used to store a Docker image in a registry is __ ?

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